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Does a student have a high grades but doesnt learn what the topic is?
According to Cornell University, research over the past two decades has
deepened our understanding of fundamental principles of human learning.
Yet much of what we in undergraduate education seem to effectively ignore
these principles.
Here are some causes why students dont learn:
Is the child lacking motivation or is the child lethargic? In this case, why is
the child lacking motivation? If the child is lethargic, do you know why?
Perhaps some dialogue with parents will help to clarify.

Meaningful Activity?:
Is the activity meaningful? Does the child understand why they are doing the
activity? All learning activities should be relevant and authentic. Children
need to know why it is important. Using a differentiated approach is most

Sometimes you'll find that some students need to be taught what it means to
act responsibly and take responsibility over their learning activities. They
need to take ownership over their own learning, to help them with this,
tracking sheets are often helpful.
Is the child able to work on the task independently? Some children need to
be buddied up with a peer as they gradually learn to work independently.
Sometimes children have a fear of 'getting it wrong' when required to work
on their own and some self-esteem boosting is required.

Students sometimes procrastinate or avoid studying because they may
harbor unrealistic expectations of themselves that they have to appear
more sophisticated or knowledgeable than they feel they are, or that they
shouldnt show that they dont understand something, or that they should be
able to do all their academic work with equal success regardless of the
difficulty of the material. You may recognize their feelings in your own
experience the sense that everyone here is so much smarter than I am!
Students may fear betraying this feeling.
Prevention through Instructional Approaches
In general, the possibility of academic misconduct is best handled by
proactively helping students recognize and use legitimate strategies and
resources throughout the semester. Almost all students want to succeed on
their own merits and will appreciate this approach.
This is the approach taken in the Teaching Guides sections on the most
frequent forms of academic misconduct: plagiarism and cheating on exams.


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