"Is The Availability of More Data Always Helpful in The Production of Knowledge?" Explore This Question With Reference To Two Areas of Knowledge

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Is the availability of more data always helpful in the production of

Knowledge? Explore this question with reference to two areas of

What is Knowledge?
In the context of the question the word availability can suggest the group
of resources that we are able to manipulate for gaining our objective, hold
on a specific target; the data as processed information collected as facts
or stats and production means that we create something new. As Plato
used to define knowledge, gives the name of Justified True Belief. According
to Plato, the knowledge must obey three characteristics for be considering
Knowledge; First, the truth must be public. Second, this truth is
independent. And third, the truth is eternal. (Plato, Theaetetus, 201 c-d).
Knowledge, could simplify in the understanding that someone is able to give
to certain information, however, data isnt knowledge, raw data turns into
information, so this information is achieved through communication and by
observing things. While, knowledge is achieved by analyzing and
understanding the message conveyed in the information.
Knowledge is not data.

However, data is needed to be available to produce some knowledge?

o In Mathematics and History

Statistics (Discipline within Math)


Raw data does not mean much.

Think of information being raw data that has not been processed yet.
But to gain knowledge from that information you need to parse the
information using a model such as Bloom's taxonomy

Example: I could write: 1123581321345589144. Would you know what I was

talking about? Perhaps. These numbers represent something very specific in math
and in nature, but they are just information. Suppose I add this:

Now the numbers form an easily recognizable pattern, which could be understood
as knowledge as .
This is the mathematical pattern present in nature. This is the transformation of
information to knowledge, and the application of knowledge to the world around us
in order to derive deeper meaning, which is wisdom. Information isn't knowledge,
but it is the first step along the way.
1) Organize
2) Process

Meaning Knowledge

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