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1. Yes the write difen important terms presented in the article (example: 8
2. Yes the artice is organized logically and easy to follow
3. Not lacking information
4. The intended audience are EFL teachers and lecturers
5. Sure, the article suited the intended audience
1. The authors language is objective
2. The information in the article is opinions. The information is well-researched.
They are cited from many credible sources.
3. The tables used in the article is effectively presented
1. The purpose is to present argument that builds on past research
2. Central argument: di abstract. Yes its clearly stated. Its supported by
evidence and analysis
State arguments
Follow logical development ofidea
Include quotetation

8. Title expectation:
Essential factors affecting EFL learning outcome are presented clearly and in
detail in the paper.
9. References, the recent ones published in 2012
The oldest 1981
Most references were published in year 2000s
Yes most of them represent important works in English foreign language
10.The author is a lecturer of Department of English Language and Literature of
Nanyang Technological University
11.Yes, the article was cited in some research paper

12.The intended audience are EFL teachers and lecturers

13.The purpose is to an argument that builds on past research
14. Yes the write difen important terms presented in the article (example: 8
15.The information in the article is opinions. The information is well-researched.
They are cited from many credible sources.

16.Central argument: di abstract. Yes its clearly stated. Its supported by

evidence and analysis
17.Not lacking information
18.Yes the artice is organized logically and easy to follow
19.Sure, the article suited the intended audience
20.The authors languageis objective
21.The tables used in the article is effectively presented

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