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Volume 25, Number 19

From your
Page 2

September 18, 2016

A Look Inside...

Childrens Events
Page 2

Interpreter Services
Page 3

Tech Team
Open Training
Page 3


Mike Northcutt -

She came to Eastmont early Sunday morning but wouldnt

tell me her name. She was about 50 and a visitor. It was 7:15
a.m. as she stood outside our sanctuary looking in. The
hallway conversation went like this:
Hi. My name is Mike. Im the pastor. Are you
visiting today?
Lady: Huh! You dont look like a pastor. Where is your
suit? How old are you? This is a big place.
With my 150 watt smile Most of our people dress
casual. Sometimes I wear a suit. Today is shirt and tie day
for me.
Lady: Thats strange. Cant make up your mind huh? I
ignored it.
Me: (Still with my 150 watt smile. The 200 watt is too
much.) Do you want to join us for worship. We start in
about an hour.
Lady: I doubt it. I came to check out this Country/
Country thing. She held up the mail out.
So I told her about Country/Country and encouraged her
to come back tonight.
Me: You are welcome to stay and worship or visit a Life
Lady: No. I quit church last year. What is a Life Group?
They are small groups that study the Bible
together and pray for each other.
Lady: I used to go to one of those but I quit last year.
Me: With my more serious 100 watt smile You quit?
May I ask why?
Lady: Those people dont care about me. She turned to
I think you are wrong. Really wrong. Those
people care a lot more than you realize. Maybe not
everyone. But most.
Lady: Im not wrong.
Fifty watt smile. Everywhere I go there are people
who care. They are all over this church. Caring is what our
Life Groups do best.
Lady: Really?
Absolutely. My mother recently died. I was
overwhelmed with wonderful caring cards and comments
of encouragement. Our small groups care for each other.
Lady: Name one!
So I pointed to the two nearest classes (Byers and Oswalt.)
She wanted examples and I could have given her dozens
more of them. People dont care what you know until they
know that you care. By the way, could I have used your
class name?


Jeremy Lynch -

Lunch Honoring Volunteers who serve during BTH

September 18 after second service in the Fellowship Hall.
Families of volunteers are welcome.

Preschool/Children Life Group Teacher Lunch

September 25, at 12 PM at the Lynchs (4077 Camellia Dr.)

Childrens Fall Missions Festival - October 7-8 at

Worldsong. Leaving at 3 PM on Friday and returning

Saturday around 8 PM. Cost: $20/person (COST REDUCED)
includes lodging & 3 meals. For boys & girls in grades 1-6.
Lets go on an adventure & learn about missions in Norway!
Soapbox Derby - October 15 on Dexter Avenue
Registration: 9 AM Race Begins: 10 AM

Trunk or Treat - October 30 @ 4 - 6 PM at Eastmont.

Sign up now with Karen Bush to be a trunk of treats.

RA Campout - November 18 - 19 @ the Deals home.

Teachers Needed

Our Preschool and Childrens Ministry is still in need of

teachers for 6th grade to teach Sunday School from now
thru July 30th 2017.

Parent Nights - Books are optional ($10/each)

Becoming a Praying Parent - 4-week study led by Beth

Gillem in room 120, Sundays at 5 PM.
Ownership Road - 10-week study led by Jeremy Lynch in
room 122, Sundays at 5:15 PM. Giving parents a vision for
being the Chief Discipleship Officer of their families.

Good News Club

Tuesdays, from 3 - 4:30 PM @ Wares Ferry Elementary

EBC families & team members come join us on mission!


David Shelnutt (Interim Student Minister) -

Small group Bible study: Sundays at 9:20 AM,

Explore the Bible: 1 Peter, 2 Peter, & Jude

Youth on Mission (YOM): Sundays at 5:00 PM

Timeout: Student Worship Service
Wednesdays @ 6:15 PM

Guys Bible Study

Tuesdays at 7:30 PM, ask David for details

See you at the Pole: September 28

Fields of Faith: October 5

Art Long -

Upcoming Events

September 16 - Movie Night @ 6 PM in room 205

October 7-10 - Beach Retreat


Gene Kim -

Home Groups: Dinner & Bible Study

Thursday nights at 7 PM. Will meet at the Corums house

(1243 Cedric Ct.) in September - October.
Topic is: What is the Gospel?.

Broomball at Eastdale Mall

September 15 @ 9 pm at the Ice Palace. We will caravan

together after Bible study.

International Student Welcome

Friday, September 30 beginning at 7 PM.

Dinner and Games. Upstairs in the Youth room


Billy Dickey - (international)

Gene Kim - (local / national)

Work Day at Big Oak Ranch

September 24 and is open to all ages to come & assist

with performing work at the ranch. Please contact Karen
Bush at the office if youd like to attend.

Eastmont Yard Sale

Fall Sale will be the week of October 9-15. Now is the

time to set aside those wonderful, quality treasures that
are taking up your space. Donations will be accepted
beginning Sunday, October 9th after the second service.

Operation Christmas Child - Dates to Remember

October 16
OCC Lunch, Box Folding & Crafts
October 23
Kickoff Sunday (pickup shoeboxes)
November 13 Dedication Sunday (return filled shoeboxes)
November 17 Deliver Shoeboxes to Relay Center
December 9-10 Volunteer to go to ATL Processing Center

Bake Sale Fundraiser on November 6

If any of you wonderful bakers would like to participate

in our Bake Sale benefiting missions, please contact
Karen Bush at the office and let her know. Were looking
for donations of cakes, cupcakes, pies, and all sorts of
treats that will be auctioned off in support of our trip to


Christmas Backpacks for Mississippi River Ministry.

Share a gift of LOVE and the GOSPEL with a child in

need. For more information and to receive instructions
and required tag for backpack, please contact Karen Bush
in the church office. Backpacks need to be turned in at the
office no later than October 23rd.

Mark Your Calendar

Bless Your Soul - November 3

Billy Dickey -

Forever Young

Tuesday, September 20, at 10 AM in room 205.

Special Guest: Eileen Mitchell
Covered dish lunch to follow.

Antiquities Center in LaGrange, GA

October 7, 2016
an interactive museum of daily life in Biblical times.
Cost: $40/person (meal included in cost) We have 2 spots
available. Deadline to sign up and pay, is September 28.

Volunteers Needed for Greeter Ministry.

Positions available and substitute spots also available.

Please contact Ann Mills for more information (273-8064).

Volunteers Needed for Senior Adult Bible School

October 24-26
*Devotional leaders needed
* Help with crafts/snacks
* Display your musical talents

Disability Ministry

Interpreter services are now being offered for

the 10:30 AM service and Wednesday night
prayer service.

Rick Jones Missions Benefit Concert

October 2 @ 6:15 PM in the Worship Center

There is no cost, but a love offering will be taken for the
Guatemala Mission Team.

Tech Team Opportunity and Training

The audio/visual team needs volunteers to help

with lights, sound, and video during services
and special events. We will have training each
Wednesday night in September, from 6:30 - 7:45 in the
worship center balcony. This will be a hands-on, laid back,
no pressure atmosphere. We are currently short-handed
and can certainly use more willing hands and available
hearts. No experience is necessary. Current volunteers
and all interested should attend. If you have any questions,
please contact Lance Maddox at

Myers-Mallory State Missions Offering

Week of prayer for state missions (September 11 18).

Goals: Challenge - $1000

Victory - $3000

Hallelujah $5000

Online Giving Available

You can give your tithes and/or offerings to Eastmont

through our website. Its convenient, simple & secure.
Visit to sign up.

The Encourager

Periodicals Postage
Montgomery, AL

Eastmont Baptist Church

4505 Atlanta Highway
Montgomery, Alabama 36109
The Encourager USPS No. 018-816 is published and mailed
bi-weekly by Eastmont Baptist Church, 4505 Atlanta Highway,
Montgomery, AL 36109. Postmaster: Send address changes to
Encourager, 4505 Atlanta Highway, Montgomery, AL 36109.

September 18, 2016

Sunday, September 18

8:10 AM
9:20 AM
10:30 AM
5:00 PM

Worship Service
Sunday School
Worship Service

Monday, September 19

6:00 PM

Ladies Bible Study

Tuesday, September 20

6:00 AM
10:00 AM
5:30 PM

Insanity Workout
Forever Young

Wednesday, September 21

5:00 PM
5:15 PM
6:00 PM
6:15 PM

Fellowship Meal
Adult Choir
Orchestra Practice
Timeout (youth)
Mission Groups
Prayer Meeting

Thursday, September 22

10:00 AM
5:30 PM

Bible Study


Sunday, September 25

8:10 AM
9:20 AM
10:30 AM
5:00 PM

Worship Service
Sunday School
Worship Service

Monday, September 26

6:00 PM

Ladies Bible Study

Tuesday, September 27

6:00 AM
5:30 PM

Insanity Workout

Wednesday, September 28

5:00 PM
5:15 PM
6:00 PM
6:15 PM

Fellowship Meal
Adult Choir
Orchestra Practice
Timeout (youth)
Mission Groups
Prayer Meeting

Thursday, September 29

10:00 AM
5:30 PM

Bible Study

September 21, 2016

BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, and Dessert, & Drink

September 28, 2016

Pork Loin, Potato Salad, Green Beans, Salad, Dessert & Drink


(Max. $15/family)


September 4, 2016

Preschool........................... 55
Children............................. 59
Students............................. 60
Adults............................... 535
Total.................................. 709

September 11, 2016

Preschool........................... 59
Children............................. 65
Students............................. 64
Adults............................... 595
Total.................................. 783


September 4, 2016
General Budget
Emergency Fund

September 11, 2016

General Budget
Emergency Fund


September 18, 2016

Bob Franklin - 731-2046

September 25, 2016

Richard Cartwright - 514-6953


September 18, 2016

Rick Jones & Garrett Payton

September 25, 2016

David Seay & Zack Godwin

Office: (334) 277-6300 Fax: (334) 277-6322 Careline: (334) 277-6384 Website: Kindergarten: (334) 244-9324
Prayer Room: (334) 277-8876 E-mail: Facebook: Twitter: @eastmontbaptist


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