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Week 7: Corporate branding (2)

Singgih R. Khoeri
a) Reflect on the brand portfolio included within the VW Group and the evolution for its
historical evolution and geographical differences.
Volkswagen is a big car company factory well know around the world, they distributed
their car in mostly part of the world today, On 28 may in 1937, the government of
Germany--then under the control of Adolf Hitler of the National Socialist (Nazi) Party
forms a new state-owned automobile company, then known as Gesellschaft zur
Vorbereitung des Deutschen Volkswagens mbH. Later that year, it was renamed simply
Volkswagenwerk, or "The People's Car Company." (History) and better well known today
as Volkswagen
Volkswagen sales in the United States were initially slower than in other parts of the
world, due to the car's historic Nazi connections as well as its small size and unusual
rounded shape. In 1959, the advertising agency Doyle Dane Bernbach launched a
landmark campaign, dubbing the car the "Beetle" and spinning its diminutive size as a
distinct advantage to consumers. Over the next several years, VW became the top-selling
auto import in the United States. In 1960, the German government sold 60 percent of
Volkswagen's stock to the public, effectively denationalizing it. Twelve years later, the
Beetle surpassed the longstanding worldwide production record of 15 million vehicles,
set by Ford Motor Company's legendary Model T between 1908 and 1927. (History)

Week 7: Corporate branding (2)

Volkswagen up and down section in USA is part of the evolution of the company itself, in
USA people tend to love big and powerful engine car, Volkswagen facing differences
with their small and practical type car, but with certain development and brand targeting
strategic image Volkswagen manage to gain their market share and manage to overcome
the problems and aiming to achieve a higher peak in car selling in 2018.
b) Analyze two different brands within the group by using the brand evolution interlinks

Week 7: Corporate branding (2)

The first brand is Lamboghini with their new

car Lamborghini Aventador ,the identity of the car is strong and powerfull
Aventador: the name of one of the most courageous of all bulls.
According to its tradition, Lamborghinis new flagship bears the name of a bull
naturally, a particularly courageous specimen from the world of the Spanish Corrida.
Aventador was the name of a bull that entered into battle in October 1993 at the
Saragossa Arena, earning the Trofeo de la Pena La Madronera for its outstanding
courage. (Lamborghini website)
The identity of the car determine how the product trying to deliver to the market on what
is the product image, how strong and good the car is to attract supercars fans and buyers.

The other brand that I will discus on this section is Audi with their car Audi R8, the car
itself is the sports car product from company Audi which contain big V10 engine and
high technological car, as company Audi is well known for their brand image as a high
technological car company who use the latest technology in their car, Vorsprung Durch
Technik (leading through technology) is Audi slogan and their core value. Can be seen in
the technology R8 Audi manage to deliver their promise to be the high technological
sport car.

Week 7: Corporate branding (2)

Both car targeting the same target on sports car market, but different type of a car on
Lamborghini its not just about sport car but people considering it as Supercar, The power
and the beauty, sportiness and elegance, no competition and stylish elegance is the type of
message that Lamborghini try to deliver to the customer. While in Audi they try to give
the as best as possible for their customer with less than they pay on the Lamborghini with
their Audi R8, they try to compete from just an everyday car to enter the sports car
market as a cheaper choice than Lamborghini. The image of high technological fast sport
car on Audi R8 and the comfort feelings that Audi offer as part of their agreement in
maintenances and financial support makes the people who buying the car feel special and
safe at same time, so the value they got for the car is worth their money.
Source list
Audi. (2014). The Audi R8 coupe and Spyder. Available:
-coupe-spyder.pdf. Last accessed 25 NOV 2014.
_Originali_Automobili_Lamborghini_EN.pdf. Last accessed 25 NOV 2014.
History. (2014). Volkswagen is founded. Available: Last accessed 25 Nov 2014.

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