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BEML Limited

Palakkad Complex


Date: 14.01.2016 @ 10.30 AM
Venue: HANGAR III-Machine Shop
1. Invocation

: Santhosh Kumar
Bogie Shop

2. Welcome

: Shri. Suresh. P
Asst. General Manager, Quality

3. Distribution of Prizes & certificates to winners of Slogan, Essay, Poster and Kaizen competitions.
4. Distribution of Quality Awards.
5. Awarding of Quality medal.
6. Address by

: Balasubramanya K
DGM & MC meber, BEMOG

7. Key Note address by

: Shri. P. Sivakkumar
Chief General Manager & Complex Head

8. Vote of Thanks

: Shri. Ramachandran Nair B

Asst. General Manager, Quality

Your gracious presence is solicited on the above occasion. Also requested to inform all the
members of your dept. to participate in the Quality month valedictory function.

Quality Department
BEML Ltd, Palakkad

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