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Gregory Shipp

(214) 662-7320

Wal-Mart Optical Lab, Dallas Texas

AR Coating Lab Coach
AR Coach overseeing and responsible for the four shifts of the
Anti-Reflection coatings and Scratch Resistant coatings of optical
lenses for the Wal-Mart Optical Lab. Working with supervisors
and associates on following Standard Operating Procedures and
processes to insure quality, work flow, production goals and safety
regulations. Train and mentor new associates and supervisors on
optical coating processes and procedures, operation of hard coating
equipment, anti-reflective vacuum chambers and spectophometer
testing equipment measuring coating thickness and insuring color
matching of anti-reflective coating color. Continuously monitor
usage of supplies and consumables to prevent waste and stay
within budget. Work closely with equipment service technician on
equipment maintenance to insure quality and supplies needed for
repairs. Work with Coating Manager and Co-Manager on
production goals, yield, quality, defect issues, and daily business of
the coating lab. Continuously work on improving overall
efficiency in all areas on all shifts, QA and QC audits, production
goals, work flow, procedures, job duties, cross training,
information on breakage reports and yield to supervisors and
associates. Insuring cleanliness of lab by assigning schedules and
job cleaning duties for each area of the lab. Perform performance
evaluations and coaching for improvement.
Nassau Lens, Gotham Optical, Miami, Florida
AR Coating Lab Manager
Management and Supervision of the AR Coating Lab overseeing
all areas of the coating lab. Training of new employees,
implemented QA and QC procedures and audits, production goals,
work flow improvement, inventory records and reorder procedures
to improve budget. Set up goals and planning to improve overall
efficiency. Maintenance of equipment, developed performance and
breakage reports.

Benedict Optical, Lewisville, Texas

Hoya Optical, Lewisville, Texas
Maintenance Technician, Finish Lab Supervisor, AR Coating
Technician, Coating Lab Technician Supervisor

Employed by Benedict Optical to assist in set-up equipment for

new facility. Set-up, calibration and testing of new equipment,
plumping water, compressed air, and drain connections, electrical
hook-ups,etc. Oversaw Surface and Finish Departments, trained
new employees on equipment and procedures for manufacturing
optical lens and prescription eyewear. Moved to larger facility in
1994, assisted in set-up of new company, after completion
continued to supervise Finish Department.
In 1998 Benedict Optical set-up AR Coating Lab. Transferred to
AR Department. Trained to set-up, operate, and perform
maintenance on equipment. Performed all operations and
maintenance in AR Lab, vacuum coating operation and testing
equipment. In 2003 Benedict Optical was purchased by Hoya
Optical. Hoya expanded coating lab installing Hard Coater, AR
Coaters, and coating testing equipment. Trained on all new
equipment, processes and procedures. Promoted to Lab Tech
Supervisor overseeing the Hard Coating and AR Coating Labs.
Pearle Vision Optical, Dallas, Texas
Quality Auditor, Technical Support

Performed quality audits in the Pearle retail stores, QA audits on

equipment and QC audits on prescription eyewear and contact
lenses. Technical support for Pearle retail stores. Maintained,
calibrated and repaired ophthalmic equipment for optometrist and
lens processing equipment in retail stores. Trained and mentored
employees on optical equipment operation and maintenance.
Assisted and consulted with optometrist on solutions with
ophthalmic exam equipment issues. Performed as In-Store Lab
Manager when needed.

Omega Optical
Lab Technician, QC Supervisor, Finish Lab Supervisor

Trained and performed all operations in Glass Finish Department.

Main duties: Heat tempering and chemical hardening of glass
lenses, drop ball testing. Maintained and calibration of heat
tempering units and chemical hardening units. Performed all finish
lab job duties as Lab Tech when needed. Promoted to Quality
Control Supervisor. Performed QA audits on operations and
procedures in Surface and Finish Labs. Audits included: Checking
lens grinding generators; diamond cutter wear, cross and curve
cutting, checking finers and polishers; stoke axis, timers, blocking
axis, alloy temperature, work procedures. QA audits in finish lab
included: checking vertometers, lens layout and blocking, edging
size, axis, bevel placement. QC audits on tint color, UV protection,
frame and lens alignment after mounting, RX verification,
analyzing rejects.
Promoted to Plastic Lens Finish Supervisor overseeing lens tinting
lab, mounting, wash-up inspection and final QA inspection.
Improved overall efficiency, checked procedures, quality and
production, cross training, tasks and goal planning, staff support.
Employment History

Employer: Wal-Mart Optical

Location: Dallas, Texas
Title: AR Lab Coach
Job Duties: Supervision and Management of coating facility
Duration: 12/2006 – 02/2009

Employer: Nassau Lens

Location: Miami, Florida
Title: AR Coating Manager
Job Duties: Supervision and Management of AR coating facility
Duration: 04/2006 – 11/2006

Hoya Optical (previously Benedict Optical)

Location: Lewisville, Texas
Titles: Maintenance Technician, Coating Technician, Finish Lab
Supervisor, AR Coating Lab Supervisor
Job Duties: Supervision of inspection, lens blocking, lens edging.
Supervision of all operations in AR coating lab.
Duration: 03/1990 – 03/2006

Employer: Pearle Vision (Corporate Office)

Title: Technical Support, Quality Auditor, Trainer, Optician, Lab
Technician, Lab Manager
Job Duties: Technical support and maintenance of lab equipment
and eye exam equipment in Pearle retail stores. Quality audits of
prescription eyewear, contact lenses, lab equipment calibrations.
Retail optical optician trainer. Lab technician trainer.
Duration: 03/1986-02/1990
Employer: Omega Optical
Location: Dallas, Texas
Title: Lab Tech, QA, QC Supervisor, Finish Lab Supervisor
Duration: 11/1972 – 03/1986
Skills and Abilities

Management and Supervision

Training and Development
QA and QA, ISO Requirements
High-Speed Manufacturing/Continuous Work Flow Operations
MS Office, Excel and Word. DOS
Basics of Lean Manufacturing and Kaizen
Optical Coatings Processes and Production
Thin Film Coating Test Verification and Validation
Optical Lens Production
Prescription Eyewear Production
Optical Lab Technician
Maintenance of Optical and Coating Equipment
Retail Optical Optician

Contact Information:

Gregory Shipp

(214) 662-7320

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