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P1 you
P1 ()

1 personal fact:
What is ?
(what is your major/your full name)
Where ?
( where do you come from? Where are you living now ?)
Is it ?
(is it a big city or a small place?)
How long ?
(how long have you been living there ?)

Do you ?
(do you ever use internet?)
Can you ?
(can you drive?)
2 personal like or dislike
Do you like.../ to do ...?
do you like sports?
What do you like most about?
(what do you like most about your hometown)
Is there anything you dislike about?
(is there anything you dislike about travelling?)
Are you interested in ?
(are you interested in painting?)
Whats your favorite?
(what is your favorite flower?)

3 personal habit or experience

Do you often ?
(do you often read newspapers?)
How do you ?
(how do you organize your time?)
How often do you ?
(how often do you watching TV?)
When/where do you( often )?
(when do you listening to music?/where do you often walk?)
What do you usefor?
(what do you use computer for ?)
What do you like to do + during a period of time?
(what do you like to do on weekends?)
How do you spend+ a period of time?
(how do you spend your evenings?)

In what situations do you ?

(in what situations do you take photographs?)
When did you /was the last time did you ?
when did you start using mobile phones/when was the last
time you went to see your relatives?
How did you do ?
(how did you learn to cook)
did you do ?
(did you have any special clothes to wear when you were a child)

Have you ever ?

(have you ever been to musical performance ?)

4 personal preference
Do you prefer A or B?
(Do you prefer sending emails or writing letters?)

Do you like A or B?
(do you like travelling alone or with friends?)
What kind/part of do you ?
(what kind of music do you like to listen to/what part of your
home do you like the most?)
Which do you think is better , A or B?
(Which do you think is better ,watching movie in the cinema or at
5 personal idea
Do you think is good/necessary/important?
(do you think rain is good?)
Do you think its important to ?
(do you think its important for a person to have a good
relationship with their neighbours?)
What(do you think) are the benefits of ?
(what do you think are the benefits of travelling by train?)

Would you say ?

(would you say its suitable for children to do some housework?)
6 personal judgement(compare)
what are the differences between A and B?
(what are the differences between paper dictionary and electronic
what do you think are the advantages( and
disadvantages )of compared to ?
(what do you think are the advantages (and disadvantages) of
bicycles compared to cars ?)
do you think A and B feel the same about ?
(do you think boys and girls feel the same about sports?)
Has .changed in the past years?
(has your hometown changed in the past 10 years?)
How /In what ways has changed in the past and now?
(how/in what ways has TV program changed in the past and now?)

Is the same in the past and now ?

(is the traffic condition the same in the past and now?)
7 personal explain
Why do..?
(what do you want to know the latest news?)
What are the reasons why ?
(what are the reasons why people ride bicycles?)
8 personal plan
What are your plans ?
(what are your future work/study/travel plans?)
Do you plan to ?
(do you plan to learn cooking in the future ?)
Would you like to +(in the future)?
(would you like to move to another city in the future?)
9 personal observation (group behavior)

Do people in your country ?

(do people in your country like planting flowers?)
What kinds of people ?
(What kinds of people most often use internet for work?)
How do people in your country ?
(how do people in your country celebrate birthdays?)
Do Chinese people ?
(do Chinese people often go to museums?)
Do children ?
(do children also like riding bicycles in your country?)

1. Do you?

2.Do people in your country do?

3.What type of do you like?

4.What type of do you dislike?

5.What do you like about?

6.What do you dislike about?

7.What do you like to do +

8.What do you dislike to do +

9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe/dangerous to do?

10.When did you first do ?

11.Did you dowhen you were a child?

12.When did you last do ?

=Tell me about your last experience?

13.When and where do you?

14.Do you like doalone or with friends?

15.Do you prefer A or B? Why?





children/schools to do?

17.What do you think about..?




possibly /probably
A/an adj n called ...

What (kind)
I'm (quite/rather) keen on .../I just love ...
My least favourite .... is .../I can't stand ...

What (usually ,often)

Normally, I choose to
While i am ving , I

What (future )
I t is going to be more
It's always been my hope that

Whatdifference )
A is not quite as adj as B
A is not nearly as adj as B

Why :
1 like or dislike
Mainly because/just because /simply because /since
That's because I find it ....../The main reason I like...... is that it's ....../The best/worst thing
about ... is .../I don't like that very much because it's too ......
2 opinions
One reason why ... is because / is that ...
One possible explanation (for that) is ...

Which :
My preference is / i very much prefer it
If I had the choice, I'd rather + V...

When i was identity

Has /did(change)
Compared to...ago, _______ has +

More and more ________ are being+ nowadays but + past tense ...ago

In terms of
The best approach is

How often
Very frequently
Not quite often

Do (you think)
Personally, I (think, believe, feel) ...
I've always + (thought/believed/felt) that ...

Do (people)
To my mind
it seems to me that

Can Would
Sure Absolutely
Sort of A little bit

Not really I guess not

Maybe not Not very much
Little tip:
What I'm trying to say is ..
My point is that ...
Explain a word
it's a thing that ...
it's a type of ...

Little tip:
What I'm trying to say is ..
My point is that ...

Explain a word
it's a thing that ...
it's a type of ...

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