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How to download the E-AADHAAR card

Step 1:
Note t he Enrolment no. , date and ti me i n t he ack nowledgement slip received d uri ng t he
enrollment as shown below:

Step 2:
Visi t e-aad haar websi te at ht tps: / / eaad n /

E nter t he enrolment n umber, date and ti me, your full name & pi n code (same as given
d uri ng t he enrollment), text given on t he screen for sec uri ty verification and mobi le p hone
n umber.
Click on Get One T ime Password.
It wi ll send One Ti me Password (OTP) as SMS to your mobi le p hone n umber.
Step 3:
Enter t hat password i n next field labeled as Enter OTP and click on Validate and
download (e-aad haar wi ll be downloaded i n PDF for mat)
Use your pin code as password to open the E-Aadhaar pdf file.
Take t he pri ntout and use as valid aad haar card.

How to update your Aadhaar data?

You can update Name, Gender, Date of Bir th, Address and Mobile Nu mber by
subm it t ing your request Online or sending request through Post:

a) Mobi le n umber is mandatory to receive password for logi n.
b) In case you have lost / do not possess anymore, t he mobi le, t hat you declared at t he
ti me of enrolment, you wi ll have to ei t her visi t nearest Update Centre or send your
Update req uest t hrough Post.

Logon to ht tps: / / ss n / web / guest / ss up- home OR
https: / / ss n / web / guest / update

STEP1: Enter t he Aad haar n umber and E nter OTP to logi n to t he Update Por tal
STEP2: Select t he fields you want to be updated / cor rected (You can select more t han one
field also) and fi ll t he fields wi t h c ur rent detai ls i n English as well as Local Language.
STEP3: Dependi ng on t he field to be updated, upload / at tach self at tested s uppor ti ng
doc uments as per t he Valid Doc u ments List (Annexure I)
a) Name Cor rection / Update : Req ui res PoI listed i n Suppor ted Proof of Identi ty(PoI)
Doc uments Contai ni ng Name and Photo
b) Date of Bi r t h Cor rection : Req ui res DoB listed i n Suppor ted Proof of Date of Bir t h
(DoB) Doc uments
c) Add ress Cor rections / C hange : Req ui res PoA listed i n Suppor ted Proof of Address
(PoA) Doc uments Contai ni ng Name and Address

STEP4: Select BPO Service Provide and submi t request. Note down your Update Request
Number (URN) carefully for fut ure reference and tracki ng. You can also download / Pri nt
your Update Req uest copy.

Aad haar Data Update / Cor rection For m for Req uest t hrough Post:


1. Download t he Aad haar Update / Cor rection For m from t he li nk

ht tp: / / n / i mages / application_for m_11102012.pdf
2. Select t he field for update / cor rection (Name, Gender, Date of Bi r t h, Address or Mobi le
3. Fi ll i n t he complete AAD HAAR card update / cor rection for m i n bot h English and Local
language along wi t h Applicants signat ure / Th umbpri nt (Mobi le n umber is mandatory
for sendi ng an update req uest by post)
4. Dependi ng on t he field to be updated, at tach self at tested s uppor ti ng doc uments as
per t he Valid Documents List (Annexure I)
a) Name Cor rection / Update : Req ui res Po I listed i n Suppor ted Proof of Identi ty(PoI)
Documents Contai ni ng Name and Photo
b) Date of Bi r t h Cor rection : Req ui res DoB listed i n Suppor ted Proof of Date of Bi r t h
(DoB) Documents
c) Address Cor rections / C hange : Req ui res PoA listed i n Suppor ted Proof of Address
(PoA) Documents Contai ni ng Name and Address
5. In case a chi ld is below five years, parent / guardian can sign t he copies of documents.
In all ot her cases, t he resident m ust sign t he copies of doc uments t hemselves
6. Clear ly wri te your AAD HAAR n umber on all doc ument copies
7. Pu t t he completed For m along wi t h t he suppor ti ng documents i n an envelope and on
top of t he envelope wri te "Aad haar Update / Cor rection".
8. Post t he envelope to t he address- UIDAI Regional Office, Khan ija Bhavan, No. 4 9,
3rd Floor, Sou th Wing, Race Course Road, Bangalore0 1.
9. Upon successful validation of data by UIDAI, t he same wi ll be com m u nicated to you
and t he updated AAD HAAR card wi ll be delivered at t he given address.

If you have lost your AADHAAR Card and / or acknowledgemen t slip and do not k now
t he enrollment detai ls, you can check t he stat us from your demograp hic i nfor mation.

1. Go to h t tps: / / residen / find-uid-eid

2. Select appropriate option, "Aad haar No (UID)" OR "Enrolment No (E ID)", u nder "You
want to receive your lost:"
3. Enter your full name
4. Enter your emai l address or your registered Mobi le Number
5. Enter t he sec uri ty code as displayed and click on "Get OTP" b u t ton
6. Enter t he OTP received on your mobi le and / or emai l address and Click on "Verify
7. Now you wi ll receive a message on your mobi le wi t h your AAD HAR
card n umber or Enrollment Id as you selected i n Step 2
8. Now you can download E-AAD HAAR card from ht tps: / / eaad n /

Proof of Iden t i ty(PoI) Documen ts
Con taining Name and Photo
Passpor t
PAN Card
Ration / PDS Photo Card
Voter ID
D rivi ng License
Gover nment Photo ID Cards / service
p hoto identi ty card iss ued by PSU
NREGS Job Card
Photo ID iss ued by Recognized
Ed ucational Insti t ution
Ar ms License
Photo Bank ATM Card
Photo Credi t Card
Pensioner Photo Card
Freedom Fighter Photo Card
Kissan Photo Passbook
CGHS / ECHS Photo Card
Address Card havi ng Name and Photo
issued by Depar t ment of Posts
Cer tificate of Identify havi ng p hoto iss ued
by Gazetted Officer or Tehsi ldar on
let ter head
Disabi li ty ID Card / handicapped medical
cer tificate iss ued by t he respective
State / UT
Affidavi t exec uted on non-j udicial stamp
paper to be s ubmi tted by a woman
applicant for name change after mar riage
(Joi nt Affidavi t to be s ubmi t ted along wi t h
her h usband wi t h joi nt p hoto)
Mar riage Cer tificate
Proof of Mar riage doc u ment iss ued by t he
Regist rar
Gazet te Notification
Legal Name Change Cer tificate
(For above documents, where origi nal
document does not have p hoto, t he
p hotocopy / scan of t he doc uments m ust
be taken along wi t h t he Resident's p hoto)
Suppor ted Proof of Date of Bir th (DoB)
Documen ts
Bi r t h Cer tificate
SSLC Book / Cer tificate
Passpor t

Suppor ted Proof of Address (PoA) Documen ts

Con tain ing Name and Address
Passpor t
Bank Statement / Passbook
Post Office Accou nt Statement / Passbook
Ration Card
Voter ID
D rivi ng License
Gover nment Photo ID cards / service p hoto identi ty
card issued by PSU
Electrici ty Bi ll (not older t han 3 mont hs)
Water bi ll (not older t han 3 mont hs)
Telep hone Landli ne Bi ll (not older t han 3 mont hs)
Proper ty Tax Receipt (not older t han 3 mo nt hs)
Credi t Card Statement (not older t han 3 mont hs)
Insurance Policy
Signed Let ter havi ng Photo from Bank on
letter head
Signed Let ter havi ng Photo iss ued by registered
Company on let ter head
Signed Let ter havi ng Photo iss ued by Recognized
Ed ucational Inst r uction on let ter head
NREGS Job Card
Ar ms License
Pensioner Card
Freedom Fighter Card
Kissan Passbook
Cer tificate of Address havi ng p hoto iss ued by MP
or MLA or Gazet ted Officer or Tehsi ldar o n
letter head
Cer tificate of Address iss ued by Vi llage Panchayat
head or i ts equivalent a ut hori ty (for r ural areas)
Income Tax Assessment Order
Vehicle Regist ration Cer tificate
Registered Sale / Lease / Rent Agreement
Address Card havi ng Photo iss ued by Depar t ment
of Posts
Caste and Domici le Cer tificate havi ng Photo iss ued
by State Govt.
Disabi li ty ID Card / handicapped medical cer tificate
issued by t he respective State / UT
Gover nments / Admi nistrations
Gas Connection Bi ll (not older t han 3 mont hs)
Passpor t of Spouse
Passpor t of Parents(i n case of Mi nor)

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