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By. Erwin Romell & Rika R

A waiting room, a set of old sofa, a front desk, couple of cupboards and accessories
showing that it is a hospital for mentally sick people. One afternoon Dr Ruth
standing with her hands on her chest. She is with a student, looking at her patient’s

Harrison : “All are safe and sound. No doubt, my theory. This is the safest place
in the world.”
Dr. Ruth : “What about the detector, Harris?”
Harrison : “Incredible. Perfect, absolutely perfect. Very sensitive. I can even
detect the excessive metal within the vena, accurately. But I haven’t
been satisfied yet.”
Dr. Ruth : “Unsatisfied?”
Harrison : “I want a detector that can detect evil will inside people passing it.
Too many actors out there. Good looking and politeness could be an
undercover of a terrorist. It’s more dangerous.
Dr. Ruth : “How can it be Mr. Harris?”
Harrison : “must be found out. If nobody realized that. I’m gonna make it real,
trust me.”
Dr. Ruth : “I’m really proud of you, Mr. Harris”
Harrison : “I only realized that today safety is something expensive. Its really
valuable. Somebody must do something”
Dr. Ruth : “you’re the right one to do that, Mr. Harris. How long will you finish
the detector?”
Harrison : “give me one week”
Dr. Ruth : “A week? Amazing. If that day comes along, you’ll embarrass all
technological research’s in the whole universe.”
Harrison : “Correctly. If I finished the detector, a metal detector and explosive
one would only be a toy and worn out. But the most important thing

for me is everyone will feel secure. Criminals can do nothing because
the evil ways can be detected previously. Am I allowed?”
Dr. Ruth : “A week?” (LOOKING AT HER STUDENT. PATIENT 1 REACT) “By the
way, this is Amanda Kohler. Student of Yale University. She will be here
for couple of time.”
Amanda : “Amanda. Amanda Kohler”
Harrison : “Harris. Harrison Brown. Please call me Harris. Nice to meet you, Ms.
Kohler. You remind me of my daughter . she maybe at your age. If I
remember her, I always worry about her security. That’s why I
determine to finish that detector as soon as possible. (TO DOCTOR)
“how about it?”
Dr. Ruth : “a week?. I think there wont be a harm if we try. OK, I give you a
Harrison : “thank you. Thank you. Excuse me, I have to do something else.”
Dr. Ruth : “Ok. Go a head”
Harrison : “ Excuse me” (PATIENT 1 OUT)
Amanda : “Harrison Brown. I have no idea, a polite one is in this place.”
Dr. Ruth : “why not, Ms. Kohler? It would be possible if one day Madonna, David
Beckham, or even Leonardo Dicaprio stayed in this place. Or at least, a
place like this.”
Amanda : “I don't mind Madonna and Leonardo. But Beckham, oh please, no.
Dr. Ruth : “oh, you’re also a soccer fanatic. Ms. Kohler.”
Amanda : “I'm a member of Campus club. I'm a striker and a little bit obsessed
to play with Beckham. I want a mature ball passed by him. At least,
once in my life.”
Dr. Ruth : "you speak as if you weren’t a student of mental medical school, ms.
Kohler. (LAUGH) Obsession is one of signs of mentally sick people.
When people can’t differ a reality from illusion or dream so it will be
easy for him to suffer from neurosis, schyzophrenic. It happens to
many people in this modern world.
Amanda : " I, at least realize that mine is still on earth” (A NURSE ENTER)
Dr. Ruth : " ah, Nancy, finish?”
Nancy : "everything’s fine doc. (DOCTOR TAKE A MEDICAL RECORD)
Dr. Ruth : "Mr. Eichman?”

Nancy : "He’s calm now. I gave him administered dosage of valium. He start to eat”
Dr. Ruth : "Mr. Frederich Engel?”
Nancy : "stable”
Dr. Ruth : "Mr. George Smith?”
Nancy : "groaning all day. But he’s fine now.”
Dr. Ruth : "what’s today our Biologist’s complain?”
Nancy : "severe digestion disorder. Can’t digest any single food in his stomach. It be
come poisonous gas, very dangerous.”
Dr. Ruth : "Ok, everything seems fine. (TAKE THE NURSE NOTE AND EXAMINES
Amanda : "a biologist?”
Dr. Ruth : " Virologist, exactly. He seems know too much about virus. They are
people you mostly meet while you’re studying here. Ms. Kohler.
Harrison Brown, George Smith. Harrison-George. George-Harrison.
They are special people here. They even think that they are un-
separately couple. George Harrison, I guess they have similar favorite.
The Beatles.” (FINISH EXAMINING). “OK, Ms. Kohler. I’ll leave you for a
while. Nancy please check the list of visitors will come this week, will
Nancy : "Sure, doc. (DOCTOR GOES OUT)
Amanda : "I'm interested in that virologist, nurse”
Nancy : "George Smith. The matter is, he always feel he has a very dangerous
contagious sickness. He worries it will contaminate all people in the
universe. If that happens, an epidemic will come out that can eliminate
the humans being and……because of it he’s really hard to
Amanda : "isn’t that hard for a nut to communicate?”
Nancy : "excuse me, Ms. Kohler. It’s better not to say ‘nut’ for people hospitalized
here. If Dr. Ruth heard she would be offended.
Amanda : "oh”
Nancy : "she regards them are healthy people suffering from mental disorder. That’s
why we must treat them normally.
Amanda : "we even must pretend to be mad?”
Nancy : "Excuse me Ms. Kohler?”

Amanda : "I mean pretend to have a mental disorder”
Nancy : "please be emphatic and try to put their shoes on your foot”
Amanda : "oh,….(SILENCE). Has Mr. Smith ever suffered a severe disease or
infected a kind of virus, perhaps. Because of this kind of disorder is
caused by trauma.
Nancy : "according to this medical report, Mr. Smith is almost 100 % healthy. No
wonder, as a virologist he’s really understands hygiene. Only Cold,
ordinary cough and diarrhoea.
Amanda : "I don't see any logical relation between what Mr. Smith has and the
cause of his madness (NANCY STARES AT HER) I mean ,the cause of his
mental disorder” (GEORGE VOICE)
George : "anybody’s there?”
Nancy : " yes, George. We’re inside”
George : "I'm coming, Nurse”
Nancy : "Ok George, we’ll prepare ourselves. (TAKE HANDKERCHIEFS AND GIVES
ONE TO AMANDA). You must put this on Ms. Kohler. George doesn’t
want to contaminate us.”
Amanda : "yes sure. Hopefully he doesn’t contaminate us with his mental
disorder.” (WEARING THE MASK)
Nancy : "we’re ready George” (GEORGE IN)
George : "Good afternoon, nurse. Am I bothering you?”
Nancy : "of course you don't. How are you now?”
George : "getting better, miss. The gas produced by the food within my
stomach is really torturing me. If you ever felt this, you’d say that
gastro-enteritis was as painful as stick of blunt needle”
Nancy : "and the gas?”
George : " it almost penetrates my stomach skin, miss. Fortunately, I can
neutralized it. Slowly I took it out then I kept it in my cupboard in my
room. I locked it carefully. Here is the key. So that none will open it.”
Nancy : "how you took it out? Through…”
George : "through the buttock of course. Only a madman take out the
poisonous gas through the mouth.”
Nancy : "once more, you safe the human beings”
George : "my duty, miss.( STARE AT AMANDA)

Nancy : "oh, this is Amanda Kohler.”
George : "female?”
Nancy : "of course. She is a female. George.”
George : "what room do you stay?”
Nancy : "oh, no. She doesn’t stay like you do George. She’s helping Dr. Ruth. Ms.
Kohler, this is George Smith. (AMANDA COMES CLOSE)
George : "Nice to meet you, miss. But we better forget this routine introduce
ourselves by shaking hands. It will harm your soul. I have a very
contagious disease that medical world hasn't found what it is or the
cure. They even do count down of my age in months”
Amanda : "you seem fine. No signs of sick people”
George : "that’s why you’ll consider me, I make believe or have an illusions.
Like what doctors said. Then I was regarded mad. Doctors are tricky.
When they can cure the illness or answer a syndrome of a disease they
will say; you’re under pressure, you’re depressed, you have an
illusions, and so on”
Amanda : "really?’
George : "yes I'm a virologist. I know there’s a kind of virus slithers into my
blood cells. Spread in my lungs and gastric. I knew it when I worked in
my lab. it spreads away very fast. The disease contaminates through
hand touch and inhalation. But in the further stadium, when the viruses
have the mutation, this virus can be contaminated through eye
Amanda : "if its so, you must report this to WHO, Mr. George.”
George : "are you insane Ms. Kohler.”
Amanda : "meaning?’
George : "if WHO or other people know my disease and haven’t found the cure,
what will happen?”
Amanda : "it will be a calamity, panic, and frightened”
George : "there will be more people considered mad”
Amanda : "oh..”
George : "like Harris, he’s really insane considering situation out side this
building is very dangerous. However inside this building the most

dangerous thing exists. Me and my disease. That’s why I mock him who
worries about bomb and terrorist more than the contagious disease.”
Amanda : "have you ever told him about your disease?”
George : "even though he’s a little bit insane, but he’s my friend. Many times I
told him, inside is more dangerous than outside. He considered me and
my disease is crazier than him. Poor Harris.” (BELL RINGS) “visitor’s,
Nancy : “yes”
George : “I’d better move inside. Please to have a chat with you miss Kohler.
Good afternoon”
Amanda : “good afternoon. Let me check it out.(AMANDA GOES OUT IN A
MOMENT. SHE ENTER WITH TWO WOMEN) Two visitors, nurse. said
want to see Dr. Ruth.”
Matilda : “yes, I'm sorry, this is a sudden visit and not at the right time. I'm
Harrison Brown’s wife….I mean ex-wife.”
Nancy : “oh,.. Really?”
Matilda : “yes, and this is his daughter. A mere child, Linda Brown. Can we
meet him, Dr. Ruth?”
Nancy : “Sure, sure, in a minute, I’ll call him” (GOES OUT)
Matilda : “Many new nurses, it seems. I haven’t come here for about 10 years.
Nurse, you’re in department….”
Amanda : “I'm not a nurse. I'm a student doing my final work.”
Matilda : “Oh, I'm sorry.”
Amanda : “Doesn’t matter. Mr. Brown talked about his daughter this afternoon.”
Matilda : “Talked about her? He remember that he has a daughter?”
Amanda : “I guess so. He told me that she might be at my age. His forecast is
almost 100% right.”
Dr. Ruth : “Thank God. Mrs. Brown, finally. After ten years, I thought we’d never
meet again.”
Matilda : “No, Doc. I'm coming here, I’ll always will. No matter what. There’s a
part of Harrison’s life accompanying me always. His daughter, Linda
Dr. Ruth : “Linda Brown. A beauty. When did she know that…….”

Matilda : “A few years ago, about couple of years. I told her that her father was
here. First she couldn’t take reality. His father has a mental sickness or
Dr. Ruth : “Excuse me, Mrs. Matilda?”
Matilda : “I mean a mental disorder. How is he?”
Dr. Ruth : “He’s getting better. But in the other hand he has a decrease too.”
Matilda : “Meaning, no cure for him?”
Dr. Ruth : “We haven’t cured him, yet. Exactly.”
Matilda : “Yes, hasn’t been cured. For how long?”
Dr. Ruth : “Madam, we don’t cure disease such dengue, high fever or malaria or
kinds of it. We vaccinate, eliminate the epidemic and they’re
eradicated. We face a much more complex and it depends on a few
conditions. It takes time. Believe me, he’s in expert hands.”
Matilda : “Sure, sure. (PAUSE) Can we…”
Dr. Ruth : “meet Harrison?”
Matilda : “Yes”
Dr. Ruth : “Of course you can. Actually it against the rule of visit. But I think for
people coming after ten years, forget the procedure. Must be
something important.”
Matilda : “Linda’s getting married next week.”
Dr. Ruth : “Married? Oh.. its very important for Harrison to know his daughter
getting married next week. Hopefully it help his recovery. (TO NANCY)
“ Please call Mr. Brown. He’s at the workshop.” (NANCY’S OUT).
Matilda : “It's really a rush. Her husband to be in still abroad. He wants when
coming they’re getting married soon. I think before we haven’t been
busy, the first come first.”
Linda : “I really hope my father will be in my wedding.”
Dr. Ruth : “Linda, your father still needs a treatment. And up to new, he has
difficulty to communicate with strangers. I think It's better for him not
to present incase he’s out of control.”
Linda : “If I'm not mistaken, Miss Kohler said that father remember me. Isn’t that a
good sign, is it?”
Dr. Ruth : “Miss Kohler said so?”
Linda : “Yes, isn’t that good?”

Dr. Ruth : “Sure, but it doesn’t mean he recovers. It's possible he refer at her
daughter to your mother, Matilda.”
Linda : “oh” (HARRISON ENTERS)
Harrison : “Doctor”
Dr. Ruth : “Harrison, finally. Look who’s here?” (PAUSE)
Harrison : “Matilda?”
Matilda : “Harrison”
Dr. Ruth : “Yes, Matilda Brown. (PAUSE) Thanks God. He reunites a family. I
thinks, next will be a family talk, Excuse me.”
Matilda : “Harrison, your daughter, Linda. Linda Brown.”
Harrison : “A female? So fast”
Matilda : “A female, of course Harrison. What do you mean by so fast? You’ve
been here for almost fifteen years. No wonder you can recognize her.”
Harrison : “Fifteen years? I don’t think they still count months and years outside.
Here time stops. When you stood there, I almost snared at you.”
Matilda : “Why, Harrison?”
Harrison : “I thought you went shopping too long. Then comeback with a friend.
Suddenly you told me she’s my daughter. I'm wondering are you crazy
or not? This morning you went to supermarket and when you came
home taking a girl said your daughter and she’s mine. Only a mad man
believes that.”
Matilda : “Harrison, you haven’t changed yourself. Linda’s your daughter.”
Linda : “Papa”
Harrison : “Linda Brown, nice to have someone call me papa. Thought I'm not
sure if I ever made it as fast. But for a beautiful girl like you, I don’t
mind being crazy for believing thing. Suppose I'm tested. It happened
to prophets. I believe you’re my daughter. Even though people will call
me crazy.”
Linda : “Mama told me you’re here couple of years ago. I'm sorry I can meet you
today. I don’t know this area well. Mama didn’t tell me the hospital…”
Matilda : “Linda”
Linda : “I mean your resting place.”
Harrison : “Oh..”

Matilda : “It's intended to postpone letting her know. I just want her to be
ready. Really ready to know that her father…”
Harrison : “Mad.”
Matilda : “No, not mad. A Mental disorder. That what Dr. Ruth told me.”
Harrison : “That’s why I must stayed here for almost fifteen years. So then I’m
legally mad.”
Matilda : “No. No. That Dr. Ruth suggestion. I also don’t want you to be here
because I know you’re not crazy. Just need a little rest.”
Harrison : “Do you believe so? Rest in a very boring place. This place is only
suitable for crazy people. You know you’ll be crazy if you stay here
even only for a day. If only I had a another choice…”
Linda : “You mean… you’re forced to stay while you realize this place is not for you.
Because you are not crazy.”
Harrison : “Linda, you don’t understand. Your mother either. This place is for
crazy people. Every single day you see their craziness. But this is the
safest place for me. For all people.”
Linda : “I don’t get it.”
Harrison : “Linda, I'm not leaving this place if I haven’t finished my detector. You
know, there are too many evils out there. Possibly stab your back with
a knife or explode your head with a bullet or melt your body with a
bomb. Metal and explosive detector today is worn out. Doesn’t give us
secure feeling.”
Linda : “Oh…”
Harrison : “I reminded your mother. Unfortunately she didn’t believe me. She
thought I'm crazy. As a husband I'm responsible for her safe. Once, I
asked her to stay here but she preferred a divorce.”
Matilda : “Harrison, Linda’s here to ask your blessing, she’s getting married
next week.”
Harrison : “Married?”
Linda : “Yes, Papa.”
Harrison : “Are you mad or what? People are getting divorced. You are getting
Linda : “I'm not different from you.”

Harrison : “No, Linda. Please don’t get married. Married only change people to
be mad. Apartment rent, tax, health insurance, children education,
expenditure, social fund, retirement, your own future, all will make you
Linda : “we, prepared everything well. My husband to be is financially ready to
afford them all. No doubt, he’s really busy so that he can’t come here.”
Harrison : “Never trust today condition. What you have now doesn’t guarantee
the future. All change. The change will drive you crazy. The time you
have a child you’ll be worried about her security. You’ll pay for this,
very expensive. No matter what I don’t give my approval.
Linda : “You mean you’re better see me alone.”
Harrison : “Taking care yourself is easier, simpler. Not much to be worried.”
Linda : “But I want to get married Papa.”
Harrison : “And one day you’ll tell me ‘I want to get divorce papa, I want to be
Matilda : “Harrison, give her your blessing.”
Harrison : “No.”
Matilda : “Harrison, that the only thing your daughter ask for.”
Harrison : “And that the thing I’ll never give all my life”
Matilda : “Harrison, everything will be fine. I'm still with her. I’ll make it sure.”
Harrison : “you mean, everything wont be fine with me. Because I'm staying
Matilda : “Harrison”
Harrison : “So why are you coming here? Yes . I know you’re here to make sure
that I'm crazy. Really crazy and still.”
Linda : “No Papa, I don’t mean that.”
Harrison : “You, out of my face.”
Matilda : “Harrison”
Harrison : “Get out!”
Linda : “papa”
Harrison : “I told you get off! Do you want me do craziness? Really crazy thing
If you think I'm crazy you don’t need coming here asking my blessing.

You, marry but I’ll never approve. I’ll never plunge my daughter into a
misery of marriage. I'm not responsible for the consequences.”
Dr. Ruth : “Harrison, they’re gone. (PAUSE)
Harrison : “Oh. Yes. Sure. Am I talking too loudly?”
Dr. Ruth : “No. It's not enough to make them not coming back.”
Harrison : “Do they believe me crazy?”
Dr. Ruth : “Yes, they will.”
Harrison : “Thanks God. I just want to postpone Linda’s husband coming. I
haven’t finished the detector.”
Dr. Ruth : “Why?”
Harrison : “Doctor, the more people know I'm staying here, the more dangerous
it will be happen for me. Next her husband coming, then his family, her
best friend, finally everyone knows I'm here. So I must find another
safe place for me.”
Dr. Ruth : “It wont happen, Harrison. This place is safe.”
Harrison : “But I must prepare everything.”
Dr. Ruth : “What do you mean?”
Harrison : “I must finish the detector as soon as possible. Excuse me, I must go
back to my work.”
Dr. Ruth : “Good Luck Harrison” (MISS KOHLER AND NURSE COME) “Miss
Amanda : “Yes Doctor!”
Dr. Ruth. : “What the patients say and do is only for medical examination not for
public consumption.”
Amanda : “Yes Doctor” (GEORGE’S IN)
George : “I’m coming, I heard noise. People cried and snapped. Doctor, how
many times should I remind you of health procedure and today you
break it”. (PAUSE)
Dr. Ruth : “Sorry”.
George : “Has my wife come, Doctor?”
Dr. Ruth. : “Not yet, may be in a second. Just wait I have some thing to do
George : “Poor Harrison. Furious all the time. No wonder his wife left”. (BEL)
“Ah, it must be my wife” (NURSE OUT, COME BACK WITH A WOMAN)

Nancy : “Your wife George!”
George : “Dorothea”
Dorothea : “George” (BOTH OF THEM ARE IN A DISTANCE)
Nancy : “Mrs. Smith, it’s time …
Dorothea : “I understand, I won’t be long”
Nancy : “Well, we’re leaving (NANCY AND AMANDA OUT)
George : “Thought you wouldn’t come”
Dorothea : “I’m here George. I’ve just met Matilda”.
George : “ Yes”
Dorothea : “ I even had a talk with her. Very interesting. I learn much from her".
George : "Poor Matilda. Harrison gets angry all the time. She’s completely right
to divorce".
Dorothea : " It’s hard to get along if they have different point of view".
George : "Yes".
Dorothea : "life goes on".
George : "Right".
Dorothea : "However, sometimes we leave our beloved or. . . being left".
George : "Everything needs sacrifice. Without it people will have nothing".
Dorothea : "And if the time comes no one can avoid the separation”
George : “Yes, the time when disease get worse and finally I die”
Dorothea : “Or the time when we get the divorce”
George : “Excuse me,...”
Dorothea : “Yes, George. I’ve been thinking about this for along. Today I feel sure
that my choice is right and honorable. I learn fast from Matilda. We
must divorce George”
George : “No”
Dorothea : “nothing we can hope George. You with your sickness drive me crazy.
You can imagine. Ten years without husband by my side.”
George : “Son of bitch! (RISE) Harrison, damn your wife. Fuck you. No, I’ll never
divorce you. Not now, whenever. Harrison, your wife bastard. She
influenced my wife. Damn! Damn you.” (NURSE AND AMANDA ENTER)
Nancy : “George, your sickness, contagious! (GEORGE REALIZED. CLOSES HIS
MOUTH WITH HIS HANDS. CURSING) “Madam, you better leave in case
it will be out of control.”

Dorothea : “George, couple of days my lawyer will take care of everything. Good
Dr. Ruth : “MissKohler please call an ambulance. We must take him to hospital
George : No. It’s too dangerous for public health. You’d better out of this room.
My incubation getting worse. Get out !”
Dr. Ruth : “Alright George, whatever” (EVERYBODY’S OUT. GEORGE MOARNING
Harrison : “What’s on earth happen ?”
George :(GEORGE STOPS MOARNING) “Hi” (SIT ON THE FLOOR) “It’s over. I can
control it finally. I’m sorry. Now, your doughter left you”
Harrison : “Your wife left you”
George : “Yes” (SILENCE).
Harrison : “No hope for us”
George : “What about your detector, have you finished?”
Harrison : “Failed”
George : “I’m sorry”
Harrison : “Your sickness”
George : “Getting worse”
Harrison : “Sorry to hear that”
George : “Thank you” (SOUND OF MELODY).
Harrison : “I can’t live without detector”
George : “I also can’t live with this sickness” (PAUSE).
Harrison : “No hope”
George : “I don’t either”
Harrison : “I don’t want my life ends, stabbed by a stranger, bomb”
George : “I don’t want my sickness make me die” (PAUSE).
Harrison : “I want all end”
George : “Me too”
Harrison : “How ? ..I..”
George : “Yes how ? “

Harrison : “Death, yes death. That’s the only way out for us”
George : “Death, yes. I’ll die because of this sickness eventually. But how ?”
Harrison : “committed suicide”
George : “Suicide, oh no. It’s forbidden. God doesn’t like moreover it shows
our weakness. I don’t want paper publish my suicide”
Harrison : “So.....?”
George : “I don’t have any idea” (PAUSE).
Harrison : “How if ....oh no, no, “
George : “What .... Harris, tell me “
Harrison : “How if we kill each other ?”
George : “Meaning”
Harrison : “Since suicide is forbidden, how if we kill each other, first I kill you
then you kill me”
George : “Sound good. But how I kill you, if I have already died ?”
Harrison : “You right” (PAUSE). “So how ?” (SILENCE).
George : “I’ve got an idea”
Harrison : “What ?”
George : “One of us, I stab a dagger on the stomach, but It’s not too deep, so it
won’t kill you then you stab mine. The wound will bleed to death. How
about it ?”
Harrison : “If they know, what we will do ?, they must take us to the hospital”
George : “We’ll do it silently. No scream”
Harrison : “Fine, you told me we’d die if we run out of blood, so before it
happens what will we do ?”
George : “Wait for the death”
Harrison : “Wait?. It’s boring”
George : “Yes, we can wait while talking. Can’t we ?”
Harrison : “Painful?”
George : “don’t know. We’ll feel it while talking”
Harrison : “(PAUSE) OK ( STAND UP) Mr. George smith It’s an honor to know an
end of my life with you. As a hopeless I admire your way solving one
George : So do I, Mr. Harrison Brown. I never thought that eventually I meet
people understanding the value of living in such a place like this as a

learner of knowledge of creatures, I respect your effort to give security
and conformity. Even though you fail.” (PAUSE, BOTH SHAKE HANDS
Harrison :”Let’s do that”
George :”Ok” (BOTH OUT).
Fade out

Fade in
Two dead bodies laid on, in the center of the room. All members of
family present.

Dr. Ruth :”This is my fault. I shouldn’t have let them together. I didn’t know that
George’s fury would make them fight. They finally died”
Dorothea :”It’s my fault. I made George furious. I should have known, person like
George needed attention and love, not a divorce”
Matilda :”This is also mine, I should have followed the procedure, so I wouldn’t
have met Mr. Smith “
Fade out.



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