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How drive checksum types affect aggregate and spare

There are two checksum types available for drives used by Data ONTAP: BCS (block) and AZCS
(zoned). Understanding how the checksum types differ and how they impact storage management
enables you to manage your storage more effectively.
Both checksum types provide the same resiliency capabilities. BCS optimizes for data access speed,
and reserves the smallest amount of capacity for the checksum for drives with 520-byte sectors.
AZCS provides enhanced storage utilization and capacity for drives with 512-byte sectors. You
cannot change the checksum type of a drive.
To determine the checksum type of a specific drive model, see the Hardware Universe.
Aggregates have a checksum type, which is determined by the checksum type of the drives or array
LUNs that compose the aggregate. The following configuration rules apply to aggregates, drives, and
Checksum types cannot be combined within RAID groups.
This means that you must consider checksum type when you provide hot spare drives.
When you add storage to an aggregate, if it has a different checksum type than the storage in the
RAID group to which it would normally be added, Data ONTAP creates a new RAID group.
An aggregate can have RAID groups of both checksum types.
These aggregates have a checksum type of mixed.
For mirrored aggregates, both plexes must have the same checksum type.
Drives of a different checksum type cannot be used to replace a failed drive.
You cannot change the checksum type of a drive.

How the maintenance center helps prevent drive errors

Data ONTAP provides a mechanism to test drives called the maintenance center. Sometimes Data
ONTAP puts drives into the maintenance center automatically; you can also put a suspect drive into
the maintenance center manually. Knowing how the maintenance center works helps you manage
your storage effectively.
When a disk is in the maintenance center, it is subjected to a number of tests. If the disk passes all of
the tests, it is redesignated as a spare. Otherwise, Data ONTAP fails the disk.
The maintenance center is controlled by the disk.maint_center.enableoption. It is on by
Data ONTAP puts disks into the maintenance center only if there are two or more spares available
for that disk.
You can control the number of times a disk is allowed to go to the maintenance center by using the
disk.maint_center.allowed_entriesoption. The default value for this option is 1, which
means that if the disk is ever sent back to the maintenance center, it is automatically failed.
You can also put a disk into the maintenance center manually by using the diskmaintstart
command. If the target disk is in use, it does not enter the maintenance center until its contents have
been copied to another disk (unless you include the ioption).
Data ONTAP informs you of these activities by sending messages to the following destinations:
The console
A log file at /etc/log/maintenance.log

When Data ONTAP puts a disk into the maintenance center and that disk is housed in a storage shelf
that supports automatic power cycling, power to that disk might be turned off for a short period of
time. If the disk returns to a ready state after the power cycle, the maintenance center tests the disk.
Otherwise, the maintenance center fails the disk immediately.
When Data ONTAP can put a disk into the maintenance center
When Data ONTAP detects certain disk errors, it tries to put the disk into the maintenance center for
testing. Certain requirements must be met for the disk to be put into the maintenance center.
If a disk experiences more errors than are allowed for that disk type, Data ONTAP takes one of the
following actions:
If the disk.maint_center.spares_checkoption is set to on(the default) and two or more
spares are available (four for multi-disk carriers), Data ONTAP takes the disk out of service and
assigns it to the maintenance center for data management operations and further testing.
If the disk.maint_center.spares_checkoption is set to onand fewer than two spares are
available (four for multi-disk carriers), Data ONTAP does not assign the disk to the maintenance
It fails the disk and designates the disk as a broken disk.
If the disk.maint_center.spares_checkoption is set to off, Data ONTAP assigns the disk
to the maintenance center without checking the number of available spares.
Note: The disk.maint_center.spares_checkoption has no effect on putting disks into the

maintenance center from the command-line interface.

Data ONTAP does not put SSDs into the maintenance center.

How you use SSDs to increase storage performance

Solid-state drives (SSDs) are flash media-based storage devices that provide better overall
performance than hard disk drives (HDDs), which are mechanical devices using rotating media. You
should understand how Data ONTAP manages SSDs and the capability differences between SSDs
and HDDs.
Depending on your storage system model, you can use SSDs in two ways:
You can create Flash Pool aggregatesaggregates composed mostly of HDDs, but with some
SSDs that function as a high-performance cache for your working data set.
You can create aggregates composed entirely of SSDs, where the SSDs function as the persistent
storage for all data in the aggregate.
You manage Flash Pool aggregates and aggregates composed entirely of SSDs the same way you
manage aggregates composed entirely of HDDs. However, there are some differences in the way you
manage SSDs from the way you manage disks. In addition, some Data ONTAP capabilities are not
available on SSDs and Flash Pool aggregates.

Capability differences between SSDs and HDDs

Usually, you manage SSDs the same as HDDs, including firmware updates, scrubs, and zeroing.
However, some Data ONTAP capabilities do not make sense for SSDs, and SSDs are not supported
on all hardware models.
SSDs cannot be combined with HDDs within the same RAID group. When you replace an SSD in an
aggregate, you must replace it with another SSD. Similarly, when you physically replace an SSD
within a shelf, you must replace it with another SSD.
The following capabilities of Data ONTAP are not available for SSDs:
Disk sanitization is not supported for all SSD part numbers.
The maintenance center

Enabling or disabling a host adapter

A host adapter can be enabled or disabled by using the storagecommand. You disable an
adapter to replace hardware components or modules.
About this task

You might want to disable an adapter for the following reasons:

You are replacing any of the hardware components connected to the adapter.
You are replacing a malfunctioning I/O module.
You can disable an adapter only if all disks connected to it can be reached through another
After an adapter connected to dual-connected disks has been disabled, the other adapter is not
considered redundant; thus, the other adapter cannot be disabled.

1. Identify the name of the adapter whose state you want to change:
The field that is labeled Slotlists the adapter name.

2. Enter the applicable command:

If you want to...

Then use this command

Enable the adapter storageenableadapteradapter_name

Disable the adapter storagedisableadapteradapter_name

Considerations for sizing RAID groups

Configuring an optimum RAID group size requires a trade-off of factors. You must decide which
factorsspeed of RAID rebuild, assurance against risk of data loss due to drive failure, optimizing
I/O performance, and maximizing data storage spaceare most important for the aggregate that you
are configuring.
When you create larger RAID groups, you maximize the space available for data storage for the same
amount of storage used for parity (also known as the parity tax). On the other hand, when a disk
fails in a larger RAID group, reconstruction time is increased, impacting performance for a longer
period of time. In addition, having more disks in a RAID group increases the probability of a
multiple disk failure within the same RAID group.

Considerations for Data ONTAP RAID groups for array LUNs

Setting up Data ONTAP RAID groups for array LUNs requires planning and coordination with the
storage array administrator so that the administrator makes the number and size of array LUNs you
need available to Data ONTAP.
For array LUNs, Data ONTAP uses RAID0 RAID groups to determine where to allocate data to the
LUNs on the storage array. The RAID0 RAID groups are not used for RAID data protection. The
storage arrays provide the RAID data protection.
Note: Data ONTAP RAID groups are similar in concept to what storage array vendors call RAID

groups, parity groups, disk groups, Parity RAID groups, and other terms.

Follow these steps when planning your Data ONTAP RAID groups for array LUNs:
1. Plan the size of the aggregate that best meets your data needs.
2. Plan the number and size of RAID groups that you need for the size of the aggregate.
Note: It is best to use the default RAID group size for array LUNs. The default RAID group

size is adequate for most organizations. The default RAID group size is different for array
LUNs and disks.
3. Plan the size of the LUNs that you need in your RAID groups.
To avoid a performance penalty, all array LUNs in a particular RAID group should be the
same size.
The LUNs should be the same size in all RAID groups in the aggregate.
4. Ask the storage array administrator to create the number of LUNs of the size you need for the
The LUNs should be optimized for performance, according to the instructions in the storage array
vendor documentation.
5. Create all the RAID groups in the aggregate at the same time.
Note: Do not mix array LUNs from storage arrays with different characteristics in the same

Data ONTAP RAID group.

Note: If you create a new RAID group for an existing aggregate, be sure that the new RAID

group is the same size as the other RAID groups in the aggregate, and that the array LUNs are
the same size as the LUNs in the other RAID groups in the aggregate.

How Data ONTAP handles a failed disk with a hot spare

Using an available matching hot spare, Data ONTAP can use RAID to reconstruct the missing data
from the failed disk onto the hot spare disk with no data service interruption.
If a disk fails and a matching or appropriate spare is available, Data ONTAP performs the following
Replaces the failed disk with a hot spare disk.
If RAID-DP is enabled and a double-disk failure occurs in the RAID group, Data ONTAP
replaces each failed disk with a separate spare disk.
In the background, reconstructs the missing data onto the hot spare disk or disks.
Note: During reconstruction, the system is in degraded mode, and file service might slow

Logs the activity in the /etc/messagesfile.
Sends an AutoSupport message.
Attention: Always replace the failed disks with new hot spare disks as soon as possible, so that hot

spare disks are always available in the storage system.

Note: If the available spare disks are not the correct size, Data ONTAP chooses a disk of the next

larger size and restricts its capacity to match the size of the disk it is replacing.

How Data ONTAP handles a failed disk that has no available

hot spare
When a failed disk has no appropriate hot spare available, Data ONTAP puts the affected RAID
group into degraded mode indefinitely and the storage system automatically shuts down within a
specified time period.
If the maximum number of disks have failed in a RAID group (two for RAID-DP, one for RAID4),
the storage system automatically shuts down in the period of time specified by the raid.timeout
option. The default timeout value is 24 hours.
To ensure that you are aware of the situation, Data ONTAP sends an AutoSupport message whenever
a disk fails. In addition, it logs a warning message in the /etc/messagefile once per hour after a
disk fails.
Attention: If a disk fails and no hot spare disk is available, contact technical support.

Considerations for changing the timeout RAID option

The raid.timeoutoption controls how long a storage system runs after a RAID group goes into
degraded mode or the NVRAM battery malfunctions or loses power. You can change the value of
this option, but you should understand the implications of doing so.
The purpose for the system shutdown is to avoid data loss, which can happen if an additional disk
failure occurs in a RAID group that is already running in degraded mode, or if a stand-alone system
encounters a catastrophic error and has to shut down without NVRAM. You can extend the number
of hours the system operates in these conditions by increasing the value of this option (the default
value is 24). You can even disable the shutdown by setting the option to 0, but the longer the system
operates with one or both of these conditions, the greater the chance of incurring data loss.

Restrictions for using aggregates composed of SSDs

Aggregates composed of SSDs have some restrictions on when they can be used.
You cannot use aggregates composed of SSDs with the following configurations or technologies:
Traditional volumes
Storage Encryption

Creating a Flash Pool aggregate

You create a Flash Pool aggregate by enabling the feature on an existing 64-bit aggregate composed

of HDD RAID groups, and then adding one or more SSD RAID groups to that aggregate. This
Before you begin

You must have identified a valid 64-bit aggregate composed of HDDs to convert to a Flash Pool

You must have determined write-caching eligibility of the volumes associated with the aggregate,
and completed any required steps to resolve eligibility issues.
You must have determined the SSDs you will be adding, and these SSDs must be owned by the
node on which you are creating the Flash Pool aggregate.
You must have determined the checksum types of both the SSDs you are adding and the HDDs
already in the aggregate.
You must have determined the number of SSDs you are adding and the optimal RAID group size
for the SSD RAID groups.
Using fewer RAID groups in the SSD cache reduces the number of parity disks required.
You must have determined the RAID level you want to use for the SSD cache.
You must have familiarized yourself with the configuration requirements for Flash Pool
About this task

After you add an SSD cache to an aggregate to create a Flash Pool aggregate, you cannot remove the
SSD cache to convert the aggregate back to its original configuration.
You can change the RAID group size of the SSD cache, but you cannot make this change until after
SSDs have been added. After disks have been added to a RAID group, they cannot be removed. If
you know that you want to use a different RAID group size than the default SSD RAID group size,
you can add a small number SSDs at first. Then, after you update the RAID group size, you can add
the rest of the SSDs.
By default, the RAID level of the SSD cache is the same as the RAID level of the HDD RAID
groups. You can override this default selection by specifying the toption when you add the first
SSD RAID groups. Although the SSD cache is providing caching for the HDD RAID groups, the
SSD cache is integral to the health of the aggregate as a whole. An SSD RAID group that
experiences a failure that exceeds the RAID protection capability of the RAID level in use takes the
aggregate offline. For this reason, it is a best practice to keep the RAID level of the SSD cache the
same as that of the HDD RAID groups.
There are platform- and workload-specific best practices for Flash Pool SSD cache size and
configuration. For information about these best practices, see Technical Report 4070: NetApp Flash
Pool Design and Implementation Guide.

1. Mark the aggregate as hybrid-enabled:


If this step does not succeed, determine write-caching eligibility for the target aggregate.
2. Add the SSDs to the aggregate by using the aggraddcommand.
You can specify the SSDs by ID or by using the disk_typeand ndisksparameters. You do not
need to specify a new RAID group; Data ONTAP automatically puts the SSDs into their own
RAID group.

If you plan to change the RAID group size for the SSD cache, you should add only a small
number SSDs in this step. (You must add at least three.)
If the HDDs and the SSDs do not have the same checksum type, or if the aggregate is a mixedchecksum
aggregate, then you must use the cparameter to specify the checksum type of the
disks you are adding to the aggregate.
You can specify a different RAID type for the SSD cache by using the toption.
3. If you want a different RAID group size for the SSD cache than for the HDD RAID groups,
change the SSD RAID group size:

4. If you did not add all of the required SSDs in the previous step, add the rest of the SSDs by using
the aggraddcommand again.

Physically moving an aggregate composed of disks

To move an aggregate composed of disks from one storage system (the source) to another (the
target), you need to physically move disks, disk shelves, or entire loops or stacks. You might move
an aggregate to move data to a new storage system model or remove data from an impaired storage
Before you begin

The target storage system must meet the following requirements:

It must be running a version of Data ONTAP that is the same or later than the version running on
the source system.
Note: You cannot move an aggregate between a system running Data ONTAP operating in 7-

Mode and a system running Data ONTAP operating in Cluster-Mode.

It must support the shelf, I/O module, and disk types being moved.
It must support the size of the aggregate being moved.
About this task

The procedure described here does not apply to aggregates composed of array LUNs.
If you are moving an aggregate composed of disks using Storage Encryption, you need to take some
extra steps before and after moving the aggregate. If the physical security of the disks during the
move is a concern and your key management server supports the creation of a trust relationship
between two storage systems, then you should use that capability to retain secure encryption on the
disks during the move. Otherwise, you must set the encryption key to a known value before moving
the disks and give them a new authentication key after the disks are installed in the destination
storage system. This is the method described in the steps below.

1. Enter the following command at the source storage system to locate the disks that contain the

The locations of the data, parity, and dParity disks in the aggregate appear under the HA, SHELF,
and BAY columns (dParity disks appear for RAID-DP aggregates only).
2. If you are moving disks using Storage Encryption, reset their authentication key to their MSID
(the default security ID set by the manufacturer) by entering the following command on the
source storage system:

You can also use the wildcard character (*) to specify the disks to be rekeyed. For example, to
rekey all disks in a specific shelf, you can specify adapter-name.shelI-ID.* as your disk list.
3. Boot the source storage system into Maintenance mode.
4. Take the aggregate offline:

The aggregate is taken offline and its hosted volumes are unmounted.
5. Reboot into Normal mode.
6. If disk ownership autoassignment is on, turn it off:

If the system is part of an HA pair, you must complete this step on each node.
7. Remove the software ownership information from the disks to be moved by entering the
following command for each disk:

8. Follow the instructions in the disk shelf hardware guide to remove the disks or shelves that you
identified previously from the source storage system.
9. If you turned off disk ownership autoassignment previously, turn it back on:

If the system is part of an HA pair, you must complete this step on each node.
10. Install the disks or disk shelves in the target storage system.
11. Assign the disks that you moved to the target storage system by entering the following command
for each moved disk:

The newly relocated aggregate is offline and considered as a foreign aggregate. If the newly
relocated aggregate has the same name as an existing aggregate on the target storage system, Data
ONTAP renames it aggr_name(1), where aggr_nameis the original name of the aggregate.
12. Confirm that the newly relocated aggregate is complete:
Attention: If the aggregate is incomplete (if it has a status of partial), add all missing disks

before proceeding. Do not try to add missing disks after the aggregate comes online; doing so
causes them to become hot spare disks. You can identify the disks currently used by the
aggregate by using the aggrstatusrcommand.
13. If the storage system renamed the aggregate because of a name conflict, rename the aggregate:

14. Bring the aggregate online in the destination storage system:


The aggregate comes online and is no longer considered to be a foreign aggregate.

15. Confirm that the added aggregate came online:


After you finish

After you move the aggregate and bring it online in the destination storage system, you need to
recreate the following configuration information for all volumes associated with the aggregate:
Client connections (CIFS shares or NFS exports)
Scheduled tasks (for example, deduplication or reallocation)
Relationships between volumes (for example, SnapMirror or SnapVault)
FlexCache volumes
LUN connection information

Volume states and status

Volumes can be in one of four statesonline, offline, restricted, or quiesced. In addition, they can
show one or more status values, depending on how they are configured and the health of their disks.
You can determine a volume's current state and status by using the volstatuscommand.

Migrating from traditional volumes to FlexVol volumes

You cannot convert directly from a traditional volume to a FlexVol volume. You must create a new
FlexVol volume and then move the data to the new volume.

Preparing your destination volume

Before migrating, you need to create and name a destination volume of the correct size and number
of inodes.
Before you begin

If your destination volume is on the same storage system as the source volume, your system must
have enough free space to contain both copies of the volume during the migration.
If the new FlexVol volume will be the root volume, it must meet the minimum size requirements for
root volumes, which are based on your storage system. Data ONTAP prevents you from designating
as root a volume that does not meet the minimum size requirement.

1. Enter the following command to determine the amount of space your traditional volume uses:

The total space used by the traditional volume is displayed as usedfor the volume name.

2. Enter the following command to determine the number of inodes your traditional volume uses:

The number of inodes your traditional volume uses is displayed as iused.

3. Identify or create an aggregate to contain the new FlexVol volume.
Note: To determine if an existing aggregate is large enough to contain the new FlexVol
volume, you can use the dfAhcommand. The space listed under availshould be large
enough to contain the new FlexVol volume.
4. If you want the destination (FlexVol) volume to have the same name as the source (traditional)
volume, and they are on the same storage system, you must rename the source volume before
creating the destination volume. Do this by entering the following command:

5. Create the destination volume in the containing aggregate.

Note: For root volumes, you must use the (default) volume space guarantee, because it ensures

that writes to the volume do not fail due to a lack of available space in the containing
6. Confirm that the size of the destination volume is at least as large as the source volume by
entering the following command on the target volume:

7. Confirm that the destination volume has at least as many inodes as the source volume by entering
the following command on the destination volume:
Note: If you need to increase the number of inodes in the destination volume, use the

You have created a destination volume with sufficient resources to accept the data from the source

Migrating your data

You use the ndmpcopycommand from the Data ONTAP prompt to migrate your data to the target

1. Ensure that NDMP is configured correctly by entering the following commands:


Note: If you are migrating your volume between storage systems, make sure that these options

are set correctly on both systems.

2. Disable data access to the source volume.
3. Migrate the data by entering the following command at the storage system prompt:
Attention: Make sure that you use the storage system command-line interface to run the
ndmpcopycommand. If you run this command from a client, your data will not migrate

For more information about the ndmpcopycommand, see the Data ONTAP Data Protection
Online Backup and Recovery Guide for 7-Mode.
4. Verify that the ndmpcopyoperation completed successfully by validating the copied data.

The target volume now contains the data from the source volume.
Snapshot copies on the source volume are not affected by this procedure. However, they are not
replicated to the target FlexVol volume as part of the migration.

Completing the migration

After you copy your data, you need to perform some additional tasks before the migration is

1. If you are migrating your root volume, complete the following steps:
a. Make the new FlexVol volume the root volume by entering the following command:

b. Reboot the storage system.

2. Update the clients to point to the new FlexVol volume.
In a CIFS environment, complete these steps:
a. Point CIFS shares to the new FlexVol volume.
b. Update the CIFS maps on the client machines so that they point to the new FlexVol volume.
In an NFS environment, complete these steps:
a. Point NFS exports to the new FlexVol volume.
b. Update the NFS mounts on the client machines so that they point to the new FlexVol volume.
3. Make sure that all clients can see the new FlexVol volume and read and write data:
a. Using a CIFS or an NFS client, create a new folder or directory.
b. Using the client, copy some temporary data into the new folder or directory and confirm that
you can access that data from the client.
c. Delete the new folder.

4. If you are migrating the root volume and you changed the name of the root volume, update the
httpd.rootdiroption to point to the new root volume.
5. If quotas were used with the traditional volume, configure the quotas on the new FlexVol volume.
6. Create a Snapshot copy of the target volume and create a new Snapshot schedule as needed.
For more information, see the Data ONTAP Data Protection Tape Backup and Recovery Guide
for 7-Mode.
7. Start using the migrated volume for the data source for your applications.
8. When you are confident the volume migration was successful, you can take the original volume
offline or destroy it.
Note: You should preserve the original volume and its Snapshot copies until the new FlexVol

volume has been stable for some time.

Changing the root volume

Every storage system must have a root volume. Therefore, you must always have one volume
designated as the root volume. However, you can change which volume is used as the system's root
Before you begin

The volume that you are designating to be the new root volume must meet the minimum size
requirement. The required minimum size for the root volume varies, depending on the storage system
model. If the volume is too small to become the new root volume, Data ONTAP prevents you from
setting the root option.
In addition, the volume that you are designating to be the new root volume must have at least 2 GB
of free space. It must also have a fractional reserve of 100%. The volstatusvcommand
displays information about a volumes fractional reserve.
If you use a FlexVol volume for the root volume, ensure that it has a guarantee of volume.
Starting in Data ONTAP 8.0.1, you can designate a volume in a 64-bit aggregate to be the new root
If you move the root volume outside the current root aggregate, you must also change the value of
the aggregate rootoption so that the aggregate containing the root volume becomes the root
For storage systems with the root volume on the storage array, the array LUN used for the root
volume must meet the minimum array LUN size for the root volume. For more information about the
minimum array LUN size for the root volume, see the Hardware Universe at
About this task

You might want to change the storage system's root volume, for example, when you migrate your
root volume from a traditional volume to a FlexVol volume.

1. Identify an existing volume to use as the new root volume, or create the new root volume by
using the volcreatecommand.
2. Use the ndmpcopycommand to copy the /etcdirectory and all of its subdirectories from the
current root volume to the new root volume.
For more information about ndmpcopy, see the Data ONTAP Data Protection Tape Backup and
Recovery Guide for 7-Mode.
3. Enter the following command to specify the new root volume:
vol_nameis the name of the new root volume.

If the volume does not have at least 2 GB of free space, the command fails and an error message
After a volume is designated to become the root volume, it cannot be brought offline or restricted.
4. If you moved the root volume outside the current root aggregate, enter the following command to
change the value of the aggregate rootoption so that the aggregate containing the root volume
becomes the root aggregate:
aggr_nameis the name of the new root aggregate.

For more information about the aggregate rootoption, see the na_aggr(1) man page.
5. Enter the following command to reboot the storage system:

When the storage system finishes rebooting, the root volume is changed to the specified volume.
If you changed the root aggregate, a new root volume is created during the reboot when the
aggregate does not already contain a FlexVol volume designated as the root volume and when the
aggregate has at least 2 GB of free space.
6. Update the httpd.rootdiroption to point to the new root volume.

Using FlexCache volumes to accelerate data

A FlexCache volume is a sparsely-populated volume on a local storage system that is backed by a
volume on a different, optionally remote, storage system. A sparsely-populated volume or a sparse
volume provides access to data in the backing volume (also called the origin volume) without
requiring that all the data be in the sparse volume.
You can use only FlexVol volumes to create FlexCache volumes. However, many of the regular
FlexVol volumes features are not supported on FlexCache volumes, such as Snapshot copy creation,
deduplication, compression, FlexClone volume creation, volume move, and volume copy.
You can use FlexCache volumes to speed up access to data, or to offload traffic from heavily
accessed volumes. FlexCache volumes help improve performance, especially when clients need to
access the same data repeatedly, because the data can be served directly without having to access the
source. Therefore, you can use FlexCache volumes to handle system workloads that are readintensive.
Cache consistency techniques help in ensuring that the data served by the FlexCache volumes
remains consistent with the data in the origin volumes.

How FlexCache volumes serve read requests

A FlexCache volume directly serves read requests if it contains the data requested by the client.
Otherwise, the FlexCache volume requests the data from the origin volume and stores the data before
serving the client request. Subsequent read requests for the data are then served directly from the
FlexCache volume.
This improves performance when the same data is accessed repeatedly, because after the first
request, the data no longer has to travel across the network, or be served from an overloaded system.

FlexCache hardware and software requirements

Before you can create FlexCache volumes and use them to access data in their origin volumes, you
must ensure that both your origin and caching systems meet the hardware and software requirements
for the FlexCache functionality.
The requirements for the caching system and the origin system are different.
For the caching system, the following requirements must be met :
If you want to cache a 7-Mode volume, ensure that the caching system has one of the following
versions of Data ONTAP:
Data ONTAP 7.0.5 or later in the 7.0 release family
Data ONTAP 7.2.1 or later in the 7.2 release family
Any version in the Data ONTAP 7.3 release family
Data ONTAP 8.x or later operating in 7-Mode
Note: Systems running Data ONTAP 8.0 or 8.1 clustered releases or any version in the Data

ONTAP 10.0 release family cannot serve as caching systems.

Note: The caching and origin systems do not need to have the same version of Data ONTAP.

The caching system for a clustered Data ONTAP volume must have Data ONTAP 8.x or later

operating in 7-Mode.
The caching system must have a valid NFS license, with NFS enabled.
Note: The NFS license is not required when the caching system is an SA system.
The licensed_feature.flexcache_nfs.enableoption must be set to on.

For the origin system, the following requirements must be met:

The system must have one of the following versions of Data ONTAP:
Data ONTAP 7.0.1 or later in the 7.x release families
Any version in the Data ONTAP 8.x release families
Data ONTAP 10.0.4 or later in the 10.0 release family
Note: If your origin system is running Data ONTAP 10.0 or Data ONTAP 8.x, your caching

system must have Data ONTAP 7.2.1 or later.

For caching a clustered Data ONTAP volume, the origin system must be running clustered Data
ONTAP 8.2 or later.
The origin system must have a valid NFS license, with NFS enabled.
The flexcache.accessoption must be set to allow access to FlexCache volumes.
Note: For more information about this option, see the na_protocolaccess(8) man page.

If the origin volume is in a vFiler unit, you must set this option for the vFiler context.
The flexcache.enableoption must be set to on.
Note: If the origin volume is in a vFiler unit, you must set this option for the vFiler context.

For information about configuring and managing FlexCache volumes in a clustered Data ONTAP
environment, see the Clustered Data ONTAP Logical Storage Management Guide

Limitations of FlexCache volumes

You can have a maximum of 100 FlexCache volumes on a storage system. In addition, there are
certain features of Data ONTAP that are not available on FlexCache volumes, and others that are not
available on volumes that are backing FlexCache volumes.
You cannot use the following Data ONTAP capabilities on FlexCache volumes (these limitations do
not apply to the origin volumes):
Client access using any protocol other than NFSv2 or NFSv3
Client access using IPv6
Compression (compressed origin volumes are supported)
Snapshot copy creation
SnapMirror (qtree or volume)
FlexClone volume creation
The ndmpcommand
Volume copy

Creation of FlexCache volumes in any vFiler unit other than vFiler0
Creation of FlexCache volumes in the same aggregate as their origin volume
Mounting the FlexCache volume as a read-only volume
If your origin volume is larger than 16 TB, the output of the dfcommand on the caching system will
show "---" for the size information about the origin volume. To see the size information for the origin
volume, you must run the dfcommand on the origin system.
You cannot use the following Data ONTAP capabilities on FlexCache origin volumes or storage
systems without rendering all of the FlexCache volumes backed by that volume or storage system
Note: If you want to perform these operations on an origin system, you can destroy the affected

FlexCache volumes, perform the operation, and re-create the FlexCache volumes. However, the
FlexCache volumes will need to be repopulated.
You cannot move an origin volume between vFiler units or to vFiler0 by using any of the
following commands:
Note: You can use SnapMover (vfilermigrate) to migrate an origin volume without

having to re-create FlexCache volumes backed by that volume.

Origin volumes can be owned by any vFiler unit.
You cannot use a FlexCache origin volume as the destination of a snapmirrormigrate
You cannot change the language of the origin volume if the change causes the underlying
character set to change, or if the new language is not available on the caching system.
For example, you can change the language of the origin volume from English to US English.
However, if you want to change the language from English to a language that uses a different
character set, such as Japanese, then you need to destroy and re-create all of the FlexCache
volumes backed by the origin volume.
Qtrees contained by the origin volume that belong to a vFiler unit other than the vFiler unit that
owns the origin volume are not accessible to a FlexCache volume.
For example, suppose that volume vol1is owned by vFiler0 but qtree1, which is contained by
vol1, is owned by another vFiler unit. FlexCache volumes created with vol1as the backing
volume will not be able to access the data contained in qtree1.
If your origin volume is on a system running a version of the Data ONTAP 10.0 release family,
and any node in the origin cluster is down, the FlexCache volume will not be able to establish a
connection with the origin volume.
If the origin volume contains Snapshot copies, the Snapshot data is not written to disk (cached).
Snapshot data is stored only in the in-memory buffer cache of the caching filer.

Types of volumes you can use for FlexCache

A FlexCache volume must be a FlexVol volume. The origin volume can be a FlexVol or a traditional
volume; it can also be a SnapLock volume. There are some restrictions on what can be used as an
origin volume.
FlexCache volumes and FlexVol origin volumes can be either 32-bit or 64-bit volumes; a FlexCache
volume does not need to be the same type as its origin volume (a 32-bit FlexCache volume can have
a 64-bit origin volume and vice versa).
You cannot use the following storage containers as a FlexCache origin volume:
A FlexCache volume
A volume that contains SnapVault destinations
A qtree

How FlexCache volumes use space management

FlexCache volumes do not use space management in the same manner as regular FlexVol volumes.
The amount of disk space reserved for a FlexCache volume is determined by the value of the
flexcache_min_reservedvolume option, rather than the nominal size of the FlexCache volume.
The default value for the flexcache_min_reservedvolume option is 100 MB. In general, you
should not change the value of this option.
Attention: FlexCache volumes space guarantees must be honored. When you take a FlexCache

volume offline, the space allocated for the FlexCache becomes available for use by other volumes
in the aggregate (as with all FlexVol volumes). However, unlike regular FlexVol volumes,
FlexCache volumes cannot be brought online if there is insufficient space in the aggregate to honor
their space guarantee.

How FlexCache volumes share space with other volumes

You can have multiple FlexCache volumes in the same aggregate. You can also have regular FlexVol
volumes in the same aggregate as the FlexCache volumes. If you want to set up your system
efficiently, you must understand the way these volumes share space.
When you include multiple FlexCache volumes in the same aggregate, each FlexCache volume
reserves only a small amount of space. The rest of the space is allocated as required. This means that
a hot FlexCache volume (one that is being accessed heavily) is permitted to take up more space,
while a FlexCache volume that is not being accessed as often will gradually be reduced in size.
Note: When an aggregate containing FlexCache volumes runs out of free space, Data ONTAP

randomly selects a FlexCache volume in that aggregate to be truncated. Truncation means that
files are removed from the FlexCache volume until the size of the volume is decreased to a
predetermined percentage of its former size.
If you have regular FlexVol volumes in the same aggregate as your FlexCache volumes, and the
aggregate starts filling up, the FlexCache volumes can lose some of their unreserved space (if it is not
being used). In this case, when the FlexCache volume needs to fetch a new data block and it does not
have enough free space to accommodate the data block, an existing data block is removed from one
of the FlexCache volumes to accommodate the new data block.
If the ejected data is causing many cache misses, you can add more space to the aggregate or move
some of the data to another aggregate.

Methods to view FlexCache statistics

Data ONTAP provides statistics about FlexCache volumes to help you understand the access patterns
and administer the FlexCache volumes effectively.
You can display statistics for your FlexCache volumes by using the following methods:
The flexcachestatscommand (client and server statistics)
The nfsstatcommand (client statistics only)
The perfstatutility
The statscommand
Note: You can use the fstat command for statistics about the objects cached by the FlexCache

What happens when connectivity to the origin system is lost

You can control how the FlexCache volume functions when connectivity between the caching and
origin systems is lost by using the disconnected_modeand acdisconnectedvolume options.
The disconnected_modevolume option and the acdisconnectedtimeout, combined with the
regular TTL timeouts (acregmax, acdirmax, acsymmax, and actimeo), enable you to control the
behavior of the FlexCache volume when contact with the origin volume is lost.
When you configure the FlexCache disconnected options, you should consider the following
Would your applications or file access protocols react better if an I/O request returned an error or
if it did not return at all?
How long can you safely serve stale data when connectivity is lost?
The following flowchart shows the multi-step decision process used by Data ONTAP to determine
what happens when a FlexCache volume is disconnected from its origin volume. The possible
outcomes of this process are:
The data is served.
An error is returned.
The operation hangs.

About using LUNs in FlexCache volumes

You cannot use SAN access protocols to access FlexCache volumes. You can cache a volume that
contains LUNs, but this configuration can change system behavior.
When you attempt to access, in a FlexCache volume, a directory that contains a LUN, the command
sometimes returns "stale NFS file handle" for the LUN. If you get that error message, you should
repeat the command.
If you use the fstatcommand on a LUN, fstat always indicates that the LUN is not cached. This is
expected behavior.
Note: LUNs in this context refer to the LUNs that Data ONTAP serves to clients, not to the array
LUNs used for storage on a storage array.

Creating FlexCache volumes

You use FlexCache volumes to speed access to remote data, or to offload traffic from heavily
accessed volumes.
Before you begin

You must have configured and enabled the FlexCache feature correctly on the caching system.
If the origin volume is a clustered Data ONTAP volume, the following items must be true:
There is a data LIF configured for the origin volume's SVM enabled for the fcache
For more information about creating and configuring LIFs, see the Clustered Data ONTAP
Network Management Guide.
An export policy exists for the origin volume's SVM that includes the flexcacheprotocol,
and all systems hosting FlexCache volumes you want to access this origin volume are listed as
clients for the export policy.
For more information about creating export policies, see the Clustered Data ONTAP File
Access Management Guide for NFS.

1. Create the volume:

originis the name or IP address of the origin system. If you are caching a clustered Data
ONTAP volume, specify the data LIF with the fcacheprotocol enabled.

source_volis the name of the volume you want to use as the origin volume on the origin

cache_volis the name of the new FlexCache volume you want to create.
aggris the name of the containing aggregate for the new FlexCache volume.
size{ k| m| g| t} specifies the FlexCache volume size in kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, or

terabytes. If you do not specify a size, bytes is used and rounded up to the nearest multiple of 4
Note: For best performance, do not specify a size when you create a FlexCache volume.

Specifying a size disables the FlexCache Autogrow capability.


The new FlexCache volume is created and an entry is added to the /etc/exportfile for the new
The following command creates a FlexCache volume called newcachevol, with the
Autogrow capability enabled, in the aggregate called aggr1, with a source volume vol1on
storage system corp_storage:

Are snapshots included in volume tape
KB Doc ID 3012459 Version: 4.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 633

Are snapshots included in volume tape backups?
When restoring from backup, will snap list show available snapshots prior to the backup made?
Snapshots are not preserved during a backup. Backup takes a snapshot of the active volume and
only backups that data, it does not backup the snapshot metadata or the data located in the snap
Each snapshot instance would need to be backed up to have an available copy of the volume in
those various stages (which would probably already exist through normal backup scheduling).

What are the options when creating a
KB Doc ID 3010775 Version: 6.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 1636

What are the arguments of the vol create command
The following describes the options when creating a volume:
vol create volname [ -l language_code ] [ -f ] [ -m ] [ -L ] [ -n ] [ -t
raidtype ] [ -r raidsize ] { ndisks[@size] | -d disk1 [ disk2 ... ] [ -d diskn
[ diskn+1 ... ] }

The -t raidtype argument specifies the RAID type used when creating raidgroups for this
volume. The valid types are raid4 (one parity disk per raidgroup) and raid_dp (two parity disks
per raidgroup).
The -r raidsize argument specifies the maximum number of disks in each RAID group in the
volume. The maximum and default values of raidsize are plat_form-dependent, based on
performance and reliabil_ity considerations.
ndisks is the number of disks in the volume, including the parity disks. The disks in this newly
created volume come from the pool of spare disks. The smallest disks in this pool join the
volume first, unless you specify the @size argument. size is the disk size in gigabyte (GB), and
disks that are within 10% of the specified size will be selected for use in the volume.
The -m option can be used to specify that the new volume be mirrored (have two plexes) upon
creation. If this option is given, then the indicated disks will be split across the two plexes. By
default, the new volume will not be mirrored.
The -L option can be used to specify that the new volume be a SnapLock volume upon creation.
If this option is given, then the newly created volume will be a SnapLock volume. SnapLock
volumes behave differently from regular volumes and are not usable as regular volumes.
SnapLock volumes should only ever be created for use by applications that are specifically
designed to operate correctly with these types of volumes.

The -n option can be used to display the command that the system will execute, without actually
making any changes. This is useful for displaying the automatically selected disks, for example.
If you use the -d disk1 [ disk2 ... ] argument, the filer creates the volume with the specified spare
disks disk1, disk2, and so on. You can specify a space-separated list of disk names. Two separate
lists must be specified if the new volume is mirrored. In the case that the new volume is
mirrored, the indicated disks must result in an equal number of disks on each new plex.
The disks in a plex are not permitted to span spare pools. This behavior can be overridden with
the -f option.
If you use the -l language_code argument, the filer creates the volume with the language
specified by the language code. The default is the language of the root volume of the filer.
Language codes are:
(English (US))
(Japanese euc-j)
(Japanese PCK (sjis))
(Simplified Chinese)
(Simplified Chinese (GBK))
(Traditional Chinese euc-tw)
(Traditional Chinese Big 5)
To use UTF-8 as the Network File System (NFS) character set append .UTF-8

How to determine if volumes contain non-Unicode directories

KB Doc ID 1013282 Version: 6.0 Published date: 05/18/2016 Views: 3948


When files are created using Network File System (NFS) on volumes that have the create_ucode
option disabled, the directories must be converted to the Unicode format when CIFS users access
the directories. For very high file count volumes, this conversion process can impact the
For alternative methods of moving directories to the Unicode format, see BUG 13131:
Conversion of large directories to CIFS Unicode format can take a long time
This article describes the procedure for determining whether a volume contains non-Unicode
directories, while ensuring that the Unicode conversion is not triggered during the process.

In this scenario, a volume uc will be available, containing around 40 files that were created
from NFS with the create_ucode option enabled. There will also be 100 additional files and two
directories that were created with the create_ucode option disabled.
Perform the following steps:
1. Create a snapshot for testing and checking the number of inodes used in the
Note: An empty volume usually has around 100 used inodes for special files.
ata3050-rtp*> snap create uc uc_check; df i uc
ifree %iused

Mounted on

In this example, there are approximately 149 directories and files contained
in the /vol/uc path.
2. Mount uc_check, the snapshot created in Step 1.

Note: Do not attempt to access the active filesystem through CIFS, as this will trigger the
Unicode conversion process, regardless of the value of convert_ucode.

Note: From a CIFS perspective, there are only 40 files and five folders present in the root
of the volume. These are the 40 files that were created when the create_ucode option was
enabled. This disparity between the number of inodes used and those reported by CIFS
indicates the likelihood of unconverted files being present in the volume.
3. Access the active filesystem of /vol/uc and traverse the directory structure to
trigger the Unicode conversion process.

4. Once completed, take another snapshot such that a stable state is available
to view the filesystem again:
ata3050-rtp*> snap create uc after_convert; df -i uc
ifree %iused Mounted on
0% /vol/uc/

From the root of the volume of the after_convert snapshot, note that the
additional 100 files that were originally created in the non-Unicode format are
now reported. This indicates that the conversion has occurred.


Running dfi during snapshot creation is useful to account for the changes
being made to the filesystem by active users.

Gathering the file/folder properties from CIFS might require significant time
for larger filesystems.

Related Links:

For information on the impact and workaround of converting directories to

Unicode format, see BUG 13131: Conversion of large directories to CIFS
Unicode format can take a long time

2010560: System configuration error occurs with CIFS clients when

create_ucode default is set to of

How to change security styles for volumes or

KB Doc ID 1010596 Version: 6.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 10042

Error message: qtree: There are shares with connections on qtree
/vol/vol1/data. Its security style cannot be changed at this time.

When changing a mixed qtree to UNIX, what happens to NT files, owner and security?
When creating a new qtree default permissions are incorrect
How to change NTFS permissions on the volume level

The command syntax for changing security styles is as follows:
qtree [volume] [tree] [style] [Oplocks]

Security styles: unix, mixed or ntfs

There are two changes to the security style of a qtree that you cannot perform while CIFS is
running and users are connected to shares on that qtree:

1. You cannot change UNIX security style to mixed or NTFS

2. You cannot change NTFS or mixed security style to UNIX.
Note: Changing security styles is instant and no reboot is required.
To change volume vol0 to unix:
qtree security / unix

Note: Use the "/" to specify the root volume instead of /vol/vol0.
To change qtree test on volume vol0 to unix:
qtree security /vol/vol0/test/ unix

When trying to change security, you may receive an error indicating the qtree security cannot be
qtree security /vol/vol1/data ntfs
qtree: There are shares with connections on qtree /vol/vol1/data.
Its security style cannot be changed at this time.

There can be no clients connected to the share of the qtree to be changed. Use the cifs
sessions command to identify the connected clients. Then either have those clients disconnect,
or use the cifs terminate <clientname>.
Note: The UNIX and NTFS file permissions are not removed when the qtree security style is
changed. The file permissions will only change if their permissions are modified, otherwise they
will have their original security permissions.
For example, if NTFS qtree "home_dir" is changed to UNIX, the files in "home_dir" will retain
their NTFS permissions. If an individual file named "test" in qtree "home_dir" is later
modified by a UNIX user, assuming the UNIX user maps to a valid NTFS user that has the
proper NTFS permissions, then the permissions on file "test" will become UNIX style. All other
file permissions in qtree "home_dir" will remain NTFS style until their permissions are modified
by a UNIX user.
Warning: Be sure to fully understand how NTFS and UNIX permissions function before
changing the qtree security type. Also, be sure the desired NTFS user to UNIX user
mapping is established. See More Here.
Deleted snapshot does not release space in volume / aggregate

KB Doc ID 2011303 Version: 8.0 Published date: 06/22/2016 Views: 2068


Deleted snapshot does not release space in volume/aggregate

The space occupied by snapshots cannot be reclaimed after snapshots are deleted. The space is
still occupied even thought the snapshots have been deleted.

BUG 141224. The above issue might occur when the user deletes the snapshot and the space
available does not change. This might also occur when the snapshot report does not hold many
blocks but the df output shows a lot of space held by snapshot.
Another cause for the issue might be improper functioning of the volume scanner.

The snap delete processes are performed in the background, so you do not always see the space
reclaimed immediately. This is done, so that the delete and recalculation time does not slow
down system performance.
If you are relying on using the space freed up by deleting a snapshot, the fastest way to have the
storage system recalculate and finish deleting all snapshot information from the deleted snapshot
is to offline/online the volume. However, it is recommended to wait until the background
processes finish up the delete. The processes might take long when many snapshots are deleted
on a system at once.

What is the proper configuration for a

volume containing a LUN?
KB Doc ID 3014550 Version: 6.0 Published date: 02/25/2016 Views: 2554

Before estimating the necessary size of the volume, decide how to manage storage at the volume
level. In SAN environments, there are three methods to consider for managing the storage at the
volume level: Volume Autosize, Snapshot Autodelete and Fractional Reserve. The method you
select will help to determine the volume size. In Data ONTAP, by default, fractional reserve is set
to 100 percent, and Volume Autosize and Snapshot autodelete are disabled. However, in a SAN

environment, use the Snapshot Autodelete method, or the Volume Autosize method, which are
less complicated than using the Fractional Reserve method.

Volume Autosize: Volume Autosize allows you to automatically make more free space
available for autosizing a FlexVol, when that volume is nearly full by incrementally
increasing the volume size.

Snapshot Autodelete: Snapshot Autodelete allows you to automatically reclaim space

consumed by Snapshot copies when the volume is low in available space.

Fractional Reserve: Fractional Reserve is a volume setting that enables you to configure
how much space Data ONTAP reserves in the volume for overwrites in space-reserved
LUNs and files when Snapshot copies are created.

Volume Autosizing
Volume Autosize is useful if the volume's containing aggregate has enough space to support a
larger volume. Volume Autosize allows you to use the free space in the containing aggregate as a
pool of available space shared between all the volumes on the aggregate.
Volumes can be configured to automatically grow as needed, as long as the aggregate has free
space. When using the Volume Autosize method, you can increase the volume size incrementally
and set a maximum size for the volume. Monitor the space usage of both the aggregate and the
volumes within that aggregate to ensure volumes are not competing for available space.
Note: The autosize capability is disabled by default. Run the vol autosize command to enable,
configure and to view the current autosize settings for a volume.
Snapshot Autodelete
is a volume-level option that allows you to define a policy for
automatically deleting snapshot copies, based on a definable threshold.
Snapshot Autodelete

You can set the threshold, or trigger, to automatically delete snapshot copies when:

The volume is nearly full

The snap reserve space is nearly full

The overwrite reserved space is full

Fractional Reserve
When SIS is enabled on the volume, fractional reserve behaves as if a snapshot is always present.
Therefore, fractional reserve will be honored and the volume will appear to have less space
available. This can be problematic, as LUNs can potentially go offline if the volume fills up and

no overwrite space is available.

The amount of overwrite reserve can be seen using the '-r' option of the df command. This
reserve area is used only when Data ONTAP reports that the volume is full. Until the volume is
full, space for snapshot overwrites are taken from the volume, and only when the volume is
100% full will this reserved space be used. Data ONTAP can also use this reserve for caching.
For Example:
If you have a 1-TB volume with a 500-GB LUN and fractional reserve is set to 100%, after
writing 200 GB of data to the LUN, the volume now has 200 GB of space intended for overwrite
reserve. This space is only reserved to take a snapshot.
Run the following command for the Fractional reserve percentage:
Filer> vol options <volname> fractional_reserve <pct>

Thin Provisioned:
Best Practices:
When creating a LUN and a Volume container, it is highly recommended to take the proposed
size of the LUN and add 5GB, as a size for the containing volume. This rule of thumb is
recommended all the way up to 1TB for the size of a LUN. VMWare and SnapDrive already do
this automatically. This is to allow for buffering and metadata.
For intents to create a LUN greater than 1TB, make the containing volume 2-3% larger than the
LUN it will contain.
There are many ways to configure the NetApp storage appliance for LUN thin provisioning; each
has advantages and disadvantages. It should be noted that it is possible to have thinly provisioned
volumes and non-thinly provisioned volumes on the same storage system or even the same
aggregate. LUNs for critical production application might be configured without thin
provisioning while LUNs for other types of applications might be thinly provisioned. The
following are considered to be best practice configurations:
Volume Guarantee=None Configuration
guarantee = none
LUN reservation = enabled
fractional_reserve = 0%
snap_reserve = 0%
autodelete = volume / oldest_first
autosize = off
try_first = snap_delete

This configuration has the advantages that the free space in the aggregate is used as a shared pool
of free space. The disadvantages of this configuration is that there is a high level of dependency
between volumes and the level of thin provisioning cannot easily be tuned on an individual
volume basis. When using this configuration the total size of the volumes would be greater than
the actually storage available in the host aggregate. With this configuration the storage

administrator will generally size volume so that they only need to manage and monitor the used
space in the aggregate.
Autogrow/Autodelete Configuration
guarantee = volume
LUN reservation = disabled
fractional_reserve = 0%
snap_reserve = 0%
autodelete = volume / oldest_first
autosize = on
try_first = autogrow

This configuration has the advantage that it is possible, if desired, to finely tune the level of thin
provisioning for each application. With this configuration, the volume size defines or guarantees
an amount of space that is only available to LUNs within that volume. The aggregate provides a
shared storage pool of available space for all the volumes contained within it. If the LUNs or
snapshot copies require more space than available in the volume, the volumes will automatically
grow, taking more space from the containing aggregate.
The degree of thin provisioning is done on a per-volume level, allowing an administrator to, for
example, set the volume size to 95% of the cumulative LUN size for a more critical application
and to 80% for a less critical application. It is possible to tune how much of the shared available
space in the aggregate a particular application can consume by setting the maximum size to
which the volume is allowed to grow as explained in the description of the autogrow feature.
In cases where snapshots are also being used, the volume might also be configured larger than
the size of the LUNs contained within the volume. The advantage of having the LUN space
reservation disabled in that case is that snapshots can then use the space that is not needed by the
LUNs. The LUNs themselves are also not in danger of running out of space because the
autodelete feature will remove the snapshots consuming space. It should be noted that, currently,
snapshots used to create clones will not be deleted by autodeleted.
Thick Provisioned:
This is the default type. When you use thick provisioning, all of the space specified for the LUN
is allocated from the volume at the LUN creation time. Even though the volume fills up to 100%,
the LUN still has space allocated to it and will still be able to be written to.
Related Links:

TR-3483: Thin Provisioning in a NetApp SAN or IP SAN Enterprise Environment

Chapter 2: 'How 100 percent fractional reserve affects available space' of Block Access
Management Guide for FCP

Data ONTAP 8.1 Storage Efficiency Management Guide For 7-Mode

Data ONTAP 8.2 SAN Administration Guide For 7-Mode

2011424: Fractional reserve is being allocated even though no snapshots exist

1011922: How to show consumed LUN space

How does the volume language work with the

storage system?
KB Doc ID 3012005 Version: 9.0 Published date: 05/28/2015 Views: 20785

Every volume has a language. The storage system uses a character set appropriate to the
language. The language of a volume can be specified during volume creation or can be
modified later after creation. By default, the language of a volume is the same as that of the root
volume. In some cases, volume language is not required to be set. The following are the different
1. If the volume is used for NFS ( less than V4) only:
Do nothing ( but, it does matter when the files are created by Unicode clients)
2. If the volume is used for CIFS only or NFSv4 and later:
Volume language is not relevent for CIFS.For NFS set the language of the volume to the
language of its clients.
3. If the volume is used for both CIFS and NFS (less than V4)
Set the language of the volume to the locale used by NFS.
4. Activate these options immediately on volume creation by turning on create_ucode
and convert_ucode volume options.
vol options <volume_name> create_ucode on | off
vol options <volume_name> convert_ucode on | off

5. Downlevel legacy clients such as MSDOS, which do not support unicode, DO require the
volume language setting - this provides the OEM character set used by these clients.
For legacy clients, use the 'en' volume language setting which provides the normal NFS
character set and cp850 OEM character set which covers most European countries
including German, Spanish and French. Otherwise, use 'en_US' which provides the NFS
character set and the cp437 OEM character set. The differences between these two can be
found in the relevant cp850.h and cp437.h header files.

Best practices:

It is best if all volumes are of the same language. If a volume differs from the console
language, commands with path names might not work.

Do not change the language once it is set.

If the language must be changed, then do this before any file is created in the volume so
that all file names use the same language. Changing the language after files are created in
the volume can cause some NFS encodings to be invalid. The file names are then
unreadable and cannot be found, making the files inaccessible. The best way to change a
volume language is to create a new volume with the desired language set and use external
software to copy the data in to the new volume. This will make sure the client creates the
encodings as it expects and Data ONTAP will write it in a way to return exactly that to
the client.

To see the same file names from Windows and UNIX, only use characters that are legal
for both and are legal in the NFS character set.
For example, do not put a Japanese file name on a French volume.

Technically, there is no need to reboot after changing a volumes' language, since both the
on-disk and the in-memory translation tables have been changed to the new language. But
if error messages like Error starting OEM char set or Error starting NFS char
set are encountered, then a reboot is required, since the new in-memory tables could not
be built, perhaps due to insufficient memory. Besides, there is the risk of stale data in
memory if the system is not rebooted.

Changing the volume language after data has been written might have some effects if it falls into
any of the categories below:
1. If the volume contains only replicas of the Windows OSSV data, then there should be no
cause for concern.
2. If ALL of the following conditions prevail, then there is no workaround except reinitializing the SnapVault or qtree SnapMirror relationships when they fail:
a. The volume contains replica qtrees of non-unicode sources, that is,

Storage system qtrees which were not accessed by Common Internet File
System (CIFS) protocol and where the volume options create_ucode and
convert_ucode are both OFF

Non-Windows OSSV primary data

b. The volume has create_ucode turned on, and the secondary is not.

c. The primary data has non-ASCII filenames with multiple hardlinks in the same
directory (not same directory tree, but same directory)
For replica data not falling into either of the above categories:
NFS access on the secondary volume might be impaired (names might look odd, or you can only
see an NFS alternate name like: 8U10000) until a directory operation happens on the primary,
and a successful update operation completes.
To accelerate recovery in this case, rename each non-ASCII filename on the primary. Ideally, you
would rename each to another directory, and then rename it to its original position. Then
snapvault/snapmirror update correctly.
For NON-replica data:
1. If the volume's create_ucode and convert_ucode options are both OFF, and the NFS
data is accessed only using NFS (NEVER by CIFS), there will be no issues.
2. If either create_ucode or convert_ucode option is set on the volume, or if the NFS data
is accessed there could be some issues related to the NFS alternate name.
3. If you have files that have characters beyond 0x7f that are in non-Unicode directories you
will have issues in accessing them after the switch. If you are sure that those do not exist,
everything should be OK.
For files that are in Unicode directories that Unicode is definitive and the issue is that those
names are translated based on the character set you specify. So, if the client is configured to
accept UTF8 names, then everything should work.
Can I use an extended character set (i.e. Japanese) without changing the language on the
storage system?
If the volume's language is a UTF-8 language set (i.e. en_US.UTF-8), and the client is writing
filenames less than 255 bytes in length, the language does not need to change. If the filenames
are quite long - e.g. longer than 85 characters, and each of the characters translates into 3-bytes
of UTF-8, this will result in a filename larger than the allowed size and users would see the
NFS alternative name if they attempted to access the file from NFS. In the above case, changing
the language to a localized supported language (i.e. ja_v1) would allow 2 bytes per Japanese
character, making the above 85 character file name only 170 bytes instead of 255. In this case,
the administrator would still run into the file name limitation issue once you reach a file name of
128 characters.

How to migrate a SnapVault primary qtree to

a new volume

KB Doc ID 1010166 Version: 7.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 6012

How can I migrate a SnapVault relationship to a new source/primary volume?
How can I move my SnapVault relationships from a traditional volume to a FlexVol?

It is possible to move a SnapVault relationship from one volume to another on the primary
(source) filer. The new volume can have a different volume name or the same volume name can
be used (if migrating from traditional to FlexVols, for example). This article contains the
procedures to perform both types of migrations.

A SnapVault restore of the data is required, and thus the work should be scheduled during
a maintenance window.

The SnapVault restore will require a data transfer from the secondary filer to the primary

If the new volume will have a different volume name than the original:
1. Verify the existing relationship:
dst_filer> snapvault status
Snapvault secondary is ON.
src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1 dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 Snapvaulted 0
1:25:35 Idle

2. Disable all protocol (CIFS, NFS, iSCSI, etc) access to the primary volume. This will
prevent any data change on the primary volume's qtrees while performing the data
3. Perform a SnapVault update to ensure the secondary filer has the same data as the
primary filer:
dst_filer> snapvault update /vol/sv_dest/qtree1

4. Create the new FlexVol on the primary filer:

src_filer> vol create flex_source aggr0 30g
vol create flex_source sv_aggr 30g

Creation of volume 'flex_source' with size 30g on containing aggregate

'aggr0' has completed.

5. Perform a SnapVault restore from the secondary qtree to create the primary qtree on the
newly created FlexVol:
src_filer> snapvault restore -S dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1
Restore from dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 to /vol/flex_source/qtree1
Monitor progress with the 'snapvault status' command.
Abort the restore with ^C.
Data restored to /vol/flex_source/qtree1.
Made qtree /vol/flex_source/qtree1 writable.
Restore to /vol/flex_source/qtree1 completed successfully.

6. Verify the SnapVault status on the primary following the restore. It should show the
original relationship in a state of "Source" and a state of "Broken-off" for the relationship
from the restore:
src_filer> snapvault status
Snapvault primary is ON.
dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1 Brokenoff 01:36:39 Idle
src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1 dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1
01:40:10 Idle

7. Resync the SnapVault relationship for the new primary FlexVol on the secondary filer.
dst_filer> snapvault start -r -S src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1

The resync base snapshot will be: dst_filer(0020398170)_sv_dest-base.0

Resync may alter the data in this qtree.
Are you sure you want to resync the qtree? y
Snapvault configuration for the qtree has been set.
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.

8. Once the resync has completed, the SnapVault relationship will be from
src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1 to dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1. The SnapVault status on
the primary filer will show three relationships:
a. The SnapVault relationship for the SnapVault restore performed in Step 5.
b. The new SnapVault relationship to the primary FlexVol.
c. The original SnapVault relationship to the traditional volume.
src_filer> snapvault status
Snapvault primary is ON.





Broken-off 01:42:21 Idle


00:01:40 Idle


01:45:51 Idle

9. Confirm the SnapVault status on the secondary filer shows only the relationship for the
new primary FlexVol:
dst_filer> snapvault status
Snapvault secondary is ON.
src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1 dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 Snapvaul
ted 00:06:54 Idle

10. Remove the original SnapVault relationship from the primary filer:
src_filer> snapvault release /vol/source/qtree1

11. Clean-up the Broken-off relationship for the restore by deleting the base snapshot on the
primary filer for this relationship.
a. Determine the base snapshot's name by locating it in the output of a "snapvault
status -l". Be sure to look for the relationship where the State is "Broken-off".
src_filer> snapvault status /vol/flex_source/qtree1
Snapvault primary is ON.

Source: dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1
Destination: src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1
Status: Idle
Progress: State: Broken-off
Lag: 01:52:45
Mirror Timestamp: Sun Oct 15 18:59:31 GMT 2006
Base Snapshot: src_filer(0022579971)_flex_source_qtree1-dst.2
Current Transfer Type: Current Transfer Error: Contents: Last Transfer Type: Initialize
Last Transfer Size: 48 KB
Last Transfer Duration: 00:00:01
Last Transfer From: dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1

b. Delete the base snapshot from the primary FlexVol.

src_filer> snap delete flex_source


12. Confirm the primary filer only shows the SnapVault relationship for the new FlexVol:
src_filer> snapvault status

Snapvault primary is ON.

Source Destination State Lag Status
src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1 dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 Source 0
0:01:40 Idle

13. Change the SnapVault snap schedule on the primary filer to use the new FlexVol name
and stop snapshots on the old SnapVault primary volume.
a. Add the schedule for the new source FlexVol:

src_filer> snapvault snap sched flex_source sv_daily 3@mon-fri

src_filer> snapvault snap sched flex_source sv_hourly 4@2,8,14
src_filer> snapvault snap sched flex_source sv_weekly 5@23

b. Remove the schedule for the old source volume:

src_filer> snapvault snap unsched source
Listing matching snapshot schedules ...
create source sv_daily 3@mon-fri
create source sv_hourly 3@2,8,14
create source sv_weekly 5@23
Unconfigure these snapshot schedules? y

14. Verify a manual successful SnapVault update from the secondary filer:
dst_filer> snapvault update /vol/sv_dest/qtree1

15. Re-enable protocols (CIFS, NFS, iSCSI, etc) on the primary filer.
If the new volume will have the same volume name as the original:
1. Verify the existing relationship:

dst_filer> snapvault status

Snapvault secondary is ON.
src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1 dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 Snapvaulted 0
1:25:35 Idle

2. Disable all protocol (CIFS, NFS, iSCSI, etc) access to the primary volume. This will
prevent any data change on the primary volume's qtrees while performing the data
3. Perform a SnapVault update to ensure the secondary filer has the same data as the
primary filer:
dst_filer> snapvault update /vol/sv_dest/qtree1

4. Rename the existing primary volume:

src_filer> vol rename source old_source

5. Create the new flexvol on the primary filer:

src_filer> vol create source aggr0 30g

vol create source sv_aggr 30g

Creation of volume 'source' with size 30g on containing aggregate
'aggr0' has completed.

6. Perform a SnapVault restore from the secondary qtree to create the primary qtree on the
newly created flexvol:
src_filer> snapvault restore -S dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1
Restore from dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 to /vol/source/qtree1
Monitor progress with the 'snapvault status' command.
Abort the restore with ^C.
Data restored to /vol/flex_source/qtree1.
Made qtree /vol/source/qtree1 writable.
Restore to /vol/source/qtree1 completed successfully.

7. Verify the SnapVault status on the primary following the restore. It should show the
relationship in a state of "Broken-off" for the relationship from the restore.
src_filer> snapvault status
Snapvault primary is ON.
dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1 Broken-off 01
:36:39 Idle

8. Resync the SnapVault relationship for the new primary FlexVol on the secondary filer.
dst_filer> snapvault start -r -S src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1

The resync base snapshot will be: dst_filer(0020398170)_sv_dest-base.0

Resync may alter the data in this qtree.
Are you sure you want to resync the qtree? y
Snapvault configuration for the qtree has been set.
Transfer started.
Monitor progress with 'snapvault status' or the snapmirror log.

9. Once the resync has completed, the SnapVault relationship will be from
src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1 to dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1. The SnapVault status on the
primary filer will show two relationships:
a. The snapvault relationship for the snapvault restore performed in Step 5.
b. The new snapvault relationship to the primary vol.
src_filer> snapvault status
Snapvault primary is ON.
dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1 Br
oken-off 01:42:21 Idle

Source 00: 01:40


10. Confirm the SnapVault status on the secondary filer shows only the relationship for the
new primary FlexVol:
dst_filer> snapvault status
Snapvault secondary is ON.
src_filer:/vol/flex_source/qtree1 dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 Snapvaul
ted 00:06:54 Idle

11. Clean-up the Broken-off relationship for the restore by deleting the base snapshot on the
primary filer for this relationship.
a. Determine the base snapshot's name by locating it in the output of a "snapvault
status -l". Be sure to look for the relationship where the State is "Broken-off":
src_filer> snapvault status /vol/flex_source/qtree1
Snapvault primary is ON.

Source: dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1
Destination: src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1
Status: Idle
Progress: State: Broken-off
Lag: 01:52:45
Mirror Timestamp: Sun Oct 15 18:59:31 GMT 2006
Base Snapshot: src_filer(0022579971)_flex_source_qtree1-dst.2
Current Transfer Type: Current Transfer Error: Contents: Last Transfer Type: Initialize
Last Transfer Size: 48 KB
Last Transfer Duration: 00:00:01
Last Transfer From: dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1

b. Delete the base snapshot from the primary FlexVol:

src_filer> snap delete source src_filer(0022579971)_source_qtree1dst.2

12. Confirm the primary filer only shows the SnapVault relationship for the new FlexVol:
src_filer> snapvault status

Snapvault primary is ON.

src_filer:/vol/source/qtree1 dst_filer:/vol/sv_dest/qtree1 Source 00:01:
40 Idle

13. Since no changes were made to the volume name, the SnapVault snap sched does not
need to be updated.

14. Verify a manual successful snapvault update from the secondary filer:
dst_filer> snapvault update /vol/sv_dest/qtree1

15. Re-enable protocols (CIFS, NFS, iSCSI, etc) on the primary filer.

How to copy LUNs between filers and

volumes within Data ONTAP
KB Doc ID 1011238 Version: 9.0 Published date: 09/06/2016 Views: 10928

LUNs can be copied from one volume to another within Data ONTAP using ndmpcopy, dump
and restore, SnapMirror and Volume Copy. These tools are designed to handle the necessary
metadata which describes the LUN to Data ONTAP. LUNs must never be copied via NAS
protocols such as CIFS and NFS.

Ndmpcopy, dump and restore can be used to copy a LUN from one volume to another volume
that is located on the same or a different filer. These tools can also be used to copy a LUN from
a traditional volume to a FlexVol or to copy a LUN from within a snapshot. Additional tools such
as SnapMirror and Volume Copy can also be used to copy LUNs with the limitations described
Ndmpcopy utilizes dump and restore to perform the work of reading in the original LUN and
writing a copy to the destination, respectively. Before copying a LUN with ndmpcopy or dump,
it is important to create a consistent snapshot of the LUN or otherwise disconnect the host from
the LUN cleanly. This will allow all host data to be written or flushed to the LUN.
LUNs may only exist in the root of a volume or qtree. Copying a LUN to a subdirectory will
prevent Data ONTAP from recognizing the LUN and it will not appear in the output of 'lun
LUNs do not need to be copied under the following circumstances:

If the LUN is being moved within the same volume or if it is being renamed. To move or
rename a LUN, the command 'lun move' should be used. e.g. lun move <lun_path>
<to_lun_path> - rename a LUN. Both paths must be in the same volume.

If the LUN is to be copied from a snapshot on the same volume. To copy a LUN from a
snapshot use the command 'lun clone'.

Using ndmpcopy
> ndmpcopy source_filer:/vol/my_data_luns/lun0

Note: If you run into issues with inode warnings or internal errors, you might need to use the -f
switch, as it tells Data ONTAP you are transferring system files.
> ndmpcopy -f /vol/<volume>/<lun> /vol/<volume>

In this example, the full path of the LUN is specified for the source filer and only the destination
volume is specified on the destination filer. The destination location must be the volume or qtree
that the LUN will be restored to. If the volume does not exist, then the ndmpcopy will place the
LUN into a subdirectory of the filer's root volume.
The filers specified in the 'ndmpcopy' command can be the same filer or different filers, and the
volumes can either both be traditional volumes or FlexVols or a combination of traditional
volumes and FlexVols. Once the LUN is copied successfully, it will appear in the output of 'lun
show' on the destination filer.
For situations where the use of a network is not available for ndmpcopy, LUNs can be copied
between filers using the 'dump' and 'restore' commands.
Using dump and restore
The 'dump' and 'restore' commands can be used to facilitate copying a LUN from one filer to
another. In this two step process, dump will be used to write the LUN to a regular file as a dump
image. Of course dump can be used to write to tape, however this procedure will assume that a
regular file is being used; otherwise the procedure is the same. The dump image can then be
copied and transported to the destination filer where it will be recovered using the restore
1. Use the 'dump' command to backup the LUN to a regular file:
> dump 0f /vol/somevol/backup_lun.dump /vol/data_luns/lun0

Or from a consistent snapshot copy:

> dump 0f /vol/somevol/backup_lun.dump


These commands will write the backup data to a regular file, in this example called
"/vol/somevol/backup_lun.dump". This file can be copied from the filer via NFS or CIFS
protocols, and then transported and copied onto the destination filer.
2. Use the 'restore' command to recover the LUN from the dump file.
Restore the full dump archive to the desired volume:

> restore rfD /vol/somevol/backup_lun.dump /vol/restore_location_for_lun

Or restore the specified LUN, lun0, from the dump archive to the desired volume:

> restore xfD /vol/somevol/backup_lun.dump /vol/restore_location_for_lun


These commands will restore the LUN file from the dump archive file to the desired location.
The first command restores the entire archive, which may be useful if the archive contains
multiple LUNs. The second command restores on the specified LUN, lun0, to the desired
location. Notice that the restore location, like the ndmpcopy destination, must be the root of a
volume or qtree.
Using SnapMirror
SnapMirror can be used to mirror entire volumes or qtrees. The mirrored volume or qtree will
contain an exact replica copy of the LUN from the original location. SnapMirror may only mirror
volumes of the same type. For example, FlexVols may only be mirrored to other FlexVols.
SnapMirror can also mirror Qtrees without a limitation on the volume type. Please refer to the
Data ONTAP Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide for documentation on using
SnapMirror and for a complete list of limitations.
Using Volume Copy
Volume copy is useful for copying an entire volume within a single filer or to another filer. The
copied volume will contain exact copies of any LUNs contained within. Volume Copy may only
copy volumes of the same type. For example, FlexVols may only be copied to other FlexVols.
Please refer to the Data ONTAP Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide for
documentation on using Volume Copy and for a complete list of limitations.

Why is the reported iSCSI LUN latency
higher than the volume latency?
KB Doc ID 3014134 Version: 4.0 Published date: 08/06/2015 Views: 3461

It is often observed that the latency measured for iSCSI (and FCP) is significantly higher than
that for the underlying volume, and the operation count at the volume level is higher than that
measured on the contained LUNs.
For example: With a client having 256KB reads measuring latency and operation count for the
volume and its contained LUN:

fas01*> stats show -r -n 1 -i 5 volume:demo2:read_latency

volume:demo2:read_ops lun:/vol/demo2/lun2-BLH0G?BQgK/T:avg_read_latency
lun:/vol/demo2/lun2-BLH0G?BQgK/T:read_ops:20/sHere LUN latency = 45ms while
volume latency = 10ms.

There are two main reasons for this:

1. Volume operations are limited to 64KB.
o Client operations larger than 64KB, which will be broken up into multiple volume
operations, executed serially.
o Operation count for the volume will be correspondingly higher.
o Expect blockLatency ~= volumeLatency * ROUNDUP(OperationSize / 64KB)
2. Data transfers for a single operation might require multiple SCSI PDUs (Protocol Data
o Each iSCSI session or FCP login will negotiate settings for the session, specifying
the amount of data that can be sent in a PDU, the size of subsequent data transfers
for the request, the number of concurrent data transfers for a request, and so on.
o For Example: iSCSI session parameters (edited to include relevant information):
fas01*> iscsi session show -v
Session 5
Session Parameters

o Initiator MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=65536
Target MaxRecvDataSegmentLength=65536
o 7-Mode iSCSI will always limit the burst and segment length to 64KB. This
might be further reduced by the initiator/client configuration.
o iSCSI Latency is measured from when the first PDU of the command is fully
received, until the time the last PDU of the response is sent to the output queue.

o If the data path between the client and storage is slow (for example, due to
congestion, low bandwidth elements, packet loss, and so on), then this latency
will be reflected in the latency of larger (typically > 64KB) operations.
o LUN Latency ~= VolumeLatency * ROUNDUP(OperationSize / 64KB) +
NetworkRoundTripTime * (ROUNDUP(OperationSize / SegmentLength) - 1*)\
In the example below, a Linux iSCSI client is used with network latency artificially added by
running the following command:
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 100ms

Initial test with 64KB read operations (host measured latency = 103ms, controller lun latency ==
volume latency ~ 0.06ms):
fas01*> stats show -r -n 1 -i 5 volume:demo2:read_latency
volume:demo2:read_ops lun:/vol/demo2/lun2-BLH0G?BQgK/T:avg_read_latency

Test with 128KB read operations (host measured latency = 205ms, controller LUN latency of
101ms includes 1 network round trip):
fas01*> stats show -r -n 1 -i 5 volume:demo2:read_latency
volume:demo2:read_ops lun:/vol/demo2/lun2-BLH0G?BQgK/T:avg_read_latency

Test with 256KB read operations (host measured latency = 408ms, controller LUN latency of
302ms includes 3 network round trips):
fas01*> stats show -r -n 1 -i 5 volume:demo2:read_latency
volume:demo2:read_ops lun:/vol/demo2/lun2-BLH0G?BQgK/T:avg_read_latency

Most environments will include a mixture of operation sizes, and the effect of external latency
will vary depending on the mixture.
A good test to see if there are external factors impacting latency is to calculate the operation time
(latency * ops) at the volume and LUN level. If the LUN operation time is significantly higher

than the volume operation time and there are operations > 64KB, then it is likely that external
client or network factors are impacting performance.
Another example is 1 MB FCP operation is segmented into 16 volume operations. So the latency
for 1MB FCP operations include 16 volume operations.
The above explanation concludes that often iSCSI and FCP operations to the LUN are split into
multiple volume operations.
A-SIS Deduplication shows no changes in space saved on volume

KB Doc ID 2012239 Version: 7.0 Published date: 06/15/2016 Views: 1418


Starting A-SIS service on storage system volumes for the first time and issuing a df does not
show any changes. It is the same size as before A-SIS was started on the volume. No space is
shown as saved.
df -h volname
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/volname/ 4053GB 3970GB 83GB 98% /vol/volname/
/vol/volname/.snapshot 0MB 2033GB 0MB ---% /vol/volname/.snapshot


When A-SIS service is started for the first time on a volume, there might be little or no change in
the volume size. This can occur if there are snapshots created before starting the service.

When the snapshots begin to rollover and delete, there might be some space change noticed.
Once the last snapshot before starting the A-SIS service is deleted, users should notice a
significant amount of space change.
How does user authentication work on a mixed qtree or volume?

KB Doc ID 3012208 Version: 6.0 Published date: 06/29/2014 Views: 2107


In a mixed security qtree or volume each individual file and directory can have either Windows
permissions or UNIX permissions, not both.
In a mixed security qtree, the style of permissions on a file or directory depends upon which
host, UNIX or Windows, last changed permissions. If a user accesses a file that has a different
security style, then the user must map to a user that has the appropriate security style.
For details on mapping users between Windows and UNIX, see the Security Troubleshooter.
Also, see the wcc man page.
To determine if Windows or UNIX permissions are on a particular file or directory, use
SecureShare Access.
How does WAFL and striping distribute data among disks?

KB Doc ID 3011896 Version: 10.0 Published date: 06/22/2014 Views: 2793


Low performance striping

Typically an administrator would add additional disk space before the file system gets full. Over
a period of time as files are deleted, the stripes will balance out. On a full file system, it is
desirable to add multiple drives (as opposed to a single drive) to keep some striping. Also, it is
possible to do a level 0 dump/restore onto a new file system.
Distributing data among disk drives:
Write Anywhere File Layout (WAFL) sweeps through the disk drives and writes to all empty
locations. On the first sweep after a new disk drive has been added, the new disk drive will get
more writes than the rest. But the data is spread evenly to the disks precisely because so much
more gets written to the new one on the first sweep. Because so much data is going to it, it will
not stay empty for long. As new WAFL sweeps occur, the basic effect is for data to migrate until
all the disk drives are equally full.
For example, you start with five completely full 1GB drives. That is 4.5 GB of data when you
subtract out the 10% reserve. With 5 drives, that is 4.5/5 = 0.9 GB per disk. As you add
additional drives, this number will become low. For instance, with 6 drives that is 4.5/6 = 0.75
GB per drive.

In the example above, data will be 100% balanced when the new drive has 0.75 GB of data which means you need to change 0.75 GB of data that is currently on the old drive and reallocate
it on the new drive before data distribution is balanced.
Note: The more disk drives you have, the smaller percentage of the data will need to be moved
to get the data to a balanced state.
You might have an archival system where no old data is ever deleted. In these instances, the
distribution would not even out much, but such a system is predominantly a read, so the write
performance is not much of an issue. Data distribution can be balanced while doing a full dump/
restore by copying the data around. When a file is copied and the original file is deleted, WAFL
is given a chance to even out the data distribution as it does the write allocation.
Description of write allocation:
The write allocation in the WAFL code keeps a Current Write Location (CWL) pointer for each
disk that indicates where the next write will occur. The CWL for each disk starts at the beginning
of the disks and advances to the end, filling in every unallocated slot. WAFL selects which disk
to use based on which CWL is behind the others, so the CWLs for all the disks are closed, which
is why the parity disk does not have to seek. It is possible for one CWL to get ahead of the others
because WAFL writes successive blocks of a single file onto a single disk.
The end result is that during the first few passes through all the disks, the new disk will have a
lot of data written to it because it is completely empty. As the old data is removed and new data
is written, the data evens out among the disk drives.
While WAFL attempts to evenly lay out the written data, it may be necessary over time to force a
reallocation of the data. The storage administrator should reference the System Administration
Guide for their specific release of Data ONTAP regarding instructions and caveats to consider
when running this command.
Is it better to create another volume or expand an existing volume?

KB Doc ID 3010460 Version: 4.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 677


A new volume will perform better initially that just adding disk and expanding a current
volume .Eventually, a large volume will perform better because it can usually take advantage of
all the spindles, but the data will get spread out over all the drives over time. For a better
explanation, see 3011896: How does Write Anywhere File Layout and striping distribute data
among disks?

Discrepancies between aggregate and volume

when using the df command
KB Doc ID 2010570 Version: 6.0 Published date: 06/22/2016 Views: 2498

Output of df -A and df shows difference between the amount of space used on the aggregate and
the actual size of the volume in the kbytes column of the df command

Space guarantee is disabled.

If all of the volumes in that aggregate are space guaranteed, the used column of the df -A for the
aggregate will reflect the total of the kbytes column of the df output. If some (or all) of the
volumes on that aggregate are not space guaranteed, follow these rules:
Type vol status to determine if the volume is space guaranteed or not.

For the guaranteed volumes, add the space for the volume and .snapshots in the kbytes
column from the output of the df command.

For the non-guaranteed volumes, add the space for the volume and .snapshots in the used
column. This number should be roughly the same as the used column for the aggregate in
the df -A output.

vol status output

===== VOL-STATUS =====
Volume State Status Options
vol4 online raid_dp, flex nosnap=off, nosnapdir=off,

Containing aggregate: 'aggr0'

Space guaranteed

Plex /aggr0/plex0: online, normal, active

RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0: normal
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg1: normal
vol1 online raid_dp, flex nosnap=off, nosnapdir=off,
snapmirrored minra=off,
nvfail=off, snapmirrored=on,
** Space guaranteed ** guarantee=volume(disabled),
Containing aggregate: 'aggr0'
Plex /aggr0/plex0: online, normal, active
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0: normal
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg1: normal
DF -A output
===== DF-A =====
kbytes used avail capacity
aggr0 1428417888 483107712 945310176 34%
aggr0/.snapshot 75179888 10494532 64685356 14%
DF output
===== DF =====
Filesystem kbytes used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/vol4/ 92274688 59826724 32447964 65% /vol/vol4/
/vol/vol4/.snapshot 23068672 11566736 11501936 50% /vol/vol4/.snapshot
/vol/vol1/ 356515840 297432176 59083664 83% /vol/vol1/
/vol/vol1/.snapshot 62914560 37531776 25382784 60% /vol/vol1/.snapshot
/vol/vol2/ 46137344 22167932 23969412 48% /vol/vol2/
/vol/vol2/.snapshot 11534336 2918424 8615912 25% /vol/vol2/.snapshot
/vol/vol0/ 4194304 1267368 2926936 30% /vol/vol0/
/vol/vol0/.snapshot 1048576 595536 453040 57% /vol/vol0/.snapshot
/vol/vol0_lon/ 4194304 599800 3594504 14% /vol/vol0_lon/
/vol/vol0_lon/.snapshot 1048576 144076 904500 14% /vol/vol0_lon/.snapshot

92274688 + 23068672 = 115343360
From kbytes
297432176 + 37531776 = 334963952
From used column
22167932 + 2918424 = 25086356
From used column
4194304 + 1048576 = 5242880
From kbytes column
vol0_lon 599800 + 144076 = 743876
From used column
483107712 aggr0 used

The difference is caused by rounding of the values for each df -A and df output.
Note: A volume containing a space reserved LUN will show the full size of the LUN in df, under
used space, whereas df -a and aggr show_space displays only the blocks which have been
written to in the used column.
For example, LUN1.lun in volume /vol/lun/ is a 100GB space reserved LUN, with 10 GB
written data. df will show that the volume has 100GB used space (due to space reservation), but
df-a and aggr show_space will show 10GB used (as calculation is base on number of 4K
blocks which have been written).
Related Links:

How to reduce the number of data disks in an

Aggregate / Volume / RAID group
KB Doc ID 1011026 Version: 6.0 Published date: 06/23/2014 Views: 5996

Remove disks from a volume
Can a volume be shrunk?
Reduce the number of data disks to increase number of hot spares
Reduce the RAID group size
Decrease the size of a volume
How do I shrink an aggregate?
How do I delete a RAID group from a volume/aggregate that has multiple RAID groups?

An aggregate or traditional volume is comprised of one or more RAID groups. A RAID group
consists of one or more data disks, across which client data is striped and stored, plus one or two
parity disks.

When Data ONTAP's WAFL file system writes data to an aggregate/volume, the data is striped
across the data disks in the RAID group(s) and parity is calculated and written to the parity
disks. This allows for increased performance as all available disk spindles in the
aggregate/volume's RAID group(s) are used. If a disk was to be removed from a RAID group,
the data on that disk would be missing from the aggregate/volume.
For disk failures, the missing disk is reconstructed using parity. Data ONTAP will always
attempt to reconstruct data on failed/missing drives on a spare drive assuming the RAID group
contains sufficient disks to allow for reconstruction. RAID4 groups can lose 1 disk; RAID-DP
groups can lose up to 2 disks.
Since Data ONTAP uses all of the disks in a RAID group, the only way in which an
aggregate/traditional volume can be shrunk is by changing the RAID type from RAID-DP to
RAID4. This will cause the second parity drive to be returned to the Spares Pool.
NetApp's Storage Best Practices recommend using RAID-DP for better data
protection. Therefore, it is not advisable to convert volumes to RAID4.
Consult the NetApp System Configuration Guide before converting a volume to RAID4 to
ensure that the maximum aggregate size is not exceeded.
Note that FlexVols do not contain the same restriction. FlexVols can be shrunk providing the
new FlexVol size is equal to or greater than the amount of storage space used in the FlexVol. The
"vol size" command is used to change the size of the FlexVol. Refer to the
Data ONTAP Man pages for more information regarding using this command.
If the RAID group needs to be reduced by more than one drive or it is not possible to convert the
RAID group to RAID4, the only way to remove the disks is to create a new aggregate of the
desired size and migrate the data to this aggregate. The aggr and vol commands are used to
create and destroy volumes and aggregates.
The following methods can be used to migrate data to the new properly-sized aggregate and
associated FlexVols. These methods assume the filer has sufficient disks to create a new
aggregate of the proper size. Although these methods require downtime, the downtime can be
minimized by using incremental updates to replicate changed data at the time of the cutover to
the new aggregate/volume.

o The ndmpcopy command can be used to migrate data at a file level. This method
is restricted to one level 1 and one level 2 incremental backup following the level
0 baseline transfer.

o Once the data is transferred to the new volume, the original volume can be
destroyed and the new volume renamed to the original name.
o Example:

Ndmpcopy filer1's vol1 to temp_vol1.

Destroy vol1.

Rename temp_vol1 to vol1.

o Downtime is only needed during the final incremental backup.

o Qtree SnapMirror can be used to migrate data between qtrees on the original
FlexVol and the newly built FlexVol. The source and destination volumes can be
different sizes.
o Volume SnapMirror can migrate data at the FlexVol level, but the destination
volume must be equal to or larger than the source volume.
o SnapMirror allows for unlimited incremental updates providing the relationship is
not broken-off.
o Once the data is transferred to the new volume, break the SnapMirror, destroy the
original volume, and rename the new volume to the original name.
o Example:

SnapMirror filer1??s vol1 to temp_vol1.

Break the SnapMirror.

Destroy vol1.

Rename temp_vol1 to vol1.

o Downtime is only needed during the final incremental backup.

If the filer does not have sufficient disks to create a new aggregate, the following methods can be
used. These methods will require downtime during the work.

ndmpcopy/SnapMirror using a secondary filer:

1. Create the new aggregate on another filer.
2. Migrate the data using SnapMirror or ndmpcopy.
3. Once the baseline copy to the secondary filer completes, turn off all protocol
access to the original volume.
4. Perform a final incremental update from the original volume to the secondary
5. Break the SnapMirror (if applicable)
6. Destroy the original aggregate.
7. Create the new, properly-sized aggregate on the original filer. Note that the disks
from the old aggregate will need to zero before the new aggregate creation will
8. Move the data from the secondary system back to the original filer.
9. Once the data migration completes, break the SnapMirror (if applicable) and
reinstate protocol access.

Backup the data to tape and then destroy the original volume.
1. Make a full tape backup of the volume.
2. Verify the backup and test a restore.
3. Disable protocol access to the volume/aggregate.
4. Destroy the volume/aggregate and recreate it with the desired number of disks.
Note that the disks will need to zero before the new aggregate creation can
5. Restore the backup to the new volume.
6. Re-enable protocol access to the new volume.

What are the space requirements for LUNs

with volumes that have 100% fractional
KB Doc ID 3011856 Version: 8.0 Published date: 02/25/2016 Views: 7764

All of the space disappeared on a LUN-containing volume after the first snapshot. The space
required for a LUN containing volume with 100% fractional reserve follows the 2x LUN + delta
rule. The 2x LUN + delta rule specifies the requirement (for volumes with fractional_reserve at
100) for the lun containing volume to have up to an extra 100 percent of the space available to
the mapped host that the host would expect to see available for writes on that lun , + room for the
snapshot rate of change. The typical windows host would expect to be able to write to almost
100% of its available lun at all times if the lun is used in active production as opposed to archive.
When portions of the space on the lun provisioned to the host referenced in the above sentence
get marked as read only, that space must still be provided to the host for random metadata writes,
hence the growth of used fractional reserve that can go UP to 100%.
For example, if a 5Gig LUN has 2Gig written to it when the snapshot is initially taken, the used
space in the containing volume will show as 7Gig. This is caused by a reserve of 2Gig held for
OS overwriting on the snapshot lock of those 2Gig blocks. If a 1Gig change occurs after the last
snapshot was taken on the LUN but used space stays the same, 3gig will now be reserved and
used space shows as 8Gig. In summary, the system will continually compensate to ensure that
the OS will have perceived writability to the full 5Gig when writing to the LUN. This will even
occur when used space equals 4.9Gig according to the host OS. The host OS with one snapshot
and no change, would show used space at 9.9 gigs. With 1Gig of change and another base
snapshot, 10.9Gig would show as used.
If 3Gig of change continually occurs on a 5Gig LUN ( 4.9 gigs used on the OS level) over the
course of a snapshot's lifetime, then minimum advisable space would be 10Gig + 3Gig = 13 Gig.
This can be tested with the following process:
1. Created a volume with snap reserve of 0.
2. Create a LUN and right click on it in My Computer to get it's size.
3. Convert the LUN's size as well as the used and free space to KB.

4. Place a specific amount of data on the LUN and convert it to KB.

5. Run df /vol/<volname> to see what is expected in utilization.
6. Take a snapshot and immediately run df /vol/<volname> again. Although the snapshot
takes up no space, the used space on the volume will have increased by the amount that
was placed on the LUN.
7. Change the data on the LUN. Actual change as opposed to deletes will be necessary so
that original block pointers are left behind.
8. Run df /vol/<volname>. The LUN + the overwrite reserve + the amount of space used by
the changed snapshots will be visible.
9. Take a new snapshot and Run df /vol/<volname> again. Now the LUN + the overwrite
reserve + the amount of space used by .snapshot will appear as used space.
10. When a full schedule of snapshots has cycled through, run the snap delta command to get
a good idea of how much extra space is needed on the volume, specifically:
o 100% extra if the lun exists
o beyond the 200% of the expected size of the lun in freespace if it has yet to be

Remember that snapinfo directories fill up with file data quickly. They will also change quickly
depending on the number of online backups required. Therefore the delta may be higher than
expected for the containing LUN.
Also, fractional reserve can be tweaked to a lower amount, but in the event of host overwrites
meeting read-read only blocks, LUNs can be abruptly taken offline.
For more information, see the chapter entitled "Understanding space reservation for volumes and
LUNs" in the Block Access Admin Guide for the appropriate release of Data ONTAP, or
see Thin Provisioning in a NetApp SAN or IP SAN Enterprise Environment.
Related links:

How 100 percent fractional reserve affects available space

How fractional reserve works

What are the best practices for adding disks

to an existing aggregate or traditional
KB Doc ID 3011682 Version: 7.0 Published date: 06/26/2015 Views: 17763

When determining how many disks to add to an existing aggregate or traditional volume
(TradVol), the following must be considered:

The number of disks currently in the aggregate/TradVol

The size of the RAID group(s)

The current amount of space used in the aggregate/TradVol

In an aggregate, space used will show the space guarantees of the associated FlexVols,
not just the actual usage by stored data.

When disks are added to an existing aggregate/TradVol, the storage system will attempt to keep
the amount of data stored on each disk about equal.
For example, if you have four 20GB data disks in a TradVol/aggregate containing 60 GB of data,
each disk will hold approximately 15 GB. The total space in the volume is 80 GB. The used
space is 60GB. Each data disk contains 15GB of data.
When you add a new disk to that aggregate/TradVol, the storage system will write new data to
this disk until it matches the pre-existing disks, which contain 15 GB each.
In the previous example, after adding one 20GB disk to the aggregate/TradVol, the total size will
be 100GB. The used space is still 60GB. The original three disks contain 15GB used space each.
The newly added disk has 0GB used. Writes to the aggregate/TradVol will go to the newly added
disk until its used space reaches 15GB. Once all four data disks have 15GB used, then the data
will be striped across all four disks.
For best performance, it is advisable to add a new RAID group of equal size to existing RAID
groups. If a new RAID group cannot be added, then at minimum, three or more disks should be
added at the same time to an existing RAID group. This allows the storage system to write new
data across multiple disks.

For example, if you have four 20GB data disks in an aggregate/TradVol containing 60 GB of
data, each disk will hold approximately 15 GB. The total space in the volume is 80 GB. The used
space is 60GB. Each data disk contains 15GB of data.
When three new disks are added, the total space in the aggregate/TradVol is 420GB. The used
space is 60GB. The original three disks contain 15GB each of data. The three new disks contain
0GB of data. When new data is written to the aggregate/TradVol, it will be striped evenly across
the three new disks until each disk contains 15GB of data. Once that occurs, new data will be
striped evenly across all six data disks.
By adding a minimum of three disks at a time to an aggregate/TradVol, the throughput to disk is
increased by providing more disks to write to at a given time.
See the example below: In clustered Data ONTAP enter 'node run -node <node name>' to go
to the node shell and these commands will work.

Prior to adding disks to the aggregate:

fas3220-filer1> aggr status -r
Aggregate aggr0 (online, raid_dp) (advanced_zoned checksums)
Plex /aggr0/plex0 (online, normal, active)
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0 (scrubbing 54% completed,
advanced_zoned checksums)

RAID Disk Device

RPM Used (MB/blks)
Phys (MB/blks)
--------- ------------------ ---- ---- -----------------------------dparity
7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168
7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168
7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168

Spare disks
Type RPM Used (MB/blks)
Phys (MB/blks)
-------------------------- ---- ---- -------- --------------------------Spare disks for zoned and advanced_zoned checksum
MSATA 7200 2855865/5848812032 2861588/5860533168
MSATA 7200 2855865/5848812032 2861588/5860533168


7200 2855865/5848812032 2861588/5860533168
7200 2855865/5848812032 2861588/5860533168

Add three disks:

fas3220-filer1> aggr add aggr0 3
Mon Nov 5 01:49:08 EST [fas3220filer1:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk
/aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.01.5L1 Shelf 1 Bay 5 [NETAPP
X478_HMARK03TSDB NA02] S/N [YHJ49R2A] to aggregate aggr0 has
completed successfully
Mon Nov 5 01:49:08 EST [fas3220filer1:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk
/aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.01.4L1 Shelf 1 Bay 4 [NETAPP
X478_HMARK03TSDB NA02] S/N [YHJ4GWSA] to aggregate aggr0 has
completed successfully
Mon Nov 5 01:49:08 EST [fas3220filer1:raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk
/aggr0/plex0/rg0/0b.01.3L1 Shelf 1 Bay 3 [NETAPP
X478_HMARK03TSDB NA02] S/N [YHJ4A4TA] to aggregate aggr0 has
completed successfully
Addition of 3 disks to the aggregate has completed.

After adding the disks:

fas3220-filer1> aggr status -r
Aggregate aggr0 (online, raid_dp) (advanced_zoned checksums)
Plex /aggr0/plex0 (online, normal, active)
RAID group /aggr0/plex0/rg0 (scrubbing 55% completed,
advanced_zoned checksums)

RAID Disk Device

RPM Used (MB/blks)
Phys (MB/blks)
--------- ------------------ ---- ---- -----------------------------dparity
7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168
7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168
7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168
7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168


7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168

MSATA 7200 2811241/5757423488 2861588/5860533168

Spare disks
Type RPM Used (MB/blks)
Phys (MB/blks)
-------------------------- ---- ---- -------- --------------------------Spare disks for zoned and advanced_zoned checksum
MSATA 7200 2855865/5848812032 2861588/5860533168
Additionally, for storage systems running Data ONTAP 7.0 and later, the reallocate command
can be run following the addition of disks. Reallocate will optimize the layout of data on the
volume. If the aggregate contains FlexVol volumes with snapshot copies, then a traditional
reallocation should be avoided, as it will require additional space to maintain the Snapshot
For additional information, refer the following:

1010545: How to add disks to a volume

1010989: How to add larger capacity disks to a RAID group that contains smaller
capacity disks

1011029: How to add more disks to an ONTAP simulator

How to check the reserved space of a volume and display snapshot statistics

KB Doc ID 1010319 Version: 7.0 Published date: 04/27/2015 Views: 2795


Snapshot creation fails.

Space reservation is turned ON for the volume.
Display snapshot statistics.

Using the df command to provide information about snapshot disk utilization.

With space reservation turned ON, any new snapshot creation will fail if there is not enough free

The df command can be used to display snapshot statistics. To provide information about
snapshot disk utilization, the df command treats a snapshot as a separate partition from the active
file system.
To check the reserved space of a volume, type:.
filer> df -r





Mounted on

The reserved space is displayed in the 5th column. This example demonstrates that the snapshot
reserve is full. If snapshot creation fails, from the output of snap list, try to delete the oldest
snapshot using the snap delete command.
When using VLDs, the following error message may appear indicating snapshot creation failed:
A snapshot of the specified Virtualized Local Disk Device can not be taken at
this time because there is not enough space in the snapshot reserve. (Error
Code: 0xc004021c) Failed to take snapshot. Failed to backup storage group.

Also check df output for the volume in question. If it is higher than 33%, it is most likely that
disks need to be added to the volume as the VLD has grown too large for the existing disk space.
Related article:
3010415: What does the reserved space column in df -r output signify?
How to disable the automatic Network File System(NFS) export created when a
volume is created

KB Doc ID 1011639 Version: 4.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 2063


When a volume is created an entry is automatically entered into the /etc/exports file

Disable the auto- update which is ON by default with options off

How to remove 'Everyone' from the file level

permissions at the top level of a volume
KB Doc ID 1011734 Version: 7.0 Published date: 07/14/2016 Views: 13537

When a volume is created, the 'Everyone' group is added by default to the security permissions.
As a result, these permissions get propagated down to sub-folders as they are created. This
causes inconvenience when modifying security permissions on folders, as each folder must be
maintained. It is best practice to remove the 'Everyone' group as per
Microsoft's recommendation.

1. Use Windows to manage the file-level permissions on the volume level.
1. Create a volume level share. You may choose to make it a hidden admin share.
2. Access that share via Windows Explorer by entering \\filername into the field. A
populated list of Windows shares will be available in which you can right-click
and manage security permissions from.
3. From the security tab, select 'advanced' and clear the 'inherit' check box.
4. Add the desired users and remove everyone. Click apply. This process takes a
little more time than secedit.
2. There is a tool called 'secedit' that allows you to adjust the DACLS on a volume and
remove the 'Everyone' attribute that is propagating down to your subdirectories.
1. To view this DACL, run the following command on your filer:
fsecurity show /vol/volname

This will return an output similar to the following:

filer> fsecurity show /vol/test

[/vol/test - Directory (inum 64)]
Security style: NTFS
Effective style: NTFS
DOS attributes: 0x0030 (---AD---)
Unix security:
uid: 0 (root)
gid: 0
mode: 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)
NTFS security descriptor:
Owner: BUILTIN\Administrators
Group: BUILTIN\Administrators
Allow - Everyone - 0x001f01ff (Full Control)
Allow - Everyone - 0x10000000 - OI|CI|IO

2. The DACL is what sets the top level attribute for the volume. To adjust this,
download secedit. See readme file.
3. Open the secedit tool.
4. Click add. Locate the field for entering the path for the volume. Enter your
volume path:

5. Click OK. Then select the user(s) and permission levels:

In this case, the domain administrator and SnapDrive service account was
added to the list:

6. Remove 'Everyone' and click OK.

7. Click 'save unicode'. It will ask to overwrite 'untitled' and will save it to the same
place as secedit.exe.
8. Go to this location, rename untitled to 'security.conf' and place this file in etc$ on
the filer. If security.conf already exists, name the file 'security_test.conf'.
9. From the filer command line, enter the following:
filer> fsecurity apply /etc/security_test.conf -c
Definition validated successfully.

The -c will check the file without applying it. If it succeeds, run again without the
filer> fsecurity apply /etc/security_test.conf

Added security job 1015.

filer> fsecurity: Job 1015 (/etc/security_test.conf)
completed successfully.

10. Take a second look at the security on that volume:

filer> fsecurity show /vol/test
[/vol/test - Directory (inum 64)]
Security style: NTFS
Effective style: NTFS
DOS attributes: 0x0030 (---AD---)
Unix security:
uid: 0 (root)
gid: 0
mode: 0777 (rwxrwxrwx)
NTFS security descriptor:
Owner: BUILTIN\Administrators
Group: BUILTIN\Administrators
Allow - RTP2K3DOM\administrator - 0x001f01ff (Full Control) OI|CI
Allow - RTP2K3DOM\snapdrvsvc - 0x001f01ff (Full Control) - OI|

We now have the users we added in secedit as the DACL.

11. Go to my share, add my users, and delete 'Everyone':
filer> cifs access -delete test everyone
1 share(s) have been successfully modified
filer> cifs shares test
Name Mount Point Description
---- ----------- ----------test /vol/test
RTP2K3DOM\administrator / Full Control
RTP2K3DOM\snapdrvsvc / Full Control

Now, when creating folders under the share, the following appears in properties:

3. Using mixed security style for volumes

Mixed security style, by default, will give Full Control to the creator/owner and only the
following permissions to Everyone:
list folder/read data
read attr
read extended
read perms
Additionally, there are no DACLs:
fsecurity show /vol/cifs
[/vol/cifs - Directory (inum 64)]
Security style: Mixed
Effective style: Unix
DOS attributes: 0x0010 (----D---)
Unix security:
uid: 0 (root)
gid: 0
mode: 0755 (rwxr-xr-x)
No security descriptor available.

This provides global coverage, but also exposes you to issues in an environment where

you are using NFS and CIFS to access the volumes. To prevent the "permissions
clobber," see 1011133.
Mixed mode is generally not recommended, but there are no issues when using these
volumes for CIFS access.
kb 54342 has been replaced with this KB.

What are the implications of changing the

language of a volume after data has been
written to it?
KB Doc ID 3010763 Version: 9.0 Published date: 06/26/2014 Views: 6152

Although it is always recommended to set the volume language before writing data into the
volume, there might be situations where there is a need to change the volume language after
writing data. For example, on encountering BUG 133965.
Changing the volume language after data has been written might have some effects if it falls into
any of the categories below:
1. If the volume contains only replicas of the Windows OSSV data, then there should be no
cause for concern.
2. If ALL of the following conditions prevail, then there is no workaround except reinitializing the SnapVault or qtree SnapMirror relationships when they fail:
a. The volume contains replica qtrees of non-unicode sources, that is:

Storage system qtrees which were not accessed by Common Internet File
System (CIFS) protocol and where the volume options create_ucode and
convert_ucode are both OFF.

Non-Windows OSSV primary data.

b. The volume has create_ucode turned on, and the secondary is not.
c. The primary data has non-ASCII filenames with multiple hardlinks in the same
directory (not same directory tree, but same directory).

For replica data not falling into either of the above categories:
NFS access on the secondary volume might be impaired (names look odd, or you can only see an
Network File System (NFS) alternate name like :8U10000) until a directory operation happens
on the primary, and a successful update operation completes.
To accelerate recovery in this case, rename each non-ASCII filename on the primary. Ideally, you
would rename each to another directory, and then rename it to its original position. Then
snapvault/snapmirror update correctly.
For NON-replica data:
1. If the volume's create_ucode and convert_ucode options are both OFF, and your NFS
data are accessed only via NFS (NEVER by CIFS), you have no worries.
2. If either create_ucode or convert_ucode option is set on the volume, or if the NFS data
are accessed by CIFS, you may experience some annoyance when accessing via NFS, as
described above (funny-looking name or NFS alternate name). But if you rename it you
should be fine.
3. If you have files that have characters beyond 0x7f that are in non-Unicode directories you
will have problems in accessing them after the switch. If you are sure that those do not
exist, everything should be OK.
For files that are in Unicode directories that Unicode is definitive and the issue is that those
names are translated based on the character set you specify. So, if the client is configured to
accept UTF8 names, then everything should work.
Note: A reboot is required for the new language mappings (No reboot is required for creating a
new volume with a correct language).

What are the deduplication maximum

volume sizes and deduplication maximum
total data limits for Data ONTAP 8.0.1?
KB Doc ID 3010088 Version: 10.0 Published date: 04/21/2015 Views: 11639

Deduplication has a maximum flexible volume size limit. If deduplication is to be used on a
volume, that volume must be within the size limit. If an attempt is made to enable deduplication

on a volume that is larger than the maximum volume size, it fails with an appropriate error
message. This limit varies based on the platform and Data ONTAP version. This is an important
consideration when flexible volumes are moved to a different platform with a smaller maximum
flexible volume size.
The deduplication maximum flexible volume size limits (including any snap reserve space) for
the different NetApp storage system platforms are listed below.

FAS2040, FAS3040, FAS3140, FAS3070, FAS3160, FAS6030, FAS6040, FAS3170,

FAS3210, FAS3240, FAS3270, FAS6070, FAS6080, FAS6210, FAS6240, FAS6280:

There is a limitation on the size of the volume while enabling dedupe in FAS2050.
For FAS2050, the maximum volume size for enabling dedupe is 1TB from Data ONTAP, and it increased to 2TB after Data ONTAP 7.3.1 and later versions from 7.3.x. In this
scenario, if you need to enable dedupe, for e.g. on a 3 TB volume, divide the 3 TB volume into 2
or more smaller volumes and then enable dedupe on it.
In Data ONTAP 8.1, volume size limitation on dedupe is removed, but FAS2050 is not
For Clustered Data ONTAP, the minimum requirement is ONTAP 8.1, and, like 7-mode, there
are no size limitations with this and all later versions.

Table 1 - Maximum supported volume sizes for deduplication.

Maximum Shared Data Limit For Deduplication

In addition to the maximum supported volume sizes, there is also a maximum shared data limit
for deduplication. Deduplication achieves savings by keeping a single copy of a block and
replacing all duplicates of that block with pointers to the single block. As a result of
deduplication, much of the logical data is stored as pointers to a reduced number of physical
blocks written to the volume. It is very common for a single block to have many pointer
references. The logical data that ends up being stored as pointers is called shared data. The
maximum shared data limit per volume for deduplication is 16TB, regardless of the platform

type. Once this limit is reached, any additional new data written to the volume is not
deduplicated. Writes to the volume continue to work successfully.
Maximum Total Data Limit For Deduplication
Both the maximum supported volume sizes and the maximum shared data limit for deduplication
limit the maximum amount of data that can be stored within a flexible volume using
deduplication. The sum of the two becomes the maximum total (logical data) size limit for a
deduplicated volume.
Table 2 - Maximum total data limit in a deduplicated volume

To summarize, when using Data ONTAP 8.0.1 where the max volume sizes for all platforms is
16TB, the maximum total data limit for any storage system is:
Max Total Data Limit = [(MaxSupportedVolSize) + (MaxSharedDataLimit)]
= [ (16TB) + (16TB) ]
= 32TB

How to set SNMP notifications when

aggregates are getting full
KB Doc ID 1011433 Version: 5.0 Published date: 06/25/2014 Views: 3145

The following is the proper method for using SNMP on the filer with respect to disk utilization:
1. Enable SNMP
filer> options snmp.enable on

2. Set the SNMP community

filer> snmp community add ro [community name]

3. Set the SNMP location

filer> snmp location [physical location]

4. Set the SNMP contact info

filer> snmp contact [contact name]

5. Set the SNMP traphost

filer> snmp traphost add [traphost hostname or IP]/code>

6. Initialize SNMP
filer> snmp init 1

7. Finally, define your warning levels:

filer> snmp traps dfPerCentKBytesCapacity.var

filer> snmp traps dfPerCentKBytesCapacity.trigger level-trigger
filer> snmp traps dfPerCentKBytesCapacity.edge-1 96

(This is the percent you would like to monitor)

filer> snmp traps dfPerCentKBytesCapacity.interval 600

(This is the time interval in seconds that you would like the trap to be polled)
filer> snmp traps dfPerCentKBytesCapacity.priority critical

(This is the alert type)

filer> snmp traps dfPerCentKBytesCapacity.message

A trap is now set to issue a critical alert when the volume is at 96% usage.
There are more options you can specify, but this should give you a good start. For more
information on configuring SNMP, see your respective Network Management Guide.
What is an over-committed aggregate?

KB Doc ID 3011616 Version: 4.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 4641


What is an over-committed aggregate?

Why do I see space available on my volume, but my filer tells me I don't have any space left on
my device?
Why do I need volume guarantees enabled?
How do I find out how much space I am actually using in my aggregate?
What is an over-committed aggregate?
An over-committed aggregate is one in which the total space allocated to volumes exceeds that
of what is allowable by the containing aggregate. This situation will arise when volume
guarantees are turned off.
When this happens, the amount of space taken by the volume will only reflect the amount of data
inside of that volume. So if someone creates a volume as 100GB and only has 20GB inside of
the volume, df -A will only show that volume as using 20GB if volume guarantees are not
enabled. If guarantees are turned on, that volume will show as using 100GB.

Before creating volume "test":

filer> df -Ah

Aggregate total used avail capacity

aggr1 705GB 51GB 654GB 7%
aggr1/.snapshot 37GB 133MB 37GB 0%

After creating 100GB volume "test" with no guarantee and 20GB of data:
filer> df -Ah

Aggregate total used avail capacity

aggr1 705GB 71GB 634GB 10%
aggr1/.snapshot 37GB 133MB 37GB 0%

After enabling volume guarantee on "test":

filer> df -Ah

Aggregate total used avail capacity

aggr1 705GB 151GB 554GB 21%
aggr1/.snapshot 37GB 133MB 37GB 0%

Why do I see space available on my volume, but my filer tells me I don't have any space left
on my device?
An aggregate becomes over-committed by creating a situation where the volume allocation
exceeds the aggregate allocation.
If one creates an aggregate of 500GB, then they are limited to 500GB of free space (after WAFL
If volume guarantees are on, then you could create five 100GB volumes and the aggregate would
show 100% space used in df -A. However, if volume guarantees are disabled, you could create as
many 100GB volumes as you wanted, and the aggregate would only see the data inside of the
volumes as taken. When this happens, the volumes will fill over time as they are used, and once
they reach a total of 500GB used, the aggregate will show as full and no more writes can take
place on that aggregate, even if the individual volumes have not been filled.
Why do I need volume guarantees enabled?
Volume guarantees need to be enabled in a majority of cases to avoid a situation where one can
no longer write to an aggregate due to lack of space. If volume guarantees are on, the space
usage can be monitored on a per-volume basis, and there is an accurate representation of what
you want to allocate versus what you are using. You are avoiding a situation of not knowing
when you are running out of space by guaranteeing you have space available.
How do I find out how much space I am actually using in my aggregate?
Df and df -A, when used together, can help illustrate how much space is actually on an aggregate
versus how much the volumes are using.
However, these commands can be misinterpreted and, occasionally, inaccurate.
The best way to show how much space is being used vs. being allocated is "aggr show_space"
This command will illustrate the accurate amount of space actually being used, regardless of

aggr show_space with volume guarantee on for "test":
filer> aggr show_space aggr1 -h

Aggregate 'aggr1'
Total space

WAFL reserve

Snap reserve

Usable space


Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

Total space
Snap reserve
WAFL reserve




*Note how the allocation of the volume "test" greatly differs from the "used".
aggr show_space with volume guarantee disabled for "test":
filer> aggr show_space aggr1 -h

Aggregate 'aggr1'
Total space

WAFL reserve

Snap reserve

Usable space


Space allocated to volumes in the aggregate

Total space
Snap reserve
WAFL reserve




*Notice how "test" is showing only 868KB used - this is because the "20GB" inside of the
volume is actually a lun with space reservations turned on - but no data inside of it. Additionally,
note how the space allocated matches the space used. This is how the filer sees the space in a
volume with no guarantee versus one with guarantee enabled.
Related links:
2010570 - Discrepancies between aggregate and volume when using df command
3011856 - What are the space requirements for LUNs with volumes that have 100% fractional
2011527 - Volume guarantee is disabled after reboot or offline / online volumes

Why is my aggregate showing reserved


KB Doc ID 3011594 Version: 5.0 Published date: 12/23/2015 Views: 1922

Space used in the aggregate is more than the sum of all flex volumes and df -Ar is showing
reserved space for the aggregate.
An aggregate may be showing reserved space for the following two reasons:
1. Volume guarantee is set to file and the volume contains files with space reservation,
e.g., Logical Unit Number(LUN)s or databases with file reservation turned on. To ensure
that the aggregate has always enough free blocks to accommodate the changes within that
reserved file, it reserves space within the aggregate that may not be used by other flexible
2. The aggregate'ssnap autodelete option is turned to off. This means that the aggregate
snapshots may grow endlessly into the aggregates user space and a volume that has
guarantee set to volume could run out of space without knowing about the low space
within the aggregate. As a result, the aggregate reserves the used spaced of all flexible
Filer> aggr options aggr0
root, diskroot, nosnap=off, raidtype=raid4, raidsize=8,
ignore_inconsistent=off, snapmirrored=off, resyncsnaptime=60,
fs_size_fixed=off, snapshot_autodelete=off, lost_write_protect=on
Filer> df -Ar aggr0





What are the repercussions of a full

KB Doc ID 3011413 Version: 9.0 Published date: 10/20/2014 Views: 11304

What should I expect if the aggregate is showing 100% full?

In Data ONTAP 7G and Data ONTAP 8 7-Mode, df -A shows that an aggregate is 100% full.
For example:
storage1> df -A



available capacity

In Clustered Data ONTAP, storage aggregate show will display the space usage of the
aggregates on the system. For example:
cluster1::> storage aggregate show
Size Available Used%
--------- -------- --------- ---------------aggr0

#Vols Nodes
RAID Status
------- ------ ---------online




4 entries were displayed.

An aggregate showing 100% used space in df -A might not actually be using 100% of the space.

If space reservations are used on the FlexVol volumes or LUNs, space will be marked reserved
and thus be calculated as used space even though the blocks on disk are actually free space. An
aggregate pools all the blocks that are not currently holding data (including free space in volumeguaranteed FlexVol volumes, unused Snapshot reserve space, and unused overwrite reserve space
for LUNs) into an internal pool that it hands out to the FlexVol volumes on demand.

If all the FlexVol volumes start to fill up at once, that might cause a problem depending
on the workload.

If they do not all fill up at once, this will not cause a problem. There is nothing wrong
with running a FlexVol volume at 100% full as long as there is still free space on the
underlying aggregate.

In Data ONTAP 7G and Data ONTAP 8 7-Mode, Snapshot usage on aggregates is limited to 5%.
In the example above:

Snapshot usage is 22%, meaning 22% used out of the of the 5%.

Snapshot space is 275721936, which is 5% of the total, and of that 60389932 (which is
22%) is used.
o 5% is the default value, and it can be changed with snap reserve -A.

The actual space used by aggregate Snapshot copies and rate of change of a specific system can
be monitored and used to determine the best reserve space based on the specific customer
environment. Also in the above example, snap sched -A is set to the default (0 1 4@9,14,19).
The Snapshot usage of 22% is contributing to the fullness of the FlexVol volume.
In Clustered Data ONTAP, the Snapshot reserve on aggregates can be viewed using storage
aggregate show -percent-snapshot-space . The percent can be changed using storage
aggregate modify -percent-snapshot-space percent .
If and when the Snapshot used space grows enough to fill the allotted space (5%), the Snapshot
copies are deleted automatically to stop them from growing beyond the aggregate Snapshot
reserve. This aggregate-level behavior is different from the FlexVol volume-level Snapshot
behavior. This happens automatically for aggregates only, not for traditional volumes or FlexVol

If an aggregate becomes full due to actual data consuming all available blocks, the FlexVol
volumes hosted on the aggregate will also show as full. For FlexVol volumes used by
NAS protocols such as CIFS and NFS, the clients will receive a disk full error when attempting
to write to the FlexVol. For FlexVol volumes containing thin-provisioned LUNs and used by
SAN protocols such as iSCSI and FCP, the LUN will be taken offline when it reaches full

Data ONTAP administrators have several options when managing available storage space:

Depending on how future storage needs are projected, quotas may be setup within Data
ONTAP for the users to manage unexpected storage usage.

Snapshot space usage should be monitored to ensure it is not overrunning the Snapshot
reserve as this would reduce the amount of writable space available to users in the
FlexVol volume.

Data ONTAP 7.1 or later contains FlexVol volume auto-grow and free space preservation
features that allows the FlexVol volume to grow automatically based on storage needs
and reduces the chance of the volume running out of space. When using this feature, the
FlexVol volume storage usage should be monitored against the space available in the
underlying aggregate.
o For more information on space management features in Data ONTAP 7G and
Data ONTAP 8 7-Mode, reference the Data ONTAP 8.2 Storage Management
Guide for 7-Mode.

o For Clustered Data ONTAP, more information can be found in the Clustered Data
ONTAP 8.2 Logical Storage Management Guide.

Deduplication may also be used to reduce the amount of space used in a FlexVol volume.
Deduplication works at the block level to eliminate duplicate data blocks.
o The Efficient IT Calculator can be used to estimate savings using deduplication.
o More information on deduplication in Clustered Data ONTAP can be found in the
Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 Logical Storage Management Guide.
o For Data ONTAP 7G and Data ONTAP 8 7-Mode, reference the Data ONTAP 8.2
Storage Efficiency Guide for 7-Mode.

Data ONTAP 8.0.1 and later support data compression in a FlexVol volume as a way to
increase storage efficiency by enabling more data to be stored using less space.
Compression can be configured as in-line or post-process. In-line compression occurs as
the data is being written. Post-process compression runs as a low-priority background
process on data already written to disk.
o More information on data compression in Clustered Data ONTAP can be found in
the Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 Logical Storage Management Guide.
o For Data ONTAP 7G and Data ONTAP 8 7-Mode, reference the Data ONTAP 8.2
Storage Efficiency Guide for 7-Mode.

The LUN option space_alloc can be used to control whether the LUN goes offline
when it reaches 100% utilization.
o More information on this LUN option can be found in the Data ONTAP 8.2
SAN Administration Guide for 7-Mode on page 18.

Can I copy aggregates containing the root

KB Doc ID 3010235 Version: 4.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 1263


1. If the Data ONTAP version is below 7.0RC3, please do not copy an aggregate containing
the root volume. If an aggregate containing the root volume is copied, the copy becomes
the root volume. This change takes effect when the filer is rebooted.
For example, if the aggr copy command is used to copy aggr0, or if there is a
SyncMirror relationship with aggr0 and the mirror is broken, running vol status will
show that vol0 is still marked as diskroot, but vol0(1), the copy of vol0, is actually now
the root volume. Booting from vol0(1) could result in data corruption.
2. If the Data ONTAP version is 7.0RC3 or above (excluding GX), the aggregates
containing the root volume can be copied.

What is the relationship between Aggregates

and RAID Group Size?
KB Doc ID 3011313 Version: 7.0 Published date: 06/26/2014 Views: 3036

Understanding how creating an aggregate creates RAID Groups.
RAID Groups are created when an aggregate is created, or when new disks are added to the
aggregate - depending on how many disks are specified for the size of the RAID group. The size
of the RAID group is determined from the options specified when creating an aggregate.
Syntax for creating an aggregate:
aggr create <aggr-name>
[-f] [-l <language-code-code>] [-L [compliance | enterprise]]
[-m] [-n] [-r <raid-group-size>] [-R<rpm>]
[-t { raid4 | raid_dp } ] [-v]<disk-list>

Aggregate - Totalnumber of physical disks.

Flexible Volume (FlexVol) - Total amount of disk space to be used. Remember that a
Flexvol is created inside an aggregate.

RAID Group Size - The maximum number of disks allowed before a new RAID group is

Suppose an aggregate is created with the following commands (note that the -r option specifies
the maximum number of disks per RAID group):
aggr create aggr1 -r 5 15

This command will create an aggregate with 15 disks and 3 separate RAID groups - each with 5
Now suppose the following is entered:
aggr create aggr1 -r 16 5

This command will create an aggregate with 5 disks and 1 RAID group of 5 disks. As disks are
added to the aggregate they will automatically added to the RAID group until they are 16 disks.
If the aggregate grows to 17 disks and new RAID group will be created.
And finally, suppose the following is entered:
aggr create aggr1 -r 16 3

In the case an aggregate with 3 disks will be created and a RAID group of 3 disks. However,
since the default is dual parity, two disks in this new raid group will be used for parity. Therefore
the aggregate will have at most one disk available for data.
For more information, please see the Storage Management Guide for your version of Data

How to define a new root volume on a

different aggregate
KB Doc ID 1010986 Version: 6.0 Published date: 07/05/2016 Views: 6384


How to set a different flexible volume to be root if that volume exists on a different aggregate
from the current root volume?

Data ONTAP allows the end user to define a new root volume on a different aggregate.
Note: This procedure is only valid for Data ONTAP 7-Mode.
To do so is a two step process.
Note: The steps below will not work while in Takeover.
1. From maintenance mode, set the 'root' flag to the aggregate that holds the new volume
that we want to make root. In the example below, we'll be making aggr1/vol1 our new
root volume.
(1) Normal boot.
(2) Boot without /etc/rc.
(3) Change password.
(4) Initialize all disks.
(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.
(5) Maintenance mode boot.
Selection (1-5)? 5
*> aggr options aggr1 root
Aggregate 'aggr1' will become root at the next boot.

2. Halt the storage system and reboot it to the 1-5 menu. At the 1-5 menu, issue the
vol_pick_root command to enqueue the pick_root process on the new root volume.
Note: The command "vol_pick_root " should only be run under the instruction of
NetApp Technical Support as it can alter file systems and may result in data loss if used
(1) Normal boot.
(2) Boot without /etc/rc.
(3) Change password.
(4) Initialize all disks.
(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.
(5) Maintenance mode boot.
Selection (1-5)? vol_pick_root vol1 aggr1
vol_pick_root: successfully enqueued
Please choose one of the following:

Normal boot.
Boot without /etc/rc.
Change password.
Initialize all disks.

(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.

(5) Maintenance mode boot.
Selection (1-5)? 1

The system will now boot. However, it will use vol1 in aggr1 as the new root volume. Unless the
contents of /etc to vol1 were previously copied, Data ONTAP will begin the setup process,
prompting for a hostname, IP address, gateway, etc.
License data will NOT be affected.
To restore the original volume (i.e., vol0) as the root volume, simply issue 'vol options vol0 root'
at the command line, followed by a reboot. Any changes made to the etc directory on vol1 will
NOT be reflected on vol0 (shares, rc, Data ONTAP changes).
Keep in mind that when booting to a new root volume, the system files will likely not be on the
new root volume (unless they were pre-staged). Either reinstall them via the NOW site or run
without them. If opting for the latter, features that require a complete install (HTTP, Java,
NDMP, etc) will not function until the said system files are installed.

Is it possible to rename a SyncMirror aggregate (MetroCluster) without any


KB Doc ID 3013533 Version: 2.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 864


Yes, it is possible to rename SyncMirror aggregates without any disruption in 'user access' or
Example: CLI output of a SyncMirror aggregate rename
> aggr status aggr06
Aggr State Status Options
aggr06 online raid4, aggr
Volumes: Test01

Plex /aggr06/plex0: online, normal, active

RAID group /aggr06/plex0/rg0: normal
Plex /aggr06/plex1: online, normal, active
RAID group /aggr06/plex1/rg0: normal

> aggr rename aggr06 aggr07

'aggr06' renamed to 'aggr07'
> aggr status aggr07
Aggr State Status Options
aggr07 online raid4, aggr
Volumes: Test01
Plex /aggr07/plex0: online, normal, active
RAID group /aggr07/plex0/rg0: normal
Plex /aggr07/plex1: online, normal, active
RAID group /aggr07/plex1/rg0: normal

In the example above, since there is no change in the volume name, there would not be
any impact on the clients. Also, as seen in the aggr status output after the renaming, there is no
impact on SyncMirror as well.

How to move an aggregate between software

disk-owned HA pairs.
KB Doc ID 1011651 Version: 7.0 Published date: 08/07/2014 Views: 6132

This article explains, how move an aggregate from one controller in a HA pair to its partner in a
software disk owned system. This procedure only applies to 7-mode systems.

For reference: FILER1 owns the disk initially. FILER2 is where the
disks/volume are being moved to.

Before starting this procedure, confirm that there are no aggregates or FlexVols on FILER2
that have the same name as the original aggregate/FlexVols or traditional volume being
moved. Failure to do so will result in the relocated volume(s) with conflicting names being
appended with a (1) instead of the original name.
This procedure is only supported under the following conditions:

Disks do not get moved, ownership remains of either node in HA pair.

If disks are moved outside the HA pair, shelf MUST NOT be moved.

It could be misunderstood to move disk/shelf to another filer using similar procedure. If the
shelf needs to be moved outside of the HA pair, downtime is required.
1. Start by taking the aggregate offline from FILER1.
For a traditional volume:
FILER1>aggr offline <volname>

For an aggregate with FlexVols:

FILER1>priv set diag
FILER1*>aggr offline <volname> -a
FILER1*>priv set admin

2. Move disk ownership of all disks in the aggr to FILER2.

The node on which the disk assign is done must be the node that is giving away the
FILER1> disk assign 0a.16 0a.17 0a.18 0a.19 -o FILER2 -f

(-f must be used since the disks are already owned)

3. Verify that no further disks belonging to the original aggregate are left on the original
FILER1>aggr status -r <original-volname>

4. Online the relocated aggregate from FILER2:

FILER2> aggr online <test>

It will be necessary to reconfigure any Common Internet File System Protocol (CIFS)
shares,Network File System (NFS) exports or configure the appropriate igroups on the
partner for the relocated volume(s) before clients can access this data.

Is it possible to restore an individual flexible

volume using an aggregate snapshot?
KB Doc ID 3012449 Version: 8.0 Published date: 06/26/2014 Views: 3531

Is it possible to use the aggregate level snapshot to recreate or restore an individual volume,
without overwriting other volumes on the aggregate?
Aggregate level snapshots can be used to revert the entire aggregate, thus reverting all flexible
volumes. However, it is not possible to restore an individual volume. The command 'aggr copy
start -S' can be used to make a copy of an aggregate and restore the volume from there.
See article 3011218 - FlexVol Volumes FAQ
For more information about the 'aggr copy' command, consult the Manual Page Reference for
your version of Data ONTAP, available on the NetApp Support site.
Suppose you have an aggregate 'aggrsrc' and you want to restore the flexvol 'vol1' from the
aggregate snapshot 'monkey'. You can use the following procedure to make a copy of aggrsrc,
and then get the volume from the snapshot:
1. Create and restrict the target aggregate.
ata3050-rtp> aggr create aggrdst -t raid4 2
ata3050-rtp> aggr restrict aggrdst

2. Copy the original aggregate onto the target aggregate.

ata3050-rtp> aggr copy start -S aggrsrc aggrdst

3. Online the copy of the aggregate.

ata3050-rtp> aggr online aggrdst

4. Restore the aggregate back to the desired snapshot.

ata3050-rtp> snap restore -A -s monkey aggrdst

5. Confirm the vol we restored is what we wanted.

ata3050-rtp> vol status vol1

6. Put the volume where you want it.

Either 'vol copy' the volume to the original or another aggregate
-ORSnapmirror it somewhere

How does Data ONTAP select spares for

aggregate creation, aggregate addition and
failed disk replacement?
KB Doc ID 3013616 Version: 11.0 Published date: 07/20/2016 Views: 16749

Disk attributes used during spare selection
Spare selection for new aggregate creation
Spare selection for disk addition to an existing aggregate
Spare selection for replacement of a failed disk
Spare selection with DS4486 shelves
Spare selection parameters and options
Spare selection with the '-disklist' option

Disk attributes used during spare selection

Data ONTAP uses the following disk attributes during spare selection for the creation of a new
aggregate, addition of disks to an existing aggregate, and replacement of failed disks in an

Disk type


Checksum type

Disk size


Pre-zeroed status

Position of disk in the storage system

Disk type
Data ONTAP associates a disk type with every disk in the system, based on the disk technology
and connectivity type. The disk types used by Data ONTAP are:
1. BSAS - High capacity bridged SATA disks with additional hardware to enable them to be
plugged into a SAS shelf
2. SAS - Serial Attached SCSI disks in matching shelves
3. FSAS - High-capacity (Fat) Serial Attached SCSI disks
4. SATA - Serial ATA disks in SAS shelves
5. MSATA - SATA disks in DS4486 multi-carrier disk shelves
6. SSD - Solid State disks
7. ATA - ATA disks with either IDE or serial ATA interface in shelves connected in FC-AL
(Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop)
8. FCAL - FC disks in shelves connected in FC-AL
9. LUN - A logical storage device backed by third-party storage and used by Data ONTAP
as a disk
Disk type mixing options
Data ONTAP provides a configuration option, raid.disktype.enable, that determines whether
or not mixing certain disk types in the same aggregate is allowed. If this option is set to true,
separation of disks by disk type is strictly enforced, and only disks of a single disk type are
allowed to be part of an aggregate. If the option is set to false, Data ONTAP forms the
following groups of disks, and considers all disks in a group equal during spare selection:

1. Group disk type SAS - This group includes high performance, enterprise class disk types
- FCAL and SAS.
2. Group disk type SATA - This group includes high capacity, near-line disk types - BSAS,
FSAS, SATA and ATA. The MSATA disk type is not included in this group, and cannot be
mixed together with any other disk type.
With the raid.disktype.enable option set to false, specifying a disk type with the '-T'
option will result in the equivalent group disk type being used for spare selection, and the final
set of selected spare disks may include disks from all the disk types included in the group disk
type. For example, specifying '-T BSAS' in the aggregate creation or addition command will
result in the group disk type SATA being used, and all BSAS, SATA and ATA disks will be
considered equally during spare selection. The final set of selected spares may have a mix of
BSAS, SATA and ATA disks, all of which will be added into the same aggregate. Thus, with the
raid.disktype.enable option set to false, it is not possible to enforce the selection of disks of
strictly one disk type, if the desired disk type is part of either of the two groups listed above. The
only way to enforce selection of disks of a single disk type is to set raid.disktype.enable to
true. The default value of the option is false.
If the raid.disktype.enable option is changed from false to true on a system that has
existing aggregates with a mix of disk types, those aggregates will continue to accept new disks
belonging to all the disk types already present in the aggregate. However, Data ONTAP will not
allow new aggregates to be created with a mix of disk types, for as long as the
raid.disktype.enable option is set to true.
Starting with Data ONTAP 8.2, the raid.disktype.enable option is deprecated, and has been
replaced by two new configuration options:
1. raid.mix.hdd.disktype.performance This option controls the mixing of high
performance, enterprise class disk types - FCAL and SAS. The default value of this
option is false, which means that these disk types cannot be present together in the same
aggregate by default.
2. raid.mix.hdd.disktype.capacity This option controls the mixing of high capacity,
near-line disk types - BSAS, FSAS, SATA and ATA. The default value of this option is
true, which means that these disk types can be present together in the same aggregate by
Note that the behaviour of these two options is exactly the opposite of the behaviour of the
raid.disktype.enable option. For these two options, a value of true means that mixing of
disk types is allowed, while a value of false means that mixing is not allowed. In the case of
raid.disktype.enable, it is the opposite - a value of true means that disk types are strictly
enforced and mixing is not allowed, while a value of false means that mixing is allowed.
The rest of this article uses the term 'disk type mixing options' to refer to the configuration
options described above that determine whether or not mixing certain disk types in the same

aggregate is allowed. In Data ONTAP 8.1 and earlier releases, this term refers to the option
raid.disktype.enable. In Data ONTAP 8.2 and later releases, this term refers to the options
raid.mix.hdd.disktype.performance and raid.mix.hdd.disktype.capacity.
Flash Pools
Data ONTAP 8.1.1 introduces support for Flash Pools, which are aggregates containing both
HDDs (hard disk drives) and SSDs (solid state disks), in different RAID groups. The term HDD
refers to a mechanical storage device that uses rotating media. All disk types listed in the Disk
type section, with the exception of SSD and LUN, are considered HDD disk types. The term
SSD refers to a flash memory-based storage device, and is represented by the disk type 'SSD' in
the list in the Disk type section. The disk type 'LUN' represents a logical storage device and is
considered neither HDD nor SSD. A Flash Pool can be created by enabling the conversion
feature on an existing aggregate containing HDDs, and then adding SSDs to it. To enable the
feature on an existing aggregate, the 'hybrid_enabled' option needs to be set to true for the
aggregate, using the command 'aggr options <aggr_name> hybrid_enabled true' in 7Mode and 'aggregate modify -aggregate <aggr_name> -hybrid_enabled true' in CMode. Enabling this option on an aggregate allows it to have two storage tiers - an HDD tier and
an SSD tier. New disks can be added to both tiers, using the 'aggr add' command in 7-Mode
and the 'aggregate add-disks' command in C-Mode. The command specified must contain
enough information to unambiguously identify which storage tier the disks are to be added to.
This can be achieved by using the '-T' (disktype) option to specify a disk type, the '-g' (RAID
group) option to specify the RAID group to which the disks are to be added, or the '-d'
(disklist) option to explicitly specify a disk list. Data ONTAP uses the specified input to
decide which storage tier to add the new disks to.
The HDD tier of a Flash Pool behaves just like a normal aggregate containing HDDs. The disk
types that are allowed to be present together in the HDD tier depend on the values of the disk
type mixing options, as described earlier.
Data ONTAP also uses disk speed as a spare selection criterion. For hard disk drives (HDDs),
which use rotating media, the speed is measured in revolutions per minute (RPM). Currently,
Data ONTAP supports the following rotational speeds for disks:

SAS disks - 10K RPM, 15K RPM

SATA disks - 7.2K RPM

BSAS disks - 7.2K RPM

FSAS disks - 7.2K RPM

FCAL disks - 10K RPM,15K RPM

ATA disks - 5.4K RPM, 7.2K RPM

MSATA disks - 7.2K RPM

The concept of rotational speed does not apply to non-HDD disks. Thus, disks of type SSD and
LUN do not have associated RPM values.
Mixing disks with different RPMs in a single aggregate is not recommended. Adding a disk with
a lower RPM value to an aggregate will result in a reduction in the maximum I/O throughput
achievable from the aggregate, because throughput is limited by the speed of the slowest disk in
the aggregate. For the same reason, adding a disk with higher RPM value to an aggregate will
result in no improvement in performance.
However, in some scenarios, it is useful to have the ability to mix disks of different RPMs in an
aggregate. For example, ATA disks have transitioned from 5.4K RPM to 7.2K RPM drives, and
many systems have a mix of disks with these two speeds. It would be inconvenient if Data
ONTAP did not permit the mixing of these two disk speeds in the same aggregate, because there
would be no way to gradually transition an aggregate from using the slower disks to using the
faster disks. Thus, even though it recommends against it, Data ONTAP allows the mixing of
disks with different RPMs in the same aggregate, and provides two configuration options to
control this behavior.
RPM mixing options
The following two configuration options determine whether or not the mixing of disks with
different RPMs in a single aggregate is allowed:
1. The option raid.rpm.ata.enable controls the mixing of ATA disks (disks of type
ATA, SATA, BSAS and MSATA) of different RPMs in the same aggregate. If the option
is set to true, ATA disks with different RPM values are considered different, and Data
ONTAP only selects disks with the same RPM value to be part of an aggregate. If the
option is set to false, ATA disks with different RPMs are considered equal and Data
ONTAP may select disks with different RPMs to be part of the same aggregate.
2. The option raid.rpm.fcal.enable controls the mixing of SAS and FCAL disks with
different RPMs in the same aggregate. If the option is set to true, FCAL and SAS disks
with different RPMs are considered different, and Data ONTAP only selects disks with
the same RPM value to be part of an aggregate. If the option is set to false, FCAL and
SAS disks with different RPMs are considered equal and Data ONTAP may select disks
with different RPMs to be part of the same aggregate.
The default value of raid.rpm.fcal.enable is true, which means that mixing of FCAL and
SAS disks of different speeds in the same aggregate is not allowed by default. This is because
15K RPM drives are more expensive than 10K RPM drives, and using 15K RPM drives
exclusively in an aggregate guarantees better performance. The default value of
raid.rpm.ata.enable, however, is false, which means that mixing of ATA disks of different

speeds in the same aggregate is allowed by default. This allows systems that have aggregates
with 5.4K RPM ATA disks nearing end-of-life (EOL) to transition easily to 7.2K RPM disks.
As in the case of the disk type mixing options, there is no way to ensure the selection of disks
with a certain RPM value during aggregate creation or disk addition if the above two options are
set to false. If the system has a mix of disks with different RPMs, a desired RPM value
specified with the '-R' option during aggregate creation may be ignored, if the corresponding
configuration option is set to false. For example, if the user specifies '-T ATA -R 5400' in the
aggregate creation command, to ensure the selection of 5.4K RPM ATA disks on a system with
5.4K RPM and 7.2K RPM ATA disks, Data ONTAP could end up selecting the 7.2K RPM ATA
disks instead, if the option raid.rpm.ata.enable is set to false. This is because the two sets
of disks are considered equivalent with respect to RPM, and the final selection is made based on
one of the other disk attributes like disk size, checksum type, etc., which could result in the 7.2K
RPM disks being given preference. To enforce the selection of disks of a specific RPM value, the
configuration option for that disk type must be set to true.
Starting with Data ONTAP 8.2, the raid.rpm.ata.enable and raid.rpm.fcal.enable options
are deprecated, and have been replaced by two new options that behave in exactly the same way,
but are named differently to better indicate their functionality:
1. raid.mix.hdd.rpm.capacity This option replaces raid.rpm.ata.enable and
controls the mixing of capacity-based hard disk types (BSAS, FSAS, SATA, ATA and
MSATA). The default value is true, which means that mixing is allowed.
2. raid.mix.hdd.rpm.performance This option replaces raid.rpm.fcal.enable and
controls the mixing of performance-based hard disk types (FCAL and SAS). The default
value is false, which means that mixing is not allowed.
Note that the behaviour of the two new options is exactly the opposite of the behaviour of the old
options. For the new options, a value of true means that disks with different RPMs are allowed
to be part of the same aggregate, while a value of false means that they are not. In the case of
raid.rpm.ata.enable and raid.rpm.fcal.enable, it is the opposite - a value of true means
that disks are strictly separated by RPM and mixing of RPMs in the same aggregate is not
allowed, while a value of false means that mixing is allowed.
The rest of this article uses the term 'RPM mixing options' to refer to the configuration options
described above that determine whether or not the mixing of disks with different RPMs in the
same aggregate is allowed. In Data ONTAP 8.1 and earlier releases, this term refers to the
options raid.rpm.ata.enable and raid.rpm.fcal.enable. In Data ONTAP 8.2 and later
releases, this term refers to the options raid.mix.hdd.rpm.capacity and
The checksum type of a disk is another attribute used by Data ONTAP during spare selection.
Data ONTAP supports the following checksum types:

1. Block checksum (BCS): This checksum scheme uses 64 bytes to store checksum
information for every 4096 bytes (4KB) of data. This scheme can be used on disks
formatted with 520 bytes per sector ('bps') or 512 bytes per sector. On 520 bps disks, sets
of 8 sectors are used to store 4KB of data and 64 bytes of checksum information. This
scheme makes the best use of the available disk capacity. On disks formatted with 512
bps, Data ONTAP uses a scheme called 8/9 formatting to implement BCS. The scheme
uses sets of 9 sectors - 8 512-byte sectors to store 4KB of data, with the 9th sector used to
store 64 bytes of checksum information for the preceding 8 sectors. This scheme leaves
about 10% of the available disk capacity unused, because only 64 bytes of every 9th
sector is used for storing the checksum, with the remaining 448 bytes not used. Block
checksums can also be used on disks formatted with 4160 bytes per sector.
2. Zone checksum (ZCS): In this checksum scheme, 63 blocks of 4KB each are followed
by a single 4KB block of checksum information for the preceding 63 blocks. This scheme
makes good use of the available disk capacity, but has a performance penalty because
data and checksums are not co-located and an extra seek may be required to read the
checksum information. Because of this performance penalty, the ZCS scheme is not
widely used on disks any longer. However, it is still used on some older systems, and
with LUNs.
3. Advanced Zone checksum (AZCS): This checksum scheme was introduced in Data
ONTAP 8.1.1, specifically for disks requiring optimal storage efficiency and for disks
formatted with 4 Kilobytes per sector. A new scheme is required for 4K bps disks because
a scheme similar to the 8/9 BCS scheme on these disks would result in wastage of almost
50% of the disk capacity, and the performance penalty of the ZCS scheme would be too
high. In the AZCS scheme, a disk is divided into zones with 64 4KB blocks in each zone.
The middle block in each zone is designated the checksum block, and stores checksum
information for all the other blocks in the zone. Placing the checksum block in the middle
of a zone reduces the average seek distance between a data block and the checksum
block, and results in better performance when compared to the ZCS scheme. The AZCS
scheme can also be used on disks formatted with 512 bytes per sector.
The following list shows the current checksum types supported by the various Data ONTAP disk
types. Note that this list is subject to change. To get up-to-date information for a specific Data
ONTAP release, check the product documentation on the Support site.
4. SSD - BCS
Disks of type LUN can be used in BCS, ZCS and AZCS aggregates.

The 'disk assign -c' command in 7-Mode and 'storage disk assign -checksum'
command in C-Mode can be used to assign a specified checksum type to a disk or LUN. The
command accepts two checksum values - 'block' and 'zoned'. Disks and LUNs that are
assigned the 'block' checksum type can be added to BCS aggregates, and those that are
assigned the 'zoned' checksum type can be added to AZCS aggregates as well as older ZCS
Mixed checksum aggregates
Each aggregate in a Data ONTAP system is assigned a checksum type, based on the checksum
type of the disks in the aggregate. Aggregates with BCS checksum disks have a checksum type
of 'block', aggregates with AZCS checksum disks have a checksum type of 'azcs', and aggregates
with zoned checksum LUNs have a checksum type of 'zoned'. Data ONTAP also allows
aggregates with checksum type 'mixed' - these aggregates have both AZCS and BCS checksum
disks, but in separate RAID groups. Such aggregates are called 'mixed checksum aggregates'. A
mixed checksum aggregate is created when BCS disks are added to an AZCS aggregate, or when
AZCS disks are added to a block checksum aggregate. A new RAID group is formed with the
newly added disks, and the aggregate's checksum type is set to 'mixed'.
Disk size
Data ONTAP also uses disk size as a spare selection criterion. The user can specify a desired disk
size value in the aggregate creation or disk addition command (using the '@size' option). In the
case of failed disk replacement, the desired size value is the size of the failed disk needing
Given a desired value of disk size, Data ONTAP uses a spread factor of 20% to identify suitable
spare disks. For every spare disk being considered, Data ONTAP computes two sizes - a
'minimum' size, which is 80% of the spare disk's size, and a 'maximum' size, which is 120% of
the spare disk's size. It then checks to see if the desired size value falls in the range defined by
the spare disk's minimum and maximum sizes. If it does, the spare disk is considered suitable for
selection, with respect to disk size.
The disk size value used by Data ONTAP for all these calculations is the right-sized value of a
disk's physical capacity, also referred to as the disk's 'usable capacity'. Right-sizing is a process
that Data ONTAP uses to standardize the number of usable sectors on a disk, so that disks of
similar sizes from different manufacturers can be used interchangeably in a Data ONTAP system.
Right-sizing also takes into account the amount of space on the disk needed by Data ONTAP for
its own use. The usable capacity of a disk is smaller than the physical capacity, and can be
viewed using the 'sysconfig -r' command on 7-Mode (column 'Used MB/blks') and the
'storage disk show -fields usable-size' command in C-Mode. The Storage
Management Guide contains a table listing the physical capacities and usable capacities for the
different disks supported by Data ONTAP.
Another point to be noted is that Data ONTAP calculates and reports disk size values using
binary prexes, while disk manufacturers report disk sizes using SI prexes. Because of the use of

different units, the disk sizes reported by Data ONTAP are smaller than the disk sizes advertised
by the manufacturers. For more information, see article 3011274: What are the different numbers
that are used as disk capacity, system capacity, aggregate and volume sizes, in Data ONTAP,
technical documentation, and marketing materials?
The size policy followed by Data ONTAP, in combination with the right-sizing of disks and the
difference in disk size reporting units could result in unexpected spare selection behavior. For
example, on a system with 2 TB SATA disks, specifying a desired size value of 2 TB in the
aggregate creation or addition command does not result in the selection of the 2 TB disks present
in the system. This is because 2 TB disks actually have a usable capacity of 1.62 TB, after rightsizing and using binary prexes to calculate disk size. Using the Data ONTAP size selection
policy, the 20% spread calculated on a spare disk of size 1.62 TB gives a range of {1.29 TB, 1.94
TB}, which does not include the specified disk size of 2 TB. Thus, Data ONTAP does not select
any of the 2 TB spare disks, even though the system has 2 TB disks and the user has specifically
asked for them. The same behavior is seen with disks of size 1 TB and 3 TB.
To ensure that Data ONTAP picks a specific spare disk given an input size, the user should
specify a size value such that the 80%-120% calculation performed on the desired spare disk's
usable capacity results in a range that includes the specified size value. For example, to ensure
the selection of 2 TB disks present in a system, the user should check the usable capacity of a 2
TB disk using the command 'sysconfig -r' and then specify a size value that lies in the 80%120% range of that value.
Usable capacity of a 2 TB disk, from 'sysconfig -r':
Used (MB/blks)

So, any size value in the range {80% of 1695466 MB, 120% of 1695466 MB} will result in the
selection of the 2 TB spare disks. For example: '@1695466M' or '@1695G' or '@1700G'.
A pool is an abstraction used by Data ONTAP to segregate disks into groups, according to user
specified assignments. All spare disks in a Data ONTAP system are assigned to one of two spare
pools - Pool0 or Pool1. The general guidelines for assigning disks to pools are:
1. Disks in the same shelf or storage array should be assigned to the same pool
2. There should be an equal or close to equal number of disks assigned to each pool
By default, all spare disks are assigned to Pool0 when a Data ONTAP system is started up. If the
system is not configured to use SyncMirror, having all disks in a single pool is sufficient for the
creation of aggregates. If SyncMirror is enabled on the system, Data ONTAP requires the
segregation of disks into two pools for the creation of SyncMirror aggregates. A SyncMirror
aggregate contains two copies of the same WAFL filesystem, which are kept in sync with other.

Each copy is called a 'plex'. In order to provide the best protection against data loss, the disks
comprising one plex of a SyncMirror aggregate need to be physically separated from the disks
comprising the other plex. During the creation of a SyncMirror aggregate, Data ONTAP selects
an equal number of spare disks from each pool, and creates one plex of the aggregate with the
disks selected from Pool0, and the other plex with the disks selected from Pool1. If the
assignment of disks to pools has been done according to the guidelines listed above, this method
of selecting disks ensures that the loss of a single disk shelf or storage array affects only one plex
of the aggregate, and that normal data access can continue from the other plex while the affected
plex is being restored.
The command 'disk assign -p <pool_number>' can be used to assigns disks to a pool, in
both 7-Mode and C-Mode. If SyncMirror is enabled on the system, a system administrator will
have to assign disks to Pool1 using this command, before any SyncMirror aggregates can be
Pre-zeroed status
Data ONTAP requires all spare disks that were previously part of an aggregate to be zeroed
before they can be added to a new aggregate. Disk zeroing ensures that the creation of a new
aggregate does not require a parity computation, and that addition of disks to an existing
aggregate does not require a re-computation of parity across all RAID groups to which the new
disks have been added. Non-zeroed spare disks that are selected for aggregate creation or
addition have to be zeroed first, lengthening the overall duration of the aggregate creation or
addition process. Replacement of a failed disk does not require completely zeroed spares, since
reconstruction of data on the replacement disk overwrites the existing data on some of the disk
blocks. The blocks that are not overwritten during reconstruction, however, have to be zeroed
before the disk can be used by the aggregate.
Data ONTAP gives preference to pre-zeroed disks during spare selection for aggregate creation
and addition, as well as failed disk replacement. However, despite the benefits of having prezeroed spare disks available in a system, Data ONTAP does not automatically zero disks as soon
as they are removed from aggregates. This is to minimize the possibility of irrecoverable data
loss in the event of a scenario where data on a disk is required even after the disk has been
removed from the aggregate. Disk zeroing can only be started by the system administrator, using
the command 'disk zero spares' in 7-Mode and 'storage disk zerospares' in C-Mode.
This command starts the zeroing process in the background on the spare disks present in the
system at that time.
Topology-based optimization of selected spares
Data ONTAP performs an optimization based on the topology of the storage system, on the set of
spare disks that have been selected for aggregate creation or addition or failed disk replacement.
First, it constructs a topology layout with the selected spare disks ordered by channel, shelf and
slot. Then, it considers all the points of failure in the storage system (adapters, switches, bridges,
shelves,), and estimates the 'load' on each, by counting the number of existing filesystem disks
associated with each point of failure. When allocating spares, Data ONTAP attempts to distribute

disks evenly across the different points of failure. It also attempts to minimize the points of
failure that the selected disks have in common with the other disks in the target RAID group.
Finally, it allocates the required number of spares, alternating the selected disks between all
significant points of failure.
Spare selection for new aggregate creation
Data ONTAP uses the following disk attributes for spare selection - disk type, checksum type,
RPM and disk size. The user may specify desired values for some of these attributes in the
aggregate creation command. For the attributes not specified by the user, Data ONTAP
determines the values that will provide the best selection of spares.
First, Data ONTAP decides the disk type and checksum type of the disks to be selected. If the
user has not specified a desired disk type, it finds the disk type with the most number of spare
disks. If the user has specified a desired checksum type, it only counts the disks with that
checksum type. If not, it looks through the disks in the following order of checksum type:
1. Advanced zone checksum disks
2. Block checksum disks
3. Zoned checksum disks
For each checksum type, Data ONTAP determines the disk type that has the most number of
disks. If this number is insufficient for the creation of the new aggregate, it considers the disks
with the next checksum type, and so on. If no checksum type has a sufficient number of disks,
the aggregate create operation fails. Additional user-specified attributes are also considered in
this step. For example, if the user has specified a desired checksum type and a desired RPM
value, Data ONTAP determines the disk type that has the most disks with the specified checksum
and RPM values.
If there are two or more disk types with the same number of spare disks, Data ONTAP selects a
disk type in the following order of preference:
4. SSD
6. SAS

7. LUN
8. ATA
Once it has identified a set of disks according to disk type and checksum type, a subset is
selected based on RPM. This step is only performed if the identified disk type is neither SSD nor
LUN, since the concept of rotational speed does not apply to these disk types. If the user has
specified a desired RPM value, only disks with that value are present in the selected set. If the
user has not specified a value, Data ONTAP groups all selected disks by their RPM values and
chooses the group that has the most number of disks. If two or more groups have the same
number of disks, the group with the highest RPM is selected. The value of the RPM mixing
option for a specified disk type determines if the disks of that disk type will be considered equal
with respect to RPM. If the option is set to false, all disks of that disk type are counted together
in the same group, even if they have different RPM values. If the option is set to true, disks of
that disk type are strictly separated into groups according to their RPM values.
If the user has specified a desired disk size in the aggregate creation command, Data ONTAP
selects spare disks such that the desired size lies within 80%-120% of the spare disk's size. If the
user has not specified a desired size, Data ONTAP uses the selected disks in ascending order of
size. The largest disk is made the dparity disk and the next largest disk is made the parity disk of
the RAID group. Among disks of the same size, preference is given to pre-zeroed disks.
Once a set of spare disks has been identified based on these attributes, Data ONTAP optimizes
the selection based on the topology of the storage system. The topology optimization procedure
is described in detail in the Topology-based optimization of selected spares section.
As mentioned earlier, the values of disk type and RPM considered by Data ONTAP during spare
selection depend on the values of the disk type mixing options and the RPM mixing options.
Creation of a root aggregate
Data ONTAP is designed to prefer HDDs over SSDs for the creation of the root aggregate in the
system, even if SSDs are more numerous. SSDs are selected for the root aggregate only if there
are not enough HDDs.
Creation of a unmirrored aggregate
For an unmirrored aggregate, Data ONTAP selects a set of spare disks from one of the two pools.
It counts the number of available spare disks in each pool and chooses the set that has the larger
number. If neither of the two pools has a sufficient number of disks, the aggregate creation will
fail with an error message. Data ONTAP will never select a set of disks that spans the two pools.
However, this behavior can be overridden by specifying the '-d/-disklist' option with a list
of disks spanning both pools, and the '-f/-force' option to override the pool check.

Creation of a SyncMirror aggregate

The procedure to create a SyncMirror aggregate is the same as for an unmirrored aggregate, with
one difference. Instead of selecting one set of disks from either of the pools to form the
aggregate, Data ONTAP selects two sets of disks, one from each pool, to form the two plexes of
the aggregate. The disks selected from Pool0 have to be identical to the disks selected from
Pool1, with respect to disk type, RPM and checksum type. They may, however, differ in size.
Data ONTAP pairs each disk in Pool0 with a disk in Pool1, and if the disks in one pair differ in
size and are selected to be the data disks in the RAID group, the larger disk is downsized to the
size of the smaller disk. If the disks in a pair are selected to be the parity or dparity disks in the
RAID group, no downsizing is required even if they are of different sizes. If there are not enough
disks in either pool, or if the disks in one pool are different from the disks in the other pool with
respect to disk type, RPM or checksum type, the aggregate creation fails.

Spare selection for disk addition to an existing aggregate

The procedure to select spares to add to an existing aggregate is similar to the procedure to create
a new aggregate. The user may specify desired values for some of the spare selection attributes;
Data ONTAP determines the best values for the rest of the attributes. While determining the best
values for the unspecified attributes, Data ONTAP takes into account the attributes of the disks
that are already present in the aggregate.
Disk type: The user may specify a desired disk type for the disks to be added to the aggregate. If
the specified disk type is an SSD disk type and the aggregate only contains HDDs, it will be
converted to a Flash Pool, if the feature has been enabled (as described in the Flash Pools
section). In this case, a new SSD tier will be created with the newly added disks forming one or
more new RAID groups. If the specified disk type is an HDD disk type and the aggregate only
contains HDDs, the usual rules governing the mixing of disk types will apply. If the user has not
specified a disk type, Data ONTAP will try to determine the value based on the disk type of the
other disks in the aggregate. This depends on which RAID group the new disks are to be added
to, and can be specified by the user using the '-g' option. This option accepts the following

- add the disks to a specified, existing RAID group until it is full;

discard remaining disks
RAID group name

2. 'new' - create one or more new RAID groups with the disks being added
3. 'all' - add disks to all existing RAID groups until they are full; create new RAID
groups after that
If the user has not specified a disk type but has specified a RAID group value, Data ONTAP will
try to determine the disk type from the RAID group value specified. For example, if the user
species an existing RAID group, Data ONTAP will choose spare disks with the same disk type as

the disks in that RAID group. If no RAID group value is specified, Data ONTAP will choose
disks with the disk type of the first RAID group in the aggregate. If new disks are to be added to
a Flash Pool, the aggregate addition command must contain enough information to
unambiguously identify the tier to which the disks are to be added. This can be done by explicitly
specifying the disk type using the '-T' option, or by specifying a RAID group value (with the
'-g' option) that allows Data ONTAP to infer the disk type from. The '-d' option may also be
used to explicitly specify a disk list. However, Data ONTAP only allows disks to be added to one
tier in a single command, so the disk list specified may not contain both HDDs and SSDs.
Checksum type: The user may specify a desired checksum type for the disks to be added. If the
specified checksum type is different from the prevailing checksum type of the aggregate, the
aggregate will become a mixed-checksum aggregate (described in the Mixed checksum
aggregates section), and one or more new RAID groups will be created with the newly added
disks. If the user has not specified a desired checksum type, Data ONTAP chooses disks of the
same checksum type as the first RAID group in the aggregate.
RPM: The user is not allowed to specify a desired RPM value for disks to be added to an
existing aggregate. Data ONTAP determines the prevailing RPM value in the aggregate, by
grouping the disks in the aggregate by RPM, and choosing the RPM with the largest count of
disks. If there are two or more same-sized sets of disks with different RPMs, the larger RPM
value is chosen as the desired RPM value. In the absence of spares with the desired RPM value,
Data ONTAP may select disks with a different RPM. This depends on the value of the RPM
mixing option for the selected disk type - if the value is set to false, disks with a different RPM
value may be selected. Disks with an RPM different from that of the majority of disks in the
aggregate may be added to the aggregate, by specifying the disks with the '-d/-disklist'
option together with the '-f/-force' option.
Size: If the user has specified a desired size for the disks to be added, Data ONTAP chooses
spare disks such that the desired size lies within 80% - 120% of the selected spare disk's size. If
the user has not specified a desired size, Data ONTAP uses the size of the largest data disk in the
target RAID group as a 'baseline' size, and selects spare disks in the following order:
1. Disks that are the same size as the baseline size
2. Disks that are smaller than the baseline size, in descending order
3. Disks that are larger than the baseline size, in ascending order
If the disks are going to form a new RAID group, Data ONTAP finds the newest RAID group in
the aggregate with the same disk type and checksum type as the disks being added, and uses the
size of the largest data disk in that RAID group as the baseline size.
Once a set of spare disks has been identified based on these attributes, Data ONTAP optimizes
the selection based on the topology of the storage system. The optimization procedure is
described in detail in the Topology-based optimization of selected spares section.

Addition of disks to an unmirrored aggregate

In the case of an unmirrored aggregate, the selected spare disks will be chosen from the same
pool that the majority of existing disks in the aggregate belong to. To add disks from the opposite
pool, the '-d/-disklist' option can be used to specify the list of disks to be added, together
with the '-f/-force' option to override the pool check, as described in the Spare selection with
the '-disklist' option section.
Addition of disks to a SyncMirror aggregate
In the case of a SyncMirror aggregate, the selected spare disks are evenly divided between the
two plexes, with an equal number of disks coming from each spare pool. If each pool does not
have the required number of matching disks, Data ONTAP will not mix disks from the two pools,
and the aggregate addition operation will fail.

Spare selection for replacement of a failed disk

Data ONTAP uses the following attributes to select a replacement for a failed disk - disk type,
RPM, pool, checksum type and disk size. The desired values for these attributes are determined
by Data ONTAP, by considering the attributes of the failed disk that is being replaced, as well as
some attributes of the aggregate to which it belonged. A matching spare disk is a spare disk that
has the desired values for all the attributes considered. A suitable spare disk is a spare disk that
does not have all the desired values but is deemed a suitable replacement for the failed disk. Data
ONTAP first tries to find a matching spare disk to replace the failed disk. If it does not find any
matching spares, it tries to find a suitable spare disk.
Data ONTAP determines the desired values of the selection attributes as follows:
Disk type: Disk type is a hard requirement in the selection of a replacement spare disk - the disk
type of the selected spare disk has to be the same as the disk type of the RAID group that the
failed disk belonged to. Data ONTAP will not select a spare disk with a different disk type to
replace a failed disk. However, as described in the Disk type section, certain disk types will be
grouped together during spare selection, if the disk type mixing options are turned on.
RPM: The desired RPM value of the selected spare disk is based on the RPMs of the remaining
disks in the aggregate (or plex, if it is a SyncMirror aggregate), and not on the RPM of the failed
disk. A matching spare disk has the same RPM value as the majority of disks in the aggregate. If
there are two or more same-sized sets of disks with different RPMs, the larger RPM value is
chosen as the desired RPM value. In the absence of matching spare disks, Data ONTAP may
select suitable spare disks with a different RPM value. Disks with higher RPM values are
preferred, but if there are none, disks with lower RPM may be selected as well. The RPM mixing
options decide whether or not to allow the mixing of disks with different RPMs in the same
aggregate, as described in the RPM section.

Pool: A matching spare disk has to belong to the same pool as the parent plex of the aggregate
containing the failed disk. In the absence of a matching spare disk, Data ONTAP may select a
suitable spare disk from the opposite pool, if the aggregate is unmirrored. For a mirrored
aggregate, Data ONTAP will select a disk from the opposite pool only if the aggregate is mirrordegraded or is resyncing.
Checksum: The desired checksum type of a spare disk is the checksum type of the RAID group
that the failed disk belonged to. Data ONTAP may select a spare disk with a different checksum
type, if the selected spare disk also supports the desired checksum type.
Size: Selected spare disks have to be the same size as or larger than the failed disk being
replaced. If the disks selected are larger in size, they are downsized before being used.
If multiple matching or suitable spare disks are found, Data ONTAP uses two additional
attributes to choose a single disk - the pre-zeroed status of the disks and the topology of the
storage system. Data ONTAP gives preference to spares that are already zeroed, as described in
the Pre-zeroed status section. It also tries to optimize the selection based on the topology of the
storage system, as described in the Topology-based optimization of selected spares section.
Failed disk replacement in an unmirrored aggregate
Data ONTAP first tries to find a matching spare disk to replace a failed disk in an unmirrored
aggregate. If there are no matching spares found, it tries to find a suitable spare disk, by varying
the selection attributes in the following order:
1. Different RPM, same pool
2. Same RPM, different pool
3. Different RPM, different pool
Failed disk replacement in a SyncMirror aggregate
As in the case of an unmirrored aggregate, Data ONTAP first tries to find a matching spare disk
to replace a failed disk. If there are no matching spares available, it looks for suitable spares. The
attribute variations listed above are tried in the same order, with one difference - Data ONTAP
does not look for suitable spare disks in the opposite pool, if the aggregate is in a normal, faultisolated state. Data ONTAP will search for suitable spares in the opposite pool only if the
aggregate is mirror-degraded or is resyncing, with the plex containing the failed disk serving as
the source of the resync. In all other cases, the disk replacement will fail if there are not any
suitable or matching spares available in the same pool.
Spare selection with DS4486 shelves
Data ONTAP 8.1.1 introduces support for DS4486 disk shelves - a new dense disk shelf in which
two physical disks are housed per disk carrier. In a DS4486 shelf, the smallest field replaceable

unit (FRU) is the disk carrier, which means that it is the smallest unit in the shelf that can be
replaced individually. If either of the disks in a carrier fails, the entire carrier has to be replaced,
even if the other disk is healthy. If the healthy disk in a failed carrier is part of an aggregate, Data
ONTAP has to initiate a disk copy operation to copy the healthy disk to another disk, before the
carrier can be taken out of the shelf to be replaced. Thus, spare selection in a DS4486
environment is slightly different, because each carrier has to be considered a single point of
Data ONTAP avoids allocating two spares from the same carrier into the same RAID group,
because a failure in one of the disks in the carrier would require a complete disk copy of the
healthy disk along with the reconstruction on the selected spare disk, putting the RAID group at
risk while these operations are in progress. Data ONTAP also avoids selecting a spare disk from
a carrier that already has a failed or pre-failed disk. These modifications in the selection are all
performed during the topology optimization stage. The selection of spare disks is done as usual,
with each disk in a carrier considered independently (disks within the same carrier usually have
identical characteristics). Once Data ONTAP has identified candidate spare disks, it orders all of
them by channel, shelf, carrier and slot. All selected spare disks that have a failed or pre-failed
disk as a carrier-mate are removed from consideration. It then estimates the 'load' on each point
of failure in the topology, including each carrier. A carrier that has two spare disks is given a
higher preference than a carrier that has one spare disk and one used disk. Data ONTAP then
allocates disks, trying as far as possible to evenly distribute disks across all points of failure, and
alternating the selected disks between channels, shelves and carriers.
When the number of spare disks in the system is low, Data ONTAP cannot avoid allocating two
disks from a carrier into the same RAID group. When this happens, a background process is
started after the aggregate addition, which performs a series a disk copy operations to rearrange
the disks in existing RAID groups to eliminate cases of two disks from one carrier being in the
same RAID group.
Spare selection parameters and options
The aggregate creation and addition commands accept certain input parameters which can be
used to specify values for disk attributes that must be considered during spare selection. During
aggregate creation or addition, the user should specify values for as many of these parameters as
possible to ensure the selection of a desired set of disks. These parameters are as follows:
1. -T <disk type>
2. -R <rpm value>
3. -c <checksum type>
4. @<size value>
In addition to these parameters, spare selection behavior also depends on the values of the disk
type mixing options and RPM mixing options. Unexpected spare disk selections could arise as a

result of the values that these options are set to. For instance, in Data ONTAP 8.1 and earlier,
disk type mixing is allowed by default, which could result in an unexpected disk type being
selected, even when the '-T' option is explicitly used to specify a disk type. As an example, if
disk type mixing is allowed, Data ONTAP considers FCAL and SAS disks to be part of the same
disk type group ('SAS'), so a command like 'aggr create <aggrname> -T FCAL
<diskcount>' may result in the aggregate being created with SAS disks, even if the required
number of FCAL disks are present in the system. This is because the FCAL and SAS disks are
considered equivalent with regard to disk type, and so the selection of disks is made on the basis
of other disk attributes like RPM, checksum type, size, topology, etc., which could result in the
SAS disks being given preference over the FCAL disks. If a strict enforcement of disk types is
required, the disk type mixing options should be disabled.
Similar to the enforcement of disk type, the RPM mixing options control the selection of disks
based on RPM. If a strict enforcement of RPM is required, these options should be disabled.
Spare selection with the '-disklist' option
The aggregate creation and addition commands have an option '-d' that accepts a spaceseparated list of spare disks. Data ONTAP checks this list to ensure that the disks have
compatible values of disk type, RPM, checksum type and pool, and then carries out the creation
or addition operation with the specified disks. For the creation of an unmirrored aggregate, Data
ONTAP checks that the disks in the disk list belong to the same pool and have the same RPM
value. For the addition of disks to an unmirrored aggregate, Data ONTAP checks that the disks in
the disk list belong to the same pool, and have the same RPM value as the prevailing RPM in the
aggregate. If these checks fail, Data ONTAP rejects the disk list and fails the command. This
behavior can be overridden with the '-f/-force' option - when a disk list is specified along
with the '-f' option, Data ONTAP ignores the results of the RPM and pool checks, thus
allowing disks from different pools and with different RPMs to be present in the same aggregate.
For the creation of or addition of disks to a SyncMirror aggregate, Data ONTAP expects two disk
lists to be specified, one for each pool. The '-f' option can be used here as well, to override the
RPM and pool checks.
On a system with 10 FCAL, 10 SAS and 10 SATA disks, the user executes the command
'aggr create <aggrname> 5'. Which disk type does Data ONTAP select for the creation
of the new aggregate?
The disk type selected depends on the value of the disk type mixing option. If disk type mixing is
allowed, FCAL and SAS disks are considered as having group disk type SAS, so they are
counted together. Data ONTAP picks the disk type that has the most number of disks. Assuming
that all disks have the same checksum type, it selects disk type SAS (10 FCAL + 10 SAS disks =
20 disks with group disk type SAS vs. 10 disks with group disk type ATA). From the set of disks
with group disk type SAS, Data ONTAP could end up selecting either FCAL or SAS disks for

the creation of the aggregate - that would depend on the other disk attributes, such as RPM, size,
pre-zeroed status and storage topology.
If disk type mixing is not allowed, the three disk types are considered separately. Since all three
disk types have the same number of disks, Data ONTAP chooses a disk type in the order listed in
the Spare selection for new aggregate creation section. SAS is higher on the list than FCAL and
SATA, so Data ONTAP will select 5 SAS disks for the creation of the new aggregate.
On a system with 6 SATA BCS disks, 4 MSATA AZCS disks and 8 FCAL BCS disks, the
user executes the command 'aggr create <aggrname> 5'. Which disk type and checksum
type does Data ONTAP select for the creation of the aggregate?
The selection is done first by the checksum type, then by disk type and count. Data ONTAP first
considers AZCS checksum disks, and counts the number of disks of each disk type. Since there
are only 4 AZCS checksum disks in total and the user wants 5 disks, we move on to the next
checksum type - BCS. There are 6 SATA disks and 8 FCAL disks with checksum type BCS. Data
ONTAP selects the disk type which has the higher number of disks - FCAL. If there was an equal
number of SATA and FCAL disks, it would have selected a disk type in the order listed in the
Spare selection for new aggregate creation section, so it would have picked SATA. In both cases,
the checksum type selected is BCS.
A disk in an unmirrored aggregate fails and Data ONTAP has to select a spare disk to
replace it. The other disks in the aggregate are of type FCAL, checksum BCS, 10K RPM
and from Pool0. The available spare disks are as follows:
1. Group 1 - disk type FCAL, checksum BCS, RPM 15K, Pool1
2. Group 2 - disk type SATA, checksum BCS, RPM 7.2K, Pool1
3. Group 3 - disk type SAS, checksum BCS, RPM 15K, Pool0
Which group of disks does Data ONTAP pick a replacement disk from?
In this case, there is no perfectly matching spare available for the failed disk, because none of the
spare disks have all the desired attributes. Data ONTAP first identifies the spare disks with
matching disk type. Assuming that disk type mixing is allowed on the system, Data ONTAP
treats FCAL and SAS disks as having the same effective disk type, so all FCAL and SAS spare
disks are considered suitable replacements with respect to disk type. From this set of disks, Data
ONTAP tries to find a suitable spare disk to replace the failed disk using the variations listed
1. Different RPM, same pool
2. Same RPM, different pool
3. Different RPM, different pool

Looking at the list of variations, the disks in group 3 match variation 1 on the list - different
RPM, same pool. So Data ONTAP will pick a replacement disk from group 3. In this example, if
the disks in group 3 were not present, Data ONTAP would go down the list till variation 3 different RPM, different pool - and pick a disk from group 1.
If disk type mixing was turned off on the system, Data ONTAP would consider FCAL and SAS
disks different with regard to disk type, and would consider only the FCAL spare disks suitable
replacements for the failed disk. Thus, it would select a replacement disk from among the
available FCAL spare disks in Group 1.
Can I mix Fibre Channel (FC) and Serial Attached SCSI (SAS) drives in the same

KB Doc ID 3012345 Version: 5.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 1888


I have FC and SAS disks in my system. Can I use them in the same aggregate?
SAS and FC disks are treated as the same disk type when creating or increasing the size of an
Example of a sysconfig -r with both SAS and FC drives:
Aggregate aggr1 (online, raid_dp)
Plex /aggr1/plex0 (online, normal, active, pool0)
RAID group /aggr1/plex0/rg0
RAID Disk Device HA SHELF BAY CHAN Pool Type RPM Used (MB/blks) Phys (MB/blks)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------dparity 0a.32 0a 2 0
FC:A 0 FCAL 15000 136000/278528000 137104/280790184
parity 0c.00.5 0c 0 5 SA:2 0 SAS 15000 136000/278528000 137104/280790184
0a.33 0a 2 1
FC:A 0 FCAL 15000 136000/278528000 137104/280790184
0c.00.6 0c 0 6 SA:2 0 SAS 15000 136000/278528000 137104/280790184

See the section on How Data ONTAP works with disks in the Storage Management Guide.

What is a Hybrid aggregate?

KB Doc ID 3014300 Version: 5.0 Published date: 07/04/2016 Views: 4632

NetApp Flash Pool is an intelligent storage caching product within the NetApp Virtual Storage
Tier (VST) product family. A Flash Pool aggregate (or Hybrid aggregate) configures Solid-State
Drives (SSDs) and Hard Disk Drives (HDDs), either performance disk drives (often referred to
as SAS or FC) or capacity disk drives (often called SATA) into a single storage pool (aggregate)
with the SSDs providing a fast-response-time cache for volumes that are provisioned on the
Flash Pool aggregate.

Provisioning a volume in a Flash Pool aggregate can provide one or more of the following

Persistent low read latency for large active datasets: NetApp systems configured with
Flash Pool can cache up to 100 times more data than configurations that have no
supplemental flash-based cache. The data can be read 2 to 10 times faster from the cache
than from HDDs. In addition, data cached in a Flash Pool aggregate is available through
planned and unplanned storage controller takeovers, enabling consistent read
performance throughout these events.

More HDD operations for other workloads: Repeat random read and random overwrite
operations utilize the SSD cache, enabling HDDs to handle more reads and writes for
other workloads, such as sequential reads and writes.

Increased system throughput (IOPS): For a system where throughput is limited due to
high HDD utilization, adding Flash Pool cache can increase total IOPS by serving
random requests from the SSD cache.

HDD reduction: A storage system that is configured with Flash Pool to support a given
set of workloads typically has fewer of the same type of HDD, and often fewer and
lower-cost-per-terabyte HDDs, than does a system that is not configured with Flash Pool.

Although configuring a NetApp storage system with Flash Pool can provide significant benefits,
there are some things that Flash Pool does not do. For example:

Accelerate write operations: The NetApp Data ONTAP operating system is already
write-optimized through the use of write cache and nonvolatile memory (NVRAM or
NVMEM). Flash Pool caching of overwrite data is done primarily to offload the intensive
write operations of rapidly changing data from HDDs.

Reduce or alleviate high CPU or memory utilization: Adding a caching technology to

a storage system results in an incremental increase in CPU and memory consumption.
Consequently, adding Flash Pool to a system that is already near maximum CPU or
memory utilization increases the consumption of these resources.

Cache sequential (read or write) or large-block (>16KB) random write operations:

HDDs handle sequential read and write operations efficiently. Large-block random write
operations are typically organized into more sequential write operations by Data ONTAP
before being written to disk. For these reasons and others discussed in the TR 4070, Flash
Pool does not cache sequential writes or random overwrites that are larger than 16KB.

Increase the maximum throughput capability of a storage system: Achieving the

maximum throughput (IOPS or MB/sec) of a system is a function of the memory and
CPU resources of the storage controller. Maximizing throughput also requires a sufficient
number of drives (HDDs or SSDs) to handle the workloads that will result in peak system
(controller) performance. Caching technologies do not increase the system memory or
CPU cycles available in a system. As a result, the maximum throughput values for
NetApp storage systems are not higher for systems configured with a caching technology.

Creating a Flash Pool Aggregate:

A Flash Pool aggregate can be created non-disruptively, that is, while the system is operating and
serving data. The process of creating a Flash Pool aggregate has three steps:
1. Create the 64-bit HDD aggregate (unless it already exists).
o When creating an aggregate of multiple HDD RAID groups, NetApp's best
practice is to size each RAID group with the same number of drives or with no
more than 1 drive difference (for example, one RAID group of 16 HDDs and a
second one of 15 HDDs is acceptable).
o If an existing aggregate is 32-bit, it must be converted to a 64-bit aggregate before
it is eligible to become a Flash Pool aggregate. As noted in section 3.1, there are
situations in which a converted 64-bit aggregate is not eligible to become a Flash
Pool aggregate.
2. Set the hybrid_enabled option to on for the aggregate:
Note: A RAID group cannot be removed from an aggregate after the aggregate has been
For Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode, run the following commands:
1. aggr options <aggr_name> hybrid_enabled on
2. aggr add <aggr_name> -T SSD <number_of_disks>
-Oraggr add <aggr_name> -d <diskid1>,<disksid2>

For clustered Data ONTAP, run the following commands:

1. Determine the names of the spare SSDs available to you:

storage aggregate show-spare-disks -disk-type SSD

2. Create the storage pool:

storage pool create -storage-pool sp_name -disk-list

3. Optional: Show the newly created storage pool:

storage pool show -storage-pool sp_name

4. Mark the aggregate as eligible to become a Flash Pool aggregate:

storage aggregate modify -aggregate aggr_name -hybrid-enabled true

5. Show the available SSD storage pool allocation units:

storage pool show-available-capacity

6. Add the SSD capacity to the aggregate:

storage aggregate add aggr_name -storage-pool sp_name -allocation-units

Reverting a Flash Pool aggregate back to a standard HDD-only aggregate requires migrating the
volumes to an HDD-only aggregate. After all volumes have been moved from a Flash Pool
aggregate, the aggregate can be destroyed, and then the SSDs and HDDs are returned to the
spares pool, which makes them available for use in other aggregates or Flash Pool aggregates.
A Flash Pool aggregate that has a SSD RAID group containing one data drive is supported;
however, with such a configuration, the SSD cache can become a bottleneck for some system
deployments. Therefore, NetApp recommends configuring Flash Pool aggregates with a
minimum number of data SSDs, as shown in the table below:

For further details, see TR-4070: Flash Pool Design and Implementation Guide.

What is RAID lost write protection?

KB Doc ID 3013583 Version: 6.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 7971

On upgrading Data ONTAP to version 8.1 or later, aggregates will show an additional status in
the output of the aggr status v command (this is a diagnostic command).

aggr2 online

raid_dp, aggr

Volumes: <none>

nosnap=off, raidtype=raid_dp,

Plex /aggr2/plex0: online, normal, active

RAID group /aggr2/plex0/rg0: scrubbing 40% completed,
block checksums

Lost writes are writes that a disk has confirmed to Data ONTAP as written, but that have not
made it to the disk (usually due to some damage on the media or the head of the drive, and in
rare cases, also the shelf module or HBA hardware or firmware defects).
RAID lost write protection (rlw) in Data ONTAP 8.1 and higher is an enhancement to the preexisting (Data ONTAP 7.0 and higher) lost write protection.
Initially when the filer is upgraded, the aggregates will have the status rlw_upgrading. This
means that the rlw feature is enabled (by default) but is not yet active. For it to become active a
full RAID scrub needs to be run over all RAID groups of the concerned aggregate. Note that any
existing RAID scrubs are typically cancelled, and a new (modified) RAID scrub will have to be
run, which happens either automatically by the RAID scrub schedule (default is Sunday 1 a.m.)
or by starting a one-time manual scrub.
Note: 'rlw_upgrading' is just a flag/state, it does not indicate an active process running in the
background. This means that there is -no- background process impacting the storage system's

performance. The only performance impact expected is that of scrub, which can be scheduled
and stopped by the usual means (for more information, see the 'aggr scrub' man pages).
The active process of performing the upgrade is included as part of a RAID scrub. A full manual
scrub will not be initiated automatically following an upgrade of Data ONTAP. The aggr scrub
status command will indicate if RAID scrubs are currently suspended (not actively running at
that moment).
When a scrub has completed successfully, the status will usually change to rlw_on (exceptions
are documented in the Related Link below). The different states are referenced in the diag man
An explanation of the different rlw states displayed in "aggr status -v" is given in the man
About scrubbing:
default scrub is started only once a week and runs only for 6 hours with low performance
impact. Under these conditions, a scrub might run for many weeks until completion.
Completion happens per RAID group, so verify that it has completed for all RAID groups
of the rlw enabled aggregate. The completion message is printed in EMS.
For Example:
Sun May 20 00:33:41 GMT [filer1: config_thread: raid.rg.scrub.done:notice]:
/aggr04/plex0/rg2: scrub completed in 1:33:35.76
Sun May 20 00:33:41 GMT [filer1: config_thread: raid.rg.scrub.done:notice]:
/aggr04/plex0/rg0: scrub completed in 1:33:35.76
Sun May 20 00:33:41 GMT [filer1: config_thread: raid.rg.scrub.done:notice]:
/aggr04/plex0/rg1: scrub completed in 1:33:35.76
Sun May 20 00:33:41 GMT [filer1: config_thread: raid.rg.scrub.done:notice]:
/aggr04/plex0/rg3: scrub completed in 1:33:35.76

Speeding up a scrub:
In order to speed up a scrub, there are several options available.

Trigger a manual scrub by running the following command:

aggr scrub start

Wait for the weekly schedule to start but allow it to run to completion by changing the
following options:
options raid.scrub.duration "360"

---> "-1"


Set up a specific schedule to run a scrub during periods of low user impact:
options raid.scrub.schedule

(Every day of the week from 10 pm to 6 am).

Can you disable and re-enable RAID LW? What is the impact of upgrades/downgrades on

You can disable RAID LW protection on either aggregate level or globally on the filer. In
all the versions of Data ONTAP between 8.1 and 8.2, subsequent attempts to re-enable
this protection on existing aggregates will probably fail.

Also, downgrading Data ONTAP to a version prior to 8.1 will remove this feature for
existing aggregates. For aggregates that existed prior to the downgrade, subsequent
upgrades to the 8.1.x family will initiate a RAID LW upgrade scan that is probably going
to fail.

Aggregates created after the feature was disabled, or after the feature was re-enabled, will
be able to successfully enable RAID LW protection.

Upgrades and downgrades between Data ONTAP versions 8.1 and later (e.g. 8.1 to 8.1.1,
8.1.x to 8.2) will not affect this feature, as long as the feature is not disabled by the user
or by NGS.

An enhancement to the rlw_upgrading scrub is planned for 8.2 to allow RAID LW to be

re-enabled in any of the above scenarios.

This feature disables parity flip (when adding a larger disk to the RAID group) and tetris
optimization for SyncMirror.

Enabling or disabling the RAID LW detection (please be aware of the previous notes on
disabling RLW before running either of the commands!):
Enable or disable the option globally:
options raid.lost_write_enable on|off

Enable or disable the option on a single aggregate:

aggr options <aggr-name> raid_lost_write on|off

How to replace 10K RPM disks with 15K

RPM disks
KB Doc ID 1010807 Version: 6.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 2017

Upgrading 10K FC aggregates to 15K FC aggregates.

Warning: It is not a best practice to mix disks of different RPMs in the same aggregate
because an RG can operate as fast as the slowest disk in that particular RAID group.
Therefore, in this setup an RG is not taking advantage of higher RPM rate.
The procedure to upgrade 10K FC aggregates to 15K FC aggregates can also use the disk
replace command with the -m option in Data ONTAP 7.1 and 7.2. For example:
disk replace start -f -m disk10K spare15K

* disk10K is a 10K RPM disk from the aggregate

* spare15K is a 15K RPM spare disk
The command can be issued one after another for all disks in the aggregate. Of course, the spare
disks specified must be all different. Disks will be replaced one per RAID group at a time using
disk copy to copy contents of the source disk to the destination disk. The aggregate will stay
online during that process.
Note: Set the following options for the disk replacement to work:

options raid.rpm.fcal.enable off


options raid.rpm.ata.enable off

FAQ: How is space utilization managed in a

Data ONTAP SAN environment?
KB Doc ID 3014144 Version: 5.0 Published date: 02/25/2016 Views: 8146

What are the different layers of storage ?
Aggregate is a collection of physical disk space that is a container for one or more RAID groups.
Within each aggregate, there is 1 or more FlexVol volumes. FlexVol volumes are allocated as a
portion of available space with an aggregate. It contains 1 or more LUNs for use with iSCSI, FC
or FCoE protocols.

Storage Efficiency features:


Point-in-time copies use minimal storage space to protect your data

without performance impact.

Thin Provisioning

Defers storage purchases by keeping a common pool of free storage

available to all applications.


Cuts storage requirements by reducing redundancies in primary, backup,

and archival data.


Reduces the disk space required, regardless of storage protocol,

application, or storage tier.

Thin Replication

Protects business-critical data while minimizing storage capacity


What are the Volume Space Guarantee settings?

Volume: Default setting: Guarantees space at volume creation

When a volume contains one or more LUNs with reservations enabled, operations that
require free space, such as the creation of Snapshot copies, are prevented from using the
reserved space. If these operations do not have sufficient unreserved free space, they fail.
However, writes to the LUNs with reservations enabled continue to succeed.

None: No space reserved. Space allocated on first-come first-serve basis.

Thin provisioning enables storage administrators to provision more storage on a LUN
than is currently available on the volume. The space gets allocated only when the host
application needs it. It results in better space utilization. If all the LUNs used all their
configured space, then the volume would run out of free space. The storage administrator
needs to monitor the storage controller and increase the size of the volume as needed.

File: No space reserved at volume creation. Individual files or LUNs guaranteed space
when created.
A space guarantee of file reserves space in the aggregate so that any file in the volume
with space reservation enabled can be completely rewritten, even if its blocks are being
retained on disk by a Snapshot copy.
Note: When the uncommitted space in an aggregate is exhausted, only writes to volumes
or files in that aggregate with space guarantees are guaranteed to succeed.

How is the space in an aggregate allocated?

WAFL reserve WAFL reserves a 10% of the total disk space for aggregate level metadata
and performance. The space used for maintaining the volumes in the aggregate comes out
of the WAFL reserve and it cannot be changed.

Aggregate Snap reserve is the amount of space reserved for aggregate snapshots.

Snapshot reserve percentage of disk space reserved for snapshots for each of the
volumes in the system. Reserve space can be used only by snapshots and not by the
active file system. Default value is 20% and it can be changed.

How does a Snapshot of a LUN work?

Snapshot is a locally retained read-only point-in-time image of the data. When a snapshot of a
LUN is taken, snapshot copies the pointers to the corresponding LUN blocks on the disk. There
is no data copied or moved. When there is a change in the LUN data, it is written to new blocks
on the disk. Snapshot will continue pointing to the blocks with the old data. Snapshot
Technology is a feature of Data ONTAP.

Use snap delta to displays the rate of change of data between snapshot copies. When used
without any arguments, it displays the rate of change of data between snapshots for all volumes
in the system, or all aggregates in the case of snap delta -A.
snap delta [ vol_name] [ snapshot-name ] [ snapshot-name ]

If a volume is specified, the rate of change of data is displayed for that particular volume.
- Displays the amount of space that would be
reclaimed if the mentioned list of snapshots is deleted from the volume.
snap reclaimable <volname snapshot-name>

What is the purpose of LUN Space Reservation ?

To allocate space equal to the size of LUN during LUN creation.

To reserve space for overwrites (Fractional reserve) once snapshots are taken to the size
of LUN.

What is the impact of snapshot and space reservation?

Example 1: Without reservation.
Thin Provisioning allows the creation of a LUN with larger capacity than the volume.
Create 110GB LUN (Thin provisioned) in 100GB volume with no space reservation.
Then write 50GB data and create a snapshot.
And then write another 50GB and take another snapshot.

At this point 100GB space is full and any additional attempt to write fails.

Example 2: With reservation

Create a 50GB LUN in 100GB volume with space reservation.
Then write 25GB data.
Now take a snapshot. 25GB is now read only in the snapshot. Space reservation overwrite allows
writes to the original volume.
After Additional 25GB of data is written, 25GB is reserved for future overwrites. Use df-r to
see the reservation.
Try to take another snapshot.
An attempt to take a snapshot fails as we have exhausted the space reservation limit.

Delete 1 or more snapshots to be able to create more space.

Check the occupied Space in LUN by running the lun show -v <LUN Name> command.

LUN creation enables space reservation by default.

To create a LUN:
lun create s size -t ostype [ -o noreserve ] <lun_path>
A new LUN is created at the given lun_path (which must be at a qtree root). A hard

created to the existing file.

If the -o noreserve option is used, make sure that the file does not have any space
reservations enabled using the file reservation command.

To change the existing space reservation:

Lun set reservation <lun_path> [enable|disable]

Space Reservation in System Manager.

link is

Example 3: With fractional reserve.

Create a 50GB LUN in 100GB volume with space reservation.
50GB Data is written and a snapshot is taken. Now the LUN is completely utilized
Now 25GB data is overwritten and snapshot is created.
Snapshot fails as it requires 25GB space (= data overwritten) and there is not enough space to be

Set fractional reserve to 0 and reserved space disappears allowing you to take a snapshot.
If you overwrite data >25GB to Snapshot-protected LUN, it goes offline.

To change fractional overwrite reserve:

Vol options < vol_name> fractional_reserve pct (Default is 100%)

What are the options if you are running out of space?

If the volume containing the LUN is full, any subsequent attempts to write data on the LUN will
fail. Data ONTAP will make the LUN offline to avoid any inconsistencies. When volume is
running out of space, you can choose 1 of the following options:

Free some space by deleting snpshots.

Add more space to the volume using autogrow options

1. Snapshot Autodelete:
snap autodelete vol_name option value

To define which Snapshot copies to delete, use the following options and their
corresponding values in the snap autodelete command.

Specifies whether a snapshot copy is linked to data protection utilities
(SnapMirror or NDMPcopy) or data backing mechanisms (volume or
LUN clones).


Trydelete only snapshot copies that are not linked to data

protection utilities and data backing mechanisms.

Disruptdelete only snapshot copies that are not linked to data

backing mechanisms.

Destroydestroy only snapshot copies locked because of data

backing and data protection mechanisms.

You can set this value for a volume with the snapshot-clone-dependency
value set to on. An error message is returned if you set this option on a
volume with the snapshot-clone-dependency option set to off.
Defines when to automatically begin deleting snapshot copies.


Volumebegin deleting snapshot copies when the volume reaches

the capacity threshold percentage and the space for volume snap
reserve is exceeded.

Snap_reservebegin deleting snapshot copies when the snapshot

reserve reaches the capacity threshold percentage.

Space_reservebegin deleting snapshot copies when the space

reserved in the volume reaches the capacity threshold percentage
and the space for volume snap reserve is exceeded.

target_free_space Determines when to stop deleting snapshot copies. Specify a percentage.

For example, if you specify 30, then snapshot copies are deleted until 30
percent of the volume becomes free.

Newest_firstdelete the most recent snapshot copies first.

Oldest_firstdelete the oldest snapshot copies first.


Delete one of the following types of snapshot copies last:


User_createdsnapshot copies that are not autoscheduled

Prefixsnapshot copies with the specified prefix_string

Delete snapshot copies with a specific prefix last. You can specify up to
15 characters (for example, sv_snap_week). Use this option only if you
specify prefix for the defer_deleteoption.


Destroy one of the following types of snapshot copies. You can specify
the following values:

Lun_cloneallows destroying snapshot copies locked due to LUN


Vol_cloneallows destroying snapshot copies locked due to

volume clones.

CIFS_shareallows destroying snapshot copies even if these

snapshot copies are locked due to CIFS shares.

Noneis the default option. No locked snapshot copies are



2. Volume autosize
Volume autosize allows a flexible volume to automatically grow or shrink in size within an
aggregate. Autogrow is useful when a volume is about to run out of available space, but
there is space available in the containing aggregate for the volume to grow. Autoshrink is
useful in combination with autogrow. It can return unused blocks to the aggregate when
the amount of data in a volume drops below a user configurable shrink threshold.
Autoshrink can be enabled via the grow_shrink subcommand. Autoshrink without
autogrow is not supported.
vol autosize volname [-m size [k|m|g|t] ][-i size [k|m|g|t]][-minimumsize size [k|m|g|t]][-grow-threshold-percent <used space %>][-shrink-

threshold-percent <used space %>] [grow(on) | grow_shrink |off | reset]

m-maximum growth, i-incremental size

The autogrow feature works together with snap autodelete to automatically reclaim space
when a volume is about to become full. The volume option try_first controls the order
in which these two reclaim policies are used.
Vol options <vol-name> try_first [vol_grow | snap_delete]

If snapshot deletion is not possible, attempt volume autogrow first.

How to reclaim space?
Space reclamation complements thin provisioning to reduce inefficiency in your storage by
identifying data blocks that are not required by the applications that are still being consumed by
the storage. In other words, if you have data stored on a LUN and it is consuming space, and then
the data is deleted, without space reclamation, the storage controller would not know that those
blocks are free to add back to the available pool. A mechanism between the application and the
storage is required to tell the storage that blocks freed up by the application can be reclaimed by
the storage controller for use with other applications.

How to convert a volume or LUN from thick to thin provisioned

KB Doc ID 1015075 Version: 4.0 Published date: 11/02/2015 Views: 1043


At NetApp, a thick to thin conversion means to remove the reservations and guarantees.

The NetApp storage model starts with the RAID group. RAID groups are combined into pools of
storage called Aggregates. Aggregates are partitioned into logical containers called FlexVols.
Either LUNs or files can reside in FlexVols. A thin LUN is given the illusion of being thick by
reserving space within the Flexvol for the full size of the LUN. To convert a thick LUN to thin,
just set the LUN SpaceReserved property of the LUN to 'off'. This can be performed on the fly
and involves no actual movement of data; the LUN is already thin inside.
For more information, see From Thick to Thin and Back Again - A Whirlwind Tour of Thin
Provisioning on NetApp
There is no impact in performing this conversion since you are just removing the reservations
and guarantees from the volume or LUN.
Usually you can set autogrow for the volumes or can enable alerting, and expand the volume
manually when it reaches the threshold.

From Thick to Thin and Back Again - A

Whirlwind Tour of Thin Provisioning on
by fjohn

on 2010-07-07 09:59 AM

PowerShell Toolkit
Erick Moore recently did a nice little script to determine how much space your current thick
LUNs and volumes are wasting . This set me
thinking about Thin Provisioning and how it applies to NetApp.
Since at least 2004, all LUNs on NetApp are at heart thin. Back in those days, the market wasnt
as accepting of thin provisioning. You may recall that as late as 2008 much of the industry
thinking revolved around the fallacy of Real Fibre Channel. In order to give thin LUNs the
appearance of being thick, NetApp used a system of reservations and guarantees to ensure that
the space was really there.
What a difference the last few years have made. Today, the market gets thin. Many vendors
have various means and methods to migrate or convert thick LUNs to thin ones. Many of these
methods are time consuming and involve the physical movement of data between storage pools.
On NetApp, which has always been thin inside this is not the case. On NetApp, a thick to thin
conversion simply means that we remove the reservations and guarantees.

The NetApp storage model starts with the RAID group. RAID groups are combined into pools
of storage called Aggregates. Aggregates are partitioned into logical containers called FlexVols.
Either LUNs or files can reside in Flexvols. A thin LUN is given the illusion of being thick by
reserving space within the Flexvol for the full size of the LUN. To convert a thick LUN to think,
you simply set the LUNSpaceReserved property of the LUN to off. This can be done on the
fly and involves no actual movement of data; the LUN is already thin inside.
At the Flexvol, we have a combination of the volume reserve and the volume guarantee. The
guarantee reserves the space of the volume from the containing aggregate or pool. The guarantee
can be set to volume, file, or none. Volume reserves the full declared space of volume from the
containing aggregate. File, reserves the total declared space of files in the volume from the
containing aggregate. None, reserves no space from the aggregate. When the reserve is set to
volume, you can also declare a percentage of space to reserve called a fractional reserve. If you
set that to 0, then no space is reserved.
Thin or thick LUNs can exist in thin or thick volumes. There are no restrictions in this regard.
One oddity, a holdover from the days of emulated thick LUNs, is that in versions of Data
ONTAP prior to 7.3.3, in order to set a volume guarantee to none, you must first set the reserve
to 100%. This caveat was removed in ONTAP 7.3.3. This means in versions prior to 7.3.3, you
need to make sure you temporarily have in your volume, if you are currently using a reserve less
than 100, before you can set the guarantee to none. In ONTAP 7.3.3, there is no such need; if
your LUNs (thick or thin) fit in your thick volume today, then you can convert without potential
for space issues.
All of this, converting thick to thin LUNs and volumes in any version of ONTAP can be done
quickly and easily via the Data ONTAP PowerShell Toolkit. I have included two examples; one
for ONTAP versions prior to 7.3.3, and one for ONTAP 7.3.3. Both versions convert all of the
LUNs, and the volumes that contain them, on aggr1 from thick to thin:
ONTAP Prior to 7.3.3
Connect-nacontroller SIM1;foreach($vol in (get-navol | ? {$_.ContainingAggregate eq
aggr1} )){ get-nalun | ? {$_.Path -Like "*"+$Vol.Name+"*"} | set-nalunspacereserved
off;set-navoloption $ guarantee volume;Set-navoloption $
fractional_reserve 100;set-navoloption $ guarantee none}
ONTAP 7.3.3
Connect-nacontroller SIM1;foreach($vol in (get-navol | ? {$_.ContainingAggregate eq
aggr1} )){ get-nalun | ? {$_.Path -Like "*"+$Vol.Name+"*"} | set-nalunspacereserved
off; set-navoloption $ guarantee none}
Should you decide that thin provisioning is not for you after youve made the conversion, no
worries. Converting back from thin to thick is as simple as setting the reservations and
guarantees (provided you have the space). If you decide to move forward with thin provisioning
then, as Erick states in his post, its important to monitor if you do decide to thin provision. You

want to have enough time to take action before running out of space. Expect more to follow on
that one

Data ONTAP 8: FlexVol Volumes FAQ

KB Doc ID 3011218 Version: 12.0 Published date: 01/06/2016 Views: 7865

The following questions have been asked by Technical Support Engineers and Escalation
Engineers while doing hands on lab for flex volumes:
1. When you create a flexible volume, where is the volume created?
The volume is created in the aggregate you specified. For example:
vol create flex_vol_1 aggr_1 30m

creates flex_vol_1 in aggregate aggr_1

2. When you run aggr status does it tell you which flex volumes the aggregate
will not tell you this information, but aggr status <aggr_name> gives
more detailed information.
aggr status

3. How often do we delete aggregate level snapshots?

There is a snapshot schedule that contains hourly and nightly snapshots. Aside from the
deletes caused by those, we may delete snapshots if the aggregate is running low on
space. This is entirely load dependent.
4. If aggregate-level snapshot auto-delete is ON, but no-snap=off is set, what
snapshots are we deleting?
The aggregate level snapshots are created for internal purposes. Whenever we delete
those snapshots, we delete enough of them to free up space.
5. How does aggregate-level snapshot delete mechanism know when to 'stop' deleting

It 'doesn't'. It frees things up until there is sufficient free space.

6. When we autodelete the aggregate snapshots, are we left without any aggregate-level
No. We'll be left with least one aggregate-level snapshot when the delete is done. That is,
we'll create a new one as part of this deletion.
7. Why is snapshot auto-delete set to ON by default?
This has an impact on space-accounting. In the absence of this option, the 2X space
multiplier for overwritten files applies at both the aggregate and the volume levels,
totaling to a 4X multiplier.
8. Can we turn off space reservations on an aggregate?
No. Space guarantees are a per-volume option and space reservations are within volumes.
9. What are the uses for aggregate-level snapshots?
Aggregate-level SnapRestore, aggr copy, syncmirror resync.
10. Can you recover a flexible volume that you accidentally deleted?
Maybe. If you have an aggregate snapshot which has that flexible volume in it, you can
snap restore the aggregate. This will affect all other volumes.
For another restore option, see 3012449: Is it possible to restore an individual flexible
volume using an aggregate snapshot?
11. Are aggregates, by default, created with RAID-DP?
12. What does aggr create [-L] do?
It is used for creating a snaplock aggregate.

13. Does changing raidtype of an aggregate from RAID-DP to RAID4 free up the 2nd
parity disk?
Yes. This is the same as for a traditional volume.
14. Are there any snap commands for the aggregate?
Yes. The volume snap commands are applicable for an aggregate. They are accessed via
the "-A" option on the snap commands.
15. For SnapMirror transfers, does the RAID type matter?
No. Flexible volume snapmirror transfers are above the level of RAID and thus are
completely independent of the RAID configuration and geometry.
16. What is snap reclaimable?
Displays the amount of space that can be reclaimed when the list of snapshots passed in
(as input argument) is deleted.
17. Why is guarantee-volume(disabled) set on a SnapMirror destination?
Prior to Data ONTAP 8, quarantees were disabled by design. With guarantees disabled, it
was possible for the destination aggregate to run out of space, thereby causing the
SnapMirror transfers to fail. Data ONTAP 8 and later do not contain this behavior.
18. Why can you QSM from a qtree on a traditional volume to a qtree on a flex volume,
but can't SnapMirror from a trad volume to a flexible volume?
QSM operates at the logical level (think files); hence, the type of volume doesn't matter.
SnapMirror operates at block level (think disk blocks); the buftree internals of a trad/flex
volume are different; hence, you can't move blocks between different volume types.
19. What does guarantee=none mean on a flexible volume?
This means that space for the flexible volume isn't guaranteed by the aggregate. Writes on
the volume could fail if the aggregate containing the volume becomes full, even before
the volume has used an space on the aggregate.

20. With guarantee=none on a file/volume, can we get ENOSPC on a LUN?

21. Can we enable space guarantees on a clone?
No. This may be changed in a future release.
22. Can you wafliron flexible volumes directly?
No. Wafliron must be run at the aggregate level in order to check a FlexVol. See
3011877: Overview of wafliron.
o WARNING: Do not run wafliron without first contacting
NetApp Technical Support.
23. How big can a flexible volume be sized?
The maximum FlexVol size depends on the filer platform. The
System Configuration Guide contains the appropriate information.
Note: The maximum size provided is the raw size including the 10% reserve.
24. When can you get duplicate FSID's?
When you create a new volume, while another aggregate on the filer is offlined. It can
also happen during an aggr copy or when splitting a syncmirrored aggregate. The filer
automatically handles those cases.
This also possibly occurs if SnapRestore is performed.
25. How can you tell where the root volume is?
From the vol status command, look in the Options column.
26. What does coredumping do with respect to aggregates?
The core file is still dumped to /etc/crash.
27. What happens when root volume is corrupted and we need the core from
When you boot the filer, and there is no root volume, as part of the boot process, we will

create AUTOROOT. If there is any core to be dumped, it gets dumped there.

28. How do I tell what snapshots are 'locked' by clones?
snap list

includes this information.

29. What does aggregate-level mirror-split do?

Is similar to "mirror-split" of a traditional volume. On a split, from the mirror'ed disks, a
mirror'ed aggregate comes into existence; also, any flexible volumes that were contained
in the mirror'ed aggregate come into existence. These replicas are renamed to avoid name
conflicts, and their FSIDs are also rewritten when the volumes are mounted.
30. Can you vol copy/migrate flexible volumes?
Yes to both.
31. What are the ramifications of an upgrade of a 'nearly' full 6.5 system?
The upgrade to flexible volumes will have to work by doing an ndmp copy. If there is no
space to copy over data, writes will fail; the original volumes will be available; but
upgrade will not work.
32. What does reallocate do on volumes?
This is WAFL scan reallocate. In the presence of fragmented files, it will re-write some of
the data to lay it out better on disk.
33. Can you move a volume from an aggregate to another?
You could by vol copy or snapmirror.
34. Does vFiler migrate work on flexible volumes?

35. When a flexible volume is marked inconsistent, how can we troubleshoot?

Contact NetApp Technical Support.
36. In maintanence mode, why do have vol_show_ops with an 's',
but vol_remove_op without an 's'?
vol_show_ops lists all the pending operations that have been queued up
mode; vol_remove_op removes the last operation that was enqueued.

in maintanence

37. How do you know the actual space used by a LUN?

For space-reserved LUNs: In a volume that contains no snapshots, a LUN uses its size, as
reported by lun status and lun size. In a volume that contains snapshots, the LUN
will use at least that much space, and will eventually grow to twice that amount.
That additional space will be displayed in the reserved column of the df -r display (and
it's included in the Used column). However, the df command is volume granular, so if
there are multiple LUNs in the volume, there is no general way of seeing how much of
the Reserved space can be attributed to one LUN and how much to another.
(There is a non-general way of seeing this: from an NFS client, the du command, applied
to the LUN in an NFS mount point, will report the number of blocks actually in the LUN;
this is what it's costing in the Reserved column).
We generally recommend that you assume that all LUNs will end up using the maximum
size (2X+delta) and allow for this size from the beginning. The amount of space actually
used by the LUN is generally less interesting because we expect that the LUN will
eventually grow to use the maximum, so you might as well provision for that from the
beginning. The lun maxsize command can be used to see how large a LUN can be
created in the free space of a volume while obeying the 2X+delta rule.
38. What is the maximum number of aggregate snapshots that can be created or

Can disk firmware be upgraded without

causing Common Internet File System
Protocol and Network File System shares to
become unreachable?

KB Doc ID 3011892 Version: 4.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 2619

Data ONTAP 7.0.1 is the first release to offer non-disruptive disk firmware upgrades for filers
having the requisite drive configuration. The non-disruptive disk firmware upgrades take place
automatically in the background when the disks are members of aggregates of the following


Mirrored RAID-DP (RAID-DP with SyncMirror software)

Mirrored RAID4 (RAID4 with SyncMirror software)

Other firmware upgrade methods include:

Manually updating on a per disk basis. For example, if you want to update firmware on
disk ID 0, 1 and 3 on adapter 8, enter the following command:
disk_fw_update 8.0 8.1 8.3

Manually updating all disks at once. Use the disk_fw_update command without

Automatic updates during reboot: move files to /etc/disk_fw and reboot the filer. This
process will happen with any Data ONTAP update that includes newer firmware.

Automatic updates on disk insertion: happens automatically every time a disk with earlier
firmware is inserted. Since inserted disks are spare disks first, there is no risk to data

Automatic updates triggered by moving newer firmware in the /etc/disk_fw folder

when the options raid.background_disk_fw_update.enable on is set. This will
trigger a background disk-by-disk update, which is non-disruptive. All read requests will
be covered by recalculating from parity; write requests will be written to a dirty log,
which will be synced once the disk is back online.

For more information, see About background disk firmware upgrades.

Fractional reserve is being allocated even though no snapshots exist

KB Doc ID 2011424 Version: 7.0 Published date: 02/25/2016 Views: 4227


A volume with logical unit number (LUNs) inside it and fractional reserve at 100% should only
show usable space reserved if a snapshot exists on the volume, locking the reserved blocks.
However, in some cases, fractional reserve can be seen utilizing the available space of a volume
even when no snapshots exist.
For example:
7251SIM*> vol create sis space 100m
Creation of volume sis with size 100m on containing aggregate
space has completed.
7251SIM*> snap sched sis 0 0 0
7251SIM*> snap reserve sis 0
7251SIM*> vol status -v sis
Volume State Status Options
sis online raid_dp, flex nosnap=off, nosnapdir=off,
sis minra=off, no_atime_update=off,
guarantee=volume, svo_enable=off,
sis_logging=on, read_realloc=off,
Containing aggregate: space
Plex /space/plex0: online, normal, active
RAID group /space/plex0/rg0: normal

7251SIM*> df -h sis
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/sis/ 100MB 80KB 99MB 0% /vol/sis/
/vol/sis/.snapshot 0GB 0GB 0GB ---% /vol/sis/.snapshot

The following shows that no reserve is being used:

7251SIM*> stats show volume:sis:wv_fsinfo_blks_blks_rsrv_overwrite

Then, a lun is created and formatted:

7251SIM*> lun show -v /vol/sis/disabled
/vol/sis/disabled 47.1m (49351680) (r/w, online, mapped)
Serial#: nBLskoRETYRa
Share: none
Space Reservation: enabled
Multiprotocol Type: windows
Maps: windows=0
7251SIM*> df -h sis
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/sis/ 100MB 51MB 48MB 52% /vol/sis/
/vol/sis/.snapshot 0GB 0GB 0GB ---% /vol/sis/.snapshot

This now shows that some reserve is being used, as a partition is being written to the lun.
Notice now that 2MB has been used for the NTFS partition, which is committed to reserve:
volume:sis:wv_fsinfo_blks_blks_rsrv_overwrite:564 (564 blocks * 4.096 KB /
1024 = 2.2MB)

When setting the fractional reserve to 0, notice a change:

7251SIM*> vol options sis fractional_reserve 0
7251SIM*> df -h sis
Filesystem total used avail capacity Mounted on
/vol/sis/ 100MB 49MB 50MB 50% /vol/sis/
/vol/sis/.snapshot 0GB 0GB 0GB ---% /vol/sis/.snapshot

Hence it appears that fractional reserve is being used even though there are no snapshots on the
7251SIM*> snap list -n sis
Volume sis

No snapshots exist.


When SIS is enabled on the volume, fractional reserve behaves as if a snapshot is always present.
Therefore, fractional reserve will be honored and the volume will appear to have less space
available. This can be problematic, as LUNs can potentially go offline if the volume fills up and
no overwrite space is available. LUNs going offline in this manner can be dangerous, as they can
become corrupted.

When using LUNs inside of a volume with SIS enabled, you should reference paragraph 'LUN'

This document covers several setup possibilities depending on the desire to save space or protect
against over-committing.

Maintenance Center Frequently Asked

KB Doc ID 3011257 Version: 4.0 Published date: 06/20/2014 Views: 6923

General Questions
What is the Maintenance Center?
The purpose of the Maintenance Center is to improve storage reliability by reducing the number
of unnecessary disk returns to NetApp due to transient errors.
The Maintenance Center provides a new disk diagnostics capability built into Data ONTAP. The
Maintenance Center automatically manages disk failures through a systematic failureverification process while the failing disk is still in the customers system. A disk is identified by
the current health management system as being a potential failure. Instead of the disk being
failed and an AutoSupport Return Merchandise Authorization(RMA) case being generated, the
disk is removed from the current aggregate and sent to the Maintenance Center. User-data is
migrated from the disk onto a spare, through reconstruction or Rapid RAID recovery, depending

on the type of errors being received. The process occurs without user intervention and only a few
messages are sent to the console reporting the action.
Once in the Maintenance Center, the disk is tested in the background, without disrupting the
other operations of the system. If the transient errors can be repaired, the disk will be returned to
the spares pool. If not, the disk is failed. In many cases, the testing provided can correct errors
that would have previously caused a drive to be failed, or would have caused system
interruption, for example, a WAFL hang panic.
What are the key customer benefits of the Maintenance Center?
The Maintenance Center improves the customer experience with NetApp disk drives by
significantly reducing the number of unnecessary disk returns. Customers will have lower
lifetime management costs stemming from fewer component failures and increased system
How does a drive get selected to go into the Maintenance Center?
Data ONTAP has a defined set of errors and thresholds, which are used to select disks for
maintenance.This set of thresholds and errors may vary between releases as they are modified
based on new information.Disks that receive errors, which are known fatal errors, will not go
into maintenance testing and will be failed.
Currently the list includes:

A significant number of recovered or un-recovered disk errors in a short time

A large number of recovered or un-recovered disk errors over several days

Repeated recovered or un-recovered disk errors at the same location

Repeated disk command timeouts on one disk

Disk reported hardware errors that are not fatal

Health triggers which are based on recommendations from disk drive manufacturers to
warn of potential problems

The errors and error thresholds will evolve with new disk technologies and information
gathered from the current release.

Why is the Maintenance Center set to On by default?

The Maintenance Center is a key supportability feature of Data ONTAP and enhances NetApp
storage reliability. Therefore, it is set to On by default.

How does the customer know when a disk enters the Maintenance Center?
When a disk enters the Maintenance Center, an Event Management System (EMS) event is
posted. There is another EMS event when a disk completes testing successfully, fails testing, or
when testing is aborted. All Maintenance Center EMS events have a syslog message. The CLI
commands vol status -r and sysconfig -r show disks that are in the Maintenance Center. The
disk maint status command can be used to list drives that are being maintenance tested and to
display test progress.
Can I turn off the Maintenance Center feature and what is the impact?
Yes, the following command can be executed:
options disk.maint_center.enable off

Please see the Disk performance and health section of the Storage Management Guide for more
details. The Maintenance Center improves overall disk reliability. When the Maintenance Center
is turned off, a problematic disk will be automatically failed instead of being tested.
Will the Maintenance Center affect the performance of my NetApp appliance?
The Maintenance Center has a very minimal performance impact on the NetApp appliance.Many
of the Maintenance Center diagnostics tests are executed directly by the drive instead of
requiring CPU resources from the NetApp appliance.
How many NetApp devices can be in the Maintenance Center at a time?
The Maintenance Center supports concurrent diagnostics of up to 84 disks. You can limit of
number of disks running Maintenance Center tests with the following command:
options disk.maint_center.max_disks max_disks

where max_disks can be from one to 84.

For optimal Maintenance Center operation, does NetApp recommend a minimum number
of disks in the spares pool?
NetApp recommends a minimum of 2 disks in the spares pool. The current release of the
Maintenance Center will continue to operate and test drives even if this minimum is not met.
Future releases of the Maintenance Center will prevent drives from entering the Maintenance
Center if the spares pool minimum is not met.
How often can the same drive enter the Maintenance Center?
Once. The first time a disk exhibits transient errors, it enters the Maintenance Center, and it is
marked accordingly. If it is returned to the spares pool and subsequently exhibits transient errors

then the disk is failed and an ASUP is sent for a replacement disk. The current rule is only one
visit to the Maintenance Center for each disk.
What type of data does the Maintenance Center collect?
The Maintenance Center does not collect any customer data. The Maintenance Center collects
only NetApp disk-specific information such as:

Reasons that the disk was sent to Maintenance Center

Disk serial number

Tests that were run and the results

Test time duration

Test output and whether specific errors were detected, such as medium errors

What is the relationship between AutoSupport (ASUP) and the Maintenance Center?
AutoSupport is a notification tool that is built into Data ONTAP which enables you to set up
specific notifications to both yourself and the NetApp Global Support Center. The Maintenance
Center uses AutoSupport to transport its findings back to NetApp as a part of the weekly data
Where can I get more information about the Maintenance Center?
Please see the Data ONTAP 7.1 release notes and the Storage Management Guide for more
information about the Maintenance Center.
What is a maintenance disks pool?
Maintenance disks pool refers to disks being tested by Maintenance center. Sysconfig -r
output may show maintenance disks with some disks being tested.
How long will it take before Maintenance Center makes a decision to either return the disk
to service or& fail it out and generate a support case for disk replacement?
The maintenance center will fail the drive on the first test that fails. If it fails the first test, the
drive will be failed out and an ASUP generated. If all the tests run successfully, then a drive will
return to the spare pool at the end of the cycle. This time depends on the size and type of the
disk. However, the time is aproximately equal to 2 1/2 times the zeroing time for a disk.

Overview of wafliron

KB Doc ID 3011877 Version: 14.0 Published date: 07/27/2016 Views: 35199

The following aspects of wafliron are addressed in this article:

What is wafliron?

What impact can wafliron have on data availability?

What is the difference between wafliron and WAFL_check?

What are the phases of wafliron?

What should be done prior to running wafliron?

How do you run wafliron on a non-root aggregate or traditional volume?

Can wafliron be run on a root aggregate/volume?

Can wafliron be run on a deduplicated (SIS) volume?

Can wafliron be run on a volume used by SnapMirror or SnapVault?

Can wafliron be run on a SnapLock aggregate/volume?

Can wafliron be run on a 64-bit aggregate?

Can wafliron be run on a striped aggregate?

How is wafliron run with Optional Commit?

Can you prioritize which volumes wafliron checks first?

How can you check the status of a wafliron?

Can wafliron be stopped?

What happens if the storage system is power cycled or rebooted while wafliron is

How does wafl scan speed affect wafliron?

Will wafliron cause any performance impact?

How can wafliron be run on a pre-Data ONTAP 7G storage system?

Why are LUNs still offline after wafliron phase 1 completes?

What is wafliron?
Wafliron is a Data ONTAP(R) tool that will check a WAFL(R) file system for inconsistencies and
correct any inconsistencies found. It should be run under the direction of
NetApp Technical Support. Wafliron can be run on a traditional volume or an aggregate. When
run against an aggregate, it will check the aggregate and all associated FlexVol(R) volumes. It
cannot be run on an individual FlexVol volume within an aggregate.
Wafliron can be run with the storage system online, provided that the root volume does not need
to be checked. When run, wafliron performs the following actions on the traditional volume or in
the aggregate and associated FlexVol volumes:

Checks file and directory metadata

Scans inodes

Fixes file system inconsistencies

What impact can wafliron have on data availability?

Starting a wafliron will cause the aggregate and associated FexVolvolumes (or the traditional
volume) to be un-mounted and then remounted once several baseline checks are completed.
During this first phase, clients will be unable to access the affected volumes. Once the wafliron
is started, it cannot be aborted until the mounting phase is complete. During this first phase, the
console may be unresponsive. This first phase can take a substantial amount of time to remount
the aggregate and FlexVol volumes.
WARNING: If the aggregate is not wafl_inconsistent, prepare for downtime when performing
the wafliron.
The time the storage system will spend in the first phase is difficult to estimate due to the number
of contributing factors on the aggregate and FlexVol volumes. These factors include:

The number of SnapshotTM copies

The number of files

The size of the aggregate/volumes

The RAID group size

The physical data layout

RAID reconstructions occurring

The number of LUNs in the root of the volume

It is not unusual for a 1 TB aggregate to take three or more hours to mount. Specific times vary,
but for large aggregates/volumes, NetApp recommends planning a downtime window.
Once the aggregate and associated FlexVol volumes are mounted, data will be served while the
wafliron continues to check the data. For an aggregate, all FlexVol volumes must be mounted
before data can be served from any of the FlexVol volumes in the aggregate. If the aggregate
contains a FlexVol volume with LUNs, then all LUNs within that FlexVol volume must complete
their Phase 1 checks before any LUN in that FlexVol volume can be brought online.
Note: Prior to Data ONTAP 7.3, all volumes within an aggregate needed to complete Phase 1
before any volume was accessible. This behavior changed in Data ONTAP 7.3. Please see section
Can you prioritize which volumes wafliron checks first? for more information on prioritizing
The vol status command can be used to monitor whether the volumes have been remounted. If
the volumes are still in the mounting phase, vol status will show:
storage1> vol status
Volume State
vol0 online
raid4, trad
vol status: Volume 'tst' is temporarily busy (vol remount).
vol status: Volume 'vol1' is temporarily busy (vol remount).

What is the difference between wafliron and WAFL_check?

WAFL_check and wafliron are both diagnostic tools used to check WAFL file systems. Wafliron
will make changes as it runs and record these changes in the storage system's messages file. The
administrator has no choice over which changes wafliron will commit.
Prior to Data ONTAP 7.3.1, wafliron will make changes as it runs and record these changes in
the storage system's messages file. The administrator has no choice over which changes wafliron
will commit.
In Data ONTAP 7.3.1, optional commit has been added to wafliron. This feature allows wafliron
to check the affected aggregate but not commit changes until the storage administrator approves
them. Please see section How is wafliron run with Optional Commit? for more information.
If WAFL_check is run, the administrator can choose whether or not to commit changes.
Wafliron can run while the storage system is online and serving data from volumes/aggregates
not being checked. If it is started from advanced privilege mode, wafliron will allow access to

the data in the aggregate once it completes its baseline checks. If it is started from the Special
Boot Menu, the storage system will automatically boot and start serving data once the baseline
checks are complete.
WAFL_check, however, must be run from the Special Boot Menu and the storage system will not
be serving data until the WAFL_check completes and the administrator chooses to commit
WARNING: NetApp Technical Support should always be consulted before running either
wafliron or WAFL_check.
What are the phases of wafliron?
Wafliron has three phases to check Aggregate and Volumes.
Note: Wafliron is a diagnostic tool, and its usage and output is subject to change.
Phase 1

Verifies file system access by checking the necessary metadata. This includes checks of
the aggregate metadata associated with each FlexVol volume contained in that aggregate,
metadata tracking free space, and Snapshot copy sanity.

Phase 1 will check the aggregate first and then each FlexVol volume on that aggregate.
After all FlexVol volumes within the aggregate are checked, the aggregate and FlexVol
volumes will be mounted.

The only status provided during this phase is a message to console logging the start of
wafliron. The progress cannot be monitored during this phase.

WARNING: LUNs will not be available until Phase 1 completes. LUNs may not be
automatically set to an online state. See section Why are LUNs still offline after wafliron
phase 1 completes? for more information.

WARNING: Snapshot copies are readonly and therefore cannot be modified by wafliron.
If a Snapshot copy contains an inconsistency, the Snapshot copy will need to be deleted
in order to remove the inconsistency from the file system. Always contact NetApp
Support before deleting a Snapshot copy that is suspected to contain an inconsistency.

Phase 2

Verifies the metadata for user data. If a user requests data that has not yet been checked,
wafliron will check and repair it (if necessary) on-demand. Due to this on-demand
checking, users may see increased latency during this phase.

In Data ONTAP 7.2.3 and later, aggr wafliron status -s will provide progress for
the wafliron.

Phase 3

Performs clean-up tasks such as finding lost blocks/files and verifying used blocks.

In Data ONTAP 7.2.3 and later, aggr wafliron status -s will provide progress for
the wafliron.

What should be done prior to running wafliron?

Before running wafliron, the cause of the file system inconsistency should be corrected. If the
inconsistency was caused by FC-AL loop instability or errors, loop testing should be performed
to isolate the problem. NetApp FC-AL diagnostics can be used for troubleshooting.
In order to run wafliron, the following conditions must apply for the aggregate or traditional

RAID must be in an online or restricted/degraded state.

The WAFL file system must be mounted.

The file system may be wafl_inconsistent.

The above conditions can be checked using the aggr status -r or vol status -r commands.
Example 1: online aggregate that is mounted
Wafliron can be run on this aggregate.
storage1> aggr status -r aggr0
Aggregate aggr0 (online, raid_dp) (block checksums)

Example 2: restricted aggregate that is mounted but wafl_inconsistent

Wafliron can be run on this aggregate.
storage1> aggr status -r aggr1
Aggregate aggr1 (restricted, raid_dp, reconstruct, degraded, wafl
inconsistent) (block checksums)

Example 3: restricted aggregate that is un-mounted

Wafliron cannot be run on this aggregate.

storage1> aggr status -r aggr2

Aggregate aggr2 (unmounting, raid4, reconstruct, wafl inconsistent) (block

Example 4: failed aggregate

Wafliron cannot be run on this aggregate.
storage1> aggr status -r aggr2
Aggregate aggr2 (failed, raid_dp, partial) (block checksums)

How do you run wafliron on a non-root aggregate or traditional volume?

To start wafliron on aggregates other than the root:
storage1> priv set advanced
storage1*> aggr wafliron start [aggr_name | volname]

Note: After entering the command above, the storage system console may become unresponsive
for a period of time. The storage system should be monitored for at least thirty minutes
following the start of the wafliron. If the console is still unresponsive after this time,
NetApp Technical Support should be contacted.
Can wafliron be run on a root aggregate/volume?
Wafliron can be run on a root aggregate/volume. However, it cannot be done with the storage
system booted. This limitation is due to several factors such as:

If the WAFL file system for a root aggregate/volume on a storage system is inconsistent,
the storage system will be unable to boot.

If the root aggregate/volume is not inconsistent and wafliron is started, wafliron would
need to unmount the root aggregate/volume to perform its baseline checks. Since the root
aggregate/volume must be online and available for the storage system to be operational,
wafliron would be unable to do this.

Because of these factors, wafliron can only be started on a root aggregate/volume from the
Special Boot Menu.
WARNING: If wafliron needs to be run on an aggregate containing the FlexVol root volume or
on a traditional root volume, downtime must be scheduled for the storage system. However, this
downtime can be minimized by running wafliron from the Special Boot Menu. When wafliron is
run from the Special Boot Menu, it will perform some preliminary checks and corrections and
then automatically boot the storage system. Once the storage system is booted, data will be
available in the affected volumes while the wafliron continues to complete its checks and make
any necessary changes.
To run wafliron on a root aggregate/traditional volume, the storage system must first be booted to
the Special Boot Menu using the following steps:
1. Reboot or boot the storage system.

2. During the boot process, when prompted to "Press CTRL-C for Special Boot Menu"
press CTRL-C. A five-item menu appears.
3. At the "(1-5)" prompt, enter the hidden command wafliron.
WARNING: Prior to Data ONTAP 7.3, the above steps will initiate a wafliron on all aggregates
and FlexVol volumes. This will cause the storage system to initiate the first phase of the
wafliron and then boot Data ONTAP. Note that the filer will boot significantly slower when
performing this task. Once Data ONTAP boots, wafliron will be running on all volumes.
For Data ONTAP 7.3 and later, if wafliron is started from the Special Boot Menu, it will only
check the root aggregate. All other aggregates can only be checked using wafliron from within
Can wafliron be run on a deduplicated (SIS) volume?
WARNING: NetApp Technical Support must be contacted prior to running wafliron on an
aggregate containing deduplicated FlexVol volumes.
Before attempting wafliron, the storage system must be net-booted to Data ONTAP version
7.2.4P5D6 as this version includes critical fixes for wafliron when run against deduplicated
Can wafliron be run on a volume used by SnapMirror or SnapVault?
Wafliron can be run on a volume used by SnapMirror(R) or SnapVault(R). However, some
limitations apply depending on the SnapMirror/SnapVault configuration.

If the volume is the source for a Volume SnapMirror or contains source qtrees for a Qtree
SnapMirror or SnapVault:
o Since the source of a SnapMirror or SnapVault is read/write, wafliron can be run
using the same command as used on a regular aggregate:

storage1> priv set advanced

storage1*> aggr wafliron start [aggr_name | volname]


After wafliron completes (or is aborted) on an aggregate, a metafile scan will
occur on the FlexVol volumes as a background process. All SnapMirror functions
will be delayed until after the scan(s) are complete for the FlexVol volumes that
were ironed. The time to completion grows linearly with number of inodes /
blocks used, and number of Snapshot copies in the volume. This means that the
time can be on the order of hours or days before SnapMirror replications can

resume for the FlexVol volumes that were ironed. Progress of the scan can be
monitored with 'wafl scan status'.

If the volume is a Volume SnapMirror destination or contains destination qtrees for

SnapVault or Qtree SnapMirror:
o Because wafliron makes necessary changes to an inconsistent file system as it
runs, it cannot be run against a read-only volume. Thus, the SnapMirror
destination volume must be writeable before wafliron can be run. In order to
make the volume/qtrees writeable when running wafliron, the "-f" option must be
used. This option enables wafliron to be started on a volume containing Qtree
SnapMirror/SnapVault destination volumes by breaking all SnapMirror/SnapVault
relationships to the destination qtrees.
o The command is:

storage1> priv set advanced

storage1*> aggr wafliron start [aggr_name | volname] -f

o WARNING: Once wafliron is complete, the SnapMirror and SnapVault

relationships will be in a broken-off state. In order to resume updates, the
relationships must be resynchronized or re-initialized. Depending on the number
of changes made by wafliron, it may not be possible to resynchronize the
SnapMirror/SnapVault relationship. Additionally, not all versions of Open
Systems SnapVault (OSSV) will support resync.

For more information on resynchronizing a SnapMirror or SnapVault

relationship, refer to the Data ONTAP 8.1
Data Protection Online Backup and Recovery Guide for 7-Mode.

For more information on resynchronizing an OSSV relationship, refer to

the Open Systems SnapVault 3.0.1 Release Notes and OSSV 3.0.1
Installation and Administration Guide.

WARNING: Running wafliron with Optional Commit on a

SnapMirror/SnapVault destination will result in the SnapMirror/SnapVault
relationships being automatically broken if wafliron changes are

After wafliron is run on a destination volume for Volume SnapMirror, a "block type
initialization" scan must be performing on the traditional/FlexVol volume that was
checked and modified by wafliron. Until this scanner completes, volume SnapMirror
relationships cannot be re-synchronized, updated, or initialized. This behavior is being
tracked as BUG 142586, which is first fixed in Data ONTAP 7.0.6, 7.1.2, and 7.2.2. The

"block type initialization" scan may take several days to complete depending on the size
of the FlexVol volume and the load on the storage appliance. To check the status of the
command, use the wafl scan status command in advanced priviledge mode:
storage1> priv set advanced
storage1*> wafl scan status
Volume sm_dest:
Scan id
Type of scan
block type initialization

snap 0, inode 58059 of

Can wafliron be run on a SnapLock aggregate/volume?

Wafliron can be run on both SnapLock(R) Compliant and SnapLock Enterprise volumes and
aggregates. However, SnapLock Compliant volumes have some restrictions that may prevent
wafliron from functioning properly. NetApp Technical Support should always be consulted
before starting wafliron on a SnapLock Compliant aggregate/volume.
Can wafliron be run on a 64-bit aggregate?
Data ONTAP 8.0 7-Mode includes a new aggregate type called 64-bit aggregates. If a 64-bit
aggregate is marked inconsistent, wafliron and wafliron with optional commit can be run on the
aggregate and all associated FlexVol volumes. Please contact NetApp Support for assistance
before starting any file system checks.
Can wafliron be run on a striped aggregate?
Yes. Wafliron may be run on either a member aggregate which is part of a striped file system or
it may also be run on the aggregate which contains the MDV (Meta-Data Volume). Please
contact NetApp Support for assistance before starting any file system checks.
WARNING: WAFL_check is not to be run on any member aggregates within a striped file
system. Only wafliron is to be used.
How is wafliron run with Optional Commit (IOC)?
Please contact NetApp Technical Support for more information regarding this functionality.
WARNING: Wafliron run with Optional Commit will not permit access during the file system
checks to the aggregate or any of its associated volumes being checked using optional commit
mode. Other aggregates/volumes not undergoing a wafliron will be accessible.
WARNING: Running wafliron with Optional Commit on a SnapMirror/SnapVault destination
will result in the SnapMirror/SnapVault relationships being automatically broken if wafliron
changes are committed.

Can you prioritize which volumes wafliron checks first?

Starting in Data ONTAP 7.3, you can choose the priority of the FlexVol volumes on the
aggregate being checked by wafliron. Volumes selected to be checked first will be mounted
before the other volumes. This feature allows critical volumes to be available for data access
before other less critical volumes.
To set priority, the '-v' flag can be used. The complete syntax is:
storage1> priv set advanced
storage1*> aggr wafliron start -v

If multiple FlexVol volumes are specified, they are checked in order. If a FlexVol volume on the
aggregate is not listed, then it will be checked after all FlexVol volumes specified in the
command are checked.
WARNING: Several exceptions apply to FlexVol volume prioritization:

FlexCache(R) volumes will always be mounted first.

If a FlexClone(R) volume is specified in the list, its parent FlexVol volume will also be

How can you check the status of a wafliron?

During Phase 1, it is not currently possible to check the status of wafliron. Status can be seen in
Phase 2 and Phase 3. Data ONTAP 7.2.3 added enhancements to check the status during these
phases of wafliron.
For Data ONTAP 7.2.3:
To check the status of wafliron during Phase 2 or Phase 3, the advanced level command aggr
wafliron status -s can be used. It will produce output similar to the following:
storage1> priv set advanced
storage1*> aggr wafliron status -s
Total mount phase of aggr aggr1 took 5s.
Rootdir mount phase of aggr aggr1 took 3 msecs.
Activemap mount phase of aggr aggr1 took 199 msecs.
Snapshot mount phase of aggr aggr1 took 2567 msecs.
Refcnt mount phase of aggr aggr1 took 2526 msecs.
Metadir mount phase of aggr aggr1 took 18 msecs.
Flex vols mount phase of aggr aggr1 took 75 msecs.
Wafliron scan stats for volume: flexvol3
24 files done
7 directories done
598773 inodes done
45092 blocks done
Wafliron scan stats for volume: flexvol1

44 files done
14 directories done
199685 inodes done
11282 blocks done
wafliron is active on aggregate: aggr1
Scanning (16% done).

Prior to Data ONTAP 7.2.3:

To check the status of the wafliron on the aggregate or traditional volume:
storage1> priv set advanced
storage1*> aggr wafliron status [aggr_name | volname]

storage1*> aggr wafliron status
wafliron is active on volume: vol1
Scanning (2% done).
wafliron is active on aggregate: aggr0
Scanning (0% done).

By default, wafliron information is logged to the storage system's console as well as the
/etc/messages file. The messages logged include wafliron start time, changes made, a summary
of the changes, and the completion time for the aggregate and all FlexVol volumes.
To check the progress of a wafliron on a FlexVol volume residing on the aggregate being ironed:
storage1> priv set advanced
storage1*> wafl scan status volname

storage1*> wafl scan status vol1
Volume vol1:
Scan id
Type of scan
wafliron demand

156003 (156597/156595) of 3640875

Once the wafliron is complete, the storage system should be returned to normal administrative
mode using the following command:
storage1*> priv set admin

Can wafliron be stopped?

WARNING: Wafliron should never be stopped unless instructed to do so by
NetApp Technical Support.
It is possible to stop wafliron during its Phase 2 checks.

WARNING: If wafliron is stopped during Phase 2, it must be restarted at the beginning. It

cannot be resumed from the point at which it was stopped.
To stop a wafliron on an aggregate or traditional volume:
storage1> priv set advanced
storage1*> aggr wafliron stop [aggr_name | volname]

Wafliron cannot be stopped during Phase 3.

What happens if the storage system is power cycled or rebooted while wafliron is running?
In all cases, wafliron will need to be started using the aggr wafliron start command.
However, the point at which the wafliron starts following the power cycle depends on what
phase the wafliron was in at the time of the shutdown:

If wafliron is in Phase 1 (mounting) and is interrupted, the wafliron will start from

If wafliron is in Phase 2 - 3, any changes committed to the point of shutdown will be

retained, but wafliron will start again in Phase 1 following the aggr wafliron start

How does wafl scan speed affect wafliron?

The rate at which WAFL will perform scans such as wafliron is governed by the WAFL scan
speed. By default, this speed is dynamically set (with a value of 0). Prior to Data ONTAP 7.0.5,
the default is 2000. The speed is automatically tuned by Data ONTAP based on available system
resources. It can also be set manually using an advanced command.
WARNING: Manually increasing the WAFL scan speed value from the default will allow the
scanners to run quicker, but it may cause a negative performance impact to the storage system as
more system resources will be required by the WAFL scanners.
This value should never be changed except under the direction of NetApp Technical Support.
Will wafliron cause any performance impact?
Once Phase 1 completes, data will be served while wafliron is running on any volume, including
the root volume. However, the performance penalty of running wafliron varies depending on
many factors such as:

The file system structure

Client access patterns

Storage system load

Storage system platform

Available memory

The extent of inconsistencies in the WAFL file system

One reason for the performance penalty is that when clients access data, wafliron must first
check the data before fulfilling clients' requests. This behavior ensures the clients receive
consistent data and prevents the storage system from panicking should clients touch inconsistent
data. If the storage system's load is heavy due to client requests, it is recommended that the
administrator plan for a high performance penalty, although the actual impact may be less.
How can wafliron be run on a pre-Data ONTAP 7G storage system?
Prior to Data ONTAP 7G, only traditional volumes were available. As such, the vol wafliron
start command must be used to initiate wafliron.
Why are LUNs still offline after wafliron phase 1 completes?
When an aggregate is marked inconsistent, the FlexVol volumes and LUNs will go offline until
the file system is checked. If the NVFAIL option is enabled, the LUNs will not be brought online
automatically when the FlexVol volume is brought online after wafliron Phase 1 checks. This is
expected behavior. Once the volume is online, the storage administrator will need to manually
online the LUNs individually. NetApp highly recommends monitoring system performance using
sysstat while bringing the LUNs online.
Note: During the LUN online work, the sysstat may show the filer CPU pegged at 100%. This is
not necessarily an indication of a problem.

How to migrate from traditional to flexible

KB Doc ID 1012182 Version: 8.0 Published date: 06/24/2014 Views: 3626

The article describes the procedure to migrate from traditional volumes to flexible volumes.


Administrators wishing to take advantage of all the new features available with ONTAP 7.0
flexible volumes might find that they need to migrate their data from a traditional volume to a
flexible volume. There is no upgrade in place option to perform this transformation at this point.
When there is no need to preserve the snapshots on the traditional volumes when migrating to
flexible volumes, ndmpcopy is the best option. To migrate all the data from a 100 Gig traditional
volume to a new flexible volume, perform the following steps:

aggr create aggregate 10

vol create flexible aggregate 100g
ndmpd on
ndmpcopy /vol/traditional /vol/flexible

Migrating Volumes while preserving snapshots:

To preserve the snapshots that were taken on the traditional volume, use Qtree SnapMirror. A
Qtree SnapMirror license is required for this. Outlined below are the steps needed to perform the
migration of data and snapshots. The examples below assume the migration is taking place from
a traditional volume named 'traditional' to a flexible volume named 'flexible' on the single
machine 'filer'.
Migrating one or more qtrees to a flexible volume:
To migrate a qtree in a traditional volume to a flexible volume while preserving all of the
1. Get a list of the snapshots in the traditional volume:
filer> snap
Working ...
---------0% ( 0%)
0% ( 0%)
0% ( 0%)
0% ( 0%)

list traditional
%/total date
---------- ------------ -------0% ( 0%) Mar 04 00:15 snap.1
0% ( 0%) Mar 03 14:00 snap.2
0% ( 0%) Mar 02 14:00 snap.3
0% ( 0%) Mar 01 14:00 snap.4

2. Create the flexible volume. Pick a size for the flexible volume that is suitable to hold all
the qtrees that are to be transferred. This size can be adjusted if it is too big or small with
flexible volumes using:
'vol size +amount' or 'vol size -amount'
filer> vol create flex aggregate 50g

3. Initialize the flexible volume with the qtrees to be migrated using the oldest snapshot
found on the traditional volume:
filer> snapmirror initialize -S filer:/vol/traditional/qtree -s snap.4

4. For each additional qtree (if any) to be transferred, initialize the qtree:
filer> snapmirror initialize -S filer:/vol/traditional/qtree2 -s snap.4

5. When the snapmirror operation is completed, there will be one qtree created on the
flexible volume for each qtree transferred. To preserve this snapshot:
filer> snapmirror status

Wait for initial transfers to complete.

filer> snap create flexible snap.4

6. Bring over the incremental changes found in each snapshot on the traditional volume.
Start with the oldest snapshot that has not been transferred and update the flexible volume
with that data, preserving the snapshot at the completion of the transfer:
filer> snapmirror update -S filer:/vol/traditional/qtree -s snap.3

7. For each additional qtree that is being transferred, update the destination:
filer> snapmirror update -S filer:/vol/traditional/qtree2 -s snap.3
filer> snapmirror status

Wait for the updates to complete.

filer> snap create flexible snap.3

This step is repeated for all the snapshots in the traditional volume. Note that our flexible
volume snapshots will contain only the data related to the qtrees being transferred, and
not other data that might be present on the traditional volume and preserved in snapshots
(such as other qtrees not being transferred).
8. The next step involves one last transfer of the data. This will cover all the data on the
traditional volume related to the qtrees being migrated that are not preserved in a
filer> snapmirror update -S filer:/vol/traditional/qtree

9. For each additional qtree being transferred:

filer> snapmirror update -S filer:/vol/traditional/qtree2

10. The final step is to break the SnapMirror relationship:

filer> snapmirror break filer:/vol/flexible/qtree

11. For each additional qtree that was transferred, break the SnapMirror relationship:
filer> snapmirror break filer:/vol/flexible/qtree2

Migrating a whole volume that contains no qtrees:

Some volumes might not contain any explicitly created qtrees and it is possible to use QSM to
transfer the contents of the whole volume and snapshots to the new flexible volume. The special
qtree name '-' is used to designate all data that is not part of an explicitly created qtree. The end
result will be a flexible volume with one qtree created at the root of the volume.

1. Initialize the flexible volume with the oldest snapshot found on the traditional volume:
filer> snapmirror initialize -S filer:/vol/traditional/- -s snap.1
filer> snapmirror status

Wait for the transfer to complete.

filer> snap create flexible snap.1

2. Bring over the data in each snapshot and preserve the snapshot when it is complete:
filer> snapmirror update -S filer:/vol/traditional/- -s snap.2
filer> snapmirror status

Wait for the transfer to complete.

filer> snap create flexible snap.2

3. Repeat this step for each snapshot in the traditional volume. Finally, do one last transfer
to migrate data not in any snapshot and break the SnapMirror relationship:
filer> snapmirror update -S filer:/vol/traditional/filer:/vol/flexible/root
filer> snapmirror status
(wait for update to complete)
filer> snapmirror break filer:/vol/flexible/root

Configuration changes:
After the migration is complete, make sure the configuration files such as /etc/exportfs, CIFS
shares, vfiler assignments and SnapMirror relationships are updated to reflect the new flexible
volume names.
Aggregate shows nearly full but volume doesn't

2015-06-24 12:25 PM

Data ONTAP 7G and 8.0 7-Mode

Hey all. I'm fairly new to NetApp and been doing a lot of reading, but haven't found anything to
directly explain this and was hoping you guys could help. I'm not even sure this is precisilely the
right forum, but seemed a valid place to try.

My netapp has 2 disk aggregates of 26 disks each. aggr0 has 7.91TB, agg1 has 4.88

Aggr1 is showing super low space.

I have 2 volumes on this aggregate:

1 volume of 4.75TB
1 volume of 19GB

My aggregate is showing as only 84.5GB remaining.

However vol1 shows 1.87TB remaining and the other volume shows 9GB remaining.

I'm really confused how the aggregate can have only 86GB free, but the volume has 1.8TB free.
Is this pre-allocated space and thus not really an issue as it appears to be?
Me too
0 Kudos


Re: Aggregate shows nearly full but volume doesn't

2015-06-24 12:42 PM
Yes, you carved out space of the aggregate and thick provisioned the volumes
1 Kudo



Re: Aggregate shows nearly full but volume doesn't

2015-06-24 12:50 PM
What you are seeing is the difference between logical and physical storage allocations and the
interactions with space guarantees.

Aggregates are physical. The total space available within an aggregate is based on the physical
space on the disks that make up the aggregates.

Volumes are logical. Data of course takes up physical space when written to a volume, but until
it is, the "size" of a volume is just a logical number.

Now - how that logical space interacts with physical space, in terms of capacity available,
depends on the volumes "space guarantee". The default guarantee is "volume", which you might
also hear described as "thicK" provisioning. Space guarantee of "volume" means guarantee that
the defined capacity of the logical volume is available in the physical aggregate up front. Hence,
when you create a 1TB volume in a 4TB aggregate, the total capacity of the volume is
immediately subtracted from the available capacity of the aggregate to "reserve" the space. Note
that nothing has yet been written to the volume. The volume will show 1TB available, and the
aggregate will show 3TB available. In actuality, 4TB is still physically available in total, but
1TB of it is reserved in practice for the 1TB volume. With a space guarantee of volume you
need to have the space available as indicated by aggregate capacity to define a new volume on
that aggregate.

The alternative is "thin" provisioning which is a space guarantee set to "none". With this
definition, the aggregate available capacity is reduced only when actual data is physically used
by one of the volumes. With this type of space guarantee you can define volumes that woulud
actually consume more space than exists in the aggregate if they were all filled - this is "over"

provisioning. Over provisioning isn't a bad thing and in specific circumstances can be a very
useful thing but obviously requires a defined management strategy for dealing with space
consupmtion as aggregates start to fill.

So to your specific case. Aggr1 is 4.88TB. The two volumes defined on the aggregate total
about 4.77TB. If set to the default space guarantee, this capacity is immediately removed from
the aggregate's "available" capacity when reported. So the available space in the aggregate you
indicate is right, even though the volumes report a bunch of available space. The space
guarantee just changes the lens through which you view capacities.

Hope this helps you.


Doubt for Volume and LUN Migration

2014-01-21 01:57 AM

Data ONTAP 7G and 8.0 7-Mode

Dear All,
We did a POC for NetAPP V3220 Series. We found one difficulty regarding the LUN Migration
As the LUN is the subpart of the Volume (In NetAPP Storage), if the LUN has to be migrated to
another disk location, it is must to migrate entier Volume consisting.
Migration process also is through command line. No any GUI Option available for it.

1) Is it true? Or is there any other method?

Then to workaround on this issue, we thought to create SINGLE LUN under SINGLE
VOLUME. So that we can migrate entire LUN (Volume) anywhere.
2) Is it advisable? Is it the proper way of working?
We may end up getting stuck at 500 Max Volumes which are defined at the storage level, if we
follow the above.
Please reply.
The reply is appreciated.
Thank you.
Ashish K
1) You are correct in that you need to move the volume which houses the LUN in order to move
it to a new disk location. If you are running Data ONTAP 7-mode you can move a LUN-based
volume hot to another aggregate (aka disk location) as long as it belongs to the same physical
controller. If you need to move the LUN-based volume to another controller you could utilize
SnapMirror however that would require downtime. I would strongly recommend looking into
Clustered ONTAP as you can now move LUN-based volumes between physical filers without
any disruption (hot).
2) When it comes to LUN-based volumes I typically only have one LUN per volume for the
reason you mentioned. I have ran into a few scenarios where having this volume structure has
helped simplify data migration activities.

2015-04-09 12:57 AM

Data ONTAP 7G and 8.0 7-Mode

I have a thick provisionned LUN in thin provisionied volume.

This LUN is attached to a ESX (datastore).

I want to reduce the LUN. Is there any risk of data loss?

It there is, how can I do this ?

A)You can't reduce LUN size without reducing size of filesystem on this LUN. 10% used space
from host point of view does not mean only 10% is consumed on storage. Check actual space
consumption with "lun show -v" - you cannot go below this value even if you disable space
reservation for this LUN (without using deduplication and/or compression).

Storage vMotion as suggested in article I mentioned is really the most straightforward way to
reduce space consumption.

lun resizing query

2015-06-06 11:59 AM


just a basic question... I have a LUN mapped to a snapmirrored volume. i need to increase the
LUN space at the source. So, do I need to increase the LUN space at the destination volume

Because as per my understanding, the destination LUN space will automaticaly resize as per the
source LUN once the snapmirror update completes {resyncing}.
You are confusing LUNs and Volumes a little in your question.

Volumes are Snapmirrored to volumes. A LUN is nothing more than a file within a volume. So
changing the size of a LUN within a volume doesn't require anything to be done on the
Snapmirror destination. Snapmirror doesn't care what is in the volume that is being mirrored - it
just makes a replica copy. So if you change a LUN (file) on the source the change will replicate
to the snapmirror destination on the next update.

Now the caveat of course is if you are resizing the volume that contains the LUN in question,
perhaps to reserve space for the newly expanded LUN. In that case, you *may* need to take
action. In 7-mode, changing the size of the source volume in a snapmirror requires you to also
change the size at the destination. In Clustered Data Ontap, the destination can automatically
pick up the new source volume size and adjust accordingly assuming space exists to expand at
the destination.

I make the point on terminology only for clarity. LUN mapping refers to making a LUN
available to hosts through an igroup. Volumes contain LUNs. Volumes are snapmirrored to a
destination or series of destination volumes.

Hope this helps you.

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