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Happiness is important to us

We pursue happiness in our lives.

We pursue many things, such as happiness, in our


Distance education is beneficial to those who have a

heavy workload.

My sister is a nurse.

Legislation should make drink driving a criminal



She travels around Asia every year.


She found a job last year.


Travelling is a good way to rest.


To travel overseas is important. (


She enjoys travelling very much.

I want to travel overseas.

Her hobby is travelling around Asia.

The purpose of doing this job is to make money.


Many Chinese students choose to study in Englishspeaking countries.

Travelling around Asia, she is familiar with many

countries cultures.

The effect is devastating.



Students from disadvantaged families are not


I'm interested in this language.

I had my hair cut last week.

Caught in a heavy rain, he was all wet.

The yellow sweater is mine.

Mine sweater is yellow.

I want to color the sweater yellow.

I arrived home, hungry and cold.

The new will replace the old.

We should respect the old and love the young.

He was driving rather fast.

I have got a gift from abroad.

We are behind in our plan.

I like her, and I enjoy living with her.

The one who broken the glass is her.

Dont forget to reply to me by email.




Your book is on the table.

Mine is on the shelf.

I will take mine along with me today.


The book with a black cover is another one of mine.

The book in the bag is hers.

It/this/that is a lovely story.

There is a problem about the computer , I will settle it.

Who is that speaking?

These/those cloths are old fashioned.

The story is about his own life.

He told us the reason for being late.

There is a new bridge across the river.

We must bear the knowledge in mind.


Students have to study many subjects today.


The subjects he studied are related to law.

English is an important subject.

3 the

He brings a book wherever he goes.

He brings the book wherever he goes.

Every student has the opportunity to go to college.

Water is vital to life.

2 the

The water in this lake is now polluted.



This problem exists.

This is a problem.
I have finished this job.
This company has given me a
good opportunity.
His success has encouraged
me to further my study.

This job has been finished.

I have been given a good
I have been encouraged to
further my study.



Exercise regularly can rise one's confidence.
1 Exercise
2 rise
Regular exercise can increase one's self-confidence.


Participating in sports frequently can boost people's confidence, which is important not only to
the youth but also to the elderly.
regular doing exercise regular doing

2 mental arithmetic
Rely heavily on calculators will have negative impact on human beings` mental
1 rely
2 impact
3 human beings

Relying heavily on calculators will have a negative impact on mental arithmetic.


The excessive reliance on calculators is likely to have an adverse impact on children's mental
arithmetic and pose a threat to their intellectual development.

3 male-dominated world

A number of girls are not willing to hunting jobs in the male-dominated world
1 willing to do something
2 a number of
3 1
Many girls are not willing to seek employment in a male-dominated world.


Numerous women are unwilling to find employment in a male-dominated world because they
can face barriers to top-level promotion.

environmental problem has been the focus of public concern.
1 problem
2 be become
The environmental problem has become the focus of public concern.

+become+the focus

The environmental problems has become the focus of public concern, for
example, greenhouse emissions. That is why the government limits people to use private cars in
urban areas.
1greenhouse emissions

Environmental problems such as greenhouse gas emissions have become the focus of
public concern and some regulations can be enforced to tackle these problems.

parents and teachers should do their efforts to curb the time of watching TV on
1 make an effort to
2 curb time.
3 watching TV on children
parents and teachers should make an effort to limit childrens screen time.
parents and teachers+(make)+(effort)
Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children's screen time,
thereby protecting children's eyesight and encourage them to do more out-door activities.
protecting encourage
Parents and teachers should make an effort to limit children's screen time,
thereby protecting children's eyesight and encouraging them to do more outdoor activities.
screen time
limit screen time

Arts is not regarded as a core curriculum at school.

2 curriculum
The arts are not among core subject areas at school.
The arts+are+ among+
The arts are not among core subject areas at school. However, we should learn
them at school . Because they could add spice of our life.
2add spice to life
3 them .
The arts are not among core subject areas at school but deserve a place in the
curriculum, for these subjects add spice to life.

7 rural-to-urban shift
Unemployment in rural areas can be address by rural-to-urban shift.
2 shift
Unemployment in rural areas can be addressed partially by the rural-to-urban
Unemployment in rural areas can be addressed partially by the rural-to-urban
shift, because rural areas are lack of industry and services, which causes high unemployment

3 lack of
The lack of infrastructure and government funding in rural areas is the main
cause of unemployment, which can be addressed partially by the rural-to-urban shift.

8 economic slowdown
Economic slowdown made the climbing unemployment rate.
Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate.
Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate, in view of the fact
that employers are reluctant to recruit new employees so as to cut overhead.

recruit new employees reluctant to recruit new

employeescut overhead?
Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate because
employers intend to cut overheads and refuse to recruit new employees.

Economic slowdown has led to a climbing unemployment rate, as people balk at starting up new
businesses and a number of giant companies downsize their workforce.

9 economic outlook
Because of unclear/ambiguous economic outlook, many companies are unlikely
to recruit new employments.
1 ambiguous OUTLOOK
2 employees

Because of the uncertainty about the economic outlook, many companies are unlikely to recruit
new employees.
Because of
Because of the uncertainty about the economic outlook, many companies are
unlikely to recruit new employers, so a considerable number of graduates will face the problem
of unemployment.
because ofso
2 employees

Because of the uncertainty about the economic outlook, many companies are
unlikely to recruit new employees and a considerable number of graduates fail to find

10 eyesore
4.5 Occasionallyhighrise buildings are tend to be regarded as the
eyesore of a city.
1 Occasionally
2 be + do
High-rise buildings are sometimes regarded as eyesores of the city.
the eyesore

somebody regards something as something+++

The economic development requires a great number of fresh working forces
1 working force
A country's economic development relies on a supply of young workers

the problem is that

A country's economic development relies on a supply of young workers, but the problem is that
the aging society has an adverse impact on the labour force.

12recharge batteries
People do with heavy workload cannot have adequate times to rest and recharge
1 do
2 time
5 cannot do not
People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest and recharge

++to rest and recharge batteries time

People with a heavy workload do not have adequate time to rest and recharge batteries, which
can be harmful to their fitness.

13 : lavish gifts
It is a custom for Chinese to send lavish gifts to others.
custom to send ..
It is customary for Chinese people to exchange lavish gifts.
++it to exchange lavish gifts

Exchanging lavish gifts is a tradition in China

Exchanging lavish gifts is a tradition in China and many people feel they lose face when giving or
receiving inexpensive gifts.

14 :
Large number of students in China have to study at night.
1 a large number of
A large number of students in China have to do self-study at night.


A large number of students in China have to do self-study at night, so extra-curricular activities

have to give way to studies.

15 :
Air freight is likely to exhaust a large number of greenhouse gases.
1 exhaust
2 a large number of gases, goods
Air freight is likely to create enormous greenhouse gases.
Air freight has produced enormous greenhouse gases.
air freight

+ +

Air freight is likely to create more greenhouse gases than other modes of transport.

16 :
We will find it difficult for us to protect the biodiversity of vegetation in the
coming decades.
1 we... for us
2 vegetaion
We will find it difficult to preserve biodiversity in the coming decades.

: + +it + difficult

Unless local authorities reduce the impact of city expansion on vegetation, we will find it
difficult to preserve biodiversity in the coming decades.

17: heritage sites

The development of cities have pose a threat on heritage sites.
1 have pose
2 pose a threat to
The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites.
: development+ (pose)+ (threat)

The development of cities has posed a threat to heritage sites, but the government has no idea
whether to protect or demolish these constructions.

The children are likely to meet behavior problems.
1 meet problems
2 behavioural problems
The children are likely to have behavioural problems.

+ + (likely)

The children who are exposed to abuse or neglect in the home are likely to have behavioural

population expansion constitutes the main reason of enormous garbages.
1 reason for
2 garbage waste
The rapid population expansion is the main reason for the huge
accumulation of waste.
+ + (reason)

Population expansion is the main reason for the huge accumulation of waste, which can take
decades to degrade.

It cannot be ignored by people to have some face-to-face communication.
1 it
2 to have face-to-face communication

We should not ignore face-to-face communication.

+ +communication

We should not ignore face-to-face communication because this has a direct impact on social

Internet can enrich our social lives, but we should not ignore face-to-face communication,
because this has a direct impact on social relationships.

As the growing age, people is hard to connect with their families and friends
1 As the growing age
2 people is
4 connect frequently
With age, people find it difficult to maintain contact with family and friends.
(people)+ (find)+it + difficult

contact people find it easy to contact their

friends today.
With age, people find it difficult to maintain contact with family and friends, due
to fact that they are occupied with career development and advance education.
= advance education
4 connect frequently

With age, people find it difficult to maintain contact with family and friends, as
they are occupied with work and other commitments.

Stiff sentences is an effective method to decrease crime rates.
1 stiff sentences
2 decrease crime rates
Stiff punishment is an effective method to reduce crime.
: + + to reduce crime

It is suggested that stiff punishment is an effective method to reduce crime, as offenders are
fearful of getting caught and less likely to commit crime.

The investment on space technology should be supported by government.
1 investment in
2 governments or the government
The investment in space technology should be supported by the government.
+ support +

The investment in space technology should be supported by the government because the
commercialization of such technology will bring more business opportunities and improve
people's living standards.

Some public services have problems in break even.
1 break in
Some public services have problems in breaking even.
+ (have)+ (problems)

Some public services have problems in breaking even and need government funds.

Our environment still be in a direstate.
Our environment is still in a dire state.
+ + ( in a dire state )

Unless our modern lifestyle experiences a profound change, our environment will still be in a
dire state.
Unless we make profound changes in modern lifestyles, our environment will remain in
a dire state.

Undergraduates are forced to study under pressure due to severe situation of
unemployment rate is ascending currently.
1 due to
2 ascend

Undergraduates feel under increasing pressure to study hard, because of the soaring
unemployment rate.
(undergraduates)+ feel+ ( under pressure )

Students feel pressured to study hard because the unemployment rate is increasing.

Free tuition fees makes it possible for students from less well-off background
have equal access to tertiary education.
1 make it possible for somebody to do something.
3 background
Free university education makes it possible for students from less well-off
backgrounds to have equal access to tertiary education.
access access to something access
access education
tertiary education=university education
+ +it + difficult
to have equal access to tertiary education
(believe that )(who agree with)
People who agree with free university education believe that this practice makes it possible for
students from less well-off backgrounds to have equal access to tertiary education.

We have to consider about social and economic context.
1 consider
We have to consider the social and economic context.
+ +

We have to consider the social and economic context when analysing the root causes of juvenile

Genetic engineering allows people to nurture new species crops.
1 species crops
Genetic engineering allows people to nurture crop varieties.
+ + people+to nurture

Genetic engineering allows people to nurture crop varieties that are resistant to drought
thereby improving land productivity.

Intensive farming poses a threat to stemming the lose of bio-diversity.
1 pose a threat to stemming the loss of bio-diversity
2 lose OF
Intensive farming can pose a threat to bio-diversity.
+ + threat

Intensive farming has a great impact on natural flora and can pose a threat to bio-diversity.

Intensive farming has a seriously negative impact on natural flora, and this may pose a threat to
sustainable development of agriculture.

Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally have low-skilled
1 have low-skilled jobs have
Young people without tertiary education qualifications normally end up working
in low-skilled jobs.
+ end up

There is a widely held notion that young people without tertiary education qualifications
normally end up working in low-skilled jobs and this can compromise the quality of life.

The PE class not only improves students physical conditions but also boosts their
1 not only but also
improve physical conditionsboosts their confidence
2 students'
The PE class improves students physical conditions and boosts their confidence.
+ +

We should recognise the importance of the PE class, as it improves students' physical

conditions and boosts their confidence.

While academic performance is highly valued , we should not lose sight of the importance of
students' physical condition.

Antique heritages should be completely preserved due to its historical
1 Antique heritages
2 heritage
3 its
Historical relics should be preserved for their historical significance.
+ preserve +

The main purpose of the school activities which can give the children's a sense of
accomplishment is to promote the students's well being
Sports and other school activities can be designed to give children a sense of
accomplishment and to promote their well-being..
+ + design
improve well-being.

Employee can breakthrough the obsoleted rules.
1 breakthrough
2 obsoleted obsolete
3 employee
Some employees are encouraged to break the mould.
+ encourage + employees
+to break the mould

Nowadays, companies prefer those employees who can break the mould.

Equal access to education can overcome educational underachievement.
1 overcome educational underachievement educational underachievement

Equal access to education can help tackle educational underachievement.

+ help+ to tackle . to

Local authorities should ensure equal access to education, which can help tackle educational
underachievement, a problem found among disadvantaged children.
a problem educational underachievementfound
among disadvantaged children

People find it hard to overcome the racial stereotyping and discrimination against
some social groups.
Racial stereotyping and discrimination remains a serious problem.
+ (remain)+
stereotyping and discrimination remain

Racial stereotyping and discrimination remains a serious problem, although governments

promote equality.

Contacting with a wide variety of cultures can promot the creativity of native
1 Contacting with
2 native culture
Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity.
+ +

Exposure to different cultures can encourage creativity, which is an asset for enterprises or

People hold the objection to the proliferation of genetically modified food.
1 "hold the objection to "
Some people disapprove of genetically modified food.
+ disapprove

Some people disapprove of genetically modified food, as they believe that this type of food does
more harm than good.

Commuter time was prolonged because of traffic congestion.
1 Commuter time
2 was
Commuting time has been prolonged because of traffic congestion.
: + prolong +

Tourist spots devote to fulfilling tourists' tastes and needs.
1 devote
2 fulfil tastes
Tourist spots endeavor to cater for tourists' tastes and needs.
+to do

Computering applying in their academic study as well as their career life
1 applying
2 career life
Computer skills can be applied in their studies as well as their working lives.
+ apply +

Students can acquire computer skills which can be applied in their studies as well as their
working lives.


Replacing the long sentence by working for the locals provides offenders with
transferable skills.
Community service provides offenders with opportunities to acquire transferable
+ + offenders+with opportunities to

Community service provides offenders with opportunities to acquire transferable skills and gives
them a flying start when they are released.

The government should give a priority to social welfare, especially the healthcare
1 give priority to a
The government should give priority to social welfare, especially the healthcare.
+ +

When it comes to distribution of public funds, some people suggest that the government should
give priority to social welfare, especially the healthcare, which helps stop the disadvantaged
population dying needlessly.

In the highly competitive society, working adults are usually focusing on career

1 athe
In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on career
+ (focus)

In a highly competitive society, working adults usually focus on career advancement, and have
difficulty in achieving work-life balance.

Doing exercises regularly helps people maintain a healthy state of mind.
1 Doing exercises
Doing exercise regularly helps people maintain a healthy state of mind.
+ + people+to maintain to

Doing exercise regularly helps people maintain a healthy state of mind and makes it easier for
them to cope with stress.

Perception of beauty is differed from culture to culture.
Perception of beauty differs from culture to culture.

+from culture to culture

Environmental protection campaign can across national boundaries.
1 across
2 campaign
Environmental protection campaigns can transcend national boundaries.

The regulations may stifled creativity of human beings.
3human being
Regulations may stifle peoples creativity.

The most of environmental degradation is contributed to human activities.
1the most
2 contribute to attributed to
Most of environmental degradation is attributed to human activities.
+++ attribute something to

Unhealthy lifestyle is likely to make people at risk of illness.
1 make somebody do something make somebody +
An unhealthy lifestyle may put people at risk of illness.
An unhealthy lifestyle+put+people+
at risk of illness

Building apartment blocks contribute to solve the crowed problem in cities
1 building
2 contribute to
3 crowed problem
Building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding in cities.

+(helps)+(solve overcrowding to, to solve

Building apartment blocks helps solve overcrowding in citiesbecause it can
contain more people with limited space.
contain more people
Apartment blocks, which make the most of land and space, help solve
overcrowding in cities.

People at disadvantage are likely to improve their social status by working hard,
studying hard.
1 at disadvantage
2 working hard, studying hard
People from disadvantaged backgrounds can improve their social status by
working hard.
: people+ (improve)+ (status) from disadvantaged
backgrounds people

People from disadvantaged backgrounds can improve their social status by working hard and
this seems an arduous but rewarding process.

Learning time tables by rote are not the best way that improves arithmetic ability.
1 is
2way that
Learning the times table by rote is not the best way to improve numeracy.
: (Learning the times table by rote)+(is)+the best wayto
improve numeracy way

Deprived countries concern how to satisfy citizens' requirements of survive.

1 concern worry involve,

2 requirements
3 Of survive
The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens' basic needs.
: (priority)+ (is)+ (to satisfy citizens basic needs)
The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens' basic needs, which is
an effective method to sustain social stability

The top priority for deprived countries is to satisfy citizens' basic needs, and by
doing this, governments can sustain social stability.

Many children are expose to violent contents in every day.
1 content
2 expose be + do
3 every day in
Many children are exposed to violent content every day.
: + () are exposed+ to violent content
something exposes children to violent content+++

Many children are exposed to violent content every day, then acting up the crime.
Because they treat it as a normal part of everyday life.

2act up
Many children are exposed to violent content every day and prone to act up,
because they treat it as a normal part of everyday life.

Because of the globalisation, people should work with others who comes from
different backgrounds.
1 the globalization the
2 who comes from
3 should
Because of globalisation, people need to work with those from diverse
those those people
: (people)+ need+ (to work)because of globalisation

Family environment is widely thought to be the most important influence on
children development.
children development
Family environment is widely thought/believed to be the most important
influence on childrens development.
: (family environment)+ thought+ (to be)

in large-scale cities have some deprived communities
in large-scale cities
There are some economically deprived communities in large cities.
: there be

Scholarship could be regarded as something to inspire more students to take
postgraduate curriculum.
1 scholarship
2 regarded as something
3 curriculum course curriculum
Government grants could encourage more students to take postgraduate courses.
(government grants)+(encourage)+(students)+(to
take postgraduate courses)

We must take measurement to tackle thorny problems.
We need to have measures in place to solve some intractable problems.
we+(need)+(to have .)


Cutting the budget of the education pose a threat to the opportunities of the young people who
want to take part in the higher education.
1: Cutting
2pose a threat to the opportunities
3opportunities to do something
native speaker

Budget cuts make it difficult for many young people to receive a college
Budget cuts+make+it +
difficultto receive a college education

There is no clear link between selection in terms of students' ability and their
academic performance.
: in terms of

There is no clear link between grouping students by ability and their levels of
there be


with more young people join the volunteer works, community's cohension will be enhanced.
1 with
2 work
With an increasing number of young people participating in volunteer work,
community cohesion will be enhanced.
community cohesion+ be enhanced


The impact that genetic food has on our health still remains unknown.
2 remains still
3 genetic food
The health effect of GE food remains unclear/yet to be known.
health effect+remains+unclear

The health effect of GE food remains unclear, so clear food labeling is strongly advocated.
clear food labeling

Immigrants sometimes was recognised as a threat to the social cohesion.
3 cohesion the
Immigrants are sometimes recognised as a threat to social cohesion.
people sometimes recognise immigrants as a threat
people+ recognise+ immigrants+ as a threat

Teaching quality has regarded as a key factor to student's academic performance.
1 has regarded
2 students
The quality of teaching has been identified as central to students academic
people have identified the quality of teaching as central to students
academic performance people+ identify+ quality of teaching +
as central

The quality of teaching has been identified as central to students academic performance, and
therefore, parents prefer to choose prestigious schools for children.

the government should introduce a law which is drunk driving a criminal offence.
a law is drunk driving

Legislation should make drink driving a criminal offence.

legislation+(make)+(drink driving)+(a criminal

It has become an important part for most people to shop online in daily life.
part of daily life
Online shopping has become a normal part of peoples everyday life.

rural area provides people with opportunity to escape pressure and noises of
modern life.
1rural area
Rural areas provide people with opportunities to escape pressure and noises of
modern life.
(rural areas)+(provide) +(people)+(with
Rural area is beneficial to people's fitness, because it provides people with
opportunities to escape pressure and noises of modern life.
rural area

Rural areas are beneficial to people's health, providing people with opportunities
to escape pressure and noises of modern life.

71bare necessities
in a throw-away society, people are not satisfied with bare necessities any more.
1throw-away society
2not any more no longer
in the consumer society, bare necessities are not able to satisfy peoples needs.

The impact on people's cultural level from computer, varies between ages.
1cultural level
2varies between ages
3the impact from the computer
The impact of computers on literacy skills varies across ages.
impact+ variesof computers on literacy skills

() The impact of computers on literacy skills varies across ages and

teachers have mixed feelings on the usage of computers.


Medias exaggerate the hurt of victims to attract public attentions.

2hurt OF
The media attract public attention by sensationalising victims suffering.
the media+ (attracts)+ (attention)by+
The media attract public attention by sensationalising victims suffering, while
ignore harmful consequences bring to them, such as their exposure to the public.
1 while
2 ignore bring
3 them
The media attracts public attention by sensationalising victims suffering, while
ignoring harmful consequences to these individuals, such as their exposure to the public.

Unhealthy lifestyle is the result of trend to rely on science and technology.
1Unhealthy lifestyle
2trend toward doing somethingtendency to do something
Peoples unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on

unhealthy lifestyle+is+ the result; of

Peoples unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on

technology, because this makes their lives more convenience.
2because unhealthy lifestyle
rely heavily on technology
Peoples unhealthy lifestyle is the result of their tendency to rely heavily on
technology, despite the fact that technology has made their lives convenient and improved their
lives significantly.

The reason which cause increasely number of community crimes in society is
1reason which cause
2increasely number

Poverty is responsible for the crime wave in many communities.

poverty+ is+(responsible)
Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an
astounding pace over the past decades, that means people's traveling will become more
convenience and safety.
1 this means that
3safety low cost carriers

Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an

astounding pace over the past decades, and this means that people are tempted to travel more
frequently than before.

The airline has sharp development in recent decades, with the cost decline.
1in recent decades
2has sharp development
Because of low-cost carriers, the aviation industry has developed at an
astounding pace over the past decades.

the aviation industry+(developed); Because of low-cost carriers

over the past decades at an astounding pace

Hunting illegally leads to the extinct of species, as well as, biodiversity is
2as well as

Illegal hunting leads to extinction of some species and the loss of biodiversity.
Illegal hunting+leads to+extinction

Animal experiment is occasionally unable to examine drugs side effects.
1Animal experiment
3drugs side effects
Animal experiments sometimes fail to detect the undesirable side effects of drugs.

The invention of electric vehicles is a part of our efforts aiming at preserving the
1part of
2effort to do something
The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the environment.

The invention of electric vehicles+is+ part ; of

The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the environment,
because electric vehicles do not conduct exhaust emission, compared with fossil fuel motors
1electric vehicles
2conduct exhaust emission
3fossil fuel motors MOTOR
The invention of electric vehicles is part of our effort to sustain the environment
because these vehicles create less exhaust fumes than conventional cars.

Sometimes, it is difficult to evaluate the environmental costs of peoples
1environmental cost
3behaviour activities activities

Sometimes, it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities.

(it)+ is+ difficultto evaluate the environmental cost of human


Sometimes, although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human activities, there
is a necessity for the government enacting legislations to restrict some behaviors , which can
also arise people's concern about environmental degradation.
1there is a necessity for

Sometimes, although it is difficult to evaluate the environmental cost of human
activities, it is necessary to enact laws to restrict some behaviours.

Compulsory retirement age will be abolished, and the reason is attributed to
population aging and urban.
1retirement age
2reason is attributed to
the ageing population has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement
(ageing population)+(prompt)+(countries)+(to
The ageing population leads to a shortage of skillful workers, a problem which
has promote countries to raise the statutory retirement age.
skilled workers. Skillful
The ageing population leads to a shortage of highly skilled workers, a problem
which has prompted countries to raise the statutory retirement age.
a problem shortage


Schools should allow teachers to make the children with disruptive behaviours go
out of classrooms.
children with disruptive behaviours
Teachers should be permitted to use force to remove disruptive children from the
Schools should permit teachers to use force to remove disruptive children from the
schools+(permit)+(teachers)+ (to use force)

Many people think that they are necessary to chaes after fashion.
necessary chase
Many people consider it necessary to follow fashion.
many people+(consider)+(it)+ (necessary)
to follow fashion.
Many people consider it necessary to follow fashion; otherwise, they believe they
are behind the times.

Many areas now pay attention to protect historical sites.
pay attention to to
Many areas now pay attention to the protection of historical sites.

Many areas now pay attention to the protection of historical sites, possibly
because these sites are important to their tourism revenues.

Education may do hold the key to ones job prospect.
may do
Education may hold the key to ones job prospect.
education+ hold)+(the key)

Education may hold the key to ones job prospect, especially when people intend to find jobs in
the hi-tech industry.

Use fossil fuels can cause damage to the environmental problem .
cause damage to problem
The use of fossil fuels can cause damage to the environment.
(use+(can cause)+(damage)

The use of fossil fuels can cause damage to the environment, possibly because it creates air

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