Math 227 Syllabus

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MATH 110


FALL 2016



Mr McQuilkin

Office Hours:

Room: TBA

Office Phone:

818 240-1000 x1298 (email preferred) or []


Prealgebra (Special ELAC Edition), by Elayn Martin-Gay

Hours: TBA, or by appointment

Attendance: Unlike most other courses, missing just one mathematics class will immediately place you
at a disadvantage because it is difficult, if not impossible, to catch up on the missed material by yourself.
Therefore, faithful, on-time attendance at every class is expected. In accordance with the student
handbook, if you miss four or more hours of class for any reason, you may be dropped from the course!
Coming to class late or leaving early is disruptive, discourteous, and not acceptable. For attendance
purposes, two lates count as one absence. You are considered late if I have finished taking roll and have
started the days lesson. If you are late, it is your responsibility to let me know after class that you are
not absent. If you leave early without coordinating with me before class, you will also be marked absent.
Tests: Worth 100 points each. Tests must be taken on announced. I do not give makeup tests for
any reason. Please make work, vacation, appointment and family arrangements now, or consider taking
the class at another time. I will replace your lowest test score with your final exam average if this helps
your grade.
Quizzes: If there are any quizzes in this class, they will be worth 10 to 25 points each. Quizzes may
be given at any time, usually unannounced, and may be open book, open notes, or closed book, as
announced. If you miss a quiz, it cannot be made up.
Homework: Worth 10 points each assignment. Homework is due the day of each test. I will scan
the homework for completeness. I do not, under any circumstances, accept homework past 3 p.m. on the
day that it is due. If you must miss class on the day that it is due, bring it in early or get someone else to
bring it in. You may be able to do your homework online. More information will be given later.
Lab: worth 5% of your grade, or about 50 points. See below on lab requirement.
Additional assignments with their point values may be announced later.
Final Exam: Worth 200 points. The final will be comprehensive and will mostly cover the basics of
each chapter. I will not give a final early or late to accommodate vacations or any other special requests.
Grade assignments will be made from the following table:
90% - 100% = A
80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
<60% = F
Grade Tracking: Keeping track of your grade average is your responsibility.

Math 110, Fall 2016, McQuilkin

Page 2

Class Procedures:
C Bring all required materials to every class.
C Show all work, not just answers, in a logical sequence of mathematical steps (applies to quizzes,
homework, group work, and the final).
C Do all required work on homework and tests in pencil.
C If you carry a beeper, please turn the audio off before entering class or leave it in your car. If
your beeper should go off or if your phone should ring, you may be asked to leave. If this should
happen during a test, you will fail that test!
C If you leave during a test period, you will not be permitted to resume the test. Do not leave a test
unless you are finished!
C Please dress appropriately for class.
C Do not use abusive, threatening, vulgar, or obscene language in class at any time.
C Please do not bring food or drink into the classroom (water bottles excepted).
C Stay alert, take gobs of notes, and ask questions. Active participation is expected.
Children in Class: Because of liability considerations, college policy mandates that children of any age
may not come to class with you. Students must make child care arrangements before coming to class.
Seating: Seats will be assigned at the end of the second week of the semester based on where you sit on
that day. Use the class periods prior to that to determine the best seat for you. Seats in the last row will
not be used unless no other seats are available. As seats become available during the semester, students
in the back row will be required to move forward. Once assigned, you will be expected to use that seat
for all classes except tests. Depending on the number of students, we will normally use every other row
of seats on test days.
Lab: Students are required to spend 18 hours during the course of the term in the math lab in
building F-5, room 107, or in the South Gate lab. Homework may be done online, using MathXL,
available at the book store at a small cost ($5). To use the lab features, students must log on to the site To have the lab hours recorded, students must keep a browser window open to this
site whenever accessing online web resources.
Photo ID: Bring your student photo ID or driver license to all scheduled tests.
Calculators: Calculators are not permitted on tests, and under no circumstances will you be
permitted to use a cell phone, pager, or hand-held computer during tests! A scientific calculator is
recommended for students, which will be useful in subsequent courses.
Students with disabilities: In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with
disabilities who need any assistance or accommodations should contact the instructor.
Incompletes: I do not believe in giving an incomplete (I) grade, except for the severest reasons that
are totally beyond your control. Just because you are not ready to take the final is not a good reason.
Unless you drop this course by the deadline, you will receive a grade.
Cheating: Cheating constitutes academic dishonesty and will be handled as part of the course
grading process. The penalty for cheating may range for no credit for the assignment or test up to and
including exclusion from the course and a grade of F, and possibly, suspension from all classes for the
current semester.
Final thoughts: The majority of learning in any college course takes place outside of class. For a typical
course, you should expect to study two hours outside of class for every hour you are in class. What you
get out of this class depends mostly on what you put into it. Also, the tuition that you paid for this class is
only 11.5% of the total cost. The other 88.5% comes from taxpayers who have entrusted this money to
be managed by you. In most other situations, if a trustee manages money of another poorly, he/she can
be held criminally liable. Although not criminally liable, you are at least ethically liable to manage the
taxpayers money well by giving this class your very best shot. Anything less is a failure of this trust.

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Math 110, Fall 2016, McQuilkin

Student Learning Outcomes
The student will be able to solve simple first degree equations involving fractions and decimals.
Tentative Schedule
Whole numbersChapter 1 (4 hours)
IntegersChapter 2 (7.5 hours)
Expressions and PolynomialsChapter 3 (7.5 hours)
EquationsChapter 4 (7 hours)
Fractions and Rational ExpressionsChapter 5 (12.5 hours)
DecimalsChapter 6 (9 hours)
Ratio, Proportion, and MeasurementChapter 7 (6 hours)
PercentsChapter 8 (10 hours)
GeometrySupplemental Section (3 hours)
More Geometry and GraphsChapter 9 (6 hours)

Information from the ELAC web site


Review topics in arithmetic relevant to algebra and introduce ideas necessary for understanding algebra.
Discusses fundamental notions of algebra including the arithmetic of signed numbers, solving first degree
equations and inequalities, mathematical modeling, and basic graphing techniques. Includes computer
laboratory instruction.
4784 lec 12:10 pm-2:40pm TuTh SG108
Final exam:

Thursday, December 15, 2016

12:00 to 2:00 p.m.

You can register in advance or you may walk-in, sign an attendance sheet and receive tutoring for any
ELAC math class during the hours shown below. There is no charge for this tutoring and you will not be
graded. The tutoring room is staffed by student tutors and ELAC instructors. The open hours for the lab
are subject to change please call to verify at (323) 415-4137 or (323) 415-4191.
HOURS: Monday thru Thursday 12:00 noon 7:00 pm; Friday closed;
Saturday 11:00 am 4:00 pm
LOCATION: BLDG F5-107 and *SG 122

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Math 110, Fall 2016, McQuilkin

Assignment List
All problems are assigned unless even or odd stated. All assignments are due on the day of a test. Late
assignments will not be accepted. Note: these problem numbers are from the 5th edition; problem
numbers may be different in your book.
L Note: You may choose to do your assignments on Math XL ( You will need your
personal Math XL ID and the course ID: XL2G-T1TL-7020-9QV2. If you have My Math Lab,
(, use course ID mcquilkin27195.
Ch 1 Rev
Ch 1 Test
2 I. R.
Ch 2 Rev
Ch 2 Test
12 C. R.

181 odds, 8394 all, 95-119 odds

169 odds, 7183 all, 8599 odds
161 odds, 6384 all, 73107 odds
1109 odds, 111122 all, 123137 odds
145 odds
181 odds, 8396 all, 97109 odds
159 odds
1135 odds
135 all
150 all

3 I. R.
Ch 3 Rev
Ch 3 Test
13 C. R.

193 odds, 95110 all

193 odds, 95110 all
133 odds, 4340 all
163 odds, 6580 all, 8191 odds
155 odds
111 odds, 1316 all, 1793 odds
121 all
150 all

4 I. R.
Ch 4 Rev
Ch 4 Test
14 C. R.

1109 odds
199 odds
195 odds, 97112 all
175 odds, 97100 all
193 odds, 94-110 all
153 odds
181 odds
1111 odds, 112
177 odds
1121 odds
140 odds
146 all

5 I. R.

1109 odds
1113 odds
191 odds
1115 odds
139 all
1103 odds

Ch 5 Rev
Ch 5 Test
15 C. R.

171 odds
[139 odds]
183 odds, [8590 all], 91117 odd
128 all
152 all

6 I. R.
Ch 6 Rev
Ch 6 Test
16 C. R.

187 odds
189 odds
138 all
161 odds
167 odds
[147 all]
147, [4953], 5577 odds
125 all
150 all

7 I. R.
Ch 7 Rev
Ch 7 Test
17 C. R.

1109 odds
175 odds
165 odds
140 all
153 odds, 54
155 odds
139 odds
187 odds
128 all
150 all

Ch 8 Rev
Ch 8 Test
18 C. R.
10 I. R.
Ch 10 Rev
Ch 10 Test
110 C. R.

157 odds
157 odds
[153 odds]
3549 odds
1930 all
150 all
199 odds
191 odds
179 odds
149 odds
130 all
153 odds
141 odds
165 odds
141 odds
150 all

Page 5

Math 110, Fall 2016, McQuilkin

Return this portion at the end of class. Retain the rest of the syllabus throughout the semester.

Print Name

Email address

Cell phone number



Last Math class taken:


Interests and hobbies:

Any medical conditions or disabilities?

Are you involved in any activities (e.g., sports) that would cause you to miss class?


I am taking Math 110 for the





I have read the syllabus for Math 110, and I agree to the procedures for this class.


(Circle one).

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