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Leadership is complex to where it would be considered something natural, are people

really born with that trait, or is it something that people need to learn? Leadership is such a
vague conception that it has to be formed and explained through your philosophies and
experiences. In my position, I deal with countless number of Very Important Personnel (VIPs)
but I treat everyone with the respect as if they were a VIPs as well. For that reason, I
communicate with people to develop relationships and influence them effectively and firmly
believe we contribute to the mission.
From the case study by Tom Deierlein, the central theme of the article revolves around
leadership philosophy. The article focuses how the leadership influences any given manager to
manage and address his or her team in an efficient manner. From the case, I have learned
leadership philosophy as the ability to come up with a proposed plan that is typically written to
help various stakeholders in communicating with their respective team and outlining the mode of
performance. All this is commonly implemented to improve the working conditions of the
workers (Deierlein, 2016).
The aspect of leadership in any team is to make sure that one can develop selfconfidence, self-knowledge and greater personal energy that is used to relate with different
stakeholders. This to make the management of teams and organization more efficiently as those
are some of the pillars that make the managers and leaders to have the necessary skills needed to
lead. Therefore, after developing leadership philosophy skills, my aim is to ensure that all
decisions in teams are made in a sober manner and the communication between various
stakeholders with the top direction of the team being optimized to enhance well-being and
successfulness of the team in different activities it is supposed to execute (Deierlein, 2016).

Leadership philosophy should be developed thru a vision with a purpose and thoughts of
people. Similar to way the Army incorporates the concept of Design which is non-linear inthoughts and applications that happen to visualize ways to solve problems, prior to applying on
detailed planning.
In conclusion, it is clear that leadership philosophy is critical in making sure teams are
well organized. Besides that, personal leadership shows the best direction when there are
problems in the management of the teams. This is done so by coming up with decision-making
rationale that is aimed at solving probable issues and differences that might be existing at the
teams level. However, personal leadership should entail more training to make sure leaders are
well updated regarding leadership skills to make organization and teams more productive.
Leaders has to elevate others, help team members realize their potential growth, and achieve
their goals. As leaders naturally motivating people with their actions; they are also showing
respect, listening, learning thru own self-awareness, and managing well through conflict.
Overall, leading is a way of life which it is developed from a learning experience.

Deierlein, T. (2016). [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2016]

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