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Childs Name ...............................................


Here are figures showing you each class
percentage attendance since September 2015
to July 2016. As you can see in the last
academic year we were below our 96% target.
Please bring your child to school every day.
Attendance Incentives 2016 to 2017
Weekly - if the whole school achieves 96% or above for
the week, every child with 100% for that week will be
placed into a draw. 10 pence will go into a pot for each
child and the winner will receive the whole amount, e.g. If
176 children have 100% the prize money will be 17.60.
It will be given in the form of a cheque.
Half Termly (whole school) - every child who has 100%
attendance for the whole half term will be placed into a
draw to win a new bike.
Half Termly Class Rewards - the class with the highest
attendance for 6 weeks will receive a special class treat.
Past rewards have included a trip to the farm and the cinema.
Half Yearly - a treat for children with 96% or above
Whole Year - pupils with 96% or above will be treated
to an ice cream from the ice cream man. Pupils with
100% attendance for the whole year will receive an
attendance trophy.
Pupils also receive stickers for good attendance as well as
lots of support and praise from staff.
Penalty Notices - School will refer parents for taking
children out of school for extended leave without
authorisation. You also risk your child losing their place in
school and being removed from roll.
Referrals to Education Social Worker will be made for
persistent absences with no reasons given.
Absence from school causes social and
emotional difficulties.
Attendance is a safeguarding matter and school have a
duty of care to see children are safely in school each day.

02/09/15 24/07/16
Class 1


Class 2


Class 3


Class 4


Class 5


Class 6


Whole School


The winner of our half termly

bike draw for period 13th June
to 22nd July was Rebecca Gill.


was the total amount given to

pupils in weekly prize money
from September 2015
to July 2017

26th May to 12th June
2017 is our Spring Bank
holiday. The second week
beginning Saturday 3rd
June is a week not taken by
many schools so the cost of
holidays both in this
country and abroad is
Please do not take your
child out of school for
cheaper holidays, use
the week commencing
Saturday 3rd September.

Thank you for your co-operation in this important matter. We will update you on attendance
every three to four weeks.
Mrs C Parfitt, Headteacher

13th September 2016

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