Hafta Cevirisi

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If someone asked you where the skyscraper was born, what would you answer?
Someone: (Herhangi) biri
Ask: Sormak
Where: Nerede
Skyscraper: Gkdelen
to be Born: Domak Answer: Sormak
Eer birisi size gkdelenin nerede domu olduunu sorsayd, ne cevap verirdiniz?
Most people would probably say New York City, but they would be wrong.
Most: En ok
Probably: Muhtemelen
Wrong: Yanl
nsanlarn ou muhtemelen New York ehri derdi, ama onlar hataldr.
Chicago was the birthplace of the skyscraper.
Birthplace: Doum yeri
ikago gkdelenin doduu yerdi.
Dictionaries define a skyscraper as "a building of great height which is constructed on a steel
Dictionary: Szlk Define: Tanmlamak
Building: Bina
Great: Byk
Height: Ykseklik Construct: Yapm, yapmak, ina (etmek)
Steel: elik
Skeleton: skelet
Szlkler bir gkdeleni elik bir iskelet zerine ina edilmi byk ykseklikteki bir
yap/bina olarak tanmlarlar.
The first building to fit that description was the Home Insurance Company Building.
First: lk
Fit: Uymak
Description: Tanm
Insurance: Sigorta
Company: irket
O tanma uyan ilk yap Home Insurance Company (Ev Sigorta irketi) binasyd.
It was built in Chicago in 1884.
O 1884te ikagoda ina edildi.
It was 10 storeys - a great height for that time.
Storey: Kat High: Yksek
O 10 katlyd (bu) o zaman iin byk bir ykseklikti.
It had a strong framework (structure) of iron and steel instead of walls of stone to support it.
Strong: Gl
Framework: ereve
Structure: Yap
Iron: Demir
Instead of: yerine
Wall: Duvar
Stone: Ta
Support: Desteklemek
Onun (kendisini) desteklemesi iin ta duvarlar yerine, demir ve elikten gl bir erevesi
(yaps) vard.
The Home Insurance Company Building does not exist today, they pulled it down in 1931.
Exist: Var/mevcut olmak
Today: Bugn
Pull down: Aa indirmek/ekmek,

Ev Sigorta irketi binas bugn mevcut deildir, onlar onu 1931de yktlar.
But visitors to the city can still see other early Chicago skyscrapers.
Visitor: Ziyareti
City: ehir
Still: Hala
Other: Dier, teki
Early: Erken

See: Grmek

Fakat ehrin ziyaretileri erken ikago (dneminin) dier gkdelenlerini hala grebilirler.
One of them is the 16-storey Reliance Building, which was completed in 1894.
One of them: Onlardan biri
Complete: Tamamla(n)mak
Onlardan biri, 1894te tamamlanan, 16 katl Reliance binasdr.
The Reliance Building had windows that, for the first time, covered almost the entire surface.
Window: Pencere
Cover: Kapl olmak
Almost: Neredeyse
Entire: Tm, btn
Surface: Yzey
Reliance binasnn (tarihte) ilk defa neredeyse tm yzeyini kaplayan pencereleri vardr.
For many years, Chicago was behind New York in the construction of skyscrapers.
Many years: Birok yl
Behind: Arkasnda
Yllar boyunca, ikago gkdelen yapmnda New Yorkun gerisindeydi.
It got back into the competition with buildings like the John Hancock Center, built in 1968.
Got back into: Geri dnmek
Competition: Yar, rekabet
Center: Merkez
O, 1968de ina edilen John Hancock Merkezi gibi binalarla birlikte, yarmaya geri dnd.
There are luxury flats on forty-nine of the Center's 100 floors.
Luxury: Lks
Flat: Daire
Forty-nine: 49

Floor: Kat

Merkezin 100 katnn 49unda lks daireler vardr.

Sometimes people who live on a high floor look out on a sunny sky while those on the
downstairs floors can watch the rain from their windows.
Sometimes: Bazen
People: nsanlar
Live: Yaamak
High: Yksek
Look out: (Dar) bakmak
Sunny: Gneli
Sky: Gkyz
Those: Onlar
Downstairs: Aadaki
Watch: zlemek
Rain: Yamur
Bazen, alt kattakiler pencerelerinden yamuru izleyebilirken, yksek bir katta yaayan
insanlar gneli bir gkyzne bakmaktadrlar.
Architects and engineers have the technology to build even taller structures.
Architect: Mimar
Engineer: Mhendis
Have: Sahip olmak
Even: Bile, de/da
Taller: Daha uzun
Mimar ve mhendisler (bugn) daha da yksek yaplar ina edecek teknolojilere sahiplerdir.

But to do this, they must find the money for them and these new skyscrapers should not harm
the environment.
Do: Yapmak
Find: Bulmak
Money: Para
New: Yeni
Harm: Zarar vermek
Environment: evre
Fakat bunu yapmak iin onlarn para bulmas gerekmektedir ve bu yeni gkdelenlerin evreye
zarar vermemesi gerekir.
Back in 1956, the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright dreamed of a skyscraper of 528
Back: Geri
Famous: nl
Dream of: hayalini kurmak
1956ya geri dnersek, nl mimar Frank Lloyd Wright 528 katl bir gkdelenin (yapmann)
hayalini kurmutu.
He planned to build it near the shore of Lake Michigan in Chicago.
Plan: Planlamak
Near: Yaknnda
Shore: Ky

Lake: Gl

O bunu ikagodaki Michigan Gl kys yaknlarnda yapmay planlad.

Wright's dream never became a reality, but who knows?
Dream: Rya, hayal
Never: Hibir zaman
Reality: Gerek(lik)

Become: Olmak

Wrightn ryas hibir zaman gerek olmad, ama kimbilir?

Someday somebody may build his tower in the city where the skyscraper was born.
Someday: Bir gn
Tower: Kule
Belki bir gn birisi onun kulesini gkdelenin doduu (bu) ehirde ina edebilir.

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