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Differences between assets and G/L accts in the balance carried forward

Message no. MQ555

Differences occurred in the balance carried forward when comparing asset summary records and G/L

Using program RFEWSBAL, select the accounts for which differences occurred. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Changeover package: Active package
Origin of change: AS
2. Analyze the accounts containing errors using note 104567.
If the document number field contains the entry "W004", this means that although a difference exists in
the balance carried forward, this difference was charged off at the key date. Following local currency
changeover, the system adjusts the currency differences at the key date only, but not in the balance
carried forward.
If the entry "W004" exists for all affected accounts, the status is set to warning instead of error. If the
correction at key date described above proves sufficient, you can continue changing over the local
currency without additional adjustments in the previous year.
However, SAP does recommend that you make corrections in the previous year in line with note
104567 since this ensures that the balance carried forward is also reconciled.

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