Barefacts (1998-1999) - 16

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Issue 955 - Weekly Thursday February 4th 1999

First Aid for

Nurses but
The Dirty Dozen
he long awaited, much tout- Prime Minister Tony Blair said the

T ed public sector pay increas-

es were announced on
Monday. Faced with falling morale
pay awards were part of “the govern-
ment’s prudent and disciplined
approach to public spending and its
and recruitment among 1.3 million commitment to delivering high-qual-
professionals, the government was ity public services and low inflation”.
under enormous pressure to take The Sabbatical Candidates gear up for the February elections.
decisive action. Meanwhile university lecturers are
campaigning for a 10% pay rise. Election Despite a widespread advertising
Newly qualified nurses will receive They are not considered by the pub- Special campaign, Union officials were Returning Officer Celine
a boost of 12%, to their pay packets, lic spending review body, which Inside slightly disappointed that the Gordine-Wright is hoping for an
more than 4 times the rate of infla- advises the government on wage three remaining Sabbatical posts increase in the amount of votes
tion. They will now receive £14,00 hikes such as those above. attracted just one candidate cast. Last year 1,200 people
p.a. However more senior nurses each. voted representing over 10% of
have been awarded just 4.7% The Association for University Surrey Students. This year a con-
Teachers (AUT) says that its mem- certed effort has been made to
A student nurse at Selly Oak bers have been “systematically cheat- Union President involve placement students, with
Hospital Birmingham said she was ed and defrauded” by their pay sys- Harriet Sims over 500 ballot papers being sent
“Very pleased. It makes the last three tem. David Triesman General thanked all throughout the UK, across
years worthwhile …But there is no Secretary of AUT threatened strike the candi- Europe and as far afield as The
incentive once you have done your action if there was not an independent dates for stand- United States.
training to go higher up the grades.” review of lecturers pay. A sustained ing. She reminded
strike could severely affect exams them that, even though The elections also include our bi-
Christine Hancock, General and clearing in the summer. the number of candidates annual NUS affiliation referen-
Secretary of the Royal College of was one down on the previous dum. The Universtiy of Surrey
Nursing, agreed, saying “This award AUT members make up around year, twelve candidates would Students’ Union has been a strong
ominations for have been exceptional just two supporter of NUS in the past and

at last starts to recognise the enor- 40% of academic staff at the
mous problem of nurse shortages but Univerity Of Surrey. Dr.Philip the 199/2000 years ago. has always returned a very strong
4.7% alone for the majority of nurses Whitney, Surrey’s AUT representa- Sabbatical elections YES vote when polled.
simply isn’t going to be enough to tive backed up claims that wages for closed last Friday afternoon. Six candidates also put their
keep these experienced and highly public sector workers had increased Twelve good men (and women) names forward for election to the Open up this issue to discover the
skilled women and men in the NHS.” six and a half times faster than for and true, have stepped forward NUS Conference in March. The Election Special inside. This sup-
university lecturers. He said that to subject themselves to the winning candidates will represent plement section contains the can-
The government took the opposite their pay increases have barely kept rigours of a 3 week campaign. the students of Surrey University didates manifestos, a detailed
approach to deal with lack of experi- up with inflation since 1972. Following the successful consti- at the annual Blackpool event. look at the benfits of NUS affilia-
ence within the teaching profession. tutional amendment earlier this The six candidates are also cam- tion and details on how and where
Primary school head teachers will get However he doubted that strike academic year, there are now six paigning to be elected leader of to vote.
9% more pay, compared to 3.5% more action would actually take place. sabbatical positions to be filled. the delegation sent to Conference.
for class teachers. This has caused More likely, he felt that if the lec- The manifestos can also be found
anger from teaching unions, saying it turers pay claim is not met, then The traditionally popular posts of Voting takes place throughout on the Union website at
is performance related pay by the there will less enthousiasm from President and Sports Officers are week 5 (15th - 19th February).
backdoor. Kathy Brimer an experi- staff. There will be a “decreasing to be contested by three people as Polling booths can be found at ections.
enced teacher said “You are always willingness to keep British univer- is the newly adapted different sites on different days
being asked to raise standards, it siteis at the peak of international Communications and Marketing with all the main University sites Barefacts will be covering the
would be nice if that were recognised.” excellence.” he said. post. being covered. whole of the elections.

News & Letters 1/2 n Union 3&4 n Music 5/6 n ELECTION SPECIAL - 12 PAGE PULL OUT
Entertainments Guide 7 . n Notices 8 n Personals & Crossword 9 n Films 10 n Surrey Pride 11/12
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2 News Thursday 4th February 1999 n

Editorial when they get in. Time has

passed so quickly for us that
tions from Saturday 6th Feb.
News in Brief by James Buller
electing our replacements Obviously the identity of the
ell I can hardly seems somewhat premature. next Union President is far
Tom Sherwen
W believe it. The
sabbatical elec-
tions are here again. This
Even so I wish them all the
very best of luck and look
forward to the results on
more important than the
identity of the next England
Manager. Every Editor in the
Surrey MEP
Smuggled Drugs
And Gay Porn
means that it has been a year February 19th. country will have an opinion
since I went through all this and mine is “good riddance”. Around 1,000 students boy-
Deputy Editor madness. Just think how All the candidates are going Surrey Conservative cotted exams to demand the
to try and convince you to In last weeks article on European Member of release of their comrades.
Steven Alexander much has happened in that
year. The elections them- vote for them. I am just going accommodation it read that Parliament, Tom Spencer Several students were previ-
( ously arrested while demon-
selves will hopefully be the to try and convince you to 2nd, 3rd and final year stu- has spent the week dealing
biggest and most imagina- vote. The candidates obvi- dents paying overseas fees with the reaction to his strating about the strange
Arts Editor tive yet. Come along to hus- ously care about what hap- have to apply for accommo- drugs and gay porn smug- ways in which property
Daniel Jones tings next Monday and pens to the Union and dation - BUT - they are gling affair. developers get permission
Thursday and quiz the can- whether you are here next guaranteed University to destroy ancient wood-
didates on anything you year or not I know you do too. accommodation. Virtually On 20th January customs land. The students also set
want. For this years sabbat- Use your vote wisely and all 2nd years (full fees) go to officers at Heathrow Airport fire to cars and blocked the
News Editor icals it is a slightly strange enjoy the campaigning. Hazel Farm. found cocaine, cannabis capital Nairobi's main
James Buller feeling. The candidates are Last word on elections - , cigarettes, a video tape and roads.
( talking about how they are Look up the elections website Next week - Do you want to pornographic gay maga-
going to do a better job get into “Snatch”? zines in Spencer’s luggage. W.Midlands Police
Spencer paid a £600 on the
Features Editor Cleared Of
Nick Walsh
Your Letters spot fine for smuggling.
Afterwards he admitted that
leaving the items in his suit-

Union Discrimination case was “an act of sheer

lunacy”. He said the drugs
A man who took the police
to court for racial harass-
Music Editor
Dear Barefacts, an event to discriminate and the letches who clearly need to were given to him in a ment has lost his case.
Andrew Thomas
deride anyone who might be a get out more. Surely we’ve all social situation, but that he Black, Carl Josephs, 27
( Our Union is committed bit ugly, just slightly plain, or out grown the idea that you did not actually use them. complained after he was
against discrimination on the who doesn’t quite look like can judge someone on what The magazines are freely stopped in his car, 30 times
Sports Editor grounds of “race, sex, sexual Claudia/Naomi/or any other they might just happen to look available on the continent in two years.
orientation, disability, ethnic overpaid clothes hanger. like, and yet this seems exact-
Paul Cliff but illegal in the UK.
origin, religion or creed, or Wonky nose? No one will ly what our self-righteously
HIV status”, and pledges that, love you. Weedy chest? Get anti-discrimination-on-any-
However Birmingham
as such, “harassment of any outta here, but hey, if you hap- grounds Union seems to have Tory bosses suspended the Crown Court dismissed all
kind will not be tolerated”. pen to have a great pair of in mind. party whip from the senior but one of Josephs' claims.
Commercial Manager These fine words are on dis- legs, then you’re an infinitely MEP on Sunday. He is now He was awarded £1,000 for
Vacant play for anyone to peruse at better person, and deserve Yours Concernedly banned from all unlawful arrest due to a case
( your nearest Union watering praise and adoration. I refer to Conservative Party business of mistaken identity, but
hole. Perhaps then, someone the proposed beauty contest Name Withheld, as do not want at the European Parliament. charges of false imprison-
in the know could explain the and body building spectacle. perceptions of my looks (how- After talks with Tory Party ment and racial harassment
pernicious rumour circulating Isn’t it time we all grew up a ever they may be) to influence
Chairman Michael Ancram, were not upheld.
that the self same establish- bit. A harmless bit of fun? the reading of this letter.
Spencer announced that he
Deadline for Publication ment is hosting and promoting For who? The winners and
would not stand to be an Josephs said "I'm very dis-
Monday 10am MEP again at the European appointed and to be honest,
For Richer For Poorer elections in June. quite surprised…it sends
As a member of the Students favour of loans and cut spend- of profiteering doesnt really out the wrong message to
Bare Facts is an editorially independent
newspaper, published by the University Union of the University of ing on higher education. fit in with their noble battles 50 year old Spencer has the community." West
of Surrey Students' Union
Communications Office. Surrey, I occasionally pick up Our Students Union is repre- on our behalf against student served the people of Surrey Midlands Police said "The
The views expressed within the paper a copy of Bare Facts and see if senting us in this fight, and for poverty. I’d also hate to point for 9 years and been married court's ruling demonstrates
are those of individual authors, and do
not necessarily represent the views of there is anything interesting in this, I am grateful, even it will out that one of the reasons we for 20. His wife Liz said she that our officers have
the Editor, the Editorial Board, the it. The one thing I notice is probably prove to be as effec- are all so poor might just be had known Tom was gay behaved in an ethical and
University of Surrey Students' Union or
that there is a regular theme to tive as a fart in a hurricane in because the Students Union is
the University of Surrey. when they met impartial manner and we are
This publication may not be reproduced some of the material presented the long term, and is simply so expensive.
in whole or in part, stored in any form, Southampton University. happy that their honesty has
copied or distributed, without the express in this newspaper, a theme of putting off the inevitable for And without advertising, for
permission of the publisher. student representation against the immediate with dire con- the past month you could have However she maintained been vindicated.
All submissions must include the author's
the oppression of sequence in the meantime. bought pints of Guinness, that they had a happy and
name and Union or Staff Number.
Submission is no guarantee of Government. But spare me the replies as, London Pride, Theakstons understanding relationship. Josephs' car is a red Metro
Anonymous and Pseudonymous articles Its not quite as groovy as the "quite frankly, my dear, I dont Best, Directors Best or John The couple have three chil- with "One Love" on the side
will not be published. Students movement of the give a damn.". The matter that Smiths for ninety-nine pence a dren. and the Jamaican flag on the
Bare Facts reserves the right to edit
submissions. Swinging Sixties, fighting for does interest me is that our pint in J.D. Weatherspoons. back. He says he had to see
World Peace, sex, drugs and Students Union is represent- There were probably others, Spencer will keep his seat as a psychiatrist and use public
Rock n Roll, but its still there. ing us in a noble fight of prin- but my liver raised objection to
Printed by an MEP until June and then transport because of the
The issues now are the less cipal against poverty, and has a more thorough investigation
East End Offset (TU), step down. Conservatives in police force's actions.
interesting realms of finance the gall to charge 2.05 for a .regards
Bow, London, E3 3LT that affect us all as successive pint of Caffreys. I’d hate to Guildford described him as
Governments cut grants in point out to them that this sort Alistair Gerrard “a very good MEP - out- 15 Dead In
standing”. They said they
© USSU Communications Nigerian Riot
Office 1998 A big thank you to RAG would be very sorry to see
him go.
OPEN LETTER we have now reached our caring for people living with At least 15 youths have
been killed when fighting
target of £1million, which is cancer and their families in Kenyan Police broke out with troops in
Bare Facts The Students University of a fantastic achievement by the locality and we could not
Surrey everyone who has con- have raised the necessary
Shoot At Student Nigeria. The youths were
Union House
tributed in one way or funds without the kindness Protesters demanding work at a huge
University Of Surrey
I am writing to thank you so another to raise this sum. of people like yourselves. oil terminal, owned by
much for all your efforts Shell. Mysteriously neither
during rag week to raise the The Beacon is now open Thank you all so much. Shell nor government offi-
GU2 5XH Student environmentalists
magnificent sum of £1,000 and receiving patients. It With kind regards and best have clashed with police in cials would comment on the
towards the Guildford also houses the Community wishes to you all. incident which was reported
Tel: 01483 259275 Kenya. The BBC reported
Appeal for the new Day Macmillan Nursing service by eye witnesses to the
Fax: 01483 534749 that students had been loot-
Care Centre which is now for the area. Yours Sincerely ing and throwing stones. Nigerian Tribune newspa-
known as the Beacon. per.
email: Police responded with live The Centre is a very valu- Jenny Vince bullets and tear gas.
I am pleased to report that able asset to the services Deputy Appeals Manager
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 3 (1,1)

n Thursday 4th February 1999 3 Union

amp America, the organ-

All Very Camp
all over the world. I also had
C isation that organises work,
visas, and travel for young
people who want to go and work on
the chance to visit Boston and
New York, something that I
never dreamed I would do. I
*2 Passport sized photographs.
*2 Character references from
employer/college (originals on 24 Madrid Road
holiday camps in the U.S over the would strongly recommend headed paper , dated with in the
summer is holding its annual
recruitment fairs again in February.
Camp America to anyone look-
ing for something new and
last 12 months).
*Certificates (teaching, sports
These fairs give you a chance to challenging to do this summer. etc...).
select your own placement rather
than applying blindly to Camp The largest fair (200 camps
*£40 first deposit payable only
if you apply. Another deposit
Shampoo & Blow Dry from £9.00
America and going to wherever represented) and the nearest to will later be required if you are Cutting incl. Shampoo from £11.00
they send you. Surrey is the London fair. It successful. Gents cut incl. shampoo from £8.50
will be held in Kensington
Last summer I spent ten idyllic Town Hall, Horton street, All applicants must be 18 or Semi permanent Tint from £22.00
weeks working on a girls camp London W8, on Saturday 6th over and available by 30th June Permanent Tint £ from £25.00
in Maine. I was out in the sun- February (10am-4pm) and until approximately 20th
shine, everyday doing sailing, Sunday 7th February August. For further information Highlights/Lowlights from £35.00
swimming, horse riding and (11am-4pm) 1999. write to Camp America, Dept Permanent Wave from £32.50
water skiing and have come All applicants should bring NA, 37a Queen’s Gate, London
home with lasting friendships with them: SW7 5HR. KMS/Fudge Treatment from £3.00
Sets & Blow Drys included in all
Dancing? Perming & Colouring Services, but excluding Cutting

o you like dancing? every lesson is a new lesson Society’s webpages and
Reduced Prices for Students
D Ballroom or Latin?
We have both. We
Tango, ChaCha,
for everyone, no one is an
expert on the dance floor. So
don’t be shy or afraid, come
soon we are going to publi-
cise an easy-to-follow steps’
sketches on the web every
Tuesdays - Fridays inclusive
Waltz, Jive, Samba, Rumba, and join us, it is definitely week. So why wait? It’s
Paso Doble, Quickstep, going to be fun. “ What easy to learn and good fun.
Foxtrot, Swing and ..?, you about a partner? Come to the University Hall
name it, we have it. We, the “” Do I have to bring one? “ every Wednesday at 7:30pm Lloyds
UniS Ballroom Dancing No... we change partners all for advanced class and
Society, in short BDS, is a the time and I’m sure you 8:30pm for beginners until Chemist
welcome-all Society. Young will get to dance with at 9:30pm. As we have to pay

and dynamic, we have big least 3 partners in one tuition fees to the profes-
dreams for the future and evening, unless you choose sional from outside, we col- Madrid The Astolat
what we need is the enthusi- to stick to one. :) Don’t lect 1.50 pounds from stu-
asm from the members. As worry if you think that you dents and 2.00 pounds from GPA Road
one may ask, “ Would it be are a beginner, the class is non-students.
too late to join? “ No... it is
never too late to join. As
designed for all levels. We
are presently working on the
you can dance!
Apollo Video Store x Newsagent

MACSimum Effort For Charity The Choice Experience

nterested in tasting the real Friday 5th February TB11. A

nogging Contests and
Slave Auctions are just
two of many raucous
events which took place in the
Luke Hickey (voted
Departmental Sports Rep Of
The Year) and Liz Finigan
compered the evening of
I world this summer? The
Choice Experience is offer-
ing you an opportunity to visit
Choice representative will be
delivering 2 unmissable semi-
nars 12.30 - 13.30 and 17.30 -
Hall Bar last week. Snogging, Sexual Press Ups, a range of countries at a sub- 18.30.
The newly revived Maths And Kareoke, Blind Date, Slave sidised rate, we enable students
Computing Society (MACS) Auctions and Raffles. Prizes to partake in a variety of pro- For more information and a
held it's first major social event were donated by lecturers and jects. How about teaching in taste of the real world contact
last Thursday. It was a roaring Athena. All the usual suspects Peru?, constructing in Nigeria The Choice Experience on
success in more ways than one. took part, notably Steven or running sports camps in 0181 900 0770, York house,
Over 80 Maths and C&IT stu- Longhurst, Adam King, Nick Belize? Choice is offering you Wembley, Middlesex, HA9
the unique opportunity of OBR. This summers experi-
becoming deeply part of often ence are taking place in
inaccessible communities. Thailand, Mongolia, Peru,
Taste the real world. Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda,
Nigeria, Belize, Barbados,
Come and find out more on Prague and India.

Talent Competition
dents turned up, some bringing Hubbard and Sarah Gosmark,
their partners for the night of Ms Finigan also provided her
fun. A few lecturers also lent usual unprintable controversy,
their support…mostly to the bar. while always promoting her
his semester USSU Ents Tuesday 9th March, Tuesday
The night was organ-
ised in aid of the National
Kidney Research Fund. Craig
Clarke, a 2nd year maths stu-
good cause…and the charity
element too.
At the end MACS
President Alex Glaser, who had
T and Unplugged will
once again be hosting
the annual talent competition.
16th March, and Thursday 18th
March. The final will be an all-
day event in the Union on
If you already know what its all Sunday 21st March. Each heat
dent has had to go to hospital done much of the behind the
about, then go ahead and fill winner voted for by that nights
for dialysis three time a week scenes preparation work gave a
out the entry form. If this is all audience will receive the door
since birth. Last October he was speech. He thanked all the
new to you, then read on. takings. The grand Final first
whisked away for a 3rd attempt MACS committee and
Prize is £100 + a whole lot
at a kidney transplant. Although announced that the charity pro-
The talent competition is open more.
the operation didn't go well ini- ceeds totalled over £215.
to anybody who feels they have Entry forms available in last
tially, Craig is now recovering For more details and
talent! The competition is not weeks paper or in the
at home. It is still early days but revealing pictures of the
just for bands, but for anybody Unplugged pigeon hole.
hopefully the transplant will be evening, check out the MACS
who can get on stage and enter- For rules and more information
successful. MACS wanted to website: http://www.mcs.sur-
tain. In the past we have had check out last weeks paper on
do their bit to help one of their
dancers, comedians, comedy the barefacts web site or con-
own, so the whole night was
music acts, and others. The tact Gav at
geared to fund raising. James Buller
heats are in the main union on
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4 Thursday 4th February 1999 n

History Last semester we invited sever- Now! tioned, the toilets and services the project are:
al companies with experience will move, the main entrance Design Architect: James Pye
Almost 2 years ago the So what now?.........
in Student Union projects to will be through revolving doors (Johnson Gillies, Tel:.0171 377 So what else to you want to
University commissioned a Well, Chancellors as you know
present ideas for a “New off the patio, there will be new 6247) know???
consultant to review the current it will close for service on the
Chancellors”. Many issues seating , will certainly Architect Duncan Holland () The most frequently asked Q’s
Catering services offered on the Friday before the Easter
needed to be addressed- new be a different atmosphere!!! Project Manager are:
Campus. The results led to both Vacation (26/3/99), and is due
bar and cellar services, better Jo Reay-Child ( Food & What food are you going to
the Universtiy and USSU car- to reopen 10th May 1999.
seating , improved air condi- See the display in Chancellors Beverage Dept USSU extn serve? Good quality bar
rying out research including During that time the existing
tioning, improved access for Foyer, and if you need more 9986) snacks with wide price range
student focus groups. The con- bar and cellar will be reposi-
the services back of house, etc. information then key people on available most of the day
clusions from the report sug-
Eventually, last November we What times will it be open?
gested that the existing
appointed a firm of architects Initially from 8am through to
“Chancellors Bar &
who we felt offered the best 9pm for food and from 11am-
Restaurant” should look at
design for our “New 11pm for bar service
repositioning itself in the mar-
Chancellors”. Will it be open for Brekkie?
ket place.
Yes, offering a continental
Currently breakfast
With this in mind the
Who will work there?
Sabbaticals and Permanent Since November we have been
As presently a mix of perma-
staff recognised the need rede- working with the architects to
nent staff supplemented with
velop the Chancellors concept. establish the final structural
student staff
The removal of the existing drawings for Chancellors. We
Can we smoke?
Table D’hôte service at lunch have also been working
There will be areas to smoke,
time, the increase of students towards redeveloping the exist-
and areas that are non-smoking
through the EIHMS develop- ing kitchen layout, and other
Can we just have a beer with
ment and the advent of services behind the scenes.
our mates? Yes! You
increased competition from the Issues such as whether we can
can have a beer, a coffee, order
high street led to a decision, to have a gas supply in the
a snack or have a main meal
not only refurbish but to signif- kitchen? and Is it possible to
Will the name stay the same?
icantly redevelop the current replace the existing steps from
Yes! From the results of the
service offered to the student the bar into the back of house
Student focus groups there was
membership and university with a ramp? have been hotly
a unanimous vote to keep the
staff. considered!!!
Chancellors name

Green Soc It’s It’s It’s Silly Night Skills Development Programme
reen Soc is up and running

G this semester and going from

strength to strength. We’re
organising a big recycling campaign, W
elcome back
to Uni, I hope
you had a
Week 5 (17th Feb):
Politicians and Bimbos.
All Sabbatical Nominees
Week 9 (17th March):
Karaoke. Or Kareoke.
Carry-okay? Who
Coming up soon....
Righting a Report (Tuesday
9 February 3pm - 5pm in
the Grant Mitchell Room)
This session looks at the art
of persuasion and is aimed
at those looking to improve
raising awareness about issues that are good Christmas Break, must come dressed to knows. But we hope to their meeting skills or liaise
important and easily achievable, and and the like. Okay, don't impress, with a rosette have a wide variety of This workshop looks at the closely with other organisa-
forging links with the local communi- tell me now, I'm not lis- and a bimbo or two on styles for you to choose area of report writing within tions such as the University
ty. tening. their arm. Everyone from. As long as we get an academic setting. or businesses. It will be par-
must lie. Loud-hailers "I'm Too Sexy", I'll be Participants will have the ticularly useful to those
We’re also planning a green week for Anyhow, there are only may be available. happy. opportunity to receive person- wanting to take a more
later on in the semester, and organis- three silly nights left al feedback on reports they active role within the Union
ing the odd social event or several... before the Easter break, Week 7 (3rd March): It's That's all. Some of these have written or about to write. or wanting to learn tech-
We’re always on the look out for peo- and we've got them all Lisa's 21st Birthday, but are suggestions written This session is led by Penny niques for a future business
ple who are interested in all things planned, but unfortu- I can't remember what in our suggestions books Burden, Skills Development career. This will be led by
green (be that trees, planets or Hooch nately, after we decided we were going to do, it's at both Hari's and Union Project Manager. Sharon Baker, former
bottles). what we wanted to do, I also international week, bars, if you get a flash Negotiation Skills Students’ Union President
had a few cold drinks, so we might do some- of inspiration, ask for the (Wednesday 17 February and now working for
If you’re interested in making new and have now forgotten thing relevant. Or not. book, and write it down. between 4pm and 6pm) Media-Matters.
friends, getting something interesting one of them. It may have Maybe Rubber Glove Or you could email us
and worthwhile in you CV, and having had something to do Night? (Oh, that was on
yet another excuse to go out drinking, with pets. Or possibly Friday, wasn't it?) Try to join-in if you can,
come along to Lecture Theatre J on feminine hygiene. I'll 'cos it makes the night so
Tuesdays at 6.30, or email Vicki have to get Back to you much better if people
(ph71vb) or Claire (sc51ch). See you when I can remember. make the effort!Enjoy!.

inc: Gay Friendly

FREE From the lecutre

Sanitary Products theatres go up these
stairs... The University conference office requires
student help during the Easter vacation.
FREE The work will be varied and involve dealing
Uni, Local with conference delegates and helping to
+ National ensure events run smoothly.
Information ....turn left at the top
Application forms and job descriptions are
available from the Conference Office
£1: Attack Alarms (Philip Marchant Building)
Nightliine: Friday 12 February 1999
NIGHTLINE - WHAT, Int 4949 £3.50 per hour,
WHERE & HOW Ext 01483 532 710 Ring the office door bell Plus FREE campus accomodation
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 5 (1,1)

Thursday 4th February 1999 n Live Music 5

Mark: Six out of Six

Guildford Civic Hall 20/01/99
Mansun are a proper rock band. One the last throes of Britpop and sur- erence point in progressive experi- of the best moments are in the crazed
with vision and intelligence. And passed it with a flourish of dignity mentation is perhaps not the point twist of 'Being A Girl' and the upbeat
one that takes risk. They emerged in and grace. A string of consistently now. But for now the hazy lighting pop of 'Negative'. And you notice
superb singles released for 'Negative' and Draper's irrepress- that with the older songs mixed in
with songs finer than ible hip movements introduce us to with the newer songs, the Mansun
most bands crowning the cancerous, serotonin, shotgun blueprint of Six was not
moments, yet songs fail- appeal of Mansun. uninevitable, perhaps even
ing to see the light of day Well, the songs are not edited so you inescapable. The stop start and fus-
on the debut album. get the full epochal outpourings. An ing of the portions of tonight's care-
Some time off and a few act liable to interpretations of dull free 'Taxloss' and its swirling end are
new guitar effects pedals self-indulgence that in reality, with like a mycrocosm of the movements
can do strange things to occassional exception, is a delight. of Six. '...Grey Lantern' was perhaps
people from Chester. For Sometimes where there should be a the wide open space in the context of
example the offering of flourish (Television) there is a sim- Hyde Park to the Lake District-esque
an overblown, ambitious per, and you urge Draper on to pick freedom and scope of 'Six'. Tonight
collation of musical snip- up his guitar. Perhaps to fill out the was either stunning or ordinary. The
pets patched semi-ran- sound but more because when he work of pioneering mavericks or that
domly into millenial does, you think they'll be the sharp of those retreading the worst of
sounding missives as focussed intonation of the likes of lengthy interludes and decade endur-
some trade off for a sec- 'Stripper Vicar' (tonight straining to ing songs of prog rock. Clearly it
ond album of voltile crit- free itself into some more raucous, was the former - how else would you
ical credentials. ragged religious scandal) and 'She explain the rush of 'Take It Easy,
The fact that this offer- Makes My Nose Bleed' (chunky and Chicken' that wraps dealings up for
ing, Six was pure genius forthright). now.
and that in a decade or But you listen and think. And if you
two will be taken as a ref- think enough, you realise that many Daniel Jones

Very Molecular
Aldershot West End Centre 22/01/99
Sometimes you need a second as much as they fuzz and the bass
chance in life. Like Grant Mitchell in echoes, engraving it's own melody
Eastenders - all those second within the soundscape. Indeed,
chances with Tiff. And like the pre- 'Uncomfortably Numb' opens with a
viously monikered Caged, who fell classic Smiths jingle jangle before
collapsed in their own lack of ambi- cranking it up with controlled anban-
tion. But unlike Grant, @tomika don.
probably won't sleep with their fans' 'Wiser' could well be their master-
mother's. piece. Or it might not. Either way, it
Old favourite, 'Ghosts' opens. It's a is the archetypal finely crafted song
classic lesson in pop. You see, with perhaps a hundred hook laden
@tomika seem like a raucous care- melodies working in unison. Current
free grunge rock metal affair. But, single 'Dead Flowers', a little rushed
you listen and whilst they're loud and is slipped in amid the action along that they've got most of what they Pumpkins, 'Gish' era uninhibited
Gareth's vocals are energetic and with the corny but nonetheless epic had before, but with a little more rock of 'Sheep'. The wide legged
fuelled - like the best vitriolic out- 'Third Star From The Right'. This impetus this time. The encore con- pose. The look in the eyes.
burst of Grant when he used to get hasn't been their most convincing sists of the pure Smashing Daniel Jones
into tiffs with Tiff - the guitars chime performance, yet its enough of a sign

Go Thurs 4th:
Fri 5th:
Sat 6th:
Limehouse Lizzy (Thin Lizzy Tribute) @ Reading Alleycat
Lemonincest / Son Fariq @ Reading Alleycat
Phoenix / Pinnacle / Honeytoe @ Reading Alleycat
Atomica / Spotless / Viz The Spoon @ Woking ICBC
Sun 7th:

One Minute Silence / Pulkas / Liberty 37 @ Reading Alleycat
Mon 8th: Thermonic @ London Camden Monarch
Silverchair / Nojahoda / Cay @ London Electric Ballroom
Rachel Stamp @ Aldershot West End Centre
Tues 9th: Dot Allison @ London Kings X Waterats

Nimbus @ London Islington Redeye
Wed 10th: Stay @ Home
Thurs 11th: Rising Star / Hypertherma / Stony Sleep @ Reading Alleycat
Fri 12th: Jabba / Born Idol / DBU @ Reading Alleycat
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 6 (1,1)

6 Music Thursday 4th February 1999

A stoned chunder in the rock from a

CARSON - Up and Down
style of the Super Furry
Animals. The press release
claims that Midget have
little known
band that
should hope- (EMI)

(Warners) IDLEWILD-When I given up on pop and are now fully bring us Sounding very much
A support slot on a Natalie Argue I See Shapes(Food) doing their own thing. much more like Mansun, Six is an
Imbruglia tour doesn’t real- The fourth track to be taken Thankfully this doesn’t in the future.
emotional appraisal of
ly do much for your credi- from the debut album (and extend to the b-sides, which Includes
are chirpy as ever and make another 3
futility (‘Life is a com-
bility status, but all is not one of the finest). It’s been promise, anyway’) -
lost. A glorious guitar riff slightly redone, but it has it an overall enjoyable lis- d i v e r s e
tening experience. Even if t r a c k s , lyrically elegant and
and a simple, but “catchy” only been improved.
they are a bit Status Quo. ‘Something affecting and as ever,
chorus show a glimmer of Potentially their most suc-
possible future success. cessful single, it’s catchy in 7/10 A.T. M o r e ’ , knowing. . The Baker
Lyrical content isn’t exactly all the right places. 7/10 ‘Watercress’ Mix, a little more
“Thom Yorke”, but this is M.A. LITTLE MOTHERS - and ‘They punctual in texture and
still a rousing tune with a Your Twisted Sister Tell Me’. radio friendly, does lit-
very high feel-good factor. MIDGET - Artwork [by g (Island) Check it out. tle to deplete the feel-
8/10 A.S beasley] (Curveball) Unexpectedly good mellow 7/10 M.D.
ing. 8/10 D.J.

LUCIANO - Sweep over soul will probably suffice to this was a real attempt at
ALBUMS my soul (Jetstar)
Apparently, Luciano is the
present day king of Reggae.
please. Unfortunatly, if this
is the way for reggae to be
dragged kicking and
finding as many crappy
songs with the exact same
beat and putting them all
PLANET ELECTRICA from individual artists. So But, in these days of crass This would most definately screaming back into the together with the minimum
Protection (ELF) its yeah “Ive got an indie commercialism, the band reflect the sorry state of pre- hearts and minds of all of us, amount of mixing effort
A brand new compliation album”(shine), “Im really whose last album ‘Envy Of sent day reggae. For those of it will be safe to assume that required. Even a monkey
for everybody’s wonderful cool, I’ve got a laid-back Angels’ spawned the singles us whose Reggae experi- Reggae shall remain could mix this lot. They are
ears and it’s just not for dance album” (Chill Out ‘She’s Been Talking’ and, ence is ‘limited’ to Bob AWOL. 3/10 G.N. not all crap tracks, there are
those tweaked up dishes, Room). In which case we the outstanding, ‘Come Marley, UB40 and Finley 3 (in 37) good songs which
theres a serious side to it as should avoid sad people Around’, find themselves Quaye, Luciano is a very include Buena Vida, The
well. Yep, another relief CD, who buy albums like this. out on their ears but with the hard kick to the head. Secret Wish and The
but now for the people of 7/10 R.G. freedom to experiment a Luciano’s themes include Silence, but that is about the
Central America. And what touch more. The resulting deep spiritualality and sin- only good thing in it and
a CD it is, elements from SMOG - Knock Knock LP is not quite on the same cerity which convey with frankly, that’s not enough. A
Massive Attack, Chemical (Domino) level as its predecessor how- his unfaltering belief in JUDGE JULES - sourly poor, 2/10 M.D.
Brothers, U2, Underworld This album is apparently ever, with the hooks a little Jah.Altogether a very differ- Clubber’s Guide to Ninety
and many more. Eclectic uplifting according to the less warming and the overall This weeks reviews by:
ent world from Red Red Nine (Ministry of Sound) Andrew Smith, Matthew
styles come crashing togeth- press release, also It says approach a touch more som- Wine and the rest of popular What a disappointment this Anderson, Andrew Thomas,
er to form a monostrous ‘Gone is the mournful musi- bre. That said, those trade- Reggae. Ultimately, if you is. I don’t know weather the Daniel Jones, Mario Dias, Kevin
form of enjoyment. Personal cal introspection’. However mark melodies and har- Marston, Rodney Gambora, Ian
find that ‘Ulterior Motive’ Judge was in a hurry; so he
favourites are ‘Lost in the not having heard the previ- monies do crop up from Purvey, James Hemingway,
(a ‘hit’ anthem) is your cup just got any tracks and put Rob Winder, and Gareth Nolan.
K-Hole’ by Chemical ous releases I can not com- time to time, particularly on of tea then Sweep over my them together, or weather
Brothers and ‘The Bug’ by pare, however uplifting def- a couple of starlets, the sin-
Face On Mars. A wicked yet initely isn’t a word I’d use to gle ‘Pulled Along By Love’ ALBUM OF THE WEEK
troubling little number. 8/10 describe it. Another shudder and ‘The Falls’, complete
K.M worthy thing about the press with a horn part reminiscent
release is that Bill Callahan of the Beach Boys’ classic
V/A - The Chill Out Room (Smog) says ‘I was trying to ‘God Only Knows’. ‘Envy’
(Columbia) make an album for was always going to hard to
Normally compilation teenagers’. The album itself follow, but this is a good
albums are just blatant mar- is a decidedly lo-fi affair, in shot at it. 7/10
keting scams, putting a mis- a minimalist vein on a lot of J.R.H.
match of second rate tracks songs. However every now
on an overpriced CD. This and again it comes up with ANI DIFRANCO - Up Up
one does at least seems some more backing for the Up Up Up Up (Cooking
more considered and lyrics and is quite beautiful. Vinyl)
informed. Not least from the The mainstay of this album Barely a year on from ‘Little
artists chosen but also is the lyrics which are of Plastic Castle’ the ever pro-
because album tracks are high quality and delivered lific Ani DiFranco delivers
chosen instead of choosing well. It comes somewhere another collection of her
the easy option of just using between Eels and fun, quirky and slightly
singles. Obviously this Tindersticks but more mini- bizarre folk pop. ‘Up Up Up
album was designed with a mal. It has a truly great song Up Up Up’ certainly sounds
specific context in-mind, title of ‘Hit The Ground like the most band-oriented
and luckily I was able to Running’. However whilst record she has recorded, and
sample the CD in the right the album is occasionally as such the usual DiFranco
mood, and it was a perfect dull, its strong vocals pull it touches seem to be hidden a
background to the evening. though amicably. 7/10 I.P. little. A minor quibble. Ani
3 COLOURS RED - Revolt (Creation) they follow this with the spacey rock of
David Homes track ‘don’t once again uses her songs to
F*ck Yes! This is more like it. On their sec- ‘Pirouette’ and then their should-have-
die just yet’ is a soulful, THE MUTTON BIRDS - tell stories, the destruction
ond album 3 Colours Red achieve every- been-a-much-bigger-hit-than-it-was single
stingsnbeats take miles Rain, Steam & Speed of a town in ‘Trickledown’
thing their overly hyped debut album ‘Beautiful Day’, a sublime power ballad
ahead of anyone else in con- (Shhhh!) or of society in ‘’Tis Of
should have done. Where the songs on they are rightly proud of. While ‘Pure’ was
temporary dance. There are New Zealand’s finest since Thee’, the arrangements and
‘Pure’, which we had grown to love a little one-dimensional ‘Revolt’ flexes
popular singles from Crowded House return with her words draw you in. The
through two years of incendiary live shows, through a range of styles, the most surpris-
Sneeker pimps, Leftfield their fourth album, after final track, thirteen minutes
had the passion dragged out of them by the ing being the Soundgarden sounding psy-
and Morcheeba, and an being unceremoniously plus of ‘Hat Shaped Hat’ is
lame production and leaving the feeling chedelia of ‘Paranoid People’, and Pete
Echo dek version of Primal dropped by Virgin. My, how something of a departure,
that the record was not quite complete. Vuckovic’s has matured into a thoroughly
screams star. The tracks that label has changed since the folk is replaced by a
‘Revolt’ is a whole different matter, and versatile instrument. Guitarist Chris
towards the end only make the days of the great Richard fluid funk bassline and a
sounds smart as hell. All the songs are new, McCormack told me last year that ‘Revolt’
sense when your stoned oth- Branson; time was when soulful swing. ‘Up Up Up
studio workings, with a fantastic spacious was “a massive leap forward” for 3 Colours
erwise they seem a bit artists would be allowed to Up Up Up’ shows that Ani
and bright production courtesy of Dave Red and that he “couldn’t be happier” with
bland. But overall its alright, develop their own, even if is still ascending. 7/10 R.W.
Eringa (famed for his work with the the outcome . He was right, ‘Revolt’ joins
but this sort of thing would unfashionable, style and
Manics). The riff heavy ‘Paralyse’ kick the an ever growing list of great albums
only be bought by people fanbase without being
proceedings off, but while you may expect already released in ‘99.
too tight to purchse albums hounded for number ones.
3 Colours Red to keep their foot on the gas, 9/10 R.W.
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 7 (1,1)

Thursday 28th January 1999 n Entertainments Guide 7

0870 505 0007
WWW.ODEON.CO.UK Six Days, Seven Monty Python’s The
Nights: Sunday, 8pm, Meaning of Life:
Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday Saturday Friday

Fri Jan 29th - Thurs Feb 4th 1999

A Bug’s Life LTG Wednesday, 8pm,

fri-sat 10.45 not fri, 12.00 13.10 14.30 15.35 Robin (Anne Heche) is LTG
17.00 18.00 19.30 20.20 called away on business The next Arts Cinema film
sun-thurs 11.00 not sun, 12.15 13.30 15.00 16.00 from her island holiday with
Swing City 17.30 18.30 20.00 21.00
is the classic Monty
her fiance. She charters a Python’s The Meaning of
DJ Quik - HRB Shakespeare in Love small plane and pilot Life, where life is tasteless-
fri-sat 12.15 15.10 18.30 21.20 (Harrison Ford) to take her ly celebrated in seven instal-
sun-thurs 12.05 14.50 17.40 20.30 to Tahiti but en route the ments from birth to death.
Hideous Kinky plane crashes on an The Monty Python team
fri-sat 14.10 16.30 19.15 21.45

unknown island. The two dream up new and even

sun-thurs 12.10 16.30 18.45 21.00 are forced to strike up an more outrageous than usual
Very Bad Things uneasy alliance to survive ways to mock human
fri-sat 12.30 not sat, 15.00 17.30 20.00 22.10 and to outrun a shipload of behaviour and stereotypes:
sun-thurs 12.30(except sun) 15.30 17.50 20.20 pirates. We also get to see from war and obese people,
Stepmom David Schwimmer (drippy through to schoolteachers
fri-sat 12.45 not sat, 15.30, 18.30 21.30 Ross from “Friends”) turn and Catholics.
sun-thurs 12.05 not sun, 14.45 17.30 20.30 his hand to the big screen...
Practical Magic At times surreal, at others

fri-sat 14.00 16.30 19.15 21.50 How do you get a ticket for completely sick, but always
sun-thurs 13.10 15.45 18.15 20.45 this great action adventure? hilarious, this film marked a
The Seige A season ticket at the bar- return for the Python team
fri-sat 13.00 19.30 gain price of 7.50 lets you to a series of sketches (their
sun-thurs 12.15 17.35 see all the OFU and Arts previous films, Holy Grail
Little Voice Cinema films this season and Life of Brian, were
fri -sat 13.30 not sat 16.00 18.45 21.05 (fifteen in total!). straightforward linear narra-
sun-thurs 13.00 (not sun) 15.30 18.00 21.00 Alternatively, guest tickets tives) and with it, a return to
Star Trek: Insurrection for indidual films are avail- the overall sense of fun
sat 13.30

able at 2.50 by filling in a prevalent in their TV series.

sun 13.00 ticket in the Union post A must-see for all Python
Enemy of the State room at least an hour before fans. Ticket details as for
fri-sat 16.00 22.00 the film. Guest tickets are the OFU film (but guest
sun-thurs 14.45 20.00 also available from the tickets 2.00)
The Mask of Zorro Union reception.
sat 12.00 , sun 12.30
The Prince of Egypt
sat & sun 12.00

Lunar Lisa and Mystic Moonda

21st January - 19th Febuary 21st April-21st May 21st July-23rd August 24th October-22nd November
You’re stuck in the middle There’s a new dawn in your Miaow...put those claws Take that saucepan off your
at the moment between life. Why not treat yourself away! You didn’t listen to head and open your eyes.
sociable friends and those to something new to mark the stars last week. It’s time Oops, our mistake, your

who like to snuggle up with the occasion - a brand to hang up those fishnet domestic situation is no bet-
a cup of coccoa and spanking new wardrobe, or stockings and whip out ter than last week. Please try
Eastenders. Ignore pressure maybe just a nice pair of granny’s thick woolies. a little harder this time to
from others and try to do boots. Unlucky Object; A ladder. achieve a war-free zone.
what makes you happy. Unlucky Objects; Odd pair Unlucky object; A Saddam
unlucky object; Scrabble of boots. Insane impressionist
board game


24th August-23rd September
23rd November-21st

20th February-20th March 22nd May-21st June You’ve been concentrating December
COMPETITION Something fishy’s going on.
You’re finding it difficult to
This week friends will think
they are acting in your best
on the mundane priorities in
your life. Ask if you can
You were certainly making
the most of being a party
7PM interprate thoughts and feel-
ings hidden in those who
interests. Trust your own
instincts. After all, how
borrow a Leo’s fishnet
stockings. Flutter those eye-
animal last week, but one
question crops up...where
really matter to you. Be many successful matches lashes and make your way did you leave the most inti-
patient and all will be has Cilla Black made?! to Cindy’s - enjoy..... mate parts of your
revealed. Unlucky Object; Two free Unlucky objects; Tickets to wardrobe?! More care will
Unlucky Object; Smoking weekend tickets to Bognor. The Drink. be needed in the future.

kipper. Unlucky object; The carrot

ARIES 22nd June-23rd July 24th September-23rd October
21at March-20th April Don’t become too stressed You’ve been spending too CAPRICORN
You’re feeling a little like this week otherwise you’ll much time alone with elec- 22nd December-20th January
road kill this week - com- interrupt your drinking pat- trical applicances (we mean Thank goodness you sorted
pletely run down. Try to terns! Think about fields of the TV...honest!). You need a out your personal hygienne -
recouperate, by cutting heather on a warm sum- new hobby such as spotting now sort out more pressing
down on trips to the pub mer’s day at roughly....3:31 a sober person having a good matters such as coursework

(one day off a week should pm, in the north of Wales, time at Friday Night Out. deadlines and social com-
do it). during a leap year.... Unlucky object; Stamp mitments.
Unlucky Object; Set of Unlucky object; Rain cloud. collection Unlucky object; A cunning
headlights. evil sock.
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 8 (1,1)

8 Notices Thursday 28th January 1999 n

GCR Playlist Notices

Electrical Engineering S.I.S Event 6:00pm Grant Mitchell Room in
1602AM (EESoc.) AGM 09/02/99 Hewlett Packard WANTED!
9th February 1999 Tuesday Title: Leadership, Teamwork & Cheerleaders for the Surrey
STUDENT RADIO TOP THIRTY 17.30pm Departmental Common Working Abroad Stingers American Football team.
Extreme Sports
Time: 7pm Venue: LTE You don't have to be able to dance,
1) Assorted - Chill Out Room Parachute course for static line
FREE FOOD just willing to have a laugh and
jump- late feb/early marchcost
ALBUM OF THE WEEK Motor Club AGM - yell a bit. Leave your name and
approx. £80 Interested please con-
2) Assorted - Planet Electrica ‘PROTEC- Tuesday 9th February 199 19.30 ABANDONED CYCLE number in the team's pigeon hole
tact Tony at php1ae
TION’ - Charity compilation for Hurricane LTB (marking it "cheerleaders") or e-
SALE mail us at nm81gh.
Appeal. The Security Department have The ArabSoc
3) Offspring - Pretty Fly (for a white guy) Jumble Sale currently in storage a quantity
4) Stereophonics - Just Looking International Societies welcomes you to the Arabic night
There will be a sale of unclaimed of cycles which have been on thursday 11/02/99 in the Helyn
5) Skunk Anansie - Charlie Big Potato lost property on Thurs 11th Feb, abandoned on Campus. These
Standing Meeting
Rose Bar at 9pm.
6) 3 Colours Red - Revolt - ALBUM 11am - 2pm on the Union dance Wednesday 10th February 1999
cycles will be sold on Monday Tickets £3
7) Placebo - Every You Every Me floor. Loads of books, clothes,
8th February and all monies
8) Ruth - Waiting for this umbrellas and jewellery up for
grabs. Proceeds to Jeans for Genes received from this sale will be
9) Unkle feat. Ian Brown - Be There
10) The Divine Comedy - National Express who help children with genetic
donated to the Student
Hardship Fund.
11) Mercury Rev - Delta Sun DETAILS OF THE SALE : University of Surrey
12) Propellerheads - EP Cycles for Sale available for Skills Through Experience Programme
13) Witness - Scars NEW MARKET
14) Kula Shaker - Mystical Machine Gun STALLS Monday 1st to Friday 5th
15) Bonnie Prince Billy - I See a Darkness - Every Tuesday - Stall selling February 99. Offers made THAN JUST A DEGREE...
ALBUM cheap good quality cards, gift through a sealed bid to the Mr J. Apply Your Knowledge
16) Fatboy Slim - Praise You wrap, notelets etc.
Moir in the Security Department
17) Sleater Kinney - A Quarter to Three Weekly markets are held in the Gain Some Practical Experience Which Complements
Union building on Mon, Tues, before 1700hrs Friday 5th
18) The Lanterns - High-rise Town Your Course Of Study
Thurs, Fri. February 99. New owners
19) Cassius - 1999 - ALBUM informed of their successful bid, Improve Your CV
20) Blackout - Gotta Have Hope Monday 8th February 99.
21) Travis - Writing To Reach You Windsurfing Starts Develop Your Skills
22) River - Setting Sun Again Meet New People
23) Dope on Plastic 6 - ALBUM For all those who have been before Swimmers!!
24) Bis - Action and Drama or those wanting to learn the firs WE CAN MATCH YOU UP WITH A PLACEMENT THAT
There will no swimming at the
25) Desert Eagle Discs - The Eagle Has meeting is this Friday (5th Feb)
Spectrum on the following dates: WILL INCREASE YOUR CHANCES OF GETTING A
Landed - ALBUM Time: 1pm Place: Upstairs in the GOOD JOB AND YOU’LL ONLY HAVE TO GIVE UP AN
8th February, 1st March, 22nd
26) McAlmont - A Little Communication Union Tequila Night the same fri- HOUR OR TWO PER WEEK.
27) The Cardigans - Erase Rewind day. Details given at the meeting.
After Easter: 26th April, 17th May Everyone who completes 10 weeks of a placement will
For anyone who cannot make the
28) Nojahoda - Nojahoda We apologise for any inconve-
meeting please phone receive a certificate which lists the skills developed
29) Underworld - King of Snake nience caused by these arrange-
James x 4723
ments. through participation in the scheme.
30) Mirrorball - Given Up Rae & Christian - Heidi x 4739
Womens Waterpolo. Contact Hannah Picken on 01483 259393 ext:4913 or
All I Ask
e-mail ms51hp for more information.
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 9 (1,1)

n Thursday 28th January 1999 Opportunities 9

Crossword No 92 Dr Russ Personals

Dear Russ thing like “It was once said ■ The Fool is back... ■ Hello Al,Cheer up!-The
that .......” or “It is not com- ■ Dave C 4 Jill from Music Bringer Of Good News.
I’ve been told that some monly known that.....” as a ■ Go on Dave ■ Hello Fox, I think you are
employers ask you to give slightly more unusual way ■ Kiss my sweet potato pie great!-TBOGN
a presentation as part of of introducing your subject. ■ Kiss my rosy red ass ■ Library Restaurant on a sat-
their selection procedure. A powerful opening sen- ■ R.B.D - Wed? Yes. Bo’s? urday-love the ginger
Have you got any advice in tence is a great confidence Yes. S.O.S? Oh Yeah! one(blonde?)
■ Desperate D Strikes Again. ■ Ziggy has an ickle pecker
case I’m asked to do one? booster and will help you
■ Michelle-need any new bat- ■ SKI OR DIE!!!!!!!!
get into stride for the rest of teries yet? ■ No really, I love Pernod...
Dear Christian your talk. Your finish ■ Rent Boy D - How’s the ■ Anyone seen a Smurf hang-
should be equally impres- Turkish bath? ing around Twyford?
Perhaps I could start by sive because that will leave ■ " Hea-ther!! Happy birth- ■ Cor... that roast, shame about
explaining why employers the examiners with a posi- day!! ..and a happy new year!" the windy effects afrterwards
use this exercise. The key tive opinion about you. ■ Mark-where are your Scotch though.
things which they are look- eggs? I haven’t seen them in ■ God damn Sam it jam
ing for are clarity of expres- Try to practise your talk in ages. ■ On the piste: “Ooh
■ Emma - we swear, you, click, splat!”
sion, good time-keeping, advance if you can. Get a haven’t got CJD, I’m sure ■ Off piste: what happened to
effective organisation of friend to listen and tell you there’s another cause for your our french friends - No shirt,
your material, and self-con- how you are coming across. throat infections!! feeler and body guard.
fidence. If they can also Work hard to get the talk ■ Brown haired pinstripe ■ At least we didn’t fall for
Across: Down: obtain some evidence that into the time you’ve been trouser girl whom I danced that old line “Trust me i’m a
1. Desert Animal (5) 1. Orange-pink colour (5) you have a sense of humour allowed. You will probably with on fri by speakers nr doctor” !!
4. Acting strongly (7) 2. Huge unnatural creature then that’s a bonus! be penalised if you don’t - Hari’s bar. Je t’aime! ■ What’s white, goes BAA and
8. Bitterness (7) (7) or you might even be cut off ■ Pinstripe trouser girl be floats down the river?
9. To exercise (6) 3. To seem (4) You are usually told in in mid-sentence. Highly
dancing midnight same place ■ Sheep for sale (when bird
10. Old stringed instrument 4. To trace descent (6) this friday. From green gets better), one carefull
advance what you will be embarrassing!
(4) 5. Minor planet (8) chequed shirt man. owner!
required to talk about. It ■ Who do you prefer, Daddy ■ Heather, Have a Luminous
11. On the other side of the 6. Vestige (5)
sheet (8) 7. A pine, for example (7) could be on a subject of Finally, when you get or chips? Yellow 21st Birthday!
13. Wild excitement (6) 12. Uncomplimentary your choice, or maybe a around to delivering the real ■ Happy 21st Birthday ■ Tax rebate or a nice salmon?
14. Smoked fish (6) remark (8) leisure interest or it could be thing - remember to project Heather the Feather! ■ Wall missing several bricks,
17. Renounce the throne 13. Frenzied (7) related to the job you’re your voice so that everyone ■ Thanks to all the footie lads please return. The builders
(8) 15. To forebode (7) applying for. If you have can hear and try to make eye who came allong to support ■ Pickard 3, the war of the
19. Spoken (4) 16. He keeps the furnace time, you can write out the contact with each person in Reverend Brown on the dishes is on.
22. Beat strongly (5) supplied (6) whole thing beforehand but the room at some stage dur- 19th....nice one! ■ Fraggle, did you manage to
23. Dishonesty (7) 18. Mournful song (5) ■ Er... oh yes thanks to every- satisfy your new found friend?
it’s not a good idea to read it ing your talk. That will
24. Originator (7) 20. Stratum (5) one else who came along too ■ Come marvel at the amazing
out word for word on the make them feel personally ■ When can we see Reverend west country Pig Boy in the
25. Direction-finding appa- 21. Just (4)
ratus (5) day. Far better to write the involved and they will be all Brown again? The dogs dan- Physics dept. now!
key points on a series of the more appreciative. gly bits! - I think so! ■ Andy was just a normal stu-
Last Weeks Solution: Down: 1.heed 2.warning numbered index cards. As ■ MARY HOLD THE CAN- dent untill he ate the Tesco
Across: 1. Hawthorn 3.harem 4.retort 6.tiler you come to each point dur- As ever, remember that a DLE WHILE I SHAVE THE value pork..
5.stow 8.error 10.toddler 7.worthier 8.editor ing your talk it will remind presentation usually forms CHICKENS LIP -Rich ■ And now Pig boy will roam
11.simmer 12. Torch 14. 13.schrapnel 15.leaden you what to say. just part of the assessment. ■ Heath, are you having 21 the union forever. Will Ewe be
Haggle 16. Drudge 17.distant 18.setter Piercings to celebrate?-Z his next victim? (after Nula)
If it goes badly, try to put it
19.alpha 21.excise 20.pagon 22.caged 23.bear ■ Nina and Glynis, our second ■ Heens (Little Miss Kinky)
The beginning and end of behind you and throw your- mum’s- you are the best clean- Hope you don’t have a bolloxy
24.neglect 25.graze Compiled by Jeff
27.predator Blackham
your talk are the crucial self into the next activity. ers ever and weall think you are shit birthday..plum breath!
parts. Try to grab their Employers seldom fail can- great. Welcome back love Love, Nish xxxx
RUPERT AND LLOYD´S attention with something
different from the usual “I’d
didates on the basis of one
poor performance.
eveyone in house 66.
■ Marigolds thankyou for
■ Heena J. is officially
old!!!!!!!! .... but still kinky!
AGONY COLUMN like to talk to you about
.......”. Why not try some-
Russ Clark
Careers Service
everyting, you are my lucky
star, my saviour and Ilove you.
From, LMR
■ I am too Feeble
■What time is our lecture with
here are many things in The nature and intensity of

T life which one may find

hard to talk about.
Death, taxes, financial prob-
which confront us on a daily
basis. Posh Spice and Beckham
have indeed become one...but
Freud Charlie?

lems, exam performance, for many of us this fairy-tale

insomnia, hernias, haemmor- notion of sexual Nirvana
rhoids, onanism, constipation, seems unattainable. How
masturbation, religion, politics, many of you young lads in
premature ejaculation or public Physics and Civ Eng. have not
lice, to name but a few. suffered a broken heart over a
Featuring prominently on this nice piece of crumpet in the
catalogue of middle class Psychology or Sociology
taboos is that area of human Department...and face it girls,
interchange that has brought how many hours have you
many a mighty ruler to his spent making yourselves beau-
proverbial knees... and that tiful for those two hunky fellas
woman to somewhere in in German and Law?
between President Clinton´s.
We appreciate that life for all
The heroes of the Great War of students,especially you sad sin-
Sexual Liberation in the 1960´s gle bastards, can at time be
are currently embarking on frustrating. That is why we ask
new struggles against the flacid you to approach us with your
demons of middle age and most intimate problems and
menopause. Armed with little darkest secrets. We, Prof.
more than packets of Viagra Rupert Pornski of the
and copies of "Penthouse" they University of Weston-super-
face the impending crisis with Mare and Dr Lloyd Clittman of
the stiff upper lip that put the Jefferson Southern Baptist
Great into Britain and Mandy College, are here to give can-
into Mayfair. But they never did, professional yet sympa-
talk about it with us. thetic advice to those of you in
Notwithstanding our parents need. Our credentials are sec-
notable achievements in the ond to none and we guarantee
past, we as youngsters are still 100% anonymity to those of
faced with mighty challenges. you who can spell it.
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 10 (1,1)

10 Films, Reviews & Previews Thursday 4th February 1999 n

The Dracula Spectacula

arren Beatty co- chucking out his prepared slick, brave film which
Bulworth (18)
Out Now
Director: Warren Beatty
W writes, produces,
directs and stars
in an entertaining comedy
speeches and telling the
truth about political sleaze
and corruption. During this
admiringly uses sharp wit
and humour to break down
complex political points and Electric Theatre
From Wed 10th Feb to Sat
the round Midland Bank).
Telephone bookings on
Starring: Warren Beatty, filled with plenty of laughs time, he falls for black feed them to the viewer in 13th Feb (matinee Sat). (01483) 444789. Or come to
Halle Berry, Oliver Platt, and political bite. It’s the activist Nina (Berry), and easy bite-size portions.
Paul Sorvino build up to the mid-term after following her back to a Beatty is impressive both
election and Senator south-central hip-hop club, behind and in front of the
Jay Billington learns how to rap (pretty camera, providing the
Bulworth (Beatty) is badly), and scratch records laughs, but also grabbing
the victim of a ner- (very badly). From then on one’s attention with striking
vous breakdown. all of his potentially radical sentimental moments. He
Completely flipped bulletins are delivered in openly attacks the system
out, he decides to rhyme. His cocaine-sniffing from the inside. This is
take out a contract on spin-doctor Murphy (Platt) probably a reason why this
his own life and sub- looks on appalled, but vot- film bombed in the U.S. It’s
sequently becomes ers actually love his honest a shame really, sometimes
liberated from any political angle. Happily sur- you have to wonder if
need to put on a fake prised with his new-found Hollywood actually realises
smile in front of the popularity, Bulworth when it produces films of
public. Bulworth decides to call off the hit this quality.
stuns his staff, back- man, but finds out that he
ers and the media by might be too late. This is a 8/10 Andrew Smith

SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE Special the University of Surrey

he University of Students’ Union Reception any
(15) Out Now
DIRECTOR: John Madden
‘Romeo and Ethel’ by pre-
tending to be a bloke. In no
time at all Will and Vi fall in
love, and she becomes his
A: No! I actually think of
Gwyneth as an honorary
T Surrey G&S Society
returns to the Electric
Theatre this year with the
weekday between 1 and 2pm.

The show involves a cast of

Brit! Remarkably she isn’t spooky comedy musical The about 35 actors, singers and
Fiennes, Gwyneth Paltrow, inspiration. However, as well known in America Dracula Spectacula, by John dancers, plus a 5 piece band (all
Ben Aflek and many more. beneath all the bawdy as she is here because Gardiner and Andrew Parr. members of the university). It’s
humour and parody of ‘Sliding Doors’ did very lit- Meet sweet young school the second show we’ve done at
hakespeare’s classic Englishness, there are teacher Miss Nadia Naïve the Electric Theatre (in 1997

S tale of the pain and

pleasure of over-
whelming true love is given
moments of true pathos and
real depth as the star-
crossed lovers superbly por-
tle business in the states and
so this file is really seen as
her ‘coming of age’ film in
and her pupils as they travel
to Transylvania
encounter a number of

unique individuals. The evil

we put on Little Shop of
Horrors there, just after the
theatre first opened, and in
1998 we put on Chess in the
new life in the shape of a trayed by Fiennes and
Count and his partners in University Hall). The director
screenplay by Tom Paltrow, realise that Q: What do the Golden crime have taken an interest is Viv Vignoles (musical direc-
Stoppard and Marc inevitably, their true love is Globes mean to you? in our visiting friends, but tor of Little Shop), the musical
Norman. The script posi- doomed to failure. perhaps our hero Prof. Nick director is Fiona Wareham
tively sparkles with origi- A: They’re absolutely fan- Necrophiliac and his com- (lead role as Florence in Chess)
nality as the story of While a passing knowledge panions can save them ... and the choreographer is Kelda
tastic! We genuinely didn’t
William Shakespeare of the story of ‘Romeo and West (director of Little Shop).
expect to get 6 nominations, Tickets are £5/6 for adults and We are very pleased to be
(Joseph Fiennes) as a young Juliet’ may help in your especially as the film was
playwright suffering from appreciation of the film, the £3.50/4.50 for children and stu- expanding as a society this
Ex-Neighbours Star “Lauren released so late and we did- dents are available from the year, with a large number of
writers block and in need of energetic screenplay, perfor- Carpenter” n’t think that all of the judg- Electric Theatre, Onslow St., talented new members, includ-
a muse, unfolds on screen. mances and faultless set and ing panel would be able to Guildford, GU1 4SZ ( backing ing technical crew and design-
As if by magic, Viola costumes in this Anglo- David Parfitt see it in time. The awards on to the river, between the ers as well as performers.
(Gwyneth Paltrow) appears American picture would be (Shakespeare in love certainly help with all the new Weatherspoons pub and
and decides upon a career enjoyable even if you’d Producer) marketing and promotion,
on the stage and infiltrates
Shakespeare’s new play
never heard of Shakespeare.
8/10 Laura Knight
We are seated in the largest especially in the states. Video Review: Dark City
Odeon theatre, having just
watched Shakespeare in Q: If the film is so predomi- .Dir: Alex Proyas. Starring: once a murderer.
arol Harrison was thoroughly looking for-

C (Louise Simmonds
in Eastenders)
Carol, much smaller in real
ward to seeing ‘Shakespeare
in Love’.
She is currently working
Love. Aside from the
Guildford bourgeois coterie
cum hoi polloi, there are a
smattering of journalists and
nantly British why did you
choose to premier it in
Rufus Sewell, Richard O’Brien,
Ian Richardson

t is one of the oddities of
life that in these days of
cinemas with more screens
Although the amnesiac idea has
been seen a few times before,
the plot of the film hangs well
together, with the incredible
events being explained very
life, had much to say about back on Eastenders and
British Film and assures us of some up-and - interested parties to ask A: No one reason in particu- than Cannes, smaller films satisfyingly. Despite this it is a
Television.... coming dramatic plot lines, questions... lar, these things can go should be pushed aside. Surely little confusing at times, partic-
either way. all films are created equal? The ularly with some of the support
although she refused to give
Q: How has the script likes of Godzilla or Titanic are who are too indistinct to have
Carol commented on the anything away. She claimed fine but surely one screen could much impact when they appear.
recent rise and rise of the to be nothing like her char- changed from the original Q: Was it a lot more expen-
be set aside for more interest- Despite this the strength of the
British film and talked of acter, but said that ‘Louise’ idea that was developed 5 sive than ‘Madness of King
ing stuff that hasn’t rolled off narrative injects this film with a
how people should be more is an excellent character to years ago? George’ which you also the Hollywood treadmill? succulent tension.
appreciative of UK play and probably one of the produced? Anyway, what this spiel is lead- The main strength of this film
talent/film industry. She had most complicated in any of A: Well, Julia Robbers was ing to is the fact that many of is its creation of atmosphere.
just seen ‘Little Voice’ and the UK soaps, “she just has going to play the part of A: Oh yes! Madness cost you will have missed one of the The design of the literally spi-
so many levels”. Viola and I think that that about $8 million whereas more intelligent action films of ralling city is phenomenal, as is
would have meant a very ‘Shakespeare in Love’ cost last year, Dark City. It starts the huge underground realm of
different film. The script about $25 million. This is with the premise of a dying the Strangers. Although Sewel
She didn’t feel at race with the ability to alter the is a little dry as the lead charac-
all intimidated by itself has been significantly mainly because of all the
physical world by will alone, ter, he performs the role ade-
the cast of changed and polished up by sets we had to produce,
and builds it into a sinister and quately. Sutherland and
Eastenders when Tom Stoppard, in fact recreating Elizabethan breathtaking vista of imagina- O’Brien, however, are great to
she joined as there’s not a lot of Marc England is a very expensive tion. The story kicks off with a watch and it is their perfor-
they were all so Norman’s original script business. man who has lost his memo- mances that draw the viewer in.
friendly and wel- left! ries, played by Rufus Sewel. If you want mystery, action and
coming, just like Q: How long did it take to Visions of long ago trouble him intelligent science fiction (well,
Q: Why did you put shoot? and the mysterious Strangers, more intelligent than having
one big happy
Gwyneth Paltrow in as the led by Richard O’Brien as Mr. Godzilla hide in the under-
family. She said Hand, haunt him, as he tries to ground railway system), then
she felt like she’d leading lady? Were you try- A: About 17 weeks, which
discover who he is. But the city this is definitely a film to rent.
been in ing to attract an American is quite a long time!!
and the people in it seem as If you want a collection of
Eastenders forev- audience for what is pre- nebulous as his memories ; and explosions, get Starship
er, but that was- dominantly a British film? the only clues to his past life Troopers. 9/10
n’t a criticism. lead him to realise that he was Steven Alexander
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:49 Page 11 (1,1)

n Thursday 4th February 1999 Surrey Pride 11

Surrey Pride Star Profile

Number 11, Holly James Sports Shorts Volleyball-We Need Players!
Step straight into the BUSA lime-
Brazil stay top in Broncos win a sec- light with UniS Mens and Womens
new ond straight Super Volleyball teams who are both
FIFA rankings Bowl title desperate for players.
Brazil remained top of The Denver Broncos, who
FIFA’s world rankings pub- fell short in their pursuit of
lished by world soccer’s a perfect season, settled for The UniS Volleyball club
governing body last week. a near-perfect Super Bowl
World champions France on Sunday, dominating the
welcomes players of all
are second, while Germany Atlanta Falcons for a 34-19 standards and is a fun and social
have slipped back to fifth win and their second
place from third. Italy, straight NFL champi- sports club.
moving up four places, and
Croatia, who reached the
onship. Playing in perhaps
his final game, Denver
Come on, have some Fun in
Vital Stats; semi-finals of the World quarterback John Elway the Sun (well, Campusport hall).
Cup last year after beating earned MVP honours. On a
Age: 21 Training; Campusport centre
Germany in the quarters, night when the Falcons
Dept: SBS are joint third. Among the offence needed 58 minutes Thursday 6.15 7.30pm, Sundays7.30
Nicknames: Hotlips, Slugger, Welsh Rarebit big risers are Portugal, up to find the end zone, the
Measurements: 5’3.5”
19 places to 17th; Belgium, Broncos spent plenty of
Sporting Interests (and why?): Football (because it’s a woman’s up 14 to 21st, and Bulgaria, time there. Interested?
game!) up 19 places to 30th. Wales,
Marital Status: Allegedly settling down (under??) up 23 places to 74th are the Kafelnikov, Women call Britta on
biggest risers in the top 100.
Big fallers include
captures 01483 532967 or
Personal Info; Yugoslavia, down 10 to Australian Open e-mail
What is your favourite feature? 16th, Japan, down 13 to
My ability to look innocent, when I’m as guilty as hell [funny the 33rd, and Iran down 19 to Yevgeny Kafelnikov, side- Men call Dan on ext 4788 or
proportion of female Surrey Stars who claim this trait!! - Sports Ed.] 46th. England slipped out lined by strange accidents
What do you go for in a man? Firm bum, nice eyes (Hardly selective, of the top ten and now sit in the past two years, only had e-mail
eleventh place. to keep his body intact this
First Past the Post
that could be half the blokes on campus!)
Favourite Drink? Anything cheap and nasty (Again...) time to capture a weakened by Eddie
Schumacher down- men's tournament on
Favourite Food? Haagen Das - ice cream ot quite such a good good each way value in the
Favourite Music? Stereophonics
Sporting Info:
What does Surrey Sport give you?
Ferrari’s chances
Michael Schumacher
Sunday and gain a second
Grand Slam
Kafelnikov's steady base-

line play gave him a 4-6, 6-

N week for me. Cyfor
Malta gave a positive
answer to the many sceptics
Agfa Diamond Chase. It will
be interesting to see if
Teaatral continues his
played down his and 0, 6-3, 7-6 (7-1) victory who doubted his ability to improvement after having
Hangovers, poor attendance to Thursday lectures, a beer belly and no stay the Gold Cup distance stepped up in distance in the
Ferrari’s chances of win- over an unusually error-
dents in my reputation whatsoever! [Cheers, Gav! - Sports Ed.] ning this year’s Formula prone Thomas Enqvist. In a when he trotted home in the 2 ¾ mile Tote Sandown hur-
What is your; One world championship men's draw diminished by Pillar Chase, while com- dle, although Mr. Percy
but underlined his devotion the absence of the No. 1 ments on Storm Damage might be a safer bet. The
most memorable moment in Surrey Sport?
to the Italian team. The Pete Sampras, the pathetic proved true, as he was worth Singer and Friedlander
Being awarded 1st team player of the year in my first year at Uni (and a place when finishing sec- National Trial at Uttoxeter
German, who has finished play of Andre Agassi, and
many thanks to all the blokes that voted) ond in the Ladbroke Chase. has been a good race for
runner-up in the world title the early knockout of other
funniest moment you can recall from your days at Surrey? chase for the past two sea- top players, the No. 10 GRT YORKSHIRE glitter Grand National hopefuls in
Getting so pissed that I (went home with Spooner??) couldn’t get into sons, said there was no Kafelnikov emerged as isle, CLEEVE HURDLE the past. Lord Gyllene
Bo’s, returned home, smashed a window to get in and then hid in the guarantee his fourth season champion almost by default. grey shot. should run better for his
electricity cupboard for half the night as I thought we had been broken with the outfit would be any The Russian played well, if racecourse reappearance,
in to! more successful than his unspectacularly, in the final, A bit more activity coming and won both races in ‘97,
worst injury? Cuts and abrasions from the above incident! past efforts. Schumacher to add the Australian title to up this weekend, with cards although may still be lacking
added that he was not the French Open champi- up and down the country, fitness, especially under top
worst STD?
tempted by big-money onship he won in 1996. as well as in Ireland, where weight. I take Fiddling The
none (nothing ventured, nothing gained, as my Gran used to say!) the Hennesy Gold Cup will Facts to gain revenge on the
offers from rival teams and
Do you have any sporting superstitions? Always try and look for two be contested at Welsh National winner,
that his devotion was in Hingis walks over
magpies before a game (2 for a boy, sorry joy!) winning the world champi- Leopardstown. Current Kendal Cavalier, over the 3
How does Surrey Sport affect your Social/Private life? onship with Ferrari. The last
Mauresmo Cheltenham Gold Cup ½ trip. Meanwhile, at
It gives me a social life and occasionally dabbles in my private life! Ferrari driver to win the Martina Hingis held off the favourite, Florida Pearl, Wetherby, Tonoco has run
Is sex better before or after sport? Formula One crown was new revolution in women's reappears after his disap- encouragingly in bumpers,
Always before, I’m far too knackered after [I’m not bloody surprised if Jody Scheckter in 1979 tennis, to capture a third pointing fall over and transferred that form
straight Australian Open Christmas, and he really over the sticks, and I expect
you’re shagging before kick off! - Sports Ed.]
title. Hingis' court mastery needs a good win here to him to take the Rossington
Who is your sporting role model? J.P.R. Williams (apparently THE .Heckler removed shone through as she keep his credibility. If we Main Novice hurdle.
most famous Welsh rugby player of all time!) after being found repelled the muscular are going to look else-
Which sports personality would you most like to meet? with gun Amelie Mauresmo to secure where, one could find a Jockey sponsorship is one
Neil Jenkins, because he’s so lovely (Welsh rugby no. 10), [and the first A fan heckling Tiger Woods a fifth Grand Slam title. worse choice than Danoli. the big talking points at the
nine?? - Sports Ed.) at the Phoenix Open was Mauresmo unleashed the Three from this side of the moment. Last Monday was
Sum yourself up in 3 words? Little Miss Innocent arrested after police discov- power that may yet reshape Irish Sea will be making the first day on which riders
CJ’s nominated question; As someone similarly falsely accused of a ered a handgun concealed women's tennis, though not the trip, Escartefigue, who were allowed to bear slo-
string of drunken encounters with opposite sex how does it feel to on his person. The man, who as long as Hingis can keep has not realised any of the gans on their breeches, and
is yet to be identified fol- countering with the kind of promise he showed in his although none were cleared
have to sneak across Campus on Thursday mornings in BoJ’s
lowed Woods, for four holes inspired performance she novice year, Addington to do so on the first day,
clothes, hoping that people don’t get the wrong idea? Obviously this displayed in a 6-2, 6-3 tri- several top National Hunt
on the final round of the Boy, not getting any better
is an extreme case of mistaken identity. I’m far too innocent for any of umph. Mauresmo has taken with age, and National win- jockeys have already been
tournament. He was yelling
that! the fitness regime to a new ner Earth Summit. It’s pos- signed up, and others are on
at Woods and using abusive
level, pumping iron in the sible that the former may the verge. Faucets, a bath-
language near the tee areas
Now that you are a Star of the Pride, which question would you like gym three times a week, gain a place, but many have room company, are hopeful
when officers, who were
added to the profile list for next weeks Star, Welsh Windsurfing hero, building up her upper arms been waiting for him to of striking an arrangement
assigned to follow Woods,
Adam Bowen? Were your Mallet & Balls worthy of the applause and shoulders to the point turn it on this year. with the Jockey Association
told him to be quiet. The
where she has the strength in time for the Cheltenham
after a post BO’s match of Croquet? heckler, who had been
Festival in March.
drinking, became belligerent to hit one-handed topspin At Sandown, Hoh Express
backhands as no other may well follow up his However, they would like
Thankyou, Miss James, who, for all those would be Romeo’s, has now taken and persisted, even though as many jockeys as possible
officers identified them- women ever have. This has recent success over the high-
herself off the market shelf, for a new life on the piste and secret rendezvous to be emblazoned with the
selves. He was booked on been critiscied not least ly regarded Fanfaron in the
avoiding Club meetings in the Library Restaurant. Holly has taken more than company name, and it is
suspicion of aggravated from Lindsay Davenport Scilly Isles Novice chase,
her fair share of stick over the last semester (I’ll leave that one with you for a looking increasingly unlike-
assault, then released pend- and Martina Hingis, who over two and a half miles.
second!) and is jetting off for a new life in New Zealand for her Industrial Year ly that the desired 70% of
ing submission of the are on record saying that Irish youngster, Torduff
(No change in the Sheep/Bird ratio’s there then!). She leaves us with a dubious- top jockeys will agree to the
charges to the courts. Miss Mauresmo resembled Express, has run well in
ly anonymous question for Adam, who amongst many things is famous for his blanket deal, as individuals
and played like a man. some good races, and should
love of our Sports Officers leftovers and a Grande night out rekindling old seek out more lucrative per-
flames in Brighton! Take up the sail, Mr. Bowen. make the frame to prove
sonal packages.
ed990204.qxd 03/02/99 15:50 Page 12 (1,1)

Surrey Pride
Super Sports Day The Wind of Change
in aid of Imperial Cancer Research Paul Cliff, Sports Editor
ll good things must porarily and begin his reign in

ust in case you missed this Unihoc

The entries are open to local raises over £100 and a prize
the first time round, I’ll (6 team members) businesses, clubs and the pub- for the highest fund-raising come to an end, as the the friendly against World
mention it again. We now Basketball lic. This in itself will be seen team - so good luck! bottle washer said to Champions France. Despite
potentially have teams from (6 team members) as a positive step to integrat- the Bishop, and the Union regrets on both sides, the out-
Sainsbury’s, Vodafone, Football ing the local community with If you are interested in enter- Sabbaticals begin to feel a come is surely no surprise to
Ericson (strong contenders!), (6 team members) the University through a ing a team for the day or wish
Archery or Table Tennis
similar sense of impending most, after what has been a
Union Exec, Forte Hotels, sporting social event. to have a chat about the chari-
Civil Engineering (4 team members) unemployment as the Election period of office sadly tainted
ty then come to the Sports
Department, Waterpolo, Climbing or Tennis campaigns get into full swing with scandal regarding
All we ask for is that each per- Office in the Students’ Union
Rugby club, Spiers 1 etc. (4 team members) son tries raise at least £75 and see Alex or Gemma or this week. I vividly remember Glenn’s opinions on many
amongst others! So why not each, that’s just three or four of any of the Sabbaticals for speaking to Cazza at this time things other than football.
All teams will play in the uni-
badger your Department,
hoc, basketball and football your friends or families (mum, information. Alternatively last year and she became Still, the press made the most
friends, course, court (Stag dad, grannies etc) pledging £10 call on x 9981 or 259981. Or somewhat irate as candidates of any opportunity to sell
tournaments. Teams can then
Hill, Twyford etc!) into enter- and another ten or so people collect a form and return it to frequently visited her office papers with the usual mind-
choose between archery or
ing a team! O.K, so £75 (brothers, sisters or floor the Union Reception or and left her angrily rearrang- less prospectus. Throughout
table tennis and climbing or
pounds each may scare you! Barefacts Office as soon as
tennis. Prizes for the highest mates!) giving £3 or £4, the ing vital desk ornaments and the wait, as is the mentality of
(and lowest!) scoring teams price of a couple of pints! possible. Helpers are also filing systems that they had the press, speculation ranged
But if you don’t make the needed, joining our Students
will be awarded at the end of subtly suggested ‘could do from not only exhaustive lists
grade, but show you tried we There will be t shirts available Sub committee in organising
the day at a special prize cere- with a bit of a sort out!’ Even of people to take over, but
won’t put you in the slammer for each team member that the day!
and throw away the key, its a now, you can almost see the some sources resorted to
target, with prizes for those sparkle ebb from Langley’s guessing personnel changes
who raise over £100! It’s eyes as his prospective for the squad to face France in
going to be a great day out, all replacements eye up the decor Hoddle’s absence.
are welcome to watch, with in his room and mentally tear
various papers snapping
down the sun-yellowed tat Thankfully, as with Hoddle’s
away! By the way, keep your
eyes peeled on Carlton ITV on
posters which adorn the situation, the Election ques-
the 22nd of February at Mecca of interior design that tions will also be swiftly
approximately 1pmish and is known as the Sports Office. answered as the candidates
just after 6.25pm for a pro- Similar feelings of fait accom- line up for Hustings next
gram about our day, showing pli must have been echoing week on Monday 8th and
to 1.2m people!! through the corridors of Thursday 11th. Make sure
power at Lancaster Gate, as you attend to have your say
We are looking for enthusias- the F.A. seemed to endlessly and grill the candidates, and
tic mixed teams of six people
ponder the Glenn Hoddle especially to support the fel-
comprising from friends from
your floor, work, department,
Karma comments, put off las who will suffer the most
home, family etc (male and since 12pm Tuesday, to be stagefright on the night, the
female) to play the following finally announced at 7pm as Comperes, your loveable BF
sports: Gordon Taylor, rather gravely Editor and his Sporty
announced the inevitable Sidekick - We’re $#!tt!n’ our-
news that Hoddle would no selves!
longer continue in his position You Hungover? Lets Hope
as England manager. Head of You’re Drunk on Pride
Development, Howard After Yesterdays BUSA
Look out for the Surrey Supporters on ITVCarlton on 22nd February at 1pm Wilkinson, will take over tem- Demolitions!
and approx 6.25pm.

World Champion leads

UniS to another win.
niS Guildford had Lloyd-Walter and was

U a comfortable
win against Lee
on Solent, by four ties to
only able to trouble the
score by six points.

one. The match was Steve Meads, the veteran

clinched by veteran and campaigner who had just
former World Champion recently arrived back
– Ross Norman, who beat from America, where he
Clive Ewins, of Lee on had played in the
Solent, by 3 games to one. ‘Tournament of
This was an untroubled Champions’ in New
match win for Ross York – Grand Central
Norman, who displayed Station, won a scrappy
the skills of a former and rather Let strewn
World Champion, a dis- match against the fiery
play that overwhelmed Nathan Duggan.
his opponent.
UniS Guildford have
Adrian Grant and John now consolidated their
Russell, the two young position at the top of the
stars of the future for table and look forward to
Guildford, both won their next match, which
comfortably by 3 games will be a top of the table
to 0. Once a gain, giving clash at home to
the Guildford supporters Chichester, on the 9
at the Varsity Centre, an February. Tickets are
insight to their potential. available for this match,
but early booking is
Lisa Stephen, another advisable as it will
young prospect for inevitably will be a sell
Guildford, was complete- out
ly overwhelmed by Lee .by Mustapha Rally’s
on Solent’s Dominique mate.

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