Teacher's Contract - Greek School

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Constantine and Helen Greek School Teacher

Teaching requirements:
1. Prepare a general annual plan based on level requirements and expectations
after studying the textbooks.
2. Have a weekly lesson plan and homework that is relevant, challenging and
appropriate for the students ability level.
3. Have a plan for the cultural period 5:30-6:00, and/or coordinate with
colleagues in case you want to combine levels and co-teach. Follow the
general theme of the month.
4. Copies and Handouts: Make sure you send the attachments to be printed by
no later than 11 am on Tuesday morning to the office secretary should you
wish to have printouts ready for you.
5. Each level will be given a binder. Keep this resource binder in order and
updated with all the photocopies assigned in class or as Homework (HW). The
binder is to be left at the Greek School each Tuesday night.
6. Teacher must submit their student supply list to Greek school principal by
September 13th to be sent out to the parents via e-mail.
7. Supplies will be collected on the first day of class and maintained in the
church in a bin for each class. The teacher will be responsible for transferring
the supplies to their classroom.
8. Be on time. Prayer starts at 5:30 pm sharp, and all teachers should be in
position unless otherwise approved by the Director.
9. All classes and levels should be adequately occupied during the cultural
studies. Under no circumstances can a class be left unattended or with
nothing to do.
10.Keep track of absences and contact the parents in case of extended absences
of a student. Inform the Director in case of more than 4 consecutive
11.Snacks must be healthy and take no longer than 10 minutes of instruction
12.Bathroom breaks should be pre-set and monitored by the teacher. Older
children can be allowed to go to the restroom individually. Students should be
strongly advised and reminded to keep the bathrooms clean.

September 2016

13.Classes end at 7:30. Classes may not be dismissed early. Extra-curricular

events, such as parties in class and/or activities in the gym, require the
Director's approval. Under no circumstances can a teacher opt out of a lesson
in order to praise the students without discussing this with the Director
first. The parents must also be informed and should all agree with this course
of action.
14.Each teacher remains with their students until their parents pick them up.
Otherwise, they should inform the Director before they leave.
15.Contact with parents: Send homework newsletters to the parents via e-mail
no later than Thursday evening. Include the Director as a recipient.
16.If a teacher is having a consistent problem with a student, they will schedule
a meeting with the parents and the Greek school Director. A written record of
the meeting and the recommendations suggested will be typed by the
teacher and signed by the parents and the Director.
17.Prepare challenging tests based on taught material and provide a copy to the
Director for approval.
18.Prepare report cards on time for the bi-annual conferences with the parents.
19.Teachers need to be present at bimonthly meetings. The meeting dates will
be announced 2 weeks in advance. If a teacher misses a meeting, they must
contact the Director and find out what was discussed. The meetings usually
take place after the lessons and run up to 1 hour.
20.Extracurricular PAID events:
a. Parent/Teacher conferences no lessons (2 hours)
b. If Greek school is cancelled after 12:00 noon Tuesday, teachers will be
b.i. It is teachers responsibility to call church secretary or check
their email to learn about cancellation in case of extreme
weather conditions.
21.Extracurricular UNPAID events:
a. March 25th Saturday morning practice (2 hours)
b. Sunday March 25th program
c. Sunday Christmas program
d. Chicago Greek school Parade

September 2016

e. Teacher absence/class cancellation

22.Class cancellations:
a. Greek school may be cancelled due to weather or other circumstances
by the Greek School Director upon consulation with the council by no
later than 2:00 P.M.
b. It is the Director's responsibility to notify the other teachers. A bulk email will also be sent out to the Greek School Families.
23.Teacher absences:
a. It is the teacher responsibility to find coverage from the substitute
teacher list if they are absent and to supply a lesson plan with
appropriate, legible materials.
Greek School language instruction should be regarded as a professional educational
employment. Teachers need to view their position seriously, responsibly and uphold
the highest standards for their students. Our credibility as a Greek School at Sts.
Constantine and Helen Church should reflect our commitment to the best language
practices we can provide.

Teachers Signature
Director's signature

Contact Information:

Additional notes / agreements:

September 2016



September 2016

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