Understanding Digital and Social Media Syllabus

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LLCU-212: Understanding Digital and Social Media

Professors: Stfan Sinclair and Cecily Raynor

Classroom: Burnside Hall 1B36
Schedule: Tuesday and Thursday, 10:05-11:35
Office Location: 688 Sherbrooke, Office 341 (SS) & 383 (CR)
Office Hours: Tuesdays/Thursdays 3-4pm (CR) Tuesdays/Thursdays 9:30-10am (SS)
Email: stefan.sinclair@mcgill.ca & cecily.raynor@mcgill.ca
I. Description
Lectures will explore a range of topics related to technologies of contemporary digital and social
media, with particular attention to understanding technical, historical, ethical and legal issues.
Students will learn to express themselves effectively with digital media, and especially on the
web (HTML, images, audio, video).
II. Class Format
This course is a biweekly lecture and will include a series of in-class demos and activities. With
this in mind, you must come to class with your laptops in order to effectively participate. The
Course Management System (MyCourses) will be used extensively to post notes, important date
changes, assignments, etc. You are responsible for checking the site regularly for any changes or
III. Required Texts
*All readings are available on MyCourses as downloadable PDFs, Links or Videos*

IV. Schedule
Tuesday, 6th: Intro to the Course (SS & CR)
Thursday, 8th: Introduction to the Web (SS)
Tuesday, 13th: Information Overload (SS)
Thursday, 15th: Information Overload (SS)
Tuesday, 20th: Web Analytics (CR)
Thursday, 22nd: SEO/SEM (CR)
Tuesday, 27th: Web Accessibility (CR)
Thursday, 29th: The Responsive Web (CR)
Tuesday, 4th: Big Data (SS)
Thursday, 6th: Big Data (SS)
Tuesday, 11th: Privacy and Security (SS)
Thursday, 13th: In-Class Midterm
Tuesday, 18th: Web Communities (CR)
Thursday, 20th: Social Media (CR)
Tuesday, 25th: Internet Activism (CR)
Thursday, 27th: FOSS/Net Neutrality (CR)
Tuesday, 1st: Hardware and Software (SS)

Thursday, 3rd: Hardware and Software (CR)

Tuesday, 8th: Hacking (SS)
Thursday, 10th: Hacking (SS)
Tuesday, 15th: Text Mining & Visualizations (SS)
Thursday, 17th: Text Mining & Visualizations (SS)
Tuesday, 22nd: Web Archives (CR)
Thursday, 24th: Web Archives (CR)
Tuesday, 29th: Gaming (SS)
Thursday, December 1st: In-Class Exam
Technical Topics : web authoring; image and video manipulation; web archives, accessibility
and analytics; visualizations.

V. Grading
Bi-Weekly Technical Assignments in Groups (Digital Portfolio) (40%): Students will
be given bi-weekly tasks that they will complete on their group websites. Each task will be
clearly outlined in MyCourses. Groups are expected to complete the tasks in accordance with
their deadlines. All assignments must be completed digitally and no written work will be
accepted. The totality of the assignments will constitute an individual Digital Portfolio for each
Participation (5%): Students are expected to come prepared to class having read all of
the readings for that session. The participation grade will be based on the students contribution
to discussions (in-class and online).
Show and Tell (5%): Students will give brief two-minute presentations in groups of two
on an aspect of digital life they deem relevant. Students will provide this information on a single
slide, which they will upload to MyCourses by 6pm on the eve of their presentation.
Midterm and Final (25% X 2): On October 13th and December 5th, students will take
the in-class midterm and final exam respectively. Exams are a combination of multiple-choice
questions, short essays and a long essay in which students will elaborate upon a digital/social
media topic.
IMPORTANT: According to Senate regulations, instructors are not permitted to make special
arrangements for final exams. Please consult the Calendar, section, General University
Information and Regulations at www.mcgill.ca.

VI. Academic Integrity

McGill University values academic integrity. Therefore, all students must understand the
meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code
of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures (see www.mcgill.ca/students/srr/honest/ for
more information).
VII. Submission of Assignments in French
In accord with McGill Universitys Charter of Students Rights, students in this course have the
right to submit in English or in French any written work that is to be graded.
VIII. A Note on Student Inclusion

As the instructor of this course I endeavor to provide an inclusive learning environment.

However, if you experience barriers to learning in this course, do not hesitate to discuss them
with me and the Office for Students with Disabilities, 514-398-6009.

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