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o v e r v ie w

How To Build A 6 Figure Digital Business

In 90- Days Or Less
St e p 1
By Michael Force

Learn the 5 Critical Elements to Create a 6 Figure Business in Just 90 days using Digital
Altitude's top tier system. How do we know it works? As a former Marine, with no previous
marketing knowledge, I averaged 7 figures for 15 years! Here's how you can do it too.
Like many of you, I wanted to learn about money so I could creat e t ot al f reedom in my lif e. Freedom t o do t he t hings I
love like travel, spend time with my f amily, or simply enjoy t he lif est yle t hat came wit h it . Freedom f rom working a job I
didn't like and f reedom f rom money worries. My goal was t ot al f reedom in every sense of t he word.
But it wasn't easy. There were many grueling and f rustrating years of banging my head against t he wall, trying t o learn
"what works" in an online business. and f iguring out what went wrong. Yet when I f inally cracked t he code I went f rom
an income of only $700 per mont h to an income of well over six f igures in just 90 days. Here's how you can do it t oo.

There were many grueling and frustrating years

trying to figure out "what works" in an online
business.....Yet when I finally cracked the code I
went from an income of only $700 per month to
an income of over six figures in just 90 days.
The simple truth is that making money online is not
complicat ed. The internet is the great equalizer, anyone
can make money online regardless of age, educat ion,
income or sex. All you need is the right process to f ollow,
and if you f ollow the process the results are guarant eed.
Here's the good news, you have a huge advantage I never
did: inf ormation and guidance. I had to spend years
f iguring out what works and thousands of dollars t o
f igure out what didn't work. If you've been in this same
sit uat ion, know that it's not your f ault there's a lot of
bad advice out there.
The f astest path to cash is not "f iguring out" everyt hing
yourself but rather learning f rom ot hers who have "been
t here done that" to get your business of f the ground in
t he quickest way possible. My way of paying it f orward
is t o share all my knowledge and experience f rom my
mult i- million dollar business wit h you.

So you don't have t o go t hrough t he learning curve

like I did. Inst ead, it 's a simple plug and play int o a
proven syst em t hat works. Even if you're a t ot al
newbie t his syst em will work f or you because it 's
based on results not hype.
Ever wondered why a McDonald Franchise is
wort h so much? Because you're using t he power
of leverage. You get t he leverage of using t heir
billion dollar brand, t heir advert ising campaigns,
t heir product s and t heir f unnels t hat sell.

a s p ir e

o v e r v ie w

How To Build A 6 Figure Digital Business

In 90- Days Or Less
St e p 1
By Michael Force

Now let's look at t op t ier (high t icket it ems):

In short, you get a guarant eed system that 's proven t o

work. Digital Altit ude works the same way, it 's a proven
syst em that guarantees result s. You get to skip all t he
years of grueling f rustration I had and simply f ollow t he
plan t hat's taken my business to over 7 f igures using t he
most lucrative business model in any industry.

$1,000 it em

5 sales

$3,000 it em

2 sales (+$1,000 prof it )

$5,000 it em

1 sale

$9,000 it em

1 sale (+$4,000 prof it )

As you've seen Top Tier is t he way t o go because of higher

prof it margins wit h t he less work and it get s even bett er
when you f ollow a Digit al Top Tier Strategy.



Combine Top Tier with Digital and you have t he most
lucrat ive business model on t he planet because of :

High prof it margins

No invent ory
No employees
No shipping
No insurance
No liabilit ies

The economics of business t oday requires t op t ier, high

t icket product s and services t hanks t o rising advert ising
cost s and low margins on low t icket it ems.
Top Tier is basically a f ancy term f or a syst em selling
?high t icket? products or services. In a traditional,
non- top tier system (selling at a low price point ), t hink
about how many sales you would need to make $5,000 a
mont h?

So t he quest ion t hen becomes, how can I build t he most

successf ul Top Tier Digital Business?
Using t hese 5 principles below will get you t here and in
t he next lessons we'll cover t hem in dept h!

Let 's break it down:



Tradit ional (non- top tier) model:

$4 it em

1,250 sales

1. Traf f ic

$7 it em

714 sales

2. Funnel

$47 it em

106 sales

3. Filt er

See t he pattern?

4. Follow- up
5. Tiered Products

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