CMT Anual Report

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Asociaia Obteasc

Centrul Media pentru Tineri

Youth Media Center

Annual Report 2015

Chisinau, 2015

The annual report (2015) of the Public Association

Youth Media Center (YMC)
It includes the results obtained by the YMC team,
projects and activities and impressions
of the partners and volunteers.

1. Vision and mission ...... 2
2. Message of the President ................ 6
3. The YMC team ................................ 7
4. Results in 2015 ........ 9
5. Projects developed in 2015 ............. 11
6. Financial statement ........................ 20
7. Thanks ..................................... 22

Copyright 2015 Public Association

Youth Media Center
All rights reserved.

The mission
of the organization
Youth Media Center is promoting access to useful
and age appropriate information for the youth, to prepare them to address their own lives responsibly, to

The vision of the

Youth Media Center is aiming
to become a platform for children
and young people from Moldova, recognized nationally, which
enhances the life of beneficiaries and offer them development
opportunities to become active
citizens with civic spirit.

The values that guide us

The voice of every child and young person should be considered;
Everything that we promote must be safe for children and first of all take into account the
interests of each child;
We do nothing for children and youth without consulting and without taking into account
their views.

Strengths of the organization

Experience working with children and young people;

Responsible attitude, honesty and transparency in all development
Innovation and originality activities (direct participation of children and
youth, using multimedia technologies, promoting awareness of children
and youth through visual messages);
Involving children and young people from different social groups and regions (urban,
A rich portfolio of implemented projects, a large number of media products with competitive quality;
A team with skills and knowledge in the field of media and IT and a Multimedia Studio,
appropriate equipment and a rich experience in terms of promoting social messages.

Areas of Activity
Children and young people have access to non-formal activities that help them develop their potential and express their
views freely;
Informing children and young people
about various hazards that may affect their
life and health;
Promoting healthy behaviors among children and youth,
sports, reading, in order to contribute to the shaping of a generation with greater civic responsibility, tolerance, that does not
accept humiliation, ignorance, indifference and discrimination.

Promoting media literacy

among students and teachers.
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Guiding young people in choosing a profession or studies.

Promoting the rights of children and

youth with special needs in order to contribute to building an inclusive society.

Objectives of activity for 2015

1. YMC is promoting the concept of media literacy and

develops products and media services for children

and young people in the country, to help them
express their opinion and demand their rights.

2. Children with special needs are claim-

ing their rights so as to be guaranteed the

dignity and autonomy and facilitate their
active participation in the community life.

3. All children have equal opportunities for

social inclusion and benefit from an inclusive environment in the localities where they

4. The improved

institutional performance of the

YMC is to respond promptly and professionally to the needs
of target groups.

5. YMC is an important provider offering services in the field of video,

photo and audio production.

In 2015 YMC has developed

internal documents:
YMC human resources manual;
YMC Internal Regulation;
Adjusting Accounting Policy.

Message of the President

2015 was a special year for me. As manager of the organization Youth Media Center I can say that the past year
has been full of opportunities and achievements.
The greatest achievement was that we managed to expand
our team - with three employees - which gives an intensive
development of different activities and achieving goals.

Veronica Boboc

Also in 2015 we increased the number of the implemented projects, which means that we have won the confidence
of partners, donors and this gives us enthusiasm to go further
and become even better in our field. It was a year where we have
broadened horizons, we have diversified our knowledges, invested
in professionalism and increased the number of learned lessons.

It was the first year of the past five in which we received the most training for organizational development.
It was a year in which we achieved a dream - to turn the radio studio at the Youth Media Center in a multimedia studio, video performant equipment, multiple computers with audio and video editing programs.
Another dream was to relaunch The ABRAZIV TV Show. I wanted to offer again an opportunity for young
people to produce their own video reports and experience what we call youth voice expression. We did
We managed to initiate the provision of services to the production of media (video, photo) to diversify
funding sources in order to ensure the viability and sustainability of the activities of the organization. Thus,
we were able to implement from our own resources the Media Lab project and train dozens of young people who become reporters for the show ABRAZIV broadcasted at the TV station Moldova 1.
And there are many wishes on which we work, being supported by partners and active people.
Together, I am confident that we will create opportunities to change things for the better, to properly inform, educate and promote quality stuff.
In other words, to make life better!

Thank you for being with Youth Media Center!

The Youth Media Center Team

Youth Media Center is where you can develop, helping others to develop!

Ana Gurdi
multimedia studio coordinator

I would work at the Youth Media Center

even if I would be a millionaire

Gabriel Encev
multimedia studio coordinator

At Youth Media Center I am writing about young

and try to influence them positively. This matters
to their future and to us.

Alina Gin
project coordinator

At YMC you learn to enjoy and cherish youth

bundled with its opportunities!

Natalia Gribine
project coordinator

Youth Media Center

6 employees



3 employees


3 employees


7 projects

4 projects

3 projects

















trainings for
of the organizational team

In 2015 YMC has developed

the following capabilities
1 workshop of 5 days Trainer
of trainers.
Trainer: Erik Albrechtk,
Deutsche Welle Akademie

1 workshop of 4 days Social

Trainers: Miriam Klaussner i
Julia Bayer,
Deutsche WelleAkademie

1 workshop Video Produc-

tion of 2 days.
Trainers: Nadine Wojcik, Cem
Mete, Lina Elter,
Deutsche Welle Akademie

1 workshop Time Management of 1 day.

Trainer: tefan Popov (Ascending) for the YMC team.

1 workshop Project Man-

agement (40 hours) for the

manager of the organization
Veronica Boboc.

1 workshop Gender main-

Trainer: Daniela Terzi-Barbroie


in 2015


Empowerment through Communication

Funder: SOIR Moldova
Duration: 12 months
The project aimed to develop communication skills for children and youth with
special needs, who can demand their rights to promote autonomy and facilitate
active participation in community life.
The most important results:

- Over 40 beneficiaries, children and youth with special needs have developed knowledge and skills
within 8 Workshops in Communication;
- 2 photo exhibitions in Calarasi and Criuleni, involving beneficiaries and local organizations, which were
designed to promote accessibility in public and private institutions;
- Over 10 films produced by and involving young people with special needs that were distributed on the
Internet and at TV M1 - ABRAZIV;
- 1 Accessibility Marathon organized in Chisinau in partnership with other organizations in inclusion;
- 1 Talk Forum organized with the participation of 7 young people with special needs what represented
themselves from different regions and an audience of over 100 people;
- Over 15 Moldovan media sources have promoted messages of inclusion and rights of children and
youth with special needs.
Organizations which collaborated with YMC: AO Motivaie, Chiinu, AO Dorina, Clrai,
CAJPD, Chiinu, AO FCPS, Criuleni, AO ACHFP, Orhei, AO Azi, Cahul,
AO Prima, Taraclia, Ask a Mom from Chiinu.


Equal at the microphone.

Young Journalist School
Funder: Council of Europe and the Austrian Development Co-


Duration: 6 months
The project aimed to train young journalists from both right and left bank in producing journalistic
quality, ethically correct when publicizes issues about people with disabilities.

The most important results:

- Over 20 trained young journalists from the right and the left bank of Dniester;
- 2 training workshops for journalists from the right and the left bank of Dniester;
- 2 documentation activities for journalists from both banks of the Dniester, on journalistic ethics in covering subjects messages about people with special needs;
- 13 journalistic materials developed by young journalists from the both banks distributed on the social
- A collaboration between 2 organizations with media profile and 2 organization with inclusive profilfrom
the both banks.
For the implementation of the project, the Youth Media Center collaborated with the Young Journalist
Center from Tiraspol, with AO OSORC Tiraspol and ASCHFP from Orhei.


Childrens access to social media

and information sources
Funder: Global Fund for Children
Duration: 12 months
The project aimed to promote citizen journalism and the importance of expression through new media for children and young people in remote areas of the country with limited access to information.

The most important results:

- 75 children were instructed in 8 media workshops organized for children outside the capital;

- 8 localities where freedom of expression has been promoted to children and the right to opinion, through
various media tools - photo, article, video;
- Over 15 media products developed by the children beneficiaries of the project.


Young Reporters for the young

Funder: Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova
Duration: 6 months
The projects objective was to revitalize the youth TV Show - ABRAZIV, broadcasted on TV Moldova
1 as being the voice of young people in Moldova that includes information about the problems and
successes of the youth.

The most important results:

- 2 trainings for young reporters;

- 30 reporters trained and involved in the production of the TV show ABRAZIV;

- 49 reports produced;

- 10 aired ABRAZIV editions.

Public company

See here all ABRAZIV reports:


Media Literacy for Youth

Funder: DW Akademie
Duration: Initiated in Noiembrie, 2015
The project aims to promote media literacy among young people, so that they are properly informed
from the media sources - Internet, newspapers, radio or television - and act as active, responsible

The most important results:

- 4 Workshops media literacy of 2 days in 4 different regions;
- 80 youth trained in media literacy;
- 1 Media campaign developed by young people - Dear future mayor.
- Equiping the Media Studio from YMC with modern equipment.


Citizen Journalism
for Youth
Funder: US Embassy in Moldova
Duration: 12 months
Proiectul a avut scopul de aspori gradul de implicare a tinerilor n aciuni civice la nivel comunitar prin
intermediul jurnalismului cetenesc i uneltele specifice new media.

The most important results:

- 8 trainings organized on the right and left bank of Dniester;

- 85 trained youth;

- 30 storytelling video;

- 68 articles written by youth;

- 2 social media campaigns for the youth.


Media Lab trainings

Funder: This activity was developed voluntarily by the YMC team in collaboration with the Municipal
Directorate for Protection of Child Rights (MDCRP).
Durattion: 12 months
The project aims to develop skills of filming, writing, taking photos and promoting various topics related
to children and youth. Media Lab is the laboratory for those interested in journalism.

The most important results:

- 16 workshops for children and youth;
- 45 trained children and young people;
- 70 storytelling videos;
- 20 written articles.



n fiec i ABRAZIV
are s
la 13:1 bt,
la TV M 5,

ABRAZIV TV show is a product and project initiated by Moldova 1 and Youth Media Center,
with the support of UNICEF Moldova in 2007.
ABRAZIV TV show is a project for young people, coordinated by young people, with a young
target group.
It is a unique project Republic of Moldova with the specifics of the exclusive involvement of
young people in production and distribution.
In 2015, the project was resumed being funded by the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
In 2015 there were broadcasted 10 editions of ABRAZIV and 49 reports were made by young

30 young people were involved in making the TV Show.

ABRAZIV is the project that teaches young

people to film and edit videos. Here are involved young from villages and from cities.
Some of them become operators or reporters at the media outlets, others start working at events and thus earn their money.

Leonid Melnic
general producer of TV Moldova 1

ABRAZIV is a project of the young. An important

thing that I noticed when working on any project, is
that mistakes must be accepted like lessons. Young
people must have the freedom to create without being influenced by adults, and ABRAZIV gives that.

Eugen Popovici
TV show producer


The accounting balance sheet, MDL

Fixed assets
Intangible assets
Fixed assets
Current assets
Commercial and calculated claims
Advances to current
Claims of budget
Claims staff
Current accounts in national currency
Current accounts in foreign currency
Other current assets
Current prepaid expenses


Total assets


Personal capital
Net surplus of the reporting period
Fund of fixed assets
Self-financing fund
Current liabilities
Current trade payables
Current trade payables
Current advances received
Current Accrued liabilities
Debts staff on remuneration
Debts on social and health insurance
Debts to the budget
Current anticipated revenues
Special purpose financing and receipts Current
Other current liabilities
Accrued liabilities


Total pasiv








In the past two years, the Youth Media Center discovered
and was challanged by everything that involves organizational development and the results were not long in coming.
Also the story of a stronger CMT was communicated to the
Swedish public, which confirms the qualitative leap made by
the organization.
Olga Canaly,
program manager,
SOIR Moldova

Ana Gurdi,
employed at YMC in 2015

When I came to YMC I was in love already with video production and everything that you can create with it. Here I grew up
moralay and professional alongside the people who have given me the opportunity to walk on my own feet, to understand
my mistakes and fix them, then go ahead with more force. All
the videos video that we made had a significant impact on
me. Leading a team of volunteers from the TV Show ABRAZIV,
I educated myself and learned to educate others. YMC is the
place where you find yourself, grow and become professional.

YMC gives me opportunities to develop.

ABRAZIV is an example. At the YMC I have received training in
media, thus takins this in my future career based journalist. Of
a particular use were the trainings organized by the Youth Media Centre in partnership with DW Akademie. YMC has given
me a strong motivation. Thus, the reports that we realize for
ABRAZIV inspire me to progress.
Maxim Stratan,
volunteer at YMC

In 2015, Youth Media Center has become more active on

the social networks and I enjoyed it. I like to see the team grow,
and the organizations activities are more diverse.
Tatiana Eco,
journalist at Radio Europa
Liber, YMC board member

Youth Media Center thanks all those
who were involved in the activities of the organization in 2015.
We thank the children and the beneficiaries of the activities of the NGO Youth Media Center
and the volunteers who were involved in creating media products and promoting their voice.
We thank the organizations that have financially supported
the activities of Youth Media Center:
SOIR Moldova
DW Akademie
UNICEF Moldova
USA Embassy in Moldova
Global Fund for Children
Council of Europe
Austrian Development Agency
Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Moldova
We thank our partners:
Municipal Directorate for Protection of Child Rights (DMPDC)
Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova
Motivaie assosiation from Moldova
Dorina assosiation from Moldova, Clrai
Femeia i Copilul Protecie i Sprijin assosiation from Moldova, Criuleni
Eco-Rzeni, Floarea de Cire assosiation
ASCHFP assosiation, Peresecina
Azi assosiation, Cahul
Prima assosiation, Taraclia
Youth Centre from Orhei
Altruism assosiation
Charity Foundation Caritas Moldova
National Center for Prevention of Child Abuse (CNPAC)
Schimbarea Climei office
Centre for Socio-Medical Assistance at Home
NGO Copil, Comunitate, Familie (CCF Moldova)
Altruism assosiation
center, Tiraspol
,, , Comrat
Center for Information and Documentation on Child Rights (CIDDC)
,, , Tiraspol
PNUD Moldova
UNDP Moldova
GIZ Moldova
Foundation for Education in Moldova
Center for Organizational Training and Consultancy, CICO
East Europe Foundation (FEE)
We thank the media platforms:
TV Moldova 1
Youth Radio Moldova
Center for Investigative Journalism (CIJM)
Association of Independent Press (API)
Radio Plai
Online platformAsk a Mom


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