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Middle class: This class is neglected by our constitution.start focus on middle class
along with sc/st class. Because most of people comes in this category who becomes
uplift from lower level and who get down.Ration card of this category are worthless.
Start grocery shops and serve to all with at least B grade goods in Polly
packing.Aata, daal, detergent, in peek time fruits and vegetables also for good
governance.This is knowledgeable and well educated persons.
Poor Gernal class: There gernal class who are such poor people.Today our
constitution becomes curse for them. They didn't get any aid from government and
not abel nurture own family.need a transparent parameter who can judge the poor
person and try to uplift those.
Reward: Start reward system. If someone give up govt aids then govt will use their
money in special welfare fund. Like meritorious school's, for healthy environment,
health etc. We are not doing any thing.We just change your mind, you people will
make your own Punjab.
Conservation: conservate natural resources like water, electricity, fule, give
reward who will save electricity from last cycle they will got discount in next bill and
redeem point in solar system installation.Promote public transport and save fule.
Transport should be safe clean and convenient to to reduce
Reward for city and village's: Cities and village's which are neet clean and
green, also eco friendly smoke less, addiction free, crime less, will got special
aid.Every village get direct fund in a/c without mediator. Audit should be
must.Village's/ cities will get first development on the basis of reward points. You
people decide how to make your area.same things applicable on ward or street also.
Law of consumers: should be more favourable for the consumers.
Ration Card: Make smart chip card. Change depot builds up saver shops. Most of
the best quality grocery sell on these shops doesn't matter about price. People are
happy paying more for quality. In peek time fruits and vegetables should be
sold.some of dairy products also. All the these products manufactured by own youth
according their skills from manufacturing to packing.It should be for all if some one
give up this,govt give him reward point that should be in form of money and it
should be used by govt on behalf of that in meritorious schools, Health dep.,welfare
del., etc. According his choice.Slogan you will make bright your own Punjab not us.
Health: From prescription slip to till end everything should be online.Robotic
system.Take pvt labs services while machines get problem or not available or in
case of emergency if long waiting.Update current status of blood bank,oxygen, etc.?
mark on referral cases. Troma center in every district headquarters.swap machine
for insurance cards. Online file of patient, referral case file should be forward to
particular hospital for quick response. Feedback compulsory.


Transportation: All fleet of pvt. transporter's directly under single window
transportation system. Department issue rechargeable smart swap card also normal
swap card. Reward points applicable on it on bulk fair/ monthly pass/ like that. Sold
by department on shops and transporter's. Money will cum in advance. And paid to
transporter's systematically. There is no matters how many passengers board in
your bus. Paid flat rate according routes. Department should be integrated like in
future in metro cities city bus, metro train, buses one card in all. Card should be
sensors device for control the crime.
Insurance: Established own insurance department. Health and gernal insurance.
Charge everywhere electricity, mandi board, transport, along with property tax,
from new firm, with road tax,provide death claims and health claims to all. Not
involves corporate sectors. Give employment to own people.provide world class
rescue facilities like fire brigade, ambulance etc.
Adopt and lost: We lost ancestral skills due to commercialized education system.
Needs and works are same. Corporats promote their products and they adopt our
blood business with new idea. Exp we ruined Potter business/our health and adopt
pressure cooker.Now a days owner becomes servant.We focus on production not on
quality in every field.Agriculture field
Recruitment: make suru for public and corporate sector jobs. Test procedure of a
job based on some of new parameters like accountability, efficiency, innovative,
productivity, Transparency.
Education: Primary education is foundation of schooling. Typing should be
compulsory in schools. Talent programs should be organized, after picking the skills
of students govt have to arranged the platform where they can express. Upgrade
school labs into skill labs. In summer/ winter vacations have provide volunteer work
for developing the skills.
Sportsmanship: Find the talent it can be in illiterates. Like bazigar is one of the
example for gymnastics. Satnam Singh NBA basket player, Great khali was
drawback of our system. Pay to the players before the match instead of paying
crores after wining the match.
No line be online: All govt department should be online like update all docs by self
and get token for getting certificates or whatever and paid online. Give reward
points if did by self, in centralized a/c which based on Aadhar cards No. It can be
redeem on gadgets like solarization.
Agriculture: Start work on bread of wheat which is recently invented in punjab,
multi colour like purpal it specially good for health. Same of all vegetables.Focus on
wastage of agriculture like husk ,utilize and handling it for compost also for
electricity can save environment. Accountability of seeds should be must. Govt
Provided by non re germinated seeds.Invest in world class Food processing units


and warehouse for control the inflation, maintain the qualitiy of goods, good price
for farmers. Reward the best producer of multipal crops. minimum area maximum
production. Multipal corp multipal business. like business based on agriculture such
as dairy, poultry etc.You have to manage how to collect dairy, emo, goat,eggs etc.
Thanks and Regards
Rajiv Sharma. 84277 22399

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