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Kristoni Barnes

Personal Statement

About Me
I have had the privilege to be a three sport athlete at Wake Forest High School. I have
participated in volleyball during the fall, basketball and indoor track simultaneously during the
winter, then outdoor track during the spring. I have been playing sports since the age of four and
that has help shape me into who I am today. I've had the opportunity to be the captain of the JV
volleyball team as well as the captain of the varsity basketball team. Although, this year I chose
to narrow down my athletic activities to focus only on track, I made sure I still supported my
basketball teammates. I was disappointed that I couldn't physically be a leader for my team on
the court; therefore, I decided to be involved as much as possible by leading them off the court. I
kept the score book, attended nearly every game, gave them pep talks, and cheered them on of
course. Not only for my teammates, but for my peers as well I wanted to set an example. I was
always taught to be humble and self-driven. Using those character traits I make it my job to show
that it's possible to lead as a student athlete and still give back to the community.
I believe giving back is crucial! A simple speech or a simple gesture can make a difference in just
one person. Personally, as a teenager, I needed to know what I wanted to accomplish was
possible. There is a greater sense of hopefulness and optimism to accomplish things when there
is a relatable path to use as guidance. I wanted one person to verify the possibilities that my goals
were achievable. Henceforth, I thoroughly desire to reciprocate that to my community. I enjoy
helping others. Helping others is humbling in itself.
On Tuesday's and Thursday's after practice I go to Youngsville elementary, where I attended for 3
years, to tutor two students in both reading and math. Also within school I peer tutored some of
the football athletes. I dedicate time on Tuesdays and Wednesday during school to tutor them in

Kristoni Barnes
Personal Statement

French. I use my AP level of French to help my fellow classmates make progression in their
development of the French language.
My most favorite community service involvement was working with the special needs students
daily to help them learn and or improve some athletic skills. The best part was being able to use
my knowledge to teach and aide in their development of something I'm passionate about-which
is sports. At Wake Forest High School I am a PEPI Student- a Physical Education Pupil
Instructor. In this class my peers and I have the opportunity to work with both the special needs
students at our school for three days then first and third grade students at Forest Pines
Elementary School for two days. My objective was to help my special needs mentee to perfect
his basketball skills so that he could compete in the local Special Olympics. Because I played
basketball sharing my skills in hopes of fostering his skills was an immensely fun challenge.
Each of the students I get to work with are unique; they learn differently at various rates and they
express their emotions differently at various times. Most of the special needs students at my
school are unable to communicate verbally. They communicate through sounds, facial
expressions, and physical actions. Working with the students, I have discovered that it is all about
their internal feelings. Like anyone else, they respond well to the radiation of positive energy and
positive emotion of any form. Something as simple as playing up tempo music can result to a
smile or increased participation. My special needs mentee is quite athletic and is definitely
musically talented. Although I cannot sing as well as my mentee, I do possess some musical
background because of my relatives. Consequently, I used music as an aide in advancing my
mentees basketball skills. More so, this participation and discovery as a PEPI student has
increased my longing even the more in being a Neuro-psychologist- the study of the brain, its
psychological causes and effects.

Kristoni Barnes
Personal Statement

In order to achieve such I intend to major in psychology and minor in neuroscience during my
undergraduate studies then follow up with graduate school to receive a doctorates in

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