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e. AMENDED wy Ne, Dae. Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Health OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY JUN 02 2014 DEPARTMENT ORDER No. Zoli 994 SUBJECT: Guidelines on the Allowable Rates of Payment for Human Resource Development Activities I. RATIONALE ‘The Department of Budget and Management (DBM), created under Executive Order No. 25 dated April 25, 1936, is mandated to promote sound, efficient and effective management and utilization of government resources (i., technological, manpower, physical and financial) to achieve national socioeconomic and political development goals. Executive Order No. 102 s. 1999, issued on May 24, 1999, redirects the functions and operations of the Department of Health (DOH). Under this Order, the DOH shall serve as the lead agency in ensuring equity, access and quality of health care services through policy formulation, standards development and regulations;; capacity-builder in implementing health programs and services through technical collaborations, logistical support, provision of grants and allocation and other partnership mechanisms; and protector of standards of excellence in the training and education of health care providers at all levels of the health care system. Furthermore, the above Order mandates the Health Human Resource Development Bureau (HHRDB) of this Department to develop, manage and monitor learning and development functions for health human resources capability development programs such as a.) identification of training needs of specific categories of human resource in the health sector; b.) development, coordination, facilitation and implementation of training programs for specific categories of health human resources; ¢.) provision of technical assistance and expert services to the collaborating and implementing agencies; and d.) monitoring and evaluation of training programs. In realization of the above mandate of the HHRDB, the Bureau has to conduct a periodic intensive review to harmonize HR policies of the Department in collaboration with the DBM for la more rational and efficient policy impact. Specific HR policies on the existing payment rates of human resource activities and transactions need to be reviewed and revised in accordance to “ithe present economic conditions. (i.e. board and lodging of participants, supplies and materials including reproduction and communication costs, rental for function rooms and Fequipments/facilities and training paraphernalia, registration, payment for honoraria for both 2DOH and non-DOH resource persons/facilitators); hence, it is necessary to develop reasonable ‘Balding 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila « Trunk Line 61-7800 Direct Line: 7H-9501 ax: 74-1829; 74-1786 « URL: hin; e-mail ostc@doh.gor.nh and comparable parameters and mechanisms in which rates are to be determined in consideration of the prevailing rates and existing practice in other government agencies and to harmonize with the other existing and related policies, rules and regulations in the bureaucracy. t OBJECTIVE This Order aims to prescribe standard rates and more reasonable payment scheme for Human Resource Development activity expenses. Mi. SCOPE This Order shall cover and apply to all Human Resource Development Acti attended by DOH officials and employees and those conducted by the DOH, attached agencies, and agency partners of DOH wherein GOP funds are involved as well as_budget support from development partners that are subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. IV. DEFINITION OF TERMS A. Course Fee refers to the amount paid for non-formal education/short training courses. B, DOH refers to the Central Office and its attached agencies, Regional Health Offices (RHOs), and DOH retained/special and specialty hospitals, sanitaria and treatment rehabilitation centers. C. Honorarium is a form of compensation given as a token of appreciation for rendered gratuitous services on account of one’s expertise in a specific field for which going by custom, tradition or propriety. D. HR Development (HRD) Activities refer to structured activities (e.g. training, education and developmental activities) conducted for learning purposes where participants are expected to gain or strengthen skills and technical or management expertise in their areas of endeavour such as, but not limited to, continuing professional education activities, scholarships, and fellowships. 1. HR Trainings are short training program/courses of not more than six (6) months duration in upgrading competencies relevant to one’s current job, such as but not limited to non-formal education/short training courses. 2, Formal Education is the systematic and deliberate process of hierarchically structured and sequential progression of academic learning. This includes Baccalaureate, Master’s, and Doctoral level of education. OD 3. HR Developmental Interventions refer to developmental activities such as job enrichment, seminars, conventions, assemblies, conferences, symposia, and other strategies for human resource development) with the purposes of sharing, discussing or disseminating ideas or information .on the developments in a particular field/s of interest and/or for common appreciation and resolution of certain issues. E. Non-residential Activity refers to a live-out training accommodation arrangement, where participants to the activity are provided of 2 snacks and | meal only. F. Per diem refers specifically to an amount of money that an agency allows an individual to spend per day, to cover for meals, accommodation and travelling expenses in connection with official business travel. G. Process/Content Facilitator is a process/content expert in a particular field, manages group participation and facilitates learning process/transfer of learning. H. Registration Fee refers to the amount paid for the attendance to HRD activities conducted by partner/client institutions and/or agencies outside DOH which covers ‘materials, venue, snacks (optional), and resource person’s fee. 1. Residential Activity refers to any HRD activity with live-in arrangement where participants to the HRD activities are accommodated during the whole period of the activity with provisions for night accommodations and 3 meals and 2 snacks per day. J. Resource Person/Speaker is an expert of a particular field who by virtue of his/her field of expertise serves as a speaker in HRD activities such as conventions, symposia, conferences, and other similar activities. K. Tuition Fee refers to charges for instruction and general services of all students per unit of courses enrolled or as prescribed, regulated and approved by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and training institutions. GENERAL GUIDELINES A. All prescribed rates of payment for HRD activities of the DOH shall be consistent with DBM issuances. B. Prescribing rates of payment for HRD activities of the DOH shall at all times conform to a policy of transparency and accountability. C. Provision/s related to payment of HRD activities not stipulated in any of the DBM issuances at the time the activity is conducted, the standing DOH policy/ order shall prevail until a new policy will be issued by DBM to that effect. PECIFIC GUIDELINES A. HRD Activities Conducted by DOH 1. Allowable Rates of Payment for Trai a. DOH Facility i, All DOH offices shall primarily utilize available DOH (and other government facilities as venues for HR Training/Leaming activities and other HR-related activities. Fees for the use of such facilities/infrastructures shall be based on the prevailing rates prescribed by the respective DOH facility. Fees cover the _use of conference/function rooms and session halls, training equipments and other essential paraphernalia such as LCD projectors, projection screens, white/chalkboards, televisions, audio-visual system, air conditioning units, streamers/banners, lecterns, tables, and chi ‘ing Venues b. Non-DOH facility i. In case there is no DOH facility available, other government facilities as venues for HR and HR -related Training/Learning activities shall also be utilized, applying same conditions with DOH facilities. ii, Non-government facilities, private institutions, hotels and other infrastructures can only be used as venues under (but not limited to) the following conditions: 1) It offers lower rental rates but has complete training amenities. 2). The chosen/available government facility cannot accommodate all the participants; and, the needed function rooms where the participants will do their group work are not sufficient. 3) The contracting party will not entail additional expense in transporting the participants to and from the training sites. 4) The activity is of national priority/interest and the participants are dignitaries, multi-racial/sectoral and totaling to more than 200 participants; 5) There are no available government training facilities on the scheduled training program. 2. Allowable Rates of Payment for Honorarium Honorarium rate for services rendered in HR Training/Learning and other similar activities of the DOH shall vary among Resource Person/Speaker and Process/Content Facilitator depending on the qualification, expertise, and complexity and volume of deliverables. Pursuant to the provisions of DBM ~ NBC 2007-1 dated April 23, 2007 entitled “Guidelines on Grant of Honoraria to Lecturers, Resource Persons, Coordinators and Facilitators”, rates are hereby set as follows: a, Resource Persons/Speakers and Process/Content Facilitator from Government Agencies Resource Persons/Speakers and Process/Content Facilitator from government agencies shall be paid honoraria using the following formulae provided in Sub- item 4.2 of the DBM Circular as guide: Total Minimum Honorarium Total Maximum Honorarium (0.023) (MSR min) (T) (0.023) (MSR max) (T) Where: MSR min monthly salary rate of the resource person MSR max = monthly salary rate of a position of Professor VI, step 1 of SG - 29 T = number of actual lecture/training hour . Resource Persons/Speakers and Process/Content Facilitator from the Private Sector and Individual Service Providers Sub-item 4.3 of the Circular provides that agency authorities shall determine the honoraria rates for those from the private sector, using the formulae as guides. As such, Resource Persons/Speakers and Process/Content Facilitator from the private sector shall be paid on the following rates provided that qualifications stated under each category are met: Category Qualifications Honorarium Rate per Hour (Php) A Doctoral Degree (PdD), or its equivalent, 1, 600.00 with more than five (5) years experience in appropriate field. B —_Master’s Degree, Doctor of Medicine, or 1, 400.00 its equivalent, with more than five (5) years experience in the field. C Bachelor's Degree with more than five (5) 1, 200.00 years experience in the field. D Other levels with special expertise such 1, 000.00 as, but not limited to, licensed massage therapists, embalmers, or its equivalent, with more than five (5) years experience in the field. However, any revision or modification of the guidelines/issuances related to the provisions in Section V. 8.1 and 8.2 thereafter emanating from the DBM shall prevail. > I c. Models/Subjects for Practical Examination Persons who act as models/subjects for massage therapist practical examinations shall be paid honoraria amounting to one thousand pesos (Php1, 000.00) per day. 4, DOH officials or employees acting as RP i. Any DOH official/personnel who act as Resource Persons/Lecturers and Process/Content Facilitators within the Department, by virtue of their position and/or agency in charge of the conduct of training programs shall be paid honoraria, provided that the activity requires services beyond the scope of their job description (ie. a task/job outside the regular duties prescribed in the job description). ii, The number of hours rendered per engagement shall be computed as to the actual number of services rendered, provided such services shall not exceed 24 hours/month, on official leave. iiiIt is fundamental to establish that the rendition of the service does not violate any provision of Republic Act 6713 which established the Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees. e. The rate per hour of honorarium for Resource Persons/Lecturers and Process/Content Facilitators shall be proportionately increased depending on the complexity of the learning processes, deliverables stipulated in the Terms of Reference, and number of participants in excess of fifty (50). f. In addition to the honoraria, Resource Persons/Lecturers and Process/Content Facilitators in out-of-town seminars, shall be entitled to actual travelling and other incidental expenses hereto, subject to existing rules and regulations. B. Allowable Rates for DOH Officials or Employees Part jpating in HR Trainings 1. Allowable payment for attendance to HRD act which are held in non- government facilities, private institutions, hotels and other similar infrastructures shall not exceed Php1,800.00/participantiday for residential activities, and Php800.00/participantday for non-residential activity. This includes food, accommodation, venue, and use of training facilities. Likewise, to ensure that the participants will benefit from a facility conducive for learning and experience an acceptable level of comfort, the rates shall include conditions such as, but not ted to: Maximum of two participants per room accommodation Managed buffet Free use of conference/function Provision of audio-visual system ee Free airport-hotel transfers WV 6 paese f. Free flowing coffee/tea g. Free use of internet services 2. Costs beyond the approved rates shall be allowed in cases of multisectoral and high level activities (e.g. international meetings, national fora/summit and the likes), subject to the approval of the Secretary of Health or his/her authorized representative, 3. The above rates shall be regularly reviewed and updated to take into consideration inflation and the present value of the peso, and shall be subject for re deemed necessary. 4, Travel allowance/per diem before and after the training dates shall be computed as to the expenses incurred by the participant according to Department Order No. 2007-0082 dated September 4, 2007 entitled “Policies and Guidelines on Travel and Training Allowances Including Cash Advances Related Thereto”, and its amending issuance. However, any revision or modification of the guidelines/issuances related to computation of travel allowance/per diem before and after the training dates, including the expenses incurred by the participanr are subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. C. Participation of DOH Officials or Employees in Non-DOH HRD Activities 1. Registration fees for Developmental Interventions conducted by other institutions and/or agencies external to DOH should not be more than Php 1,200 per participant per day in accordance to the Department of Budget and Management National Budget Circular (DBM - NBC) No. 486 dated March 26, 2003 entitled “Amending NBC No. 442 dated March 29, 1995 Relative to the Cost of Participation of Government Officials and Employees in Conventions, Seminars, Conferences Symposia and Similar Gatherings Sponsored by Non-Government Organizations or Private Institutions”. Any amount in excess of the prescribed rate shall be at the expense of the participant. Any revision or modification on the above rate made by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM) shall prevail. 2. Course fees for HRD activities shall be based on the current fees prescribed by the academes and other learning institutions, cleared by HHRDB and recommended for approval to the concemed head of office. } D. Allowable Rates of Payment for Educational Scholarship 1. Tuition fees and other learning expenses (e.g. miscellaneous fees, entrance fees, developmental fees, laboratory fees, comprehensive examination fees, thesis fees, review fees, among others) for baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degree courses conducted by government and non-government learning institutions/centers shall be based on the approved current fees prescribed by the state colleges/universities/learning institutions and shall be cleared by Health Human Resource Development Bureau (HHRDB). 2. Book allowance and other learning materials for baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degree courses under the Local Scholarship Program shall be at Php3,000.00/student/course. 3. DOH scholars under the Local Scholarship Program whose learning institution is outside the fifty (50) kilometer radius from his/her permanent official station shall be provided training allowance not exceeding Php10,000.00/participantmonth. A Department Personnel Order shall be issued to this effect. 4, Payment/Reimbursement of actual transportation expenses shall be provided to DOH scholars whose learning institution is within the fifty (50) kilometer radius from his/her permanent official station, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations. VII, BUDGET AND FUNDING The Department of Health and its offices shall allocate at least 3% of its funds for HRD. activities and incorporate the same in its annual Work and Financial Plan (WFP) and budget, in accordance with the Executive Order 292 s. 1987 entitled “Instituting the Administrative Code of 1987 Omnibus Rules Implementing Book V Rule VIII Sec. 8”. VII. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE In the event that any provision or part of this Order is declared unauthorized or rendered invalid by any court of law or competent authi declaration shall remain valid and effective. IX. REPEALING CLAUSE Unless otherwise stated, provisions of the following previous issuances and other related orders that are inconsistent or contrary to this Order are amended and repealed accordingly: a, AO 93 s. 2003 (“Allowable Rates of Payment for Health Human Resource » Development Activities of the Department of Health”) Vv 8 AO 2007-0008 (“Amendment to Administrative Order No. 93 s. 2003 on Allowable Rates of Payment for Health Human Resource Development Activities of the Department of Health”) AO 2007-0008-A (“Amendment fo AO 93 s. 2003 and AO No. 2007-0008 entitled Allowable Rates of Payment for Health Human Resource Development Activities of the Department of Health”) DM 2011-0328 (“Mandatory Use of DOH Facilities as Venue for All Conferences and Seminars") DM 2013-0209 (“Payment of Honoraria to Services of Resource Persons/Lecturers, Facilitators and Secretariat") Sec. V-D of DO 2007-0082 (“Policies and Guidelines on Travel and Training Allowances Including Cash Advances Related Thereto") EFFECTIVITY ‘This Order shall take effect immediately. ENRJQUE ¥. ONA, MD Sedretary of Health

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