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The Platinum Dragon

The 3 Story Method For

Getting Her Horny

Hello my friend...
I'm just going to dive in and explain this concept as clear and efficiently as possible.
When it comes to building sexual tension one of your biggest weapons is:
The Art of Manipulating Pleasure
If we break it down even more, you'll find that there are 2 key elements.
The pleasure element.
The timing element.
I've used this example before, but let's stick with it...
If a woman were to give you a handjob for 15 strokes over the course of 30 seconds, then
obviously it would feel good.
Now, if she were to suddenly release her grip, stop, and walk away...
Chances are... you're going to still be erect/hard... and expecting the pleasure to continue.
And this expectation is a result of [1] basic conditioning + [2] experiencing a sequence of
Now let's dig deeper... other words, as far as [1] basic conditioning...if you have received let's say 112 hand
jobs in your lifetime where 110 of those times ended up in completion and/or a transition
to an activity (i.e. sex, blow job, etc.) that lead to completion, then your brain (and the
neural pathways associated with this 'handy experience') is going to EXPECT for
handjobs to be completed...
So that's part of the reason why you would have an urge for her to continue the handjob.
...and as far as [2] experiencing a sequence of pleasure...
...anytime you experience any sort of sequence of pleasure (i.e. a handjob, an amazing
backrub, a juicy soft kiss, watching the first 2 minutes of an interesting/exciting movie),
then when that event is PAUSED/STOPPED (before your idea of 'reasonable completion
time') you're going to experience an urge for more...
Makes sense?
There have been a few times when a person has told me that my technique doesn't work
on his woman ...or....he'll say that his woman doesn't respond to a particular tactic?

Well, here's the big secret...

It's not the technique that creates the impact.
It's the fact that 99.9999% of women enjoy pleasure in many forms.
That is what creates the impact.
That is what allows you to create urges.
And it just so happens that her list of pleasures are predictable (well-known).
When someone does a good job at making her feel beautiful, it's partly because her mind
makes distinctions and comparisons.
It's the reason why EVERY woman is capable of feeling sexy.
It's all because of distinctions and comparisons.
In other words, she actually feels sexier in the red dress than she feels in the blue dress.
It's also because she wants to feel sexy/beautiful. And another part of it is because in that
moment you are capable of convincing her that you find her to be:
With that in mind, making her feel beautiful is only one stream of pleasure. It's one of
your most valuable weapons in your arsenal.
You can also make her feel:
Part of An Exclusive Group (that have defined)
Like she has an advantage
Like an Exciting/Fun Person
Part of Something Special

Brave or Courageous
Like A Fair Person
Flexible or Adaptable
Like A Good Friend
Like a Good Teacher
Like She's In Control
Like She Has Integrity (A Good Person)
Like She Belongs
One who does it all

What is the biggest reason why guys would not want to make a woman feel sexy?
This is an easy question.
The main reason: They're scared/insecure. They don't want her to start feeling confident
and sexy and end up leaving him or some other fear. In general, you can always spot of
bad strategy when it's centered around 'fear of XYZ' happening.
Avoid making decisions based on fear. Instead, focus on what you - and make decisions
based on that. And you WANT her to feel sexy, desired and confident. When a woman
feels sexy, she makes decisions based on those feelings.
Moving along...
So what I ended up discovering is guys who struggle with having the right impact on a
woman, often don't fully understand how URGES are created (or they're execution needs
to improve)(or they're philosophically opposed to doing certain pieces that are critical to
making everything work).
The good news is there are lots of guys who don't fully understand how URGES are
created. That's they're lost.

And when you look at it from a simple perspective, how can a guy reasonably expect for
a woman to 'miss him' (i.e. craving being in his presence after they've been apart) if he
does not provide some sort of pleasure while in her presence?
How could a guy expect for the woman to craving his opinion/approval if he hasn't
demonstrated a track record of having a perspective she values while looking out for her
Getting back on create a craving, you just need two things:
A pleasure element.
A timing element.
Everything starts with putting yourself in position to be able to say 'stuff' to her that
creates pleasure.
One guy told me one day, and I'm paraphrasing: 'I'm confused, you said that I should
make the girl feel beautiful, but I thought that if a guy kissed a girl's ass he would scare
her away.'
So from his frame of reference, the objective of making her feel sexy/beautiful is
synonymous with 'kissing her ass' where you're chasing behind her saying things like
'Wow. You're sooooooo pretty. Can you please go out with me? Please. Please.
By the way, that's not what is meant by making her feel sexy.
Again, it's defined as it's resulting impact.
So if a guy she has a crush on walks up to her and says "you look pretty today" and it
leads to her blushing, daydreaming and replaying his words over in her mind, then that
was a successful A+ execution of making her feel attractive/pretty/sexy....even though
he's not using a creative arrangement of words.
And that's why everything we do is for the purpose of being able to create
emotional/psychological pleasure.
You see, if Brian's girlfriend has zero respect for him to the point where it's difficult for
him to compliment her and make her feel special/sexy/appreciated/etc, that means his
focus should be on DOING SOMETHING to get the respect back so that his words have
That could mean:
A strategy that builds respect.

A strategy that builds sexual value.

A strategy that builds base value (re-branding yourself so that you are seen -- from her
perspective -- as a quality guy with a positive/success traits)
Normally there is a reason why a woman doesn't take a particular guy seriously - and it's
tied to his behavior, outlook, attitude, intentions, etc.
Point being, if the softball couch (Coach Carl) says to his female player, "Good Job,
Jenny! I'm proud of you. You're worked hard. I can see the improvements. Keep up the
good work" and those words end up making Jenny feel good (happy, proud, excited, etc.)
to the point where she is glowing and smiling, it's because she respects Coach Carl (sees
him as a leader and so on) and as a result his words have value/power.
Everything we do is for the purpose of being able to create emotional/psychological
Is this complicated/hard?
Do people think it's hard?
Some do.
Some don't.
If you've (for Layer 1) made decisions that make it easier for you get respect, sexual
value, confidence ==> then it makes it easier for you to (for Layer 2) provide emotional
pleasure (i.e. making her feel Sexy, Adventurous, Unique, Cool, Special, etc.).
And when you're about to do that, you're about to create cravings/urges.
A craving to see you.
A craving to have you see her in a good way.
A craving to be close to you.
A craving for love-making.
That brings us full circle.
Do you remember the handjob example? (...that involved a sequence of pleasure
following by PAUSING/STOPPING?...and when your brain registers a pleasure
experience as incomplete an urge is created?)
With that in mind, that brings us to a powerful conclusion.

"If you can create pleasure,

then you can create an urge."
Sticking with the beauty compliments (as our example).
If for 3-5 days, you were to create really good feelings in your target woman (i.e. beauty
compliments and other forms of pleasure for 3-5 days), what do you think will happen
when you stop/pause those feelings for the next few days?
It's simple.
She'll start to crave the good feelings. Things will feel incomplete! some factor depending on (your) execution & (her) processing.
And when you think about it....
It's kind of cool that the part of our brain that recognizes sequences of pleasure is also the
same part that creates urges.
It's the reason why if someone were to start smoking 30-50 days in a row (and keep in
mind, cigarettes contain substances that create the sensation of happiness in the brain)
then if that person were to stop/pause for a few days, he/she would have the urge to
The brain recognizes this pattern of pleasure. It notices that the person has stopped. And
it think it's helping us by 'getting the person' to experience the urge to do the activity that
created the pleasure.
Hopefully, this is all review because we're about to get to the good stuff!
What I'm about to share with you is insanely powerful.
It's a technique that I urge you to practice and master. You may have done this on a
'small' level without realizing it.
Without exaggeration or hype, the Platinum Dragon Tactic is very powerful.
But I don't want you to take my word for it. When you apply it you'll see for yourself.
Keep everything that we just covered so far on your mind as we move on to the next

The Next Phase: What Does She Get Out Of Sex?

If you said pleasure, give yourself 50 points.
If you said physical pleasure + emotional pleasure, give yourself 500 points.
I want you to imagine something...
I want you to imagine that you just walked into a secret lecture room where there is a magical
wizard that is about to teach you and a few other guys a super rare secret for making a woman
have the orgasm of her life. It can be done in only 10 strokes and not only does she end up
cumming like crazy it's a special type of climaxing that affects a certain region in her brain
where she ends up 'having the feeling that you're her hero'. It involves squeezing the back of
her neck softly and stroking her very slowly combined with a few other simple things. [Note:
Just to be clear, this is a fictional example. We're using this 'fake tactic' to make a 'real point'.]
There are only 5 guys in this lecture room. You + 4 other guys. The wizard starts talking 'blah
blah blah...time goes by... now every guy in this secret room knows this secret.
Understandably, everyone is skeptical. Everyone goes home and tries it and it works. You all
come back the next day and swap stories and amazingly the wizard was right, the woman
ends up cumming like crazy and she also ends up saying "Wow. You're my hero".
On day 3, there are 2 new guys + you. (The other 4 guys aren't there.)
These two guys are about to learn this lesson for the first time. The first guy's name is Freddy.
The second guy's name is Sam.
Freddy tells you a story about how he drove his wife wild every day this week. She told him
"you're amazing. You're my sexual hero." He then talks about his wife and how crazy she is
over him.
Sam is listening with his jaw dropped. He chimes in, "My new girlfriend has never had an
orgasm with me or any guy before. I've been with her for 3 years. My ex use to tell me how
good I was in bed, but my new girl is different."

I want to ask you two questions. The first question is based on the above fictional story.
And the second one is based on real life (the real world).
#1: Which of this two new guys are likely to be more excited about the Wizard's HeroOrgasm Tactic? In other words, which of the two new guys (Freddy or Sam) is starving
to experience the emotional feeling of being a hero during sex?
#2: What do you (men) get out of sex?
Answer to #1: Sam.

Answer to #2: Just like women, we (men) experience physical pleasure + emotional
pleasure from sex (if you got this right, give yourself 1000 points. That means you were
paying attention. lol)
Sex is capable of providing you with physical pleasure + emotional pleasure.
Sex is capable of providing your woman with physical pleasure + emotional pleasure.
Sex is capable of providing Sam & his wife woman with physical pleasure + emotional
The reason why Sam wants to learn the Wizard's tactic is because 'sex feels good'
(physical pleasure) and it also feels good to him to hear his wife tell him, "You're my
sexual hero" (emotional pleasure).
Would you agree?
Now, we're going to move on to the next phase.
I have to warn you, the following example is pretty bad. I'm not going to say it sucks as
an example, it's just pretty 'bad'.
It's so bad that everyone reading this will be able to do a better job than the example.
However, even though it's a pretty bad example, it will still make the point crystal clear.
Here's the bad example. Actually it's not really that bad, it's just that you'll be able to do
much better with a little bit of thinking...
Ok.. here's the bad example....
Sam has a conversation with his wife.
Sam: Sweetie. I was talking to Keith and apparently he has a new girlfriend. He said
they're madly in love already and blah blah blah and he said the other night when they
were making love, she looked so beautiful when she rode him. I kind of smiled...
Sam's Wife: Why did you smile?
Sam: Because it made me think about you. When you ride me you look so beautiful. You
look so sexy and hot. The last time we did it that was going through my mind blah blah
Question: Do you see what Sam just did?
Question: Do you see what Sam is doing by making lots of comments like this?
Answer: He is basically conditioning her to associate sex with 'feeling beautiful'. If she
were to end up having sex at some point in the future...and she started riding him, she
would remember the conversation and as result she would be experiencing:

Physical pleasure (the physical sensation of sexual friction) + emotional pleasure (feeling
beautiful... because she now knows that he thinks she is beautiful when she rides him...)
Does this make sense?
Some guys will complain that 'well... blah blah blah... if I told Marie something like that
she would just roll her eyes..'
In situations like that the guy needs to get himself to an acceptable standard so that he can
have the right impact on his target men.
It would be no different than if a guy complained 'well... that wouldn't work on the
woman of my dreams because she's in a relationship with another guy and I've never said
one word to her so she doesn't know I exist... so how should I compliment her when
we've never had sex before?'
Again (and obviously) get the woman to accept you - like you - respect you... all of that
stuff...and then you'll end up in a position where you can do some really cool/interesting
stuff that most people aren't doing...
Let's bring this full circle.
For this tactic, it's best to understand that when it comes to this process, men and women
are the same. The more you understand how it feels good to you to have sex and receive
some sort of compliment (good feeling)(like a hero)(the feelings of love and
connection)(whatever emotional feelings that you desire), the more you understand her
Except, you'll need to identify the 'emotions' that drive her (i.e. feeling beautiful or
something else).
Because with women, the emotional aspect is super important.
Is everything starting to puzzle together yet?
Either way, keep reading...
You see...if you were to give her lots of beauty compliments for 5 days, then if you were
to stop/pause she would crave those 'feelings', right?
(And as always, good execution is the assumption.)
Do you remember the handjob example? Do you remember the smoking example?
I've done (and maybe you have, too) the whole good feelings for xxx days and then pause
and that alone created arousal!

But we're going to go beyond that!

I've also (and maybe you have, too) told stories that linked sex with emotional pleasure
and that created arousal (saying something similar to the 'bad example' we covered).
Keep in mind, have you ever had mind-blowing sex with a woman and you know you
rocked her world and then a day or two later, you say something like 'let's have sex' and
then she's not in the mood.
This happens because women aren't making decisions to have sex purely based on
physical pleasure.
What if you said, 'Do you remember the other night? Do you want to have sex?
That could work, but more than likely it's not enough.
Let's face it, if you spent the next 3 seconds thinking of the steamiest sex scene you could
imagine, chances are you will not be turned on.
It's not reasonable to expect a woman to get turned on in 3 seconds - or that she'll
suddenly make decisions to have sex purely based on physical pleasure.
The key is to create an urge.
Let's move on...
With this technique, you're going to create an urge in a very simple way.
Method #1: Basic
Step 1: Make sure she respects you and your sexual value is high. It's not a must, but the
more she values you, the more effective you'll be at Step 2.
Note: Technically, you should be able to skip this step, but I put it in place as a safeguard.
Step 2: [This is where the method really begins] Give her a steady stream of 'good
feelings'. Typically you want to focus on one or two main emotions (i.e. the feeling of
being beautiful and other feelings).
Make sure you're able to provide comments/compliments that provide pleasure. If she's
blushing or reacting pretty well or referencing the comment a lot, then you know that you
nailed it! Keep it up.
You can start with making her feel beautiful. Although if you're advanced you can pick
different combinations of feelings/emotions. The key is to be able to keep her in an
upbeat/positive mood while providing these stream of compliments. Remember: It's not
about the arrangement of words. It's about the resulting impact.

Step 3: And then you're going to pause (to create an urge) the good feelings.
Step 4: Let some time go by and then initiate (in a way that appeals to her beauty).
You might be wondering, how long should I give the compliments/good-feelings?
It depends. There is no set number. Although, if you're just testing it out, 2 days of good
compliments could be a good starting pointing. You want her to 'on some level' notice
that pausing, because that's what creates the urge. Although you might want to play
around with different numbers.
You see...If you've ever had a woman stop calling/texting as much as she use to. It's
because she went from calling/texting a few times a day to ZERO (only returning your
She's technically performing Step 2.
How long it would take you before you started missing her varies based on: who you are,
your perspective, other stuff that's on your mind, the level of pleasure you get from
hearing from you, etc.
Because each text/call when they were frequent provided you with a certain level of
pleasure (i.e. the pleasure of getting attention from a woman you're into, the pleasure of
talking to her, a whole list of things)... but when she stopped/paused/reduced the
calls/texts, you had the urge to hear from her (or be with her).
It's the same thing.
Does it make sense?
For Step 3 & 4, it sometimes helps to switch to a sexy persona where you're more calm
and serious. That way, it ends up magnifying the impact. And in a way, she'll want the
'happy guy' back - she'll want the happy/fun guy to wake up and play - she'll want to hang
out with the naughty/fun guy.
Think about it for a second....and I mean really think about it...(act like it's two different
people)...if the naughty-nice-"make her laugh" persona/guy (or whatever persona
you're sporting) is very entertaining + making her giggle a lot + making her feel
hot/attractive/sexy + making her have a good time + making her feel desired + other good
feelings...ends up "leaving" (or transforming) into the serious guy/persona who respects
her....he's not mean.... buuuuuuuut he's not flirting, making her feel sexy, not making her
Who does she want to hang around?

Do you think she'll want the 'naughty guy/persona' back?

Keep in mind, on top of that she's already 'starving' for compliments as it is!
So what do you think she'll do?
She'll get affectionate. She'll start talking dirty/flirty. She'll start touching/grabbing you.
She'll try to get you to notice her.
She wants to the fun persona because she associates him with making her feel sexy.
(And when that starts happening, you can smile to yourself. lol. ...because you got her!)
As far as initiating... (in the event that she doesn't)...make sure you time it so that it's a
good time to have sex...
And as far as what to say, one "simple structure" you could use would be to tell a sex
story that leads into a sexy compliment and then convert that into the initiation.
Does that make sense?
To make it clear, see the color-coded example below of the complete way of initiating
sex using this "simple structure".
The Simple Structure: Tell a sex story that leads into a sexy compliment and then convert
that into initiating sex in a smooth way.
Sweetie. I was talking to Keith and apparently he has a new girlfriend. He said they're
madly in love already and blah blah blah and he said the other night when they were
making love, she looked so beautiful when she rode him. I kind of smiled because it
made me think about you. blah blah blah when you ride me you look so beautiful. You
look so sexy and hot. The last time we did it that was going through my mind. Your skin
is so soft. I love looking at your naked body. As a matter of fact I'm putting you on my
schedule for later on tonight [pretending to (or actually) logging her into your schedule
book or smart phone calendar app]. Ok you're all set (smile).
Note: I refer to that as the 'schedule initiation'. You're not asking her. You're basically in
a playful way saying 'you look so hot that I have a desire to be with you later on'. And
keep in mind (if you've done Step 1 - Step 3 effectively) she'll be craving these feelings!
It will feel good to her to be logged into your schedule.
It's kind of like she's been starving for 2 days and you end up saying, I like the way you
hold your fork. I'm taking you to dinner tonight.
Question: Is it possible to do a 1 day version?

Yes. If you're going to do a 1 day version. Make sure the compliments are really strong
and impactful. Make sure you're upbeat and playful. And when you do the pause, you
should definitely incorporate a 'persona shifting strategy'.
Let's now talk about a more advanced version!
Oh yeah... it gets better!
With the advanced one, you're going to do two-layers of Urge Creation.
Layer 1: Pleasure ==> Pleasure ==> Pleasure ==> Pleasure ==> PAUSE (i.e. 3 days of
really good compliments, making her feel sexy, talking about her affect on you...and
optionally, the 'persona shifting strategy'.)
Note: This isn't a report of how to compliment and how to provide emotional pleasure, so
I'm not going to go into detail about how to be effective with that.
Note: For a review, you can check out blog posts:
So that's Layer 1...
Let's get to the next layer....
Layer 2: (Smooth) Sex Stories.
As you know, the more she thinks about sex from the perspective of it being
fun/pleasurable, the more the urge to have sex with build. So the more you can talk about
sex, the better.
Of course, our approach is more advanced than just that because we'll feature strategic
Let's get to it.
Method #2: Advanced
Step 1: Make sure she respects you and your sexual value is high. It's not a must, but the
more she values you, the more effective you'll be at Step 2.
Step 2: (Layer 1) Give her a steady stream of 'good feelings'. Typically you want to focus
on one or two main emotions (i.e. beauty compliments) + (Layer 2) Tell several Smooth
Sex Stories.

Note: You can use "The 3 Story Method" (We'll talk about that in a second).
But first, (for Layer 1) make sure you're able to provide comments/compliments that
provide pleasure. You can start with making her feel beautiful. Although if you're
advanced you can pick combinations. The key is to be able to keep her in an
upbeat/positive mood while providing the compliments. Remember: It's not about the
arrangement of words. It's about the resulting impact so that your words have
Step 3: And then you're going to pause (to create an urge) the good feelings.
Step 4: Let some time go by and then initiate (in a way that appeals to her beauty - or
whatever the emotion/feeling is).
That's the structure.
As far as the 3 story method, here's a simple system that you can use. All you will need to
do is tell her a Red Story ==> Then an Orange Story ==> and finally a Green Story (a sex
What makes it so simple is that you can just find an endless number of each time of these
stories from your memories, from people you know and online.

The 3 Story Method

The Structure: Tell her one or a few red stories ==> Tell her one or a few orange
stories ==> Tell her one or a few green stories (sex stories)

Red stories
Red stories are funny/entertaining stories. They're the 'set up story' for your 'Set Up'
Story. Although you can get away with going straight to Orange Stories. Red Stories help
to get her in the right mindset (upbeat, laughing, "Wow. There are a lot of interesting
people in this world". Red stories are centered around people doing
interesting/funny/entertaining things.
Types of red stories.
Funny stories about something dumb someone did.
Funny stories about something embarrassing someone did.
Stories of creepy guys (creeping the girl out when he's trying to win her over)
Bizarre stories
Any really funny story involving people
[Getting her to tell red stories]

Orange Stories
Orange Stories are your Set Up Stories. Once you tell her a bunch of orange stories, it
will be a lot easier to tell Sex Stories (Green Stories).
Types of orange stories.
Guy meets a new girl - and he really likes her
Guy meets a new girl - but now things are started to go down hill
Guy meets a new girl - here's what's good and here's what's bad
Stories from your past - weird/unusual girl
Stories from your past - something you learned
Stories from your past - the first time you ever did XYZ
Stories from your past - a sexual disaster story (you expected X, but Y happened)
Any interesting relationship story
[Getting her to tell orange stories]

Green Stories
Green Stories are your sex stories. Although they're called 'sex stories', they don't always
involve the act of sex..

It's something very close to sex - for example, the guy/girl being horny.
Note: Although it's not required, reading "52 Sneaky Dialogue Examples For Telling
Sexy Stories" will be a great tool because all of those examples are green stories!
Note: Don't try to evaluate the story in terms of 'turn on' potential. It's a different
process. In some cases, it's better if the green story isn't the type of story that will turn
her on, because it will allows you to keep talking about light-hearted sex stories.
Although you should have a sprinkling of 'hard' green stories (something with some
'emotional content'). We'll refer to these as Dark Green stories. And the light-hearted sex
stories, we'll refer to them as Light Green stories.
Types of green stories

Interesting sex stories

Sexy stories that allow you to ask 'what do you think about that?'
Unusual/Bizarre sex stories that allow you to ask 'why would someone do that?'
Sex Stories that compliment her in some way*
Starved/Undersignal Sex Story*
[Getting her to tell green stories]

Sex Stories that compliment her in some way ==> ("..blah blah blah that made me think
about how sexy you look when you're riding me.")
Starved/Undersignal Sex Story ==> (i.e. based on her recent complaints/conversation,
you may discover that your target woman is currently feeling underappreciated [starving
to feel appreciated] - possibly from family members, coworkers, kids ==> you would say
something like: "..blah blah blah it was an interesting theory she had. In her lecture, she
suggested the next time the guy has sex with his woman, he should whisper to her what
he appreciates about her to complete the love-making bond. And when we cuddles her
after the love-making session, he should always give her light kisses on her back because
women love how that feels and it helps her to feel really loved and appreciated blah blah
Remember: Sex is capable of providing her with physical pleasure (the feelings of sexual
intercourse) + emotional pleasure (feeling sexy, feeling appreciated, feeling loved,
feelings of fun, the feeling of doing something new, XYZ, etc, etc, etc.)
Do you see how the 3 story method works?
The goal is actually to tell as many green stories as possible! It's not really about the red
and orange stories... they just serve the purpose of making things smooth.
The more she is exposed to green stories (thinking of sex) the better. When sex has been

swimming on her mind for awhile, she's in a state where she can access sexual thoughts
easier. Her mind is free to wander about other sexual concepts that are happening secretly
in her mind. You can start to get away with 'steamier sex stories'... you see once sex has
been swimming on her mind for a while, she's more receptive so when you tell a harder
sex story (Dark Green Stories) ..."blah blah blah...he really loves her blah blah blah it was
the first time she had her pussy licked... and just like you when she came she grabbed his
head really the way, is there a way you can work on easing up your grip or does
it feel that good... I will say you do look so hot when you're moaning and cumming blah
blah blah". You get the point... After you hit her with a few Dark Green Stories
(something that is right for her) you can almost guarantee that her sexual arousal has been
(Also, be on the lookout for carry-over tension. I haven't talked about this before, but it's
when you get the woman horny, but she doesn't want sex - maybe it's not the right time however, the next she's ready. If you spot this pattern, then over time you'll be ok with it.
Keep in mind, you will not need to do too much the next day. Focus more on managing
the timing and removing situational blockers (i.e. kids being up too late and stuff like
And just to give you a feel for how easy it, I'll provide some example stories.

The 3 Story Method Examples

Red Stories (Examples)
Creepy Guy Story
Lots of stories
Orange Stories (Examples)
Couple married for 81 years only ever argue about cooking
Relationship Disasters
Green Stories (Examples)
(The Stories from 52 Sneaky Dialogue Examples For Telling Sexy Stories)
Girl with pulsating pussy
Woman shares her BJ strategy and the guys were making comments going crazy
What makes a pussy good (one conversational angle: I can't believe he told his girlfriend the other
girl's vagina felt better)
Dirty talk
Best Blow Job
Dirty talk
Woman plots to steal her male friend's virginity and then shares the story online

Guy puts up a profile to perform oral
Women are more aggressive
Wife at brothel
Embarrassing Blow Job Stories
Lots of stories
I hope that helps.
If you have any questions, let me know
CR James

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