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Patrick Hayes MWF 7:30-8:20

% MAT 275 MATLAB Assignment #1

% Exercise 1

theta= [ 0 pi/2 pi/4 3*pi/4 pi 5*pi/4]; % values for theta expressed

as a vector
r=2; % value of r(radius) given
x= r*cos(theta); % x as function of r and theta
y= r*sin(theta); % y as a function of r and theta
r1= sqrt(x.^2+y.^2) % this is the proof for the scenario that x and y
form an equation of a circle
% Because r1 is a matrix of 2, the equations x= rcos(theta) and y=
rsin(theta) satisfies the equation of a circle
format compact

% Exercise 2

t2= linspace(1,10,91); % t values for exercise 2

y2=(exp(t2/10) .* sin(t2))./(t2.^2 + 1); % y as a function of t
% Plotting (t,y2) as a curve with a black line
title('y=(e^(t/10)*sin(t))/(t^2+1)') % puts title on figure

% Plotting (t,y2) as individual points and not a curve

title('y=(e^(t/10)*sin(t))/(t^2+1)' )% puts title on figure

Patrick Hayes MWF 7:30-8:20

% Plotting (t,y2) as points with a line through them

title('y=(e^(t/10)*sin(t))/(t^2+1)') % puts title on figure

Patrick Hayes MWF 7:30-8:20

% Exercise 3

% Plotting a circular helix in 3 dimensions

t3= linspace(0,20,100); %t values for exercise 3 as t is greater than
and equal to 0 and less than or equal to 20
x3=sin(t3); % x as a function of t for exercise 3
y3=cos(t3); % y as a function of t for exercise 3
z3=t3; % z as a function of t for exercise 3
plot3(x3,y3,z3) % three dimensional graph of x y and z

Patrick Hayes MWF 7:30-8:20

% Exercise 4

x4= linspace(0,pi,100); % x-values for exercise 4

y4=cos(x4); % y as a function of x for exercise 4
z4= 1- (x4.^2 /2) + (x4.^4 /24); %z as a function of x for exercise 4
plot(x4,y4,'r',x4,z4,'b--') % plots two graphs for (x,y) and (x,z)
legend('y4','z4') % puts a legend on the graph
grid on % turns the grid on for the graph

Patrick Hayes MWF 7:30-8:20

% Exercise 5

x5 = linspace(0,4,100); % define the vector x in the interval [0,4]

y51 = f(x5,-1); % compute the solution with C = -1 for exercise 5
y52 = f(x5,0); % compute the solution with C = 0 for exercise 5
y53 = f(x5,1); % compute the solution with C = 1 for exercise 5
plot(x5,y51,'r-',x5,y52,'go',x5,y53,'c:') % plot the three solutions
with different line-styles
title('solutions to dy/dx=x+2') % add a title
legend('C=-1','C=0','C=1') % add a legend
function y = f(x5,C)
y = x5.^2/2 + 2*x5 + C;% fill-in with the expression for the general

Patrick Hayes MWF 7:30-8:20

% Exercise 6

% A)
f1 = @(x,y)(x^3+(y*exp(x))/(x+1));
clear f1
% B)
function dydx = f(x,y) % function of x and y
dydx= (x^3+(y*exp(x))/(x+1)); % defining the function
ans =

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