Mandatory Exercise MEK 4450 Marine Operations 2015

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Mandatory exercise MEK 4450

Marine Operations

October 6, 2015

Lifting operations
You are working in a company specializing in oshore lifting operations. Your
company are now preparing an oer to an oil company for transportation to eld
and installation of sixteen torpedo anchors. The data for the anchors are given in
exercise 6.1 in the compendium. The water depth at nal location is 300 m.
Your task is to write an appendix to this oer focusing on the marine engineering your company commit to perform. Write this appendix in an convincing way,
ensuring the client that the right step is taken to reduce risk and support good
planning and safe execution of the operation.
You should briey discuss all the phases of the operation, one by one, from the
anchors are picked up at a key side to the anchors are installed in the sea bed. For
each phase, technical challenges are to be described. Further, all checks and all
analyses that will be required during the engineering phase are to be addressed.
This include which hand calculation methods and which type of commercial software that are relevant, and why. (For software: you may refer to the main groups
discussed in the lectures, but you need to pinpoint what type of capacity this type
of software have and why it solves your specic challenges)
In general no calculations are required. However, calculations should be included for two issues
The wire stiness is given by k=EA/L, where EA=200 000 kN. Make a quick
check to see if resonance may me an issue any stages of the lifting operations.
If so, tell when and discuss briey what could be done about it.
The required anchor speed when hitting the sea oor is set to 50 m/s, i.e.

less than in exercise 6.1. Demonstrate that this is feasible by showing that
the free fall velocity is higher.

Keywords for some of the issues you should address

Lift planning and lift route
Sucient deck space
Securing of anchors during transportation
Dynamic forces introduced in lifting wire
How to determine maximum sea state for transportation and installation
Determination of sucient height above sea oor for dropping anchor

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