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Why do you think that in this activity you have to change the conventional
method of assessment to a performance-base assessment method?
In the given activity, I have to change the conventional method of assessment to
a performance-base assessment method because the conventional method of
assessment or simply mean the traditional method of assessment which is teacherdirected method includes lectures and oral speaking. In class there should be a
teacher-learner approach so that there is an exchange of ideas and interaction.
2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students performance task?
The teacher needed to give attention to the students performance task it is
because this kind of assessment requires the students to demonstrate skill
profienciency by asking them to create, perform or produce by observation of group
of students performing an activity that can demonstrate their skills and knowledge
through open-ended hands-on activities.
3. When is performance-based assessment appropriately used?
The performance-based assessment is used specifically in providing an efficient
means of assessment where the skill cannot be demonstrated with the pencil-paper
assessment that enable learners to demonstrate abilities, skills attitudes and
4. Explain and reflect on the following:
For the students, learning becomes more meaningful if there is equity in our
assessment practices. Since equity respects individual learning styles and student
direction, students performance increases.
Equity has a big important role in our assessment practices. In the students
learning it becomes more meaningful since the equity respects individual learning
styles and give students direction in their learning. Assessment is necessary to
ensure students achievement fairly and by providing services and materials that
challenge learning equality.

Learning Log Questions:
1. Why do you think that in this activity you have to change the conventional
method of assessment to a performance-based assessment method?
I think that in this activity we have to change the conventional method of
assessment to performance-based assessment method to make student more
interested in the topic not just listening to the teachers discussion. To make
student participate in the class and let their mind work from the given task for
them. Learners must use more complex, higher-order thinking skills. They must
reason, problem-solve, or collaborate with others to produce individual responses.
And performance-based assessments require the learner to perform in realistic
situations. Students participate in specific tasks, interviews, or performances that
are appropriate to the audience and setting.
2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students performance task?

Teachers need to give attention to the student performance task in order to

know what would be appropriate method should be used so that they can learn
more. Teachers must also know the interest of the student in order to get their
attention. And to improve outcomes, teacher need to know about the students
experience along the way about the curricula, teaching and kind of students effort
that lead to particular outcomes. Through assessment it can help us understand
which students learn best under what conditions, with such knowledge comes the
capacity to improve the whole learning scenario.
3. When is performance-based assessment appropriately used?
Performance-based assessment appropriately used when we say that the
teacher point out and know the problem and by setting the readiness of the learners
and the materials to utilized. And when the teacher achieved the objectives
indicated for the learners.
Why do you think that in this activity you have to change the conventional method
of assessment to a performance-based assessment method?
I think in this activity there is a need to change the conventional method of
assessment to a performance based assessment method so that we can directly say
that the student learned because of his/her actual performance. Not just like on the
conventional method we cant directly say if he/she learned truly if we used the
paper pencil test because there are also instances that he/she copied to his/her
seatmate though he/she got the perfect store. So we cant conclude that he/she
learned. In the performance based assessment we can assess student performance
accurately and appropriately.
Why do teachers need to give attention to the students performance tasks?
Teacher need to give attention to the student performance tasks to assess their
progress and for the teacher to modify their methods if the objectives is not meet.
Students actual performance can be measure accurately and properly if the
teacher give importance to their performance.
When is performance-based assessment appropriately used?
-The process-oriented performance assessment can be used appropriately
when you are going to test their level of capability and to know which part they are
more interested.
Explain and reflect in the following:
For the students, learning becomes more meaningful if there is equity in our
assessment practices. Since equity respects individual learning styles and student
direction, students performance increases.
Students have different learning styles and possess also different kinds of multiple
intelligences and because of that we teacher or soon to be teacher when giving an
assessment we must put into consideration the learning styles and multiple

intelligences of the students to have an equal and accurate assessment as well as

to increase student performance.
Why do you think that in this activity you have to change the conventional method
of assessment to a performance-based assessment method?
I think that in this activity, I have to change the conventional method of
assessment to a performance-based assessment method because for me, it is more
appropriate to have an activity like role playing rather than just reading the story to
the students in order to know whether the students understood what the story
means or what the writer would like the students to know about the story. And also
for the students to be attentive in class discussions because we observed that some
of them have no modules.
Why do teachers need to give attention to the students performance task?
Teachers need to give attention to the students performance task in order to
know how well the students use what they have learned or how well they perform
on a certain task. Performance task also help students build new knowledge,
process new skills, work habits and enhance learning.
When is performance-based appropriately used?
One alternative to traditional assessment is the performance-based
assessment which is used to test the students achievement. Performance-based is
used to measure skills such as the ability to integrate knowledge across disciplines,
contribute to the work of a group, and develop a plan of action to new situation.
Performance-based assessments are appropriately used for determining if students
are achieving the higher standards set for all students. This also requires students
to be active participants and focus attention on how students arrive at their answers
and to demonstrate the knowledge or skills needed to obtain a correct answer. This
is also used depending on the kind of activity the teacher will give to their students.
Explain and reflect on the following:
For the students, learning becomes more meaningful if there is equity in our
assessment practices. Since equity respects individual learning styles and student
direction, students performance increases.
The needs of students with diverse learning needs must be considered to
design inclusive learning and assessment programs, and to provide opportunities
for alternative assessment arrangements. These strategies enable a learner with
diverse learning needs to participate in learning experiences.
A teacher makes required adjustments to teaching, learning and assessment
to enable a student with diverse learning needs to demonstrate knowledge, skills
and competencies. Teachers must consider the different learning styles of every

student in order for the assessment to be fair enough for the students. They should
treat students with equal or the same level or may be should not have a
favouritism. If students were treated equally, they may feel that they were
understood and respected of what they have or what they have not, and for what
and who they were. They will feel that they really belong to the group because they
were well-respected and they were fairly treated.
1. Why do you think that in this activity you have to change the conventional
method of assessment to a performance- based assessment method?
It is because conventional method of assessment can evaluate only low
performance of the students such as the knowledge based. Conventional method if
assessment is more on test isolated and memorized data that are requires lower
thinking skills and only the short term memory is working. Unlike in the
performance- based assessment wherein the students doing itself. It is authentic
because the students really performing the knowledge and it shows real life
situations. The students use higher order thinking skills and all domains of the
objectives will be used.
2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students' performance tasks?
Teachers need to give attention to the students performance task to ensure that
students the learning as they should be and to identify which students need extra
help or instruction.

3. When is performance-based appropriately used?

Performance-based assessment is appropriately used when the teacher wants to
measure the mastery of the students. It is usually used in measuring psychomotor
domain, like looking if the students can do the procedure correctly based in the
instruction given.
4. Explain and reflect on the following:
For the students, learning becomes more meaningful if there is equity in our
assessment practices. Since equity respects individual learning styles and student
direction, students' performance increases."
Students learns best if the assessment methods used are fair. In giving a
assessment method, the teacher must always consider equity. If equity is present in
assessment method, it increases students performance because all of them will be
accommodate accordingly.


1. Why do you think that this activity you have to change the conventional method
of assessment to a performance- based method?
Conventional, more on traditional, assessment tools evaluate what skills is generally
knowledge- based, versus hands- on performance- based. Since we are considering
the new curriculum such as K- 12 which focuses on the performance and skills of
every student- their uniqueness and understanding about topic or the subject
matter, there we have to change the conventional method of assessment to a
performance- based method to test whether students fully know the target/ output.
Performance- based method measures the intellectual accomplishments that are
worthwhile, significant, and meaningful by engaging the student voice. They must
reason, problem solve and collaborate with others to produce individual responses.
2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students performance task?
A performance task is any learning activity or assessment that asks students
to perform to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and proficiency.
Performance tasks yield a tangible product and/or performance that serve as
evidence of learning. Unlike a selected-response item that asks students to select
from given alternatives, a performance task presents a situation that calls for
learners to apply their learning in context.
There is a need to give the students performance task to meet success criteria and
in order to help students transfer their learning into actions- what they learned and
what they had observed. The performance task ensures that the students are
learning as they should be and to identify which students need extra help in making
himself active and to increase self- awareness.
3. When is performance- based assessment appropriately used?
A student who is being formally assessed knows that you are evaluating him/her.
When a student's performance is formally assessed, you may either have the
student perform a task or complete a project. You can either observe the student as
he/she performs specific tasks or evaluate the quality of finished products.

4. Explain and reflect on the following:

For the students, learning becomes more meaningful if there is equity in our
assessment practices. Since equity respects individual learning styles and student
direction, students performance increases.
Assessment equity concerns all educational authorities and practitioners. When
educators consider issues of equity, their predominant concern is accommodation of
students with special needs, cultural issues, and creating alternative assessment
activities that have equivalence to standard activities, so as not to advantage or
disadvantage any student in their demonstration of knowledge. Advantage or
disadvantage also occurs when standard assessment conditions and administration
prevent students with a special learning need or disability from being able to

demonstrate their learning achievement, where students without such needs or

disabilities will not be so hampered. It is established educational practice that
alternative forms of assessment, accommodations or access should be provided for
students who would be disadvantaged if required to demonstrate their achievement
by standard forms of assessment.
Assessment practices are more meaningful if there is a fairness or justice in the way
the people or every student treated since the respect on the individual learning
styles and student direction increases or there is a tendency that students may
develop the so- called self- awareness. The way a student treated as good, valuable
and important in an appropriate way particularly on the performance that they had
means a lot.
1. Why do you think that in this activity you have to change the conventional
method of assessment to a performance- based assessment method?
In this activity there is need to change the conventional method of assessment to a
performance- based assessment method it is because conventional method of
assessment are test taken with paper and pencil that are usually true/false,
matching or multiple choice, it evaluate only low performance of the students such
as the knowledge based, easy to grade and only test isolated application at lower
thinking skills and also provides little evidence of what a learner can do, a student
must be evaluated using various performance task and assessment. Conventional
method of assessment is more on test isolated and memorized data that are
requires lower thinking skills and only the short term memory is working. Unlike in
the performance- based assessment wherein the students doing itself. Performancebased assessment include authentic, alternative and integrated performance-based
assessment because learners must use more complex higher order thinking skills
and they must reason, problem solve and collaborate with others to produce
individual responses.

2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students' performance tasks?

Teachers need to give attention to the students performance task to ensure that
students the learning as they should be and to identify which students need extra
help or instruction.
3. When is performance- based assessment appropriately used?

Performance-based assessment is appropriately used when the teacher wants to

measure the mastery of the students. It is usually used in measuring psychomotor
domain, like looking if the students can do the procedure correctly based in the
instruction given.
4. Explain and reflect on the following:
" For the students, learning becomes more meaningful if there is equity in our
assessment practices. Since equity respects individual learning styles and student
direction, students' performance increases."
Students learns best if the assessment methods used are fair. In giving a
assessment method, the teacher must always consider equity. If equity is present in
assessment method, it increases students performance because all of them will be
accommodate accordingly.

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