BBC Learning English: Face Up To Phrasals

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BBC Learning English

Face up to Phrasals
Fred & Betty: Is this the End?
'Face up to Phrasals' is brought to you by BBC Learning English.
Episode 1
Narrator: Fred and Betty: Is this the end? Episode 1: Betty's Angry.
Betty: Fred, I found out about you and that other girl. How could you do
this to me?!
Narrator: Has Fred really got another lady? Surely not!!!

Episode 2
Narrator: Episode 2: Not Guilty!
Betty thinks that Fred has been seeing another lady.
Fred: Betty, you've got to believe me! I would never cheat on you Betty!
Narrator: Does Betty believe Fred? Did he cheat on her?

Episode 3
Narrator: Episode 3: How Betty Knows.
Betty saw Fred with another lady, but Fred says he would never cheat on
Betty: I know all about your other lady Fred! Your friend Martin told on
Narrator: What did Martin say? How can Fred explain himself?
Face up to Phrasals

BBC Learning English 2008

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Episode 4
Narrator: Episode 4: Who's the liar?
Betty says Fred's friend Martin saw Fred cheating on Betty with another
woman. Can Fred explain himself?
Fred: Don't listen to Martin, Betty! It's not true! He's making it up!
Narrator: Is Martin a liar? Or is Fred the real liar? Who should Betty

Episode 5
Narrator: Episode 5: Busted!
Fred's friend Martin told Betty that he saw Fred cheating on Betty with
another woman. Fred says that Martin is a liar. Hmmmm.
Betty: I caught you out myself Fred! I saw you with that other girl!
Narrator: Well! What will Fred do now?

Episode 6
Narrator: Episode 6: Fred's Story.
Betty's very upset. She saw Fred with another woman. What's his
Fred: I was just looking after her, Betty. I gave her a hug because she was
upset, that's all!
Narrator: Will Betty accept Fred's story? Should she accept his story?

Face up to Phrasals

BBC Learning English 2008

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Episode 7
Narrator: Episode 7: What Betty Saw.
Betty's saw Fred with another woman. Fred said he was just looking after
her because she was upset. Over to Betty
Betty: It was a hug which turned into a kiss Fred! I SAW YOU!
Narrator: A kiss? He kissed her? No wonder she's angry Is there a
future for Betty and Fred?

Episode 8
Narrator: Episode 8: Desperate Fred.
Betty saw Fred kissing another woman. Can he save their relationship?
Fred: Please Betty, don't hang up! You know I love you Betty!
Narrator: Will she hang up? What would you do?

Episode 9
Narrator: Episode 9: Betty Breaks It Off.
Betty saw Fred kissing another woman. Will she give him another chance?
Betty: Face up to it Fred. This time, IT'S OVER!
Narrator: Does Betty really mean it? Is this really the end?

Face up to Phrasals

BBC Learning English 2008

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Episode 10
Narrator: Episode 10: Fred Begs.
Betty just broke up with Fred. And who can blame her? She saw him
kissing another woman! Can Fred say anything worth listening to now?
Fred: Come on Betty, I've said sorry a million times. Won't you take me
Narrator: Are a million apologies enough for Betty? Will she take him

Episode 11
Narrator: Episode 11: Betty's Had Enough.
Fred has just been dumped by Betty she saw him kissing another woman!
He has said sorry to her, but will she take him back?
Betty: No Fred, it's over. I've given up on you.
Narrator: How will Fred react to Betty's decision?

Episode 12
Narrator: Episode 12: Fred works it out?
Betty has dumped Fred she caught him with another woman. But why
won't she take him back?
Fred: In that case, Betty, there's only one explanation. You're going out
with another man!
Narrator: Fred, you're an idiot. You just don't get it, do you? Well that's
all from Fred and Betty for this series, but come back soon for lots more
phrasal verbs with Face up to Phrasals from BBC Learning English
dot com.

Face up to Phrasals

BBC Learning English 2008

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