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Report of the second day of the sensitization workshop.


In the worry of seeing the possible problems bound in the elections of 2010 in Burundi, and of
finding adequate solutions by the slant of their integration in the programs of national development
and the projects of society of the political parties, a workshop of sensitization of the students leaders
from political parties and four universities on the free, transparent and non violent elections has
been organized in one conference room of the Cathedral Regina Mundi on 27th and 28th April, 2010.

This workshop organized by the association Amahoro Youth Club saw the involvement of the
representatives of the young students leaders from different political parties such as CNDD-FDD,

The 2nd day of the shop was centered on four major objectives:

1. Presentation on the management of the rumors, emotions and violences during the electoral

2. Presentation of the electoral code of Burundi

3. to explain the organization of the Clubs Amahoro within the Universities

4. to formulate some recommendations in order to live the transparent elections.

THEME 1: The management of the rumors, emotions and violent during the electoral period

The expert Sebastian NDAYIRAGIJE made a brief historic regarding to the elections in Burundi. To
this effect, he underlined that in Burundi, the elections always were not restful but rather they have
been enameled of turbulences and even of turpitudes.

In short before, during and after the elections, there were always gaps of language, of the facts and
gestures so violent.

He finished his exposé while defining the indispensable actions that the participants should
undertake in this electoral period in the line to live the peaceful elections and reassuring. Exchanges
and debates to the course of which the participants made the crossed observations enameled this
session of presentation. The exchanges of the participants, to the level of this first presentation,
noted the following observations,:

Required for the country to prepare the elections deprived of all shapes of violences

--To show to the young people the consequences of violent elections in their place

--To promote to the profit of young people a teaching centered on the notion of the democracy

--The active and prudent implication of the young people in the politics

Facing all these expressed concerns, the participants recommended to the politicians not to
instrumentalize the young people and to commit favorably to defend the interest of the nation.
THEME 2: The code of youth conduct during the electoral period

Consultant Reginas NDAYIRAGIJE retraced the challenges, the objectives and the results waited,
once this code of conduct is held in consideration by all taking parts.

He indicated that the law has for object to define the relative rules in regular elections and to allow
all parts concerned to determine the convenient modes aiming the transparent and non violent
elections of it.

On that, the propositions serving of recommendations were even given out.

Exchanges and debates organized to the level of the themes and the results of works in commissions
show the findings and recommendations towards public actors who are the political decision-makers,
organizations of the civil society and young people. Here are some of these recommendations:

To the young: one recommended them to internalize arrangements of the code of conduct of the
young people and to conform at last, to carry a critical look on the propositions of the politicians
while filtering them by their mistakes of the past and to adopt a non violent attitude before, during
and after the elections.

To the politicians: one required that they propose their projects of society henceforth nearly feasible
and profitable to the whole nation and that they stop the language reflecting the hate and the
To the place of the media: one proposed them to distribute controllable and reassuring information
to the public opinion, and not based on the rumors. To reinforce the synergy of the media already
existing and to remain without cold weather in relation to their messages.

The CENI has been asked to remain neutral and to proclaim some results as they are while respecting
the law governing the electoral code of Burundi.

THEME 3: The creation and the organization of the Clubs Amahoro within the Universities

Alice SINDAYIGAYA explained the objective pursued of the creation of the Clubs Amahoro as well as
their mission within the Universities briefly. She challenged the students leaders from political
parties to join associations in order to share the ideas, the opinions, the customs and the knowledge
thus construct their best future.

Thus, the Clubs Amahoro were created to the level of the universities as the antennas of the
Amahoro Youth Club that has a clear and clean mission. A structural movie on the unhappy events
of 1993 has been projected in order to illustrate non transparent elections.

The works of the day were ended with a word of thanks pronounced by the Legal Representative of
the AYC.

Taking act of the recommendations formulated, the Legal Representative of the AYC specified that
some of the students will be integrated in the program - communication of future activities. He
foresee in the same way, in this setting, a debate on the synergy of the media to the intention of the
political parties. The media have a role to play in order to fight against all shapes of violences before,
during and after the electoral period.
It would be necessary to underline finally that the main findings and recommendations have been
validated at the end of the day.

Wilson CIZA

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