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Suggested Study Schedule

This study schedule covers the course in nineteen weeks, well within your six-month
individualized-study course contract. If you decide to follow this study schedule, you
should have no difficulty completing the course within your six-month contract. If
you find yourself falling behind, contact your tutor to discuss the situation.
You may also extend your course contract; however, there is a fee for this and there
are important deadlines as to the latest time in your course contract that you may
apply for such extensions. Also note that examinations must be written within your
six-month contract period (unless you have obtained an extension) and that there are
deadlines concerning how soon you must apply to write examinations prior to the date
on which you wish to write the examination. These deadlines can be quite early,
depending on your circumstances. Extension deadlines and examination request
deadlines are explained in the Student Manual; check them carefully well before your
contract end date. You may, of course, proceed more quickly than is suggested by
these schedules.
Please note that students who are receiving funding may be required to complete their
studies within a shortened time period. If you are receiving funding from any source,
please check the details of your obligations and adjust your personal study schedule



World Regional

If you do not have previous experience with Moodle, read

the Moodle Orientation for Students.
Read the Student Manual and this Course Information, and explore
our course website. Take a look at the table of contents of our
Post your personal introduction in the Course Introductions Forum.
Read the Introduction study guide.
Read our textbook introduction and complete the assigned reading
and activities on our textbook companion site.

Unit 1: The
Read the Unit 1 study guide and Chapters 1A and 1B of our
European Realm textbook.
Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
Watch the film Mama Illegal and post your review in the
associated discussion forum.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 1 question on the
European realm while the material is fresh in your mind.

Unit 2: The
Russian Realm

Read the Unit 2 study guide and Chapters 2A and 2B of our

Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 1 question on the
Russian realm while the material is fresh in your mind.

Unit 3: The
North American

Read the Unit 3 study guide and Chapters 3A and 3B of our

Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 1 question on the North
American realm while the material is fresh in your mind.

Unit 4: The
Read the Unit 4 study guide and Chapters 4A and 4B of our
American Realm Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.


Complete and submit Assignment 1.

Unit 5: The
South American

Read the Unit 5 study guide and Chapters 5A and 5B of our

Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 2 question on the South
American realm while the material is fresh in your mind.

Unit 6: The
African Realm

Read the Unit 6 study guide and Chapters 6A and 6B of our

Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
Watch the film The Africa-China Connection and post your review
in the associated discussion forum.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 2 question on the
Subsaharan African realm while the material is fresh in your mind.

Unit 7: The
Read the Unit 7 study guide and Chapters 7A and 7B of our
North African / textbook.
Southwest Asian Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 2 question on the North
African/Southwest Asian realm while the material is fresh in your


Unit 8: The
South Asian


Read the Unit 8 study guide and Chapters 8A and 8B of our

Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
Complete and submit Assignment 2.
Scan the material in the units relevant to the questions for
Assignment 4, which you can access through the Assignment 4,
Part 1 drop box. Choose a question, and begin your research as
soon as possiblefinding and reading good sources will take time.
Assignment 4, Part 1, is due after Unit 10. Remember that it may
take your tutor as many as 78 business days to respond, so submit
it as early as possible to maximize your essay-writing time.
Check the Procedures for Applying for and Writing
Examinations section of the Student Manual. Depending on your
circumstances, you may have to apply to write the exam up to
60 days before your write date, and you must take the exam within
your six-month contract period.


Unit 9: The East Read the Unit 9 study guide and Chapters 9A and 9B of our
Asian Realm
Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 3 question on the East
Asian realm while the material is fresh in your mind.
Continue working on Assignment 4.


Unit 10: The

Southeast Asian

Read the Unit 10 study guide and Chapters 10A and 10B of our
Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 3 question on the
Southeast Asian realm while the material is fresh in your mind.
Submit Assignment 4, Part 1.


Unit 11: The

Austral Realm

Read the Unit 11 study guide and Chapter 11 of our textbook.

Complete the assigned activities on our textbook companion site.
You may choose to answer the Assignment 3 question on the
Austral realm while the material is fresh in your mind.
Continue working on Assignment 4.



Unit 12: The

Pacific Realm
and Polar

Read the Unit 12 study guide and Chapter 12 of our textbook.

Continue working on Assignment 4.

Complete and submit Assignment 3.

Complete the Glossary Exercise.
Continue working on Assignment 4.


Complete and submit Assignment 4.


Review for the final examination.


Write the final examination.

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