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The orbit of the planets

There was no outright epiphany

regarding the orbit of planets.
Instead, it took millennia until a
fully formed, correct theory was in
place. The first to propose orbit in
our solar system was Ptolemy, in
200 A.D. He proposed that the
planets in our solar system orbit the
Earth. This is a geocentric model.
Almost 900 years later, Omar Al
Khayyam demonstrated that the
Earth rotated on its own axis.

400 years on, Nicholas Copernicus

proposed that the Earth completes a
full orbit around the Sun once a year,
and orbits on its own axis once a day.

Centuries on, we know that

Copernicus , building on millennia
of research and data, provided us

with the closest theory to reality,

until we had the sufficient
technology to prove his proposal;
the Earth is not at the center of the
universe. The solar system is
heliocentric, orbiting around the

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