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2014 Secret Island of Dr.

1. The protagonist shouts ITS BRILLIANT! after seeing a cross between
a tank and this object. In a nice bit of intertextuality, a straw example of
these objects is revealed to have been invented by the Assassins. In one
game, this object is less useful than the more durable Drum Can. A raindrenched one of these found aboard the USS Discovery is nicknamed The
(*) Orange. In a later game, two of these objects filled with watermelons serve as
distractions to Gekko units. These pink-colored objects can hold two people in Peace
Walker. This item can be used completely consequence-free if disguised as Major
Raikov, otherwise, if enemies bump into you, itll trigger the alert. For 10 points,
name these iconic mobile hiding places from the Metal Gear series.
ANSWER: cardboard boxes
2. A driving sequence in this game ends soon after the engine temperature
hits 300. In part of this game, you have to spell out the Hawaiian words
Hikiwale, Mawaena, or Hana Nui. Later in this game, the
protagonist gets trapped in a tank under a pile of rubble in Moscow. To
Matt Bollingers utter delight, this game let you email a photo of your face
to faces@[this game], then download and map it onto the
player character. Its protagonist lives in New Jersey with his eventual
nemesis (*) Eric Sparrow. Features added in this game include the Acid Drop, the
Wall Push, and the ability to dismount and still continue your combo within a time
limit. For 10 points, name this skateboarding video game abbreviated THUG.
ANSWER: Tony Hawks Underground [or THUG before mentioned; accept Tony
Hawks Pro Skater 5]
3. In this game, you can return a stolen urn full of a womans ashes to her
widower, earning you free drinks for life. Bob the pre-owned cars salesman
guards the sweet rare Red Ryder LE BB gun in this game. One character in
this game can either be recruited by wearing a leather jacket to imitate
his previous owner, or by feeding him an (*) iguana-on-a-stick; interacting with
that character will piss Katja off. In this game, the protagonist must kill the god of
the Children of the Cathedral, known as the Master, and destroy the Forced
Evolutionary Virus within 500 days, or else the water supply will run out and
mutants will invade Vault 13. For 10 points, name this 1997 game published by
Interplay, the first in a series of post-apocalyptic RPGs.
ANSWER: Fallout
4. Amusingly-named characters in this game include Director Chug and
Commissioner Emo. A computer virus that results in a substantial loss of
research, and an Eel that blockades your settlements while looking for a
place to spawn, are among this games random events. A Dimensional
Portal is needed to access the title location of this game, home to some
beings that break out of their pocket (*) dimension and threaten the holdings
of powerful players. In this game, organic-rich universes benefit Low-G races like the
Gnolam and Psilon. Returning races in this game include the Silicoids and Humans.
For 10 points, name this game subtitled Battle at Antares, the Microprosedeveloped sequel to a turn-based strategy game set in space.
ANSWER: Master of Orion 2: Battle at Antares [or MoO 2]

5. This game includes an unexpectedly hard boss battle in which four

accompanying bats fuck up your party with their Delta Attack. A cave in
this game is easier to navigate once you feed Poff Nuts to a Carro, such
that it can act as a light source. In this game, the protagonist watches
Reena get murdered by her fianc, his blue-haired horned swordsman (*)
brother. The main character of this game yells THIS IS NOT A GOOD PLAN! upon
hearing of a womans plan to absorb pieces of Valmar into her body. The protagonist
of this game allies with the crossbow-wielding Millenia, travels on the bird Skye, and
accepts an assignment to escort Elena. For 10 points, name this Dreamcast
GameArts JRPG starring the highly impertinent mercenary Ryudo.
ANSWER: Grandia II [or, distressingly, Gurandia Tsu]
6. The second time you fight a boss in this game, it gains the ability to
deploy a black hole to absorb your projectiles. A subplot in this game
focuses on a mysterious assassin the protagonist nicknames the Deleter. A
lava-dwelling fish in this game is named Vorash. A purple, lizard-like
Mystery Creature in this game is the evolved form of a honey-loving whitehued Little Birdie. Its protagonist runs through a high temperature area
(*) without the Varia Suit since its unauthorized, is shot in the back by Adam
Malkovich, upon whom she is codependent, CONSTANTLY talks about the Baby, and
suffers an emotional breakdown while fighting Ridley. For 10 points, name this
terrible, horrible, no good, very bad latest Metroid game.
ANSWER: Metroid: Other M [accept Metoroido Aza Emu from people who insist
on adding insult to injury]
7. A member of this species asks the protagonist to smuggle a passage for
Inamorda in Port Hanshan. Jondum Bau investigates an indoctrinated
member of this species named Zymandias, who tries to upload a virus to
disable the defense network of his planet. Another member of this
species, who saves Christmas and has a lover in every port, is the film
star Blasto. The lush homeworld of this species, Kahje, is also home to the
(*) Drell. The first encounterable member of this species is preaching illegally on the
Presidium. These beings have a public face name and a private soul name, use
the term Enkindlers for the Protheans, and refer to themselves as this one or
it. For 10 points, name this jellyfish-like species from Mass Effect.
8. A component of this game in which you changed the color of panels,
known as Touch the Box, was removed before release. This game
features thirty challenges against Simulants. Early in this game, the
protagonist punches an old woman in a blue dress and takes her keycode
necklace, and photographs an isotope with the CamSpy. Theres a
collectible (*) wedge of cheese in every level of this game, at the end of which
Elvis and the protagonist leave the Skedar planet moments before it is obliterated
by the Maians. This games iconic weapon is the Carrington Institute-developed
Laptop Gun, which turns into a sentry gun when thrown at walls. For 10 points,
name this Rare-developed first person shooter for the N64, starring Joanna Dark.
ANSWER: Perfect Dark

9. Three times in this game, you have to keep track of a floating white key
that gets shuffled around. This game often cuts to a flashback consisting
of slow motion sequences of a car ride in the rain. Near its end, the
protagonist rides a cable car in the sky with a distraught man sitting on a
cardboard box, to the Shaman, who turns out not to exist. The protagonist
of this game hides in a closet clutching a robot (*) doll at its start. Early in this
game, rearranging boxes to solve a puzzle causes actual buildings in the
protagonists favela to be uprooted from their foundations. For 10 points, name this
game about the boy Quicos interaction with a frog-addicted, fiery Monster,
mirroring designer Vander Caballeros relationship with his alcoholic father.
ANSWER: Papo & Yo [or Papo y Yo]
10. After fighting a bunch of these beings, you get transported to a room
where if you shoot a silhouette, its game over. Rarely-used Chinese
characters for chemical symbols spell out the name of one of these beings.
They take advantage of masquerade time in Outer Heaven, and are made
in an abandoned church resembling St. Basils Cathedral, found by
examining a map of (*) Moscow. At a basement under Queens Hospital, they get
treated for a flaw that forces them to use lots of sunscreen. The bounty hunter
RandomHajile is revealed to be one of these Snow-9 producing beings. JUNKERS like
Gillian Seed hunt them. For 10 points, name these Replicant-like beings in a
namesake Hideo Kojima game who steal the identities of their victims.
ANSWER: Snatchers [or Sunatchas]
11. One character of this type is told youll have to use a spatula to peel
me off your side. Another character of this type loses her memories at
the Battle of Belhalla and turns into stone after assuming the identity of
Eyvel in a different game. A third character of this type cuts the noose
hanging Lucia, wields the Silencer, and grudgingly respects Janaff despite
his pathological hatred of laguz. Prepromoted units of this type include
the aforementioned (*) Shinon, the wife of Pent, Louise, and the prince of Frelia,
Innes, though the former is outclassed by the Pheraens Rebecca and Wil, who, like
the myrmidon, get a huge critical hit rate boost upon promotion. For 10 points,
name these unmounted upgraded versions of Archers in Fire Emblem.
ANSWER: snipers [accept archers until upgraded is read]
12. The official European website of the games remake advises you to,
while in this level, disregard rumors and concentrate on keeping on the
straight and narrow. A red arrow pointing right in this level is painted on
a structure found here. Early on in this stage, you hug to the right and
pass under a Cheep-Cheep in one of several areas lacking a guard rail.
This track was remade as the second track in the Lightning Cup of a 2005
(*) DS game. The most famous part of this frustrating course is an abandoned
shack, inside which bats fly at you, causing you to spin out. This course is similar to
the Ghost Valley tracks from Super Mario Kart. For 10 points, name this course from
the Special Cup of Mario Kart 64, a spooky waterfront track.
ANSWER: Banshee Boardwalk
13. While playing as this side, you can unlock a secret level by pressing
the cold, fire, and inner sheep switches in that order. Competitive players

of this race include infi, ToD, and Sky. A spell possessed by this side,
Banish, turns units Ethereal. In an infamous mission for this side, you have
to kill 100 (*) civilians before MalGanis converts them. An expansion pack gave
this race the magic-immune Spellbreakers. This race can build cannon towers and
can put multiple builders to work on the same building. Despite its name, this race
can produce gryphon riders, sorceresses, and riflemen, which are dwarves and high
elves. For 10 points, name this Warcraft 3 Alliance that has moved beyond its
simplistic rivalry with the Orcs.
ANSWER: Humans [or Human Alliance before mentioned]
14. This game awards the achievement Charles in Charge for achieving
an Uncanny Combo. A character in this game sexily poses against pink and
white hearts at the beginning of his 4th wall Crisis. This game added
customization via collectible cards in its Heroes and Heralds mode. A
character in this game unleashes the dog Missile, hunts for three (*)
evidence files, and points his finger at enemies. The Tohoku earthquake and
tsunami prompted the release of a full update to this game adding Rocket Raccoon,
Firebrand, and Phoenix Wright, titled Ultimate. The final boss of this game, who
clones Albert Wesker and Akuma, is Galactus. For 10 points, name this 2011 entry in
a series pitting characters created by the two title companies.
ANSWER: Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds [or Ultimate Marvel vs.
Capcom 3]
15. Collectors editions of this game ship with a booklet that repeatedly
references Jorjet, who never shows up in the game. The absurdly powerful
tusked Gueta appears in one portion of this game. This games mission
Long Night of Solace features the only ship to ship space combat in its
series. In this games post-credits sequence, the protagonist casts aside
his (*) helmet after it cracks. Glacier and Corvette are Firefight maps in this game.
Jetpacks, Drop Shields, and Active Camouflage are three of the Armor Abilities this
game introduced to its series. Noble Six is the main character of this game, whose
title planet was glassed by the Covenant. For 10 points, name this game developed
at the same time as ODST, the prequel to Halo.
ANSWER: Halo: Reach
16. In this game, you can get stuck in the ceiling if youre hit by a fireball
descending from above while opening a chest in the Citadel of Flame.
Locations of interest in this game are revealed by pressing the start
button to perform a Spiritual Concentration. Meet Brahms and defeat
Lezard to get this games best ending. At the start of this game, Platina
runs away to escape being sold into slavery, but dies after inhaling the
toxic pollen in the (*) Weeping Lily Meadow. The protagonist of this game
overcomes the combined power of the Dragon Orb and Gungnir and simultaneously
revives Lucian and defeats Loki. For 10 points, name this tri-Ace and Enix JRPG
whose protagonist is Lenneth, a warrior woman who brings einherjar to Valhalla.
ANSWER: Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth [or Varukiri Purofairu]
17. A man takes a swig of a beer named Blu Streak in this work, over the
course of which a counter updates from 209 to 214. The main character of
this work says that problems of beauty would fall within the purview of

your conundrums of philosophy. At one point in this work, a severed arm

lands in the foreground. In this work, which is set in front of a truck, the
speaker rhetorically asks how to prevent gaining a structurally
superfluous new (*) behind, revealing the answer to be use a gun and if that
dont work, use more gun! The main character of this work strums his guitar the
whole time as enemies get killed by his creations. For 10 points, name this video
which introduces a Team Fortress 2 character who builds sentries.
ANSWER: Meet the Engineer
18. Video game auteur Mr. B. Blobby released a romhack of this game that
changed a word in the title screen to read Yyubla B. A character
originally from this game swings his weapon back and forth in one of 9Volts microgames. The Nitpicker rudely interrupts your cloud to cloud
jumping in this game, in which broken blocks are repaired by Topis. This
game punishes you for dawdling by summoning a pink short and (*)
sunglasses-wearing enemy who forces the screen to move up. Its protagonists
collect the vegetables left by the Condor, then grab onto its claws to be taken to the
next mountain. For 10 points, name this game starring the blue and pink-parka
wearing Popo and Nanna, who chisel the title substance with their mallet.
ANSWER: Ice Climber [or Aisu Kuraima, sadly; do not accept Ass Climber, which
is the name of the romhack]
19. To test the quality of the graphics of one entry in this series, the
developers added several groups of polar bears. Several performances by
the Warsaw Philharmonic are featured on the soundtrack for this series
fifth game, which includes Blurry by Puddle of Mudd. A barkeeps
daughter befriends the unnamed storyteller boy who narrates another of
these games, set in the aftermath of the Ulysses (*) 1994XF04 Asteroid
impact. This series setting of Strangereal was abandoned in its entry Assault
Horizon, despite being used for the best of these games, such as Fires of Liberation,
Shattered Skies, and The Unsung War. For 10 points, name this Namco-developed
series of flight simulation games with surprisingly good storytelling.
ANSWER: Ace Combat [or Esu Konbatto]
20. In one version of this scene, the camera pans past a postImpressionistic painting of a black-haired woman on the left, as a woman
says youve been feeding me bullshit all night and repeats shut up.
One character in this scene says Im the same as them I just hadnt
noticed it before. The cop Cybil Bennett suspects that a murder took
place in the rendition of this scene in (*) Shattered Memories. In this scene,
the woman walks toward the man, arms open, saying stay by me Please. Im so
scared, after which the game displays an FMV of blood trickling down her face as
Harry gradually backs out of the room and shuts the door. For 10 points, name this
emotional scene from Silent Hill in which a nurse becomes a puppet nurse.
ANSWER: Lisas death [or Lisa Garlands death; or Lisas transformation; or
Garlands transformation; accept the nurses transformation before it is
mentioned; accept the nurses death before it is mentioned; prompt on
transformation in Silent Hill or similar answers]

TB. Speedrunners of one game with this name love jumping into a green
light and holding A to skip through the first three stages, doing so for the
last time after hitting a strange pole in a lighthouse. The only character in
another game with this name with the ability to duck her head while
crouching is unlocked by beating the Madripoor level. One character in
this game notoriously fires a purple energy beam after saying Welcome
to (*) die! Game Masters Legacy was the sequel to the 1994 Game Gear game
with this name, in which you face Sebastian Shaw at the Hellfire Club. A 1992
arcade game with this name features the infamous line I am Magneto, master of
Magnet! For 10 points, name these games starring Professor Xaviers mutants.

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