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CITY OF __________ S.S.)


I, ____________, of legal age, Filipino, with resident/office address at

_____________________________ after being duly sworn, depose and state that:
1. I am the duly elected and qualified Corporate Secretary
of_________________________, a corporation duly organized and
existing under and virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with
principal address at ________________, Philippines;
2. I certify that the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), upon
evaluation of the latest reports of the corporation, has notified the
corporation of its violation/s of the provision of Commonwealth Act No.
108, as amended, otherwise known as the Anti-Dummy Law particularly
Section 2-A therefore;
3. I hereby declare that, upon receipt of such notice from SEC, the
corporation has immediately undertaken proper corrective measures to be
compliant with the requirements of Section 2-A of the Anti-Dummy Law, by
_____________________________________________, as shown in the
corporations most recent General Information Sheet, submitted to SEC on
__________________________, copy of which is hereto attached as
Annex I;
4. I further certify that the corporation, through its board of
Directors/Trustees, acknowledge that the SEC is neither estopped in such
evaluation of the reports, nor is it precluded from further notifying the
corporation to take corrective measures for any previously undetermined
and/or newly ascertained violation of the Anti-Dummy Law and other
related SEC rules and guidelines or from initiating appropriate action/s
against the corporation in the exercise of its supervisory and monitoring
function over registered corporation;
5. I hereby attest to the truth of all of the foregoing information.
Issued at____________City, Philippines on ___day of _____, 20_____.
Corporate Secretary

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this _____ day of

_________________ 2016 in _________ affiant exhibited to me her _______________
issued at ________________ on _____________..

Doc. No:_____;
Page No.:_____;
Book No.:_____;
Series of 2016.

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