Synthesis (Semi Finals)

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New Learning
I learned on this topic is by simply obey any rule that is given.
Because its very applicable in our daily lives.
Just like in our daily lives we can know if the definition is good or
defective. Because as a future teacher we will always define a term.
In this study of logical opposition it reminds me sometimes that I will
not obey the rules. Therefore, it makes me smile that it corrects me.
Logical opposition needs critical thinking in order to develop our
thinking skills.

New Learning
Ive learned that the other term for the word therefore is ergo.

In reasoning we can always use that is discussed especially in debate.

By using immediate inference we can know on what he/she wants to say.
This topic is really confusing but it develops our critical thinking.
This topic teach us not only on how to reason but also it helps us to
construct other sentence with the same in meaning.

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