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What is a BOM?

A bill of materials (BoM) is a list of the parts or components that are required to build a product.
The BoM provides the manufacturer's part number (MPN) and the quantity needed for each
At its most complex, a BoM is a multi-level document that provides build data for multiple subassemblies
(products within products) and includes for each item: part number, approved manufacturers list
mechanical characteristics and a whole range of component descriptors.

A production bill of materials (BOM) is a list of all components that are required to produce a
parent item. The list includes the description, quantity, and unit of measure of each component, in
addition to other information.

When shall we do return order and when to use credit memo

**When a good/item is shipped to customer, after that the customer wants to return the item to
vendor, if Invoice is not generated, the item is returned through return order.
**Else if once invoice is generated then we have to use credit memo.
Same as between Order and Invoice.
Return order is Order in opposite direction (when customer is returning you some items etc.) and
Cr. Memo is Invoice when you are paying to Customer (e.g. for the returned Items).
If you are using warehousing, you will want to use Purchase Return Orders.
This will allow you to use the normal warehouse tools to ship the items back to the vendor.
The Credit Memo does not allow you to create warehouse documents from it.
The only way to maintain inventory integrity is to create the Purchase Return Order and
create the warehouse documents so the goods ship using normal warehouse processes.
Inventory is not returned
There are occasions when the vendor agrees to issue a credit memo but does not want the product
Many companies will accept the vendors authorization to discard the product and will use the
Credit Memo
to relieve inventory and record the credit memo to the vendors payable account. Normally when
this is
done, operations will transfer the defective material to a Defective location and wait for the
accounting department to confirm the credit memo has been processed before discarding the

Diff between GET and Setrange Function

GET-GET retrieves one record based on values of the primary key fields.
SETRANGE-Sets a simple filter, such as a single range or a single value, on a field.
When we know the all primary key field values of a record we use GET function
(After using the GET function we dont need to find the record like Rec.FINDFIRST or Rec.FINDLAST).

What are the Types of costing in NAV

Dynamics NAV offers users the following choices for costing method:
FIFO, LIFO, Average, Standard, and Specific.

difference between MODIFY and RENAME

MODIFY-Modifies a record in a table.

If you omit this optional return value and if the record is not found, then a run-time error occurs. If
you include the return value, then you must handle any errors.
RENAME- Changes the value of a primary key in a table.
If you omit this optional return value and if the record is not renamed, then a run-time error occurs.
If you include the return value, then you must handle any errors.

Flowfield and Flowfilter with example

A FlowField is a virtual field that extends the table data. It is not a permanent part of the table
data. A FlowField is a powerful feature of Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013. It is used to calculate
values from another table. The information in the FlowFields exists only at run time.
To update a FlowField, developers use the CALCFIELDS function that has the
syntax: [Ok :=] <Record>.CALCFIELDS(Field1, [Field2],...)
Sum Decimal, Average Decimal, Exist Boolean, Count Integer, Min Any, Max Any, Lookup Any
Users might want to limit calculations so that they include only those values in a
column that have some specific properties. For example, the user might want to
sum up only the amounts of customer entries that are entered in April. This is
possible if the application is designed by using FlowFilter fields for the FlowFields.

How to allow a specific user to post back dated entry.

In the User Setup table 91, we set the date of allow posting from and to to a specific user.

the flow of Control through the triggers of a Report.

Types of reports: list, test, posting, transaction, process-only, document, others.
NAV 13 - OnInitReport, RequestPage Triggers, OnPreReport, OnPreDataItem, OnAfterGetRecord,
OnPostDataItem, OnPostReport
Report Triggers
The following table lists triggers that apply to the report itself.


OnInitReport Trigger

When the report is loaded.

OnPreReport Trigger

Before the report is run, but after the RequestForm has been run.

OnPostReport Trigger

After the report has run, but not if the report was stopped manually or by
the Break function.


After the user creates a URL to a form or a report.

OnHyperlink Trigger

After the OnInitReport Trigger is executed for a report. The trigger

executes a URL string.

Data Item Triggers

The following table lists triggers that apply to each data item on the report.


OnPreDataItem Trigger

Before the data item is processed, but after the associated

variable has been initialized.

OnAfterGetRecord (Data
Items) Trigger

When a record has been retrieved from the table.

OnPostDataItem Trigger

When the data item has been iterated for the last time.

Section Triggers
The following table lists triggers that apply to each of the sections of a data item.



OnPreSection Trigger

Before processing a section.

OnPostSection Trigger

After processing a section but before printing it.

other than this NAV 13 configurational questions can be asked by mr shyamal. not pretty sure
about it.

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