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Yan 1

Brian Yan
Ms. Caldwell
UP Level 1 Writing
22 August 2016
My Morning Routine
It is easy for me to get ready for the day. My alarm clock wakes me up at 7:30. I get up
and take a shower. Then I get dressed. This only takes a minute because I usually wear a tshirt
and jeans. After I get dressed, I make coffee and review my school notes for 15 minutes. Next, I
drive to school at 8:15. I go to the cafeteria. I am very hungry in the morning, so I eat cereal,
fruit, and yogurt. I sit with my friends and talk with them. We walk to class together. I have two
morning classes. The first is reading class at 9:00 A.M. and the second is writing class at 11:00
A.M. That is my morning routine.
(125 words)

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