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Comercio Exterior

Legislacin Aduanera
YouTube has also faced criticism over the offensive content in
some of its videos. The uploading of videos containing
defamation, pornography, and material encouraging criminal
conduct is prohibited by YouTube's terms of service.
Controversial content has included material relating to
Holocaust denial and the Hillsborough disaster, in which 96
football fans from Liverpool were crushed to death in 1989.
YouTube relies on its users to flag the content of videos as
inappropriate, and a YouTube employee will view a flagged
video to determine whether it violates the site's terms of
service.[242] In July 2008, the Culture and Media Committee
of the House of Commons of the United Kingdom stated that it
was "unimpressed" with YouTube's system for policing its
videos, and argued that "proactive review of content should
be standard practice for sites hosting user-generated
content". YouTube responded by stating:
We have strict rules on what's allowed, and a system that
enables anyone who sees inappropriate content to report it to
our 24/7 review team and have it dealt with promptly. We
educate our community on the rules and include a direct link
from every YouTube page to make this process as easy as
possible for our users. Given the volume of content uploaded

on our site, we think this is by far the most effective way to

make sure that the tiny minority of videos that break the rules
come down quickly.[272] (July 2008)
In October 2010, U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner urged
YouTube to remove from its website videos of imam Anwar alAwlaki.[273] YouTube pulled some of the videos in November
2010, stating they violated the site's guidelines.[274] In
December 2010, YouTube added "promotes terrorism" to the
list of reasons that users can give when flagging a video as
User comments
Most videos enable users to leave comments, and these have
attracted attention for the negative aspects of both their form
and content. In 2006, Time praised Web 2.0 for enabling
"community and collaboration on a scale never seen before",
and added that YouTube "harnesses the stupidity of crowds as
well as its wisdom. Some of the comments on YouTube make
you weep for the future of humanity just for the spelling alone,
never mind the obscenity and the naked hatred".[276] The
Guardian in 2009 described users' comments on YouTube as:

Juvenile, aggressive, misspelled, sexist, homophobic,

swinging from raging at the contents of a video to providing a
pointlessly detailed description followed by a LOL, YouTube
comments are a hotbed of infantile debate and unashamed
ignorance with the occasional burst of wit shining through.

In September 2008, The Daily Telegraph commented that

YouTube was "notorious" for "some of the most confrontational
and ill-formed comment exchanges on the internet", and
reported on YouTube Comment Snob, "a new piece of software

that blocks rude and illiterate posts".[278] The Huffington Post

noted in April 2012 that finding comments on YouTube that
appear "offensive, stupid and crass" to the "vast majority" of
the people is hardly difficult.[279]
On November 6, 2013, Google implemented a new comment
system that requires all YouTube users to use a Google+
account in order to comment on videos and making the
comment system Google+ oriented. The changes are in large
part an attempt to address the frequent criticisms of the
quality and tone of YouTube comments. They give creators
more power to moderate and block comments, and add new
sorting mechanisms to ensure that better, more relevant
discussions appear at the top.[280] The new system restored
the ability to include URLs in comments, which had previously
been removed due to problems with abuse.[281][282] In
response, YouTube co-founder Jawed Karim posted the
question "why the fuck do I need a google+ account to
comment on a video?" on his YouTube channel to express his
negative opinion of the change.[283] The official YouTube
announcement[284] received 20,097 "thumbs down" votes
and generated more than 32,000 comments in two days.[285]
Writing in the Newsday blog Silicon Island, Chase Melvin noted
that "Google+ is nowhere near as popular a social media
network as Facebook, but it's essentially being forced upon
millions of YouTube users who don't want to lose their ability
to comment on videos" and "Discussion forums across the
Internet are already bursting with outcry against the new
comment system". In the same article Melvin goes on to say:

Perhaps user complaints are justified, but the idea of

revamping the old system isn't so bad.

Think of the crude, misogynistic and racially-charged

mudslinging that has transpired over the last eight years on
YouTube without any discernible moderation. Isn't any attempt
to curb unidentified libelers worth a shot? The system is far
from perfect, but Google should be lauded for trying to
alleviate some of the damage caused by irate YouTubers
hiding behind animosity and anonymity.

On July 27, 2015, Google announced in a blog post that it

would be removing the requirement to sign up to a Google+
account to post comments to YouTube.[287]
View counts
In December 2012, two billion views were removed from the
view counts of Universal and Sony music videos on YouTube,
prompting a claim by The Daily Dot that the views had been
deleted due to a violation of the site's terms of service, which
ban the use of automated processes to inflate view counts.
This was disputed by Billboard, which said that the two billion
views had been moved to Vevo, since the videos were no
longer active on YouTube.[288][289]
On August 5, 2015, YouTube removed the feature of the site
which caused a video's view count to freeze at "301" (later
"301+") until the actual count was verified to prevent view
count fraud.[290] YouTube view counts now update in real

viral videos
New logo of YouTube, horizontal.
Another feature of the portal is that it has held as the main
platform for the dissemination of viral videos. These refer to
endless videos, whether drawn from various media such as
TV, videos, music promotion or moviemakers, to which
particularly the expectant audience finds some generally
comic feature, which begin to spread them through blogs or
other social networks to be seen by more people. Many of

these videos are completely spontaneous and were not made

with the original goal of being viral videos, nor for purposes of
subsequent profit 30 viewers themselves are what make they
have such behavior broadcast on the Internet. An example is
fame obtained by a makeup artist Peruvian television called
Judith Bustos, known as the Tigress of the East, who with
exposure of a video clip New dawn was a viral video that
answered a host of different reactions, including considering
its presentation as a camp or even a kitsch, 31 this is because
the small company that produced it, successes in the world,
which emerged from bankruptcy entire phonographic industry
Peru to mid 90.32 had limited resources for their production
not using those generally has a television company. A similar
example and generally characterizes a viral video is
representing the Indian actor Chiranjeevi, who in 1985 filmed
a scene in which uses similar to the video clip of Michael
Jackson Thriller elements, which in itself was not a parody, but
an expression of American singer's popularity in the Indian
community embodied in a video. What made viral video was
the removal of said scene from the film for which it was made
and subsequent display on YouTube, what viewers around the
world saw as a travesty, it was not. The impact of a viral video
is totally uncertain and various destinations, but it becomes
such that leads to create all kinds of parodies even made by
national television channels in the world, 33 also coming to
profit, this also is even reflected advertising in some
countries.34 There are some exceptions where some videos
are edited for the purpose of being viral videos.
unexpected side uses
Site service has also been used by organized crime, mainly
drug cartels, to show their arsenal and power. [Citation
needed] These videos are set to music with corridos Mexican
northern music, containing letters relating to Bonnets drug
trafficking. In addition, these criminal organizations have

published pictures of corpses and beheadings of rival gangs

uncensored, to increase the media impact and terrorize rivals,
administradores.35 An unprecedented event occurred during
the kidnapping of Mexican rancher Luis Fierro, the Mexican
state of Guerrero. A video recorded by his captors was lodged
to the site; however, access was restricted with a key. In the
video the agony and appeal kidnapped by ransom was shown.
Thus, another aspect was shown in the use of technologies for
the crime organizado.36
YouTube also served to host a video filmed by South Korean
Cho Seung-Hui, containing his speech. This video was lodged
shortly before Cho to carry out the slaughter of Virginia Tech in
the United States. [Citation needed]
YouTube service has a reporting tool for infractions that violate
the terms of use. Among these stands the prohibition of
housing material promoting racial hatred and hate speech. In
this way, users can send a request to review the video in
question, as well as criticisms and comments thereof to be
evaluated, and proceeding be withdrawn.
In other areas, the site has served as a rare platform to
publicize unknown talents a case, the most famous worldwide
represents Susan Boyle, thanks to a video taken from the
British show Britain's Got Talent allowed him to become known
to worldwide, his talent as a performer he was so valued and
is a complete unknown in his country and the rest of the
world, take great notoriety when it was discovered a talent
that the public will access the site reconoce.37

YouTube has recently released updates to several of its

functions in order to provide a better experience to its users.
The last were imposed in January 2010, introducing various
additional options, but most notable was its design change:
the most significant option imposed was the sharing of videos
through new social networks that were not before, like Orkut,
Tuenti or other services like Blogger.
Also, the inbox now allows you to view all messages in a view,
and the burden of these is much faster than before. So, now
you can see comments to videos, responses to private
messages and invitations on one page. You can also send
messages to many recipients.
Video management has received a major upgrade, and among
the most notable changes jumps to glance a lighter interface,
expandable menus, more concise and more editing options on
the screen. Contact management and subscription has also
been updated, and now can be organized more easily and
quickly. You can, for example, display data from more than
one contact with only mark, or tag them and organize them
into groups, all very simply.
Downloading songs not only be done from iTunes, but also
various services imposed by the author of the video itself. This
option is an improvement, since it was available since 2008.
In September 2011 limit restriction video was removed 15
minutes, 38 if only for some cuentas.39 This feature is
automatically lost if the user violates policies in the
community and / or made copyright violations and / or has
had content ID claims.

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