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History of Canada 30F Course Outline

Teacher: Ms. E. McCallum


This course will focus upon the central question of ``How has Canada`s history shaped the
Canada of today?. The course will be broken down into 5 distinct units that cover different
periods of Canadian History. Additionally, as students acquire historical knowledge and
understanding they will focus on developing their historical and critical thinking skills through the
application of the 6 Historical Thinking Concepts (Historical Significance, Continuity and Change,
Cause and Consequence, Historical Perspective, and Ethical Dimensions). Students will complete a
projects for specific clusters that will combine the application of content knowledge and the 6
Historical Thinking Concepts (there will also be opportunities for students to CHOOSE how they
would like to demonstrate learning with these projects). Ultimately, students will acquire
historical knowledge, develop historical thinking and attain the enduring understandings outlined
on the attached pages.
Cluster I: First Peoples and Nouvelle France to 1763
Cluster II: British North America 1763-1867
Cluster III: Becoming a Sovereign Nation 1867-1931
Cluster IV: Achievements and Challenges 1931-1982
Cluster V: Defining Contemporary Canada 1982-Present
Assessment Breakdown (Students will be assessed based upon the 6 Historical Thinking Concepts,
Core Concepts of Citizenships and 5 Categories of Enduring Understandings Outlined in the
Provincial Curriculum Document)
Course Work (Tests, Projects and Current Events Log) - 70%
Common Final Exam- 30%
Assessment Protocol
Sunrise School Division recognizes that assessment promotes student, parent, teacher and system learning.
Through the use of validated assessment practices and procedures, teachers will enhance and promote
learning, growth and development for all students in an inclusive educational environment.
Assessment for Learning (Formative) is the process of seeking and interpreting evidence for use by
learners and their teachers. Formative assessment communicates growth and progress to students and
teachers. It helps students monitor their learning over time and assists in the identification of student needs
and interventions. This process informs classroom instruction and occurs constantly during the learning
Assessment of Learning (Summative) is the summarized information collected about learning. It allows
opportunities for communication and reporting to the parent/guardian community. This process enables
teachers to monitor student performance.
Assessment is outcome-based

Students are assessed on their evidence of meeting the learning outcomes which are consistent with
provincial and divisional targets and criteria.

Assessment is balanced, multi-faceted, equitable and fair

Assessment is differentiated and includes a variety of methods to support students in reaching the
learning outcomes.
Assessment provides students with sufficient opportunity to demonstrate knowledge, skills, attitudes
or behaviors.

Academic Responsibility
Sunrise School Division believes that students, in collaboration with parents/guardians and teachers are
responsible for providing evidence of their learning within established reasonable timelines. These timelines
should not extend beyond the close of instruction in a semester.
Teachers will establish and clearly communicate expectations and timelines regarding assessment tasks for
students who have not completed work or who have submitted work late.
Teachers may support students with the following strategies:

Conference with student

Develop a work completion agreement with student

Provide appropriate supports

Require student to complete the missing work (or an alternate assessment task) within a
supervised setting

Provide differentiated or adapted assessment tasks to accommodate learning needs

If the student has not taken advantage of the above opportunities provided by the teacher, the teacher may
deduct marks .
Academic Honesty
Students will understand that the tests/exams they complete and the assignments they submit as evidence of
learning must be wholly their own work.
Plagiarism, copying, cheating, not citing sources, lying are not acceptable. Teachers, Department Heads and
School Administration will respond appropriately to incidents of academic dishonesty.
The following progressive steps may be considered in response to academic dishonesty:

Conference with the student

Contact parents

Request student to redo the work or alternate assessment task honestly

Enforce other disciplinary measures

Deduct marks. Teachers in collaboration with Department Heads will determine which outcomes have
been legitimately met but enter a grade of zero for those outcomes that have been compromised.

Document the incident in the students file

Whatever the response, students should be expected to complete the work in an honest way.
Additional Notes

It is necessary that you have a three-ring binder or notebook for this class. Be sure to keep your binder
neat and organized by writing the date on all notes, handouts, assignments etc. - it will make it much
easier to review and study.

Extra help is available from Ms. McCallum during Slot 5, at lunch or after school. Students are
encouraged to seek help with anything they are having difficulty with or if they have any questions or

Various methods such as group projects, research projects, notes, videos, music, the Internet, field
trips, simulation games, journals, readings, multi-media presentations etc. will be used to teach this
course. Due to the variety of activities in class and the number of topics we need to cover, REGULAR
after 5 absences a letter will be sent home and after 10 absences your parent/guardian will be sent a
letter and contacted. Don't miss tests without a valid note from your doctor or parent- if you miss a
test arrangements must be made to write it within a week of the original test date, at a time and place
arranged with Ms. McCallum.

All assignments and handouts for this course can be accessed through the course web-site which can
be accessed by going to the Sunrise School Division main page and clicking on, STAFF and then the
website located next to my name. This site will be used for various other things such as class
discussion, providing links to pertinent web-sites, readings, and videos and can also be used for
students to communicate with me. OR simply go to If you miss a class it
is your responsibility to check on the web-site for missed notes and assignments and to get caught up.
Arrangements can be made for work to be provided if you know that you will be away ahead of time.
Please EMAIL me with any questions.

End of the Class- At times we may finish what we are doing a couple of minutes early, if this occurs
please stay in your seats until the bell goes- NOT STANDING AT THE DOOR OR LEAVING EARLY!

Lates- Arriving on time and ready to learn is an expectation in this class. If you are late please enter
the room quietly and get seated immediately- being late is disruptive to the rest of the class though so
please dont make that a habit.

Food and Drink- You will be able to have food and drink in the classroom as long as you clean up
after yourself. If students begin to leave garbage in the classroom then food and drink privileges will be

Electronic Devices- As per school policy, cellular phones are not permitted in class at any time
unless we are using these devices as part of the curriculum. You may listen to music when working
during class but not during tests. If your cellular phone is visible in class you will be given a warning. If
it occurs again it will be taken away and given to the office. Cell phones are addictive and distractingwe all know you arent learning anything if you are texting so PUT IT AWAY! I will provide you with a
health break most classes to stretch, go to the washroom etc. You may use that time to check your
phones if you choose.

Welcome to Canadian History 30S- I look forward to getting to know you throughout the semester!

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