6 Modale, Adj, Too, Enough

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Test paper

1. Fill in CAN, CAN'T , COULD , COULDN'T

a) they .................drive yet. They are only ten years old.
b) ..............................I use your phone, please?
c) When he was four years old , he ..................only count to twenty.
d) It was raining yesterday , so we..................go on a picnic.
e) ..........................you speak German when you were little?
2. Choose the correct item
a) She has to/can study hard if she wants to pass the exam.
b) He shouldn't /couldn't swim when he was seven years old.
c) You can/must use my mobile phone if you like.
d) You mustn't/ have to open strange email.
e) You don't have to/mustn't use your mobile phone in class. It's against the rules.
f) Children shouldn't / don't have to play computer games for long hours.
g) you don't have to / should buy milk. I bought it yesterday.
h) You should /could be careful who you talk to on the Net.
i) I'm afraid you can't/must take pictures in this museum.It's not allowed.
j) I can / could play the piano when I was little.
3. Complete with the correct form of the adjectives.
a) It's ..............................(good) film I have ever seen.
b) Maths is...............................( important) than English.
c) Maria is ........................( cool) as my mother.
d) Lions are........................(pretty) than tigers.
e) A book is much .....................( interesting) than a film.
f) You are..........................(bad) than your sister.
g) I'm not ..........................( sociable) as my friend
h) my bag is ...................( big) than my brother's.
i) The Volga is..........................(long) river in Europe.
j) Your car is........................( comfortable) of all.

Complete with TOO or ENOUGH and the adjectives in brackets.

a) John is 14. He is............................(young) to drive a car.
b) The plane is................(expensive) for us, so we will take the train.
c) I'm ....................(short) to reach that book there. Can you help me?
d) I enjoy running , but I'm not...............( good) to win the race.
e) My friend is ........................( clever) to pass the test.

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