Mobilink Human Resource System Development

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3:company vision
4:Company Mission
5:HR Strategy
6:SWOT Analysis


Abstract/Executive Summary
Telecom industry is growing in Pakistan. With new companies getting license the competition
is getting tougher, as a result the consumer is getting benefit and enjoying cheap call rates.
With a population of 15 and half million telecom is one of the best revenue generated
Mobilink GSM, a subsidiary of Orascom Telecom, started its operations in Pakistan in 1994,
and has become the market leader both in terms of growth as well as the largest customer
subscriber base in Pakistan a base of over 31 million and growing.
We pride ourselves on being the first cellular services provider to operate on a 100% digital
GSM technology n Pakistan that also provides state-of the-art communication solution to its
The analysis of the international operations of Qrascom in general and specifically its
operations in Pakistan under the umbrella of Mobilink is the objective of this research project.

Mobilink is enjoying a lot of strengths being a pioneer in its industry, but due to stif
competition in the market and poor strategies implemented, its sufering from significant
losses in terms of market share and revenues.

About Parent company:
Orascom Telecom Holding S.A.E. (Orascom Telecom or OTH) is a leading international
telecommunications company operating GSM networks in seven high growth markets in the
Middle East, Africa and South Asia, having a total population under license of approximately
460 million with an average mobile telephony penetration of approximately 19% as at 30
June 2006. Orascom Telecom
operates GSM networks in Algeria (OTA), Pakistan (Mobilink), Egypt (Mobinil), Tunisia
(Tunisiana), Iraq (Iraqna), Bangladesh (Banglalink), and Zimbabwe (Telecel Zimbabwe).
Among other international ventures, Orascom Telecom also owns 19.3% of Hong Kong-based
Hutchison Telecommunications International Limited operating in 8 countries.

Mobilink is Pakistans leading provider of voice and data services, bringing more people
together through service excellence and product innovation. With more than 38 million
subscribers, Mobilink maintains market leadership through cutting-edge, integrated
technology, the strongest brands and the largest portfolio of value added services in the
industry, a broadband carrier division providing next generation internet technology as well
as the countrys largest network with over 9,000 cell sites making everyday a better day for
its customers.
Housing Pakistans largest distribution and contact centre networks and an unparalleled
6,500 kilometers fiber optic backbone, Mobilink has already invested over US $3.9 billion in
the country to date, with another USD 1 billion being invested in network modernization.
Mobilink provides uninterrupted countrywide connectivity, unmatched customer services and
international roaming in over 140 countries.
As a responsible corporate citizen, Mobilink ofers a range of socially inclusive products and
services dedicated to enhance access to information. Through Mobilink Foundation, the
company passionately supports education, health and environmental initiatives and
promotes sustainable business practices.
Mobilink ofers exclusive & personalized tarif plans that empower customers and cater to
the communication needs of a diverse group of people, from individuals to businessmen to
corporate and multinationals.


President and CEO

Jefery Hedberg

Vice President Corporate Affairs

Agha Mohammad Qasim

Chief Commercial Officer

Bilal Munir Sheikh

Vice President Human Resources & Administration

Sadia Ahmad

Vice President Business Services

Azfar Manzoor

Chief Technology Officer

Gabriele Sgariglia

Mobilink Brand
The new Mobilink has a new bolder mark with a strong and positive outlook from a confident and
optimistic leader. The new Mobilink will continue leading the way by bringing people together through
service excellence and product innovation. Our employees act as one with our customers in order to
create a better everyday.
Mobilink. Being One.

Where other networks fail, ours connects instantly. On highways & byways, throughout
thousands of destinations across Pakistan, only Mobilink has you fully covered. So no more
mixed signals, because only Mobilink talks to you loud & clear.
Mobilink provides the widest coverage network, covering more than 10,000+ cities, towns,
and villages across Pakistan. It connects over 31.6 million family members every second of
the day with exceptional voice quality due to its broad coverage. Our coverage is expanding

day by day, and soon, the only other thing covering Pakistan more than Mobilink would be
the clear blue sky.
The type of coverage service Mobilink provides is divided into three main categories:
PHYSICAL PRESENCE (Mobilink has physical infrastructure in the area)
INDOOR SPILLOVER COVERAGE (High coverage level in adjoining area)
OUTDOOR SPILLOVER COVERAGE (Medium coverage level in adjoining area)
Along with nationwide coverage, Mobilink also provides true International Roaming in over
140 countries with more than 300 partner operators worldwide.


To be the leading Telecommunication Services Provider in Pakistan by ofering innovative

Communication solutions that make each day better for our customers while exceeding
Shareholder value & Employee Expectations.

To be a superior communication services company in Pakistan who provides the best
value to its customers, employees, business partners and shareholders.

Mobilink in context of HRM

Mobilink GSM company originated in 1994 provides the best cellular services within
Well defined and structured department and various policies
Employees are satisfied with the HR department of Mobilink GSM Company.

Em al
loy p

Hierarchy Structure of Employees

i d

i n

l e


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Practice of HR system

Strategic Human Resource Management Plan


TASK 1 Resource Based Strategy

Referring to the above evaluation of current practices, lets start with development of core
competencies and strategic capabilities in human resources, keeping in mind the nature of
business, organizational vision and objectives, and current competitive environment in which
Mobilink is working we can say that below mentioned capabilities and competencies are
crucial and essential in each and every employee to possess and practice (Alen Price, 2007).
Having their human resource these competencies and making them regularly practice them

will give provide the organization with not only competitive advantage but also make this
advantage sustainable.
Teamwork Working co-operatively, efficiently and efectively with others to achieve results
through active participation in a team, involving other team members, encouraging others
and building a coherent team (Michael Armstrong, 2006).
Decision Making/Problem Solving Ability to assess options and implications, in order to
identify a solution on any given business scenario.
Initiative and Drive Independently takes action to influence events. Proactively does things.
Ofers own ideas for improvement and to promote the goals of the organization and seek
feedback from appropriate persons on efects of actions.
Flexibility & Adaptability Ability to modify owns and others behavior according to changing
circumstances; go above and beyond in unique situations; resourcefulness .
Planning & Organizing Planning and organizing is an act of formulating a program or a
process for a definite course of action, identifying such problems which are possible to occur
in the future and also analyzing and measuring their negative or positive impact, setting the
goals in detail and evaluating the alternative strategies and selecting appropriate strategies
to achieve the set objectives (Michael Armstrong, 2006).
Efective Communication This refers to communicate and convey all the concepts, goals,
strategies and targets in verbal or nonverbal or written format to all the stakeholders.
Customer Focus Understanding and meeting client needs and striving to exceed clients'
expectations. The entity or party who is using the products and services of an organization
internally or externally is called Clients.
Fiscal Responsibility It is a combination of planning, management and prudent forecasting
(Alen Price, 2007). This means the person should possesses a sound understanding and
appreciation for the dynamics involved in utilizing financial resources for the implementation
of diferent projects, initiatives and services. But definitely with the highest, most accurate
level of management, control and accountability in accordance with company and local laws,
rules, regulations and guidelines.
Strategic Thinking The analysis and interpretation of the companys own environment and
identifying and evaluating the consequences form the possible occurrences and making
decisions that leads towards the fulfillment of organizational objectives come under strategic
Leadership It is said that leaders are born and not made, but in modern concept of
leadership this is not the case, leaders can be built through efective strategies and policies

of the organization. HR strategy allows the managers to become leaders and provide the
organization a role model, coach and guide (Michael Armstrong, 2006).
Above mentioned are a combination of capabilities that are required not only to individually
perform above average but also help in performing and getting team performed as a
manager, these are the combination of both core capabilities as well as strategic
competencies, if developed in human resources can be a source of distinctive advantage
that will last long and out pass the competition.

TASK 2 -Linkage of HR Strategy with Business Goals

In the process of linking HR strategy with business objectives all the HR functions will be
streamlined with over all organizations vision and then narrowing down to individual
business unit objectives, since Mobilink is a market leader, and their business strategy is also
to sustain this position, that is also going to reflect is HR strategy, a birds eye view of this
linkage is give below:
Recruitment and Selection This Process will be changed, it will be modified according the
business need of every unit, sets of capabilities and competencies will defined that will vary
from department to department, and selection will be made accordingly. Being a marketing
leader and customer oriented service industry company, Mobilink needs people that have set
of above mentioned core competencies that will be help the organization their business
objective and sustain their position as market leader, so while recruiting people for various
roles, it will be made sure that such set of capabilities are there or at least flexibility to adapt
is available.
Compensation and Reward System Compensation, benefits, and remuneration and
appraisal system are needed to be in line with business strategy, as market leader and
growing company, we need to have best in industry that will be requiring salary systems to
be competitive and attractive to attain and retain the best minds. Appraisal system will be
performance based, annual, bi-annual and quarterly business objectives will be set at each
department level, these objectives will be liked and derived from organizational objectives,
and appraisal system will directly be liked to achievement of these goals. A clear distinction
will be made between top performers and low performers; so that high performance culture
with continuous improvement will be maintained.
Training and Development Training & development component will be rejuvenated, hard
along with soft skill will be polished in employees, every department in collaboration with HR
will have a distinct training need analysis mechanism, through which training needs will be
identified, training calendar will be maintained, and the employee who are short on the hard
skill or soft skill will trained on above mentioned and other soft skill regularly. After training
evaluation system will also be placed to see the efects of training and also to encourage
continuous improvement in performance. Keeping in mind the growth objectives in mind,

employees will also be trained on future job needs so that whenever there is a need the
trained employee is there to perform without any delay.

areer Development Employee career building and planning will also take into consideration
along with succession planning. These processes will be made in a way that every high
performer employee would have a clear and well defined career path, more over every key
position would have a succession planned. These two steps will improve the way people
perform, high performance will be encouraged and the key position will not be vulnerable to
head hunting, and even if someone leaves, business processes will not be disturbed and
organization will be keep on doing business without any delay.
A decentralized culture will be established with more empowered employees and devolution
of power and decision making. Since organization is operating fast passed and rapidly
changing environment, decentralization of day to day business decision making is required
to make efective, efficient and just in time decisions.

TASK 3 Organizational Design

In below lines proposed organizational design is presented, keeping in mind the kind of
external environment and competitive scenario we have proposed and decentralized, hybrid
of functional and geographic structure so that greater flexibility and quick decision making
can be achieved (Alen Price, 2007). Focus will be of the performance of individual function
that will be working on the common goals. Each departmental head will be responsible for
the performance of its team and goal of each department will be derived from the overall
business goal of the organization for the year or certain period of time, this structure will be
able to give more flexibility as well as the control and check on the performance of the each

Role of Each Department

Below is the birds eye view of the role of each department in the organization, on the above
mentioned structure we have presented only a basic structure, however further sub-division
is also need to be done, above is for general understanding or organizational design.
Commercial Commercial department will be responsible for new product development,
marketing research, marketing operations, sales, and product delivery. This department will
also be responsible for setting commercial goal, and achievement of business goal. They will
also communicate their growth forecast to other department so that the proper planning can
be done accordingly.

Human Resource HR department will be responsible for managing the human resource of
the broadband unit, training and development, recruitment and selection for current needs
as well as for future needs, HR departments role is very dynamic and crucial for the whole
organization, one the component is keeping the employees motivated at their workplace and
also hiring the right people for the right job.
Technical Since broadband unit is into business of highly technical product, the technical
department will be playing a very crucial role, they will be responsible for keeping the
network working so that customers get the Internet services without any delay or problem,
they will also be responsible for quick maintenance of network incase or any issue with that.
This department will also be responsible for providing the support to the customer in case of
and network damage. Technical department will also get the expansion and growth
requirements from commercial departments and will be responsible for the timely expansion
and network role out before the commercial launch of the product, in this way they have the
key role to play in term of the successful launch of the product, and before the launch they
will also be responsible for the testing of the network in the concerned areas.
Administration - Administration will play a support departments role, providing workplace
with required facilities; keep an eye on safety of the employees and keeping the working
conditions up to the standards. This department will also provide its support to all core
departments in achieving their goals, will handle all legal matters, and provide the required
logistics and facilitation.

TASK 4 Process of HR Planning

Below is the nutshell view of HR planning process in the organization:
Forecasting Demand After consulting all the departments and getting their expansion
needs, human resource department will forecast the demand upcoming year, for new hires,
for replacements, and for succession planning. Then HR department will take the necessary
actions to meet the forecasted demand on time and without any delay.

hannelizing the Supply After forecasting the human resource needs, HR department will
channelize the human resource supply, for this purpose below mentioned steps will be taken:
HR dept. will make its own recruiting arrangements as well as it will also go for talent hunt
programs so that best of the fresh minds can be inducted.
For experienced candidate needs HR will also make synergy with various recruitment
agencies for recruitment of best of experienced candidates, head hunting will be a good
option for getting the best of industry

For operational and less critical resources, like call centers and direct sales team, a third
party hiring solution will be taken into consideration. Since these resources are less critical
and their turnover rate is high, it is better to save time and resource in hiring and
management of such resources and get the third party in a contract and let them manage

Analyzing HR Gaps
A continuous HR gap analysis will be performed so that human resource profiles can be
matched to required capabilities and then to required performance measures, for this
purpose evaluation process will be divided into two bi-annual sessions in which objectives
and performance will be matched and analyzed. Where the gap will found then training need
analysis will be performed and after that a series of training session will be performed so that
all the employee are able to meet their performance objective and contribute to over the
organizational goals.

How do we recruit?

The recruitment philosophy at Mobilink aims at recruiting the right talent for each role. Our
hiring focus is a skilled and diverse workforce providing equal opportunities at all levels of
the hierarchy. The recruitment sequence begins with an online application process. To apply
now, click here.
Every complete application becomes part of our online talent pool which is our primary
source to meet our employment needs. Whenever a position becomes available that
matches your profile, you will get an opportunity become a part of our recruitment process.
Once short listed you are required to go through multi tiered interviews with line
management and the human resources teams. You are kept in the loop on the outcome of
the selection process in writing. If you are identified as the best fit for the role and upon
satisfactory reference checks, an appointment letter follows.
We encourage you to keep your online profile updated and visit the jobs portal frequently to
stay abreast on the latest job openings at Mobilink.Good Luck!


Job Analysis
Moilink does not do job analysis of jobs there from scratch; rather they make
changes in the job descriptions and specifications as per the latest trends in the market and
requirements of that particular job.

JOB description Sample

Ways of recruitment
Attracting the Talent
Mobilink has been relying heavily on online job sites to attract the candidates for the
vacancies at thecompany. The details of which sources Mobilink uses for recruitment
and how does it use them are as follow.

Online Recruitment (Rozee.PK)

The largest and most reliable source of Mobilink for attracting a pool of candidates for
current openingsat the company is online job sites. In online job sites, Mobilink is solely
depending on Rozee.PK by havinga partnership with them. Rozee.PK has helped Mobilink
create a job portal athttp://jobs.mobilinkgsm.comwhere anyone can register and apply for
the current openings atcompany. The portal is completely powered by Rozee.PK. There are
42 job openings on that portal as of june 5,2012.

Mobilink rarely posts a job opening in Newspaper (2-3 times a year usually) and when it
does, it isposted in Dawn, the leading English News Daily of Pakistan

Head Hunters
Mobilink also uses diferent head hunters for the top-level positions at the company.
Diferentemployment agencies are currently working with Mobilink help the attract the
best talent formanagerial and director level posts at the company.

Internal Hiring
Mobilinks current employees could also
be recommended by their Managers or they could applythemselves for the job openings at
the company but they also have to go through the same procedureto get hired for that
particular job.

Referral System
Current employees of Mobilink could refer someone for a job opening at the company and if
that persongets hired by the company, the Mobilink employee who referred him/her would
get an incentive
1: At Mobilink, the HR department receives about 300 CVs on average for each job.
2: They take about 2-3 seconds to scan through CVs and shortlist them in the first screening.
In second screening of the CVs, they look for keywords associated with that particular job
andfinally shortlist the CVs that have those keywords.

Mostly, around 30 to 35 (out of 300) CVs are shortlisted

Recruitment Time Frame

The recruitment process usually at Mobilink takes about twenty days. The breakdown of
events during itis as follow:
1:Three Days to finalize the Job Description and Specifications.
2:The job is then posted on Rozee.PK and it stays there for seven days to allow candidates to
applyfor it during that time span
3:Two days for short listing of the CVs.

Pre-Interview Test
1:Mobilink takes an hour long pre-interview test after the CVs are shortlisted.
2:The candidates whose CVs are shortlisted are asked to appear at Mobilinks office for this test.
3:Human Resource staf at Mobilink invigilates the Test to make sure that candidates do not
4:The test runs on a customized software on computers at Mobilink office.
5: It has IQ based and technical questions (regarding that particular job).
6:Minimum score to pass this test is 45%.
7:On average, about 33% of the candidates who give this test pass it.
8:The score is not shared with the candidates and theyre only told whether theyve passed the
test or not.
9:The candidates who pass the test are asked to come for interview.
1:Four interviews are taken by the particular division that is going to hire the
employee known asline interviews.
All of these interviews are technical.
On average, each of them last for about thirty minutes.
All these interviews are one-to-one interviews.
Line selects three best candidates and sends them to HR department for one final interview.

The fifth and final interview is taken by Human Resource department at Mobilink.
:Only behavioral questions are asked in this interview.
:It lasts for about twenty minutes.

:HR department follows a set-procedure for this interview

to make sure that
thecandidate takes back a good image of the company even
if he does not do well at
:The HR interview is structured most of the times but could end up

diferently as

: Final selection is done by the mutual

understanding of both HR and line.

Top-tier Universities
Mobilink does not really prefer one university over the other and looks for the most
suitablecandidate for the job.
However their marketing department is dominated by the LUMS graduates.
Probation Period
The probation period at Mobilink varies from three to six months.
The employee remains under observation during that time.
Gratuity fund and most of the other perquisites are not a part of
compensation during
probationperiod at Mobilink.
Salary Negotiations
Asking candidates about their salary expectations is a part of interview by HR department.
Thecandidates are also given an idea about what the company could pay them.
Questions asked by the Candidates
4:Career Path
Evaluation of Candidates
The interviewers do have an evaluation sheet for evaluating the candidates during an
interview butmost of them prefer taking notes about the candidates.
Internships at Mobilink
1:Regularly ofers internships during summer.
2:Students first have to appear for the IQ test for internship.
3:Those who pass the task are then interviewed.
4:Then one best candidate is selected for internship at the company.

Career Path Managerial

1:Objective is to inform all new employees with the basic structure and rules of Mobilink
2:Human resource Department is responsible for orientation.
3:Orientation CD regarding PMCL, Organizational charts.
4:With the first week of the employment employee go through Department orientation .
5:Within 30 days of employment all new employees attend a formal orientation program which includes
1-Nature of business
2:History-philosophy and struStructure chain command within the company
3:Structure chain command within the company
4:Company benefit plans

5: Layout and facilities ofered by the company


By Mobilink Careers
An organization can only function efectively when every function is running at its best.
Employees are by far the most integral component of this organizational machinery and t
herefore need the best upkeep and development in order to perform at their best.
Thorough and well-structured development programs are essential to employee productivity,
job satisfaction and long-term profitability. Trainings, seminars, orientations are as essential
for new comers as for existing employees. In order to retain staf and ensure productivity, its
critical to enable continuous lear engagement.
In cases where employees lack the necessary tools, skills or confidence they end up taking
career moves or sufer from low morale. Training opportunities guide employees to keep
things on track. Such opportunities include public trainings, seminars, conferences, elearning modules, webinars and customized In-house trainings. A good training and
development plan, being the mutual responsibility of an individual and the company,
accelerates the individual learning curves. A sound employee development plan also
significantly contributes to the employer branding equation for a company and can thus act
as a tool for retention and attraction of talent.
When chalking out an efective training strategy, some important points that must be
considered include:
What are the exact training needs?
What is the linkage of the training needs with the business requirements?
Who would be the most suitable audience for the respective trainings?

What would be the most efective tool/medium for each training intervention in the plan?
Regular assessments of training/development programs must be carried out to ensure
desired results are being achieved. Most of the organizations now prefer to hire internal
trainers who can work with the requirements of the organization, understand organizational
challenges and ensure that employee growth is measured along with the business growth.

Why Training and Developmental Program

To improve three types of skills
Technical skills
Interpersonal skills
Problem solving skills
Upgrade the capabilities and efficiency
Greater opportunity to grow and succeed
Strengthen management and professional teams
Trained employees technically and periodically

Upgrades capabilities of employees

Provide employees a variety of Job skills, Technical, Clerical and Supervisory and
Managerial courses.

typical reasons of employee training at mobilink

Customer service
Now competition has increased in todays global marketplace so it is very neccesary for
employees to meet and understand the requirements and needs of customers.
Customer service representatives have the direct connection between the company that
they are working for and the customers who are looking for services they assess customers
to answer about their quaries and to provide help involving a company's product or services.
Workers should be patient and polite, especially when interacting with demanding or
annoyed customers.
Customer service representatives deals customer complaints, process orders, and
supply knowledge about an organizations services and products . Customer service
representatives should be ready and able to assess customers and exercise patience even
when dealing with people who may be sulky or worried . They may work with customers in
person, over the phone or via computer. The expected growth of industries that specialized
in customer service, like telephone call centers, should lead to more job openings in the
coming years, as will consumers' increasing demands for products that require service and
support. Representatives must try to find solutions to a customers issues. By resolving
issues efectively, representatives contribute to customer retention and loyalty and trust.
Computer skills
computer skills have become a neccesary need for performing office and administrative
tasks. Mobilink focuses on tools that sync computer software to phone systems. Outbound
representatives make rotating calls to all customers and phone numbers set up in a prospect
or customer database. . Inbound representatives cycle through calls that rotate in specific
program operation varies, but employees generally need the ability to multitask with the
technology to keep calls coming through or going out on their line. Representatives
commonly add notes to customer accounts and enter details of services or new purchases.
Customer service representatives highly need strong communication skills to answer about
customers quaries clearly. The rapidly increasing diversity of todays workforce brings a
wide variety of customs and languages .they should communicate and understand
information efectively in writing, by phone, or in person communication skills. Customer
service reps in a call center are phone communication experts .creating positive connections
with customers is very necessary requirement of a representatives job.listening is especially
important since the conversations take place over the phone. Call centre representatives are
not able to see customers' nonverbal gestures, thats why they have to pick up on vocal cues
and listen efectively to understand customers' feelings and messages . . Representatives
should listen being attentive and understand a customers situation in order to assess them.

. Outbound representatives also use their communication skills to provoke

purchase extra products and services.

customers to

employees need the ability to quickly acknowledge the situation and resolve
it by communicating alternative solutions and ofering benefits. Customer service
representatives usually receive short-term on-the-job training, lasting 2 to 3 weeks. Those
who work in finance and insurance may need several months of training to learn more
complicated financial regulations. In certain industries, such as finance and insurance,
customer service representatives must keep up-to-date with changing regulations
General customer service training should focus on procedures for answering about quaries
information about a companys products and services, and how to use computer and
telephone . An experienced workers train the employees under the guidance of them for the
first few weeks of employment.
It refers to the action of consenting to undertake or receive something ofered and give
respect to all employees whether their race,gender, status, ethnicity physical abilities,
religious beliefs or nationality are is focused that every employee is unique and
valuable . It is the exploration of these diferences in a positive, safe and nurturing
environment. : diversity training usually provides explanation about that how people have
diferent perspectives and views, and includes techniques to value diversity. Diversity is
about understanding each other and moving beyond simple tolerance to celebrating and
rich directions of diversity consisted within each employee.
Human relations
There is no doubt that stresses of todays worksetting has been increased and resulting in
conflicts and misunderstandings. Mobilink provides training to their employees to get along
in the workplace.if employees are feeling comfortable and mentally relaxed at their
workplace they can work more better and efficiently.
Quality initiatives
Initiatives such as total quality management, quality circles, benchmarking, etc. Require
basic training about quality concepts, guidelines and standards for quality.
safety training is critical where working with heavy equipment, hazardous chemicals,
Repetitive activities, etc. But can also be useful with practical advice for avoiding assaults, etc.
todays society has increasing expectations about corporate social responsibility. Also, todays diverse workforce
brings a wide variety of values and morals to the workplace

Traning Programs in the Mobilink

Mobilink is focusing both on the job training and of the job training as well as.mobilink is
providing 80% on the job training while 20% of the job training.mobilink also considers
external parties in there training programs.
On the job training

(needham & dransfield, 1990) defined a basic definition of(ojt) on-the-job training is that it
is an approach that provides the chance for learning knowledge and skills through
experience at work settings. Training is provided at the worksite is known as ojt.
(levis & trevitt, 1994) explained on the job training is diferent from of the job
training for some perspective because of the job training
provides knowledge and
education opportunity through being present at training that is far away from the job or
workplace. Ojt is a form of directed experience (albers, 1974). On the job training is
provided to workers while they are doing their regular jobs. This is the best way to save
time and in this way, they get learning while doing their tasks.mobilink develops a plan for
what must be taught and they inform their employees with all details and scheduals. A timetable is established with periodic assessment to inform employees about their progress. In on
the job training fresh or unskilled workeres acquire a knowledge through observing
managers or peers performing the job and trying to follow their behaviour. It is cost saving
and are less troublesome bacause employees are always on the job.on-the-job techniques
include orientations, apprenticeships, job instruction training, , assistantships and
internships, coaching and job rotation .
It is also an important training and development method in mobilink .it is the 1 st step to
welcome new employees
orientation involves getting new employees trained and
familiarized on the new job within an organization.its main objective is to make employees
aware from an organization such as organizational policies ,structure and its procedures,
and to empower them to get the best understanding about the organizations rules and orientation program ,employees are exposed to diferent undertakings for
example the nature of their new work, how to take on their identified tasks and
responsibilities and what is generally expected of the employees by the
organization.employees are further given a general overview of the organizational working
environment including for example working systems, office layout and technology, briefed
about the current organizational culture, processes and procedures, working conditions, and
health and safety issues. Simply the main reason of the orientation is to provide new
employees with all the necessary information they highly need to start working
job rotation
In this method employees are moved through a series of correlated jobs .it is a formal,
planned program that involves the assignment of trainees for varying jobs in diferent parts
of the organization. According to (mccourt & eldridge 2003, 356) job transfers and rotation
is the movements of employees from one official responsibility to another as a way of
enhancing employee skills for instance
getting on higher rank position within the
organization, and one branch of the organization to another within organization. It also
involves moving of employees from one country to another. These rotations and transfers
opens door for employees to get knowledge of the diferent operations within the
organization together with the diferences existing in diferent countries where the
organization also operates. In this way it will overcome constant mental or physical
stress .the knowledge acquired by the selected employees for this method is beneficial to
the organization as it may enhance the flexibility and adaptability of the organization. It is

to prepare or groom promising employees for future leadership positions by
enhancing their skills and knowledge.
By the study of (mccourt & eldridge 2003, 256;;devanna, fombrun & tichy 1984;; torrington
et al. 2005, 394 - 395). It includes having the more experienced employees guide the less
experienced employees. Coaching is a one-to-one training coaching refers to unplanned
and informal training and development activities provided by supervisors and peers to
employees. Coaching assess in rapidly identifying the weak areas and tries to consider on
wray and parsloe (2000:42) explored a definition of coaching that says,
coaching is a process that empowers development and learning to occur and thus
performance to improve knowledge, skills and work performance . Albers (1974) regards ojt
as being similar with coaching. Coaching carries greater accountability and responsibility
for commitments and actions.

Other categories of training done in mobilink

There are two types of training categories provided in mobilink which are soft skill training
and technical training
Soft skill training
Mobilink assesses their employees flourish a higher base of information on topics that
impact their personal lives in this way they could be more productive and less inattentive,
in their work setting. Soft skill development courses in areas such as childcare and personal
finance can assess their better team manage the most neccesary areas in their personal may contain the following things like teamwork training ,conflict management
training, communication skills ,people management training, ,anger management,time
management training workers need several key soft skills to perform their job
well. A knack for subtly steering conversations to difuse caller anger and resolve caller
issues and concerns ranks high among the essential communication skills needed by call
center workers. Agents must recognize when to express empathy, how courtesy conveys
respect and the power that their tone of voice has on caller perceptions.

Technical training

Technical training puts direct impact on the performance of the employees. Specific skills
are considered and produced accordingly. The engineering trainings of mobilink are also
focused with this along
with,customer services training, marketing and technology
training ,sales related training, etc.all these types of training are done to increase the
employees job performance at through a training programs. Mobilink invests aggressively
with its large workforce in maintaining its human assets through local trainings and
International trainings as well as a structured employee well-being programs,leading it one
of the most sought after companies to work for in pakistan.graham burke, the president
pmcl mobilink, said mobilink will provide proper training programmes to its employees in
order to make them more aware of their responsibilities and to enhance their performance
The various training programmes of mobilink focuses on specific skills such as the monthly
or annual reports of performance are assessed by the manager and the weak areas are
considered and the respective training is followed up.mobilink trains its employees in the
following fields as well:
Customer service training
The employees are focused to train in negotiating skills, communication skills in order to
deal the customers whether in the customers services centre or call centre . They are
trained on how to respond appropriately to the customers, how to recognize their issues ,
solve their problems and how to deal with customers .
Leadership workshop
Good leaders are made,not necessarily born.employees can become an efective leader by
developing theirself through a never-ending process of self-study, training, education &
experience. To inspire people to higher levels of teamwork there are some things should
be, know & do. Leadership makes people want to attain challenging objectives and goals .
This workshop is for managers who have the wish to make things happen & have a team
who need to be inspired into action! Mobilink provides this workshop for its particular
Supervisors training
It is a very difficult job to leading an organization or a department and the person at this
position should be completely skillfull
The supervisor training program assesses those people who are at this post to develop the
right skills needed and asked for at this job.
Development of oratory skills
Employees fulfil faster and more accurately with less stress if employees are fit, healthy and
have active minds .the way of speaking indicates their state of mind. Lack of confidence in
making public appearance is often the result of not knowing information on a certain topics
that what to do and howto do it! Mobilink makes employees learn toovercome their
hesitation and feel the self confident -professional image many seek! This workshop will
provide hands-onapproach to replenish oratory skills that involves a heavy dose of practical the same time, practice without the necessary conceptual knowledge is
pointless and avoides the need for adaptation and flexibility and for varying situations.
They will also find ways to manage performance of teams and employees in order to get
organizational and departmental objectives and goals . All these programmes are focusing
at developing particular skills in specific people for mentioned is believed that
leadership skills and business goals are gained through the training and development of the
employees. To make it more motivating the participants of the training programme are
awarded a course completion certificate at a graduation ceremonywhich is held after the
completion of the training programme.
Conflict management training
We are living in this era where conflict and chaos are on the peak level.lack of conflict can
be as destroying for any organization, if having conflicts that gone out of hand. In actual
conflict is the key source of creativity, without which innovation is not possible. Usually
these conflicts are overcome , but occasionally they grow to hinder one's job performance.
This program is designed toenhance a supervisor's ability to prevent conflicts from reaching
a crisis stage and how to resolve it when a necessary conflict occurs. A framework for
tackling conflict is also provided that assesses managers who find dealing with conflict an
unpleasant experience.
Off the job training
When training is conducted away from the workplace is called of the job training .when
employees are away from work place then of the job is considered to be more efective and
their concentration is fully at training. While depending on the information needed,
policies and
structure, the trainers too may be coming outside the
organization or within the corporation .
according to cipd factsheet (2010) any type of learning carried out away from the
place of work is known as of-the-job training. Of-the-job training can be done through
various activities and exercises like outdoor activities or
conducting lectures in groups.
According to sloman (1999) of-the-job training activities are mostly conducted when new
employees are hired . These activities mainly consist of group training sessions and lectures
for a fixed number of days. Learning from these activities is measured at the end of the
sessions before the employees start with their jobs.
It refers to any artificial environment exactly same to the real situation. Simulation shows
real life situations regarding trainees decisions resulting in outcomes that reflects what could
be happen if they were on the job. Simulation method of training is most famous and core
among all of the job training methods. Trainees are trained on the especially designed
machine or equipment that seems to be really used in the job or field in the simulation
training method .it enables trainees to look impact of their decisions in an artificial and risk
free environment. Its mainly concerned to teach process and production skills as well as
interpersonal and management proficiency. Simulations closely copy work

this way motivation and interest of employees can be increased as actual job situations are
replicated and trainees could focus on getting knowledge without facing much risk.
Role playing
Role-playing is defined as a role training where people rehearse situations in preparation for
a future performance and to boost their capabilities within a role. It includes training and
development techniques that focus to capture and carry forth decision making situations to
train the employees. In this way the method enables workers to act out work situations . This
method is cost efective and also very easy for the employees to learn new things. It involves
the presentation of problems and solutions for example in an organization setting for
discussion. This method is better when it is followed under stress-free or alternatively less
-stress environments so as to open door for better learning. The trainees are instructed to
act out a given role by assuming themselves as they would in a stage play. It develops skill in
applying knowledge in areas of human relations. Role players have knowledge of a situation
about the respective roles that they have to play. . It is good for customer service and
training. Role playing basically covers topics such as, conducting a post-appraisal interview.
Hiring, firing, employee-employer relationships .
according to blanchard and thacker (2007) lecture or group training is considered one of
the most traditional pattern and frequently used of training a instructor or trainer always
leads group training. Thacker (2007) further explored that the trainer starts the training
sessions by discussing the agenda for training,the training objectives, and the process that
will be used in the training sessions employees are given training by trainer in the form of
lectures calling them to a class room. This method is efectively used to make aware of
procedures and to give instructions on particular topic. Cost per trainee is low when it is used
for large groups and simple and efficient and lots of material could be presented within
given time limit . It is primarily one way communication of learned capabilities from trainer to
audience. It is hard to ensure that the entire audience understands a topic on the same
level . Despite these drawbacks, lecturing is the most cost-efective way of reaching large
Case study
Case stydy is a written description of any real situation in the past in same organisation or
somewhere else and trainees are asked to analyze and provide their opinion in writing. It
gives an insight into the context of a issues as well as emphasizing , the main points. Case
study method enhances the trainee's power of observation, helping them to ask better
questions and to see for a broader range of issues. Analytical thinking is enhanced and it
encourages open mindedness.moreover it is suitable to all employees as it deals with
detailed description of actual life situations it focuses studying cases from all perspectives,
analyzing the various options available to the company for solving isues or address problems
and arriving at most suitable answers.

Informal Performance Appraisal:

The process of continually feeding back to subordinates information regarding their work

Formal Performance Appraisal:

A formalized appraisal process for rating work performance, identifying deserving raises or
promotions, and identifying those in need of further training

360 Degree






Rating Scales


Performance appraisal is done on an annual basis

360 degree evaluation is conducted

The immediate supervisor prepares an annual report
Increments are also given
Promotions is given on good performance
Bonuses are given

Benefits & Compensations in Mobilink GSM

Provident fund
Gratuity fund
Education growth of employees
Medical facilities


Mobilink GSM supports the development of its employees skills and abilities with an aim
to achieve their potential.

Procedures for Career Development In Mobilink GSM

Submission of application to HR department
Candidates are evaluated and assessed through test.
Performance appraisal System provides basis for decisions regarding confirmation,
promotion and annual increment of Mobilink.
Results of performance appraisal is increments, salary adjustments and promotions
showing the last three years inclination of company after obtaining approval from the

Internal Analysis

Mobilink is an acknowledged market leader of all the companies of its kind

Only cellular service in Pakistan to provide coverage on the M2 motorway.

Pioneer in GSM service in Pakistan

Number of customers is more as compare to any other mobile service provider in


Highest market share not only in terms of number of subscribers but also in terms of

Mobilinks short message service center allows Vehicle Tracking and Fleet (VTF)
Management services.

Large number of corporate customers

Economy of scale

Mobilink and Muslim Commercial Bank have made a combined efort in order to maximize
the ease and the satisfaction of their respective customers by ofering them all banking
services from their very own mobile handset.

The network service of Mobilink is distributed over a wide area.

Mobilink provides good service to its customers.

The customers of Mobilink are very much satisfied; therefore it is the biggest strength.

Mobilink has a distinctive competence

It has adequate financial resources

The company has good competitive skills

Mobilink has efective product innovation abilities

Increased brand equity

Premium brand image

Jazz Advance

The company has hired well-qualified and able employees in all its departments.
The services of Mobilink are wide spread such that you can see many small outlets in every
market area.


Mobilink provides costly services to customers as compared to other mobile companies

Sometimes the network is busy and over loaded which results in poor connectivity

Customer services centre is not providing good quality services

External Analysis


Before start of more new companies can target as many new customers as they can.

Can lower prices to make business difficult for new companies.

Mobilink is completing field-testing and certification of its General Packet Radio Service
(GPRS) products; targeted to a market that delivers Internet Protocol packet services to
over 650 million GSM subscribers.

Mobilink can expand its target markets and enter new market segments.

This company has faster market growth so its must try to introduce such packages that
attract more and more customers.


New market players are coming in near future.

New companies can ofer packages for corporate customers in better way.

Wireless local loop service providers too targeting areas which are less developed.

Current price war may reach at a position where only brand names survive.

Due to expensive quality of service now a days customers can shift to other companies.

After PAKTEL is captured by china, it introduced many new packages which attract the
consumer more than any other.


Mobilink is following all management functions efectively, as it is the subsidiary of

Orascom, corporate strategies are developed and communicated from the top level.
Region is accountable to the parent company from where instructions are received and
applied in the organization nationwide.
Mobilink has a friendly environment where each employee is empowered to exercise
delegated powers and has an authority to directly contact the president, if need be.
Mobilink has research setup that identifies emerging local opportunities and makes
suggestions to the parent organization.
They are agile to adopt latest technologies, launch innovative products & services, and
ofer a learning environment to its employees.
Marketing team at Mobilink is working at the best of their abilities in designing and executing
distinctive marketing approaches in such a competitive local telecom scenario

Vindicated Compensation planning and exquisite retention policies have enabled

Mobilink to hire and retain best professionals in the industry.
Mobilink has proven itself as a socially responsible corporate by participating in
charity and education programs that support the poor.


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