The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint Workbook

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Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

Print this Workbook and Take Notes

While You Watch Video #2 in
My 4-Part Video Series.
This downloadable PDF is intended as a supplement
to my new video which walks you step-by-step through
The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint.
I recommend that you print this out and take lots of notes while you watch the video below.
This video will only be up for a short time, so be sure to watch it today...

Click here to watch Video #2:

The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint


Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

Hi, its Ryan. Ive used this blueprint to grow a business

that has generated millions of dollars while empowering

hundreds of thousands of visionary changemakers from

over 112 countries
My clients have used The Visionary Entrepreneur
Blueprint to grow many types of businesses that

generate a healthy income while making a pro

found positive difference for their clients and
the world.

But more importantly, these clients no longer

worry about money and how to attract clients.
Theyve got that handled.
They no longer wonder if its possible to make a great living while living in complete alignment with their highest values and sense of purpose. They know its possible because
theyre living proof.
You could be a life coach, business coach, consultant, counselor, therapist, healer, seminar
leader, digital marketer, author, speaker, activist, artist, musician, or yoga teacher, just to
name a few of the types of clients Ive worked with over the years
The truth is there are as many ways to change the world as there are people alive on this
planet, so Im not overly concerned about your business model.
If youre using business as a tool for being of profound service, but you arent attracting
enough clients to earn an abundant living, or youre a socially conscious individual who is
struggling to get their new business off the ground, youre in the right place.
Its critical that you learn this framework right now.
Youre going to discover why big-hearted changemakers like you and me have more opportunity than ever before to get paid for changing the world.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

In the last PDF and video I walked you through 4 components of Revolutionary Success,
which include:


Self-Actualization Being The Change


Profound Service Living Your Purpose


Enjoying The Journey Loving Your Life


Financial Prosperity Having enough to thrive, give generously,

and live life on your terms.

We faced the reality that its impossible to create this kind of Revolutionary Success using a
disjointed hodgepodge of isolated techniques.
What you need is an integrated approach. What you need is a complete and proven system.
So the question is, what is this system exactly, and how do you apply it to your business?
The answer is The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint.
This is the most important key to your success as a visionary entrepreneur.
Its the antidote to feeling overwhelmed and pulled in too many directions while producing
disappointing results.
Its the very essence of the integrated systematic approach I recommend.
I guarantee that if you apply it, it will radically alter the course of your future.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved


The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint

The 3 Essential Foundations of
All Highly Successful Visionary Entrepreneurs

Foundation #1 Being the Change

Watching the video will help you to fill in the blanks below.
The first of the three essential foundations is Being the Change, or cultivating the entrepreneurial
_________________________ of _________________________.
In high school I wrote a report on the life of Mahatma Gandhi, and his teachings inspired me
Gandhi said we must be the change we seek in the world.
This is especially true for heart-centered people like you and me.
Making our biggest contribution depends upon ________________________________________
Your __________________, perspectives, _________________and __________________ need
to line up 100%, otherwise I guarantee that youll struggle to create the kind of results you hope
for in your business.
Thats because it doesnt work to be 90% aligned. You have to be completely aligned.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

Now when it comes to business, Being the Change means something very specific

Being fully confident in the value you provide through your product or service.

Being fully confident in yourself, and in your ability to manifest your vision.

Believing 100% that your definition of Revolutionary Success is not only possible
in general, but its also possible for you specifically.

Being an unstoppable force for good in the world.

Aligning your marketing with your highest values.

Being fully committed to your vision and playing full out.

Being bold and willing to be outside your comfort zone some of the time.

Aligning your beliefs, perspectives, attitudes, and behaviors with your specific
business objectives.

Being your unique self with full authenticity, and letting your freak flag fly
as I like to say.

And this doesnt happen by _________________________.

This has to happen by _________________________.
The _________________________ work you do to get into alignment has to happen in conjunction with the _________________________ work youre doing to reach your tangible
business goals.
Doing the inner and outer work together creates a _____________________________ that
empowers you to breakthrough your ___________________________ over and over again,
continually ___________________ what is possible for you.
Whether youre just starting out, or youve been in business for years, in order to get to the
next level, youre first going to need generate a ____________________________________.
The problems we face cannot be solved at the same
level of thinking we were at when we created them.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

~ Einstein

I have a powerful question for you.

First, I want you to think about your bold and unique definition of success.
What does Revolutionary Success look and feel like for you?

And now ask yourself, Who do you need to be to manifest that vision?
The answer to that question contains some of the most important keys to your ultimate
What niche do you want to serve?

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

What is your clear vision on what you want to do?


Perhaps you think youre not ready, or perhaps you lack confidence and believe that you need
to get more credentials before you can move forward with enrolling clients.
I think waiting to start your business is almost always a terrible idea. The truth is you could
wait your entire life, and you could continue to heap credentials upon credentials, and youll
never feel 100% confident because confidence is an inside job it doesnt come from credentials or even from your past experience.
It comes from doing the _______________________________________ necessary to step into
the psychological state we call __________________________.
Its really hard to do this work on your own. Maybe even impossible, because our limiting beliefs are always transparent to ourselves.
We dont see them as beliefs. We just see them as reality, until someone helps us see another
perspective and another possibility.
When you get more ____________________________________, something wonderful will
start to happen.
Powerful, effective, strategic ____________________ will happen naturally because
_____________________ is always born out of who youre ____________________________.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

Foundation #2 Time Mastery

The second essential foundation of The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint is Time Mastery.
Time is the most precious ________________________ any of us have, so its sad that most
entrepreneurs ________________ the majority of their time.
I know you can grow the business of your dreams one that makes a huge positive difference in the world, creates financial abundance, and gives you the freedom to enjoy a wonderful life.
I believe that its possible for you to be at least ________ times more productive than you
currently are, without spending any additional time on your business. So whether your goal
is to have more FREE time to enjoy whatever you love most, or your goal is to be more productive in your business, or BOTH, time mastery is the key.
The isolated technique approach to building your business leads to mistakes such as:

Wasting time on bad strategies or strategies that just arent a good fit for you.

Wasting time on good strategies at the wrong time or in the wrong sequence.

Trying to do too many things.

Sometimes getting so frustrated that you stop taking any action for a while.

But if you follow a blueprint, you can avoid all of these problems.
Next I want to expose some of the most common myths that lead to struggling with time.
Myth #1 is that ______________________________________ requires learning the latest
time management ________________, _________________, and ___________________.
The reality is that most of these tools and techniques are like band aids that will do little,
if anything, to improve your productivity if you dont have a powerful underlying
______________________________________ in place.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

Whats true is that time mastery is born of deep clarity and alignment between your highest
______________________, ________________________, ____________________,
___________________________, ________________, and ______________________.

Heres how this works

First you create a ____________________________________________________.
Second, you ___________________________________________________________.
Third, you____________________________________________________________.
Finally, you __________________________________________________________.
This means your _____________________ and ____________ become aligned with everything else.
This clarity, alignment, and commitment sets the stage for a RUTHLESS level of prioritization
and focus.
And this leads to _______________ and________________.
This is the foundation of Time Mastery.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved

Myth #2 is that time mastery is about getting the most done in the
But heres the reality...
Its about getting the _________________ things done!
True Time Mastery is more about focusing on getting the _________________ things done than
it is about getting things done _________________.
Its also not about getting thing done perfectly. ________________________ is the enemy of
time mastery.
We all need to be clear on our own personal set of guidelines for how we decide what is important.
Once youre clear on the outcomes you desire, I recommend prioritizing the 20% of all possible
actions that will get 80% of the results youre targeting.
Leverage and scalability are also very important.
Leverage in your business means finding those key strategies that create ____________________
with the smallest input of your time.
Again, its not about working fast and feeling rushed all the time. Its about working
__________________________. Its about doing the things you ____________________, that
youre brilliant at, and delegating the rest.
Scalability is about intelligently structuring your ________________________________ so that
when your marketing really starts working youll be able to gladly receive all those clients and
customers who want to work with you.

Myth #3 is the idea that time, freedom, and a wonderful lifestyle, is only made possible by
Most entrepreneurs I meet, before they do Visionary Business School, have a belief that they
first have to become more successful, then they will have more free time to enjoy their lives.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved


The reality is you dont have to wait. You can build an amazing business while thoroughly
enjoying your life now.
Dont wait until you have more financial security and the circumstances are perfect. The circumstances will never be perfect
The key takeaway here is that to reach your highest potential, you need a ______________
and a set of ______________ that lead to time mastery.
Without time mastery you are not the master of your destiny.
With time mastery you become the true CEO of your business and your life, and you become
empowered to translate your visions into reality.
Without time mastery, your visions remain dreams nice fantasies.
With time mastery, your visions become your experience.

Foundation #3 Client Attraction and Enrollment Mastery

The third Essential foundation of The Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint is client attraction
and enrollment mastery.
An effective client attraction system will take the pain out of marketing and solve this problem once and for all.
Then you can move your focus onto bigger and better things things that you actually genuinely love to put your focus on.
This topic is so important that it needs its own video and workbook, so in the next video Im
going to share with you my proven five-stage formula for attracting and enrolling clients.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved


The typical marketing methods that most people teach will leave you feeling at least a little
bit gross if not downright disgusted at the end of the day.
Plus, if you dont have a system in place that is working beautifully for you, then youre probably doing what I used to do, which is youre trying a series of techniques, hoping something
is eventually going to work.
It can be exhausting.
I remember constantly being worried about my cash flow and always searching for my next
client. I felt like I was on an endless treadmill going nowhere.
And I resented the fact that I had to spend so much time on things like marketing and technology, when all I really wanted to be doing was creating real value for my clients and the
But the good news is theres a better way.
And thats what youll learn in the next video.
Youll learn how to attract prospects and take them on a journey where they get immense
value and end up becoming your paying client or customer.
Youll learn how to do this consistently and reliably, in a way that feels 100% aligned with
your values.
Yes, client attraction can actually be enjoyable
If youre just getting started, this will give you the exact track to run on to start enrolling paying clients.
And if your business has been up and running for a while, but you dont already have a completely painless way to consistently attract and enroll as many clients as you desire, then
youre going learn specific steps you can take right now too, and youll identify the key areas
that are holding you back from having this handled once and for all.

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved


Lets Recap...
Lets do a quick review of what we learned above.
First, we learned a whole new way to think about growing your business which I call The
Visionary Entrepreneur Blueprint.
Its an integrated systematic approach that includes the 3 Essential Foundations:

1. Being The Change

2. Time Mastery
3. Client Attraction and Enrollment Mastery

This approach is far superior in every way to the disjointed technique approach that most of
you have been on up until this point.
Part of what makes it so powerful is the synergistic effect of putting your attention on all
three areas at once.
If you really embrace this new perspective, I promise you will be able to build a business that
brings you true holistic success, including financial prosperity, time freedom, self-actualization, and the satisfaction of making a profound positive difference in the world.
This really is the key to reaching your full potential.

Whats Next?
Before we wrap up, Id love for you to leave a comment below the video that you just
watched. Id like to hear your bigger vision of whats possible for you when you really begin
to apply this systematic approach to your business.
Imagine yourself 3 years from today, after applying this formula, what will your business look
like? What will be different? And how will that impact your life?
Also, if you know anyone would appreciate this Blueprint, please share it with them. You can
simply give them this link:

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved


Now in our next video, Im going to pull back the curtain and show you the exact 5-stage client
attraction and enrollment system that I used to build a million dollar business, and that my clients
have used to collectively generate tens of millions of dollars in additional income.
I am going to answer some of the biggest and toughest questions I get about what it really takes
to do this.
I know you are going to love learning the five-stage client attraction system, so make sure you
dont miss our next video.
Until then, keep going for your vision because the world needs that unique contribution that only
you can make.
Im excited for you and cant wait to see you in the next video.
~ Ryan

P.S. I created a video where I take you through

the material in this Blueprint step- by-step! If
you havent watched it yet, you can do so by
clicking the link below.
And if you have any comments or questions
about this Blueprint, let me know
at the page below.

Watch the video here and share your comments!

Copyright August 2016 | Ryan Eliason | All Rights Reserved


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