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Bridgeport Republican Board of Education Members Call on Maria Pereira to Step

Yesterday, we joined Board Chair Dennis Bradley in issuing a joint press release stating
we would not attend that nights meeting and any future regular meetings until such
time when Maria Pereira resigns. This action, taken only after much consideration, is in
response to a pattern of harassment by Ms. Pereira toward other board members,
Board of Education staff, and the interim Superintendent.
The Bridgeport Public School District is an employer with a large workforce and as
such, the Board of Education must provide a safe and secure workplace that is free
from harassment. It is simply untenable that employees in our school district are being
subjected to unfair and demeaning attacks by a member of the very board sworn to
uphold the policies that are in place to protect them.
We can no longer sit quietly by as often rancorous 4-5 hour meetings generate little to
no positive actions that benefit our children, go viral on the internet, and become an
embarrassment to Bridgeport. We have tried to work with Ms. Pereira and the other
board members that support her to no avail. With only eight board members currently
seated, we felt the only significant action available to us is to take away her bi-weekly
pulpit in the hope that all board members will come together to condemn her behavior
and recommend she resign.
This was not an easy decision and we are well-aware of the work that needs to be
done. Our energy should be directed towards increasing funding and financial stability,
searching for a qualified and capable superintendent, and improving student
achievement across the district. These are not easy tasks in the best of times and their
success depends on all of us working together in a professional and collegial manner.
We can and should always welcome different opinions. We can and should have
spirited debate on the issues that affect our students. What we can no longer allow are
the personal attacks and vendettas that have plagued our board for the last several
Our children deserve better.
Joseph Larcheveque
Kevin McSpirit
Annette Negron

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