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AI is intelligence exhibits by machine which there are many field of AI from days to
days.Artificial Intelligence has been developed for many years and it is already widely
used in human society.Artificial Intelligence become more powerful and popular in
human society and the living human will be a lot of changes with the development of
AI.There are many repercussion of Artificial Intelligence on humanity.
Society will face challenge in the presence of AI that benefit and ability work of human
will be replaced by machine because machine are more capable of producing accurate
result.This will lead workplace for human will no longer available and human become
unemployment.People will be left with nothing to do and leaving millions of people
AI will also effect if the wrong used of AI on humanity.If the machine goes in the wrong
hand,it may cause destruction because machine are proggramed to do the wrong thing.For
example,gun and nuclear machine.Machine wont think before acting because only do
what they must do.
AI in machine has the limit ability and storage so it is not effective as in human
brain.They can do a lot of work but the do no get better with human with experience like
humans.They are only able to do work with the instruction of the programs so they do not
response if they must do other work without the instruction of programs.They are static
and not variable.

-Mike Fekety,Global Sales Executive Specializing in telecom based SIP,IMS 19 April 1998 and modified 11 March 2014

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