Assignment 1: Read Me (Greg Solis) : Files" Folder

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Open Visual Studio

Go to File>>New>>Project
Select Win32 Console Application and name the project Test
Click Ok
Click Next>
Select Empty Project under Additional Options
Click Finish>

Question 1

Copy and paste Solution1.cpp into the Source Files folder on the
left panel
Select Solution1.cpp
Type Ctrl + F5 to run without debugging
Follow the prompts from the terminal
When the terminal is closed delete Solution1.cpp from the Source
Files folder

Question 2

Copy and paste Solution2.cpp , Stock.cpp and Stock.h into the

Source Files folder on the left panel
Select Solution2.cpp
Type Ctrl + F5 to run without debugging
Follow the prompts from the terminal
When the terminal is closed delete Solution2.cpp, Stock.cpp and
Stock.h from the Source Files folder

Question 3

Copy and paste Solution3.cpp into the Source Files folder on the
left panel
Select Solution1.cpp
Type Ctrl + F5 to run without debugging
Follow the prompts from the terminal
When the terminal is closed delete Solution3.cpp from the Source
Files folder

Question 4

Copy and paste Solution4.cpp into the Source Files folder on the
left panel
Select Solution4.cpp
Type Ctrl + F5 to run without debugging
Follow the prompts from the terminal

When the terminal is closed delete Solution1.cpp from the Source

Files folder

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