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-Element of Characterization
-Thorough explanation

I would be obliged to shave that beard

Background: The author reveals that the

like any other one, carefully, gently, like

that of any other customer, taking pains to

barber takes pride in his profession. This

is illustrated when the barber describes

see that no single pore emitted a drop of

bloodYes, I was secretly a rebel, but I

himself as conscientious. However, the

barber is also working as an informant for

was also a conscientious barber, and proud

of the precision required of my

the rebels. Therefore, the barber is

faced with conflicted loyalties. Part of


him wants to perform his job admirably

while the other wants vengeance for his
fallen comrades.

How many of us had he ordered shot?

Relationship: Torres, part of the

How many of us had he ordered mutilated?

It was better not to think about it. Torres

conservative party, is an enemy of the

barber and the rebels. He ruthlessly

did not know that I was his enemy. He did

not know it nor did the rest. It was a

tortures and kills the revolutionaries.

However, the barber does not think Torres

secret shared by very few, precisely so

that I could inform the revolutionaries of

knows his true identity and alliances. The

narrator hopes to use his cover to extract

what Torres was doing in the town and of

what he was planning each time he

secrets from Torres and will divulge them

to his party. His dedication to his party

undertook a rebel-hunting expedition.

and profession proves he is loyal.

Damn him for coming! Im a revolutionary

not a murderer. And how easy would it be


to kill him. And he deserves it. Does he?

No! What the Devil! No one deserves to
have someone else make the sacrifice of
becoming a murderer.

Im sure that one solid stroke, one deep

incision, would prevent any pain. He


wouldnt sufferBut they would follow until

they found me. Captain Torres murderer.
He slit his throat while he was shaving hima coward. And then on the other side. The
avenger of us all. A name to remember. He
was the town barber. No one knew he was
defending our cause.

But I dont want to be a murderer. You

came to me for a shave. And I perform my
work honorablyI dont want blood on my
hands. Just lather, thats all. You are an
executioner and I am only a barber. Each
person has his own place in the scheme of


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