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PSYC 1300


Exam 1 Study Guide

A. What is psychology? (Chapter 1)
1. Definition of psychology as a science
2. The difference between the following psychological perspectives:
a. Gestalt
b. Psychoanalysis/Psychodynamic
c. Behaviorism
d. Humanistic
e. Positive Psychology and Multicultural/Diversity
f. Cognitive/Cognitivism
g. Biological/Evolutionary
B. The Goals of Science (Chapter 2)
1. Description
2. Explanation
3. Prediction
4. Control
C. Research Methods (Chapter 2)
1. The difference between the following research methods, as well as the advantages and
disadvantages of each:
a. Naturalistic observation
b. Case study
c. Survey
d. Experimental research
e. Correlational research
2. Internal and External Validity
3. The difference between an independent variable and a dependent variable
4. The difference between an experimental condition and a control condition
5. The difference between a positive and negative correlation
6. The difference between correlation and causation
D. Research Ethics (Chapter 2)
1. The following aspects of ethical research on humans:
a. Informed consent
b. Debriefing
c. Minimizing physical or psychological pain to subjects
2. How animal rights are weighed against benefits to society in research on animals
A. Organization and Overview of Communication Systems (Chapter 3)
1. Central and peripheral nervous systems
2. Endocrine system
B. Communication in the Nervous System (Chapter 3)
1. The following parts of a neuron and their functions:
a. Dendrites
b. Soma
c. Axon

PSYC 1300


2. What an action potential is and how it is accomplished

3. How communication between neurons is accomplished
4. The following components of communication between neurons:
a. The synapse
b. Neurotransmitters
c. Receptors
C. The Brain (Chapter 3)
1. The functions of the following brain structures:
a. Limbic system
b. Thalamus
c. Hypothalamus
2. The major functions of the left hemisphere
3. The major functions of the right hemisphere
4. The location and function of the corpus callosum
5. The location and major functions of the following areas of the cerebral cortex:
a. Frontal lobes
b. Parietal lobes
c. Occipital lobes
d. Temporal lobes
Know the definition of psychology. It will be on the test. I promise. It might even be on EVERY
Know the 5 important psychologists from Chapter 1 that we talked about in class.
The Concept Recall questions (throughout the chapters) and Review questions (at the end of each
chapter) would be excellent questions to help you study.
Anything from the book or class could be on the test, but these are the most important concepts.
The outline above is from the departmental course objectives, so these concepts will be on this
exam and will also be on the comprehensive final exam.

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