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Background of The Study

Nowadays, trashes can be found all over the place; plastics, papers, and other waste
materials, one example of these are eggshells, eggshells of all kinds that comes from all kinds of
These eggshells come from the food we eat in our daily lives. After eating eggs, we dont
know what to do with its shells, thus we throw it away everywhere, even in our own
surroundings. And this is because most of us doesnt know what to do with it, yes, some of us
use it as some ornament, some of us use it in voodoo but only those who think of these methods
are the ones who use these eggshells wisely, however most of us doesnt know what to do it, so
we throw it away, thus contributing to global warming, which is now taking place. We see its
effect with our own eyes. We experience stronger typhoons, more earthquakes and other
disastrous tragedies, and after each one, most of us end up with nothing but a broken house and
sometimes, a broken family. After typhoon Haiyan, we saw with our own eyes, the damage it has
done to our houses, and buildings and that was what that got us wondering how we can have a
stronger and more durable houses. After a crucial investigation, we then realized that in order to
have this we should start by observing the materials used. We noticed that most houses are made
with hollow blocks. We pondered as to how we can make sturdier and stronger hollow blocks
and we came up with this. And thats why we conducted this research.
In order to use these eggshells wiser, we conducted a research that wont just help us
reduce waste but also benefit us in the near future. In our study, eggshells can be an efficient
additive in producing hollow blocks, this is because it contains 94%-90% Calcium carbonate,
which contributes to strength and hardness, is usually used in the construction industry. Just by

adding eggshells, the hollow blocks produced would be sturdier, long lasting and able to
withstand hurricanes, typhoons and a whole lot more.


Statement of The Problem

Main Problem:
Are eggshells an efficient additive in producing hollow blocks?
Sub Problems:
1.) Which amount of eggshells in terms of hardness, durability, and cost efficiency in producing

hollow blocks in grams?

25 Grams
50 Grams
75 Grams
100 Grams
Is there a difference on the hollow blocks produced from the varying amount of eggshells in

terms of its hardness, durability, and cost efficiency?

3.) Is there a difference in the efficiency of hollow blocks produced between a hollow block with an
additive and a hollow block without an additive?

Powdered eggshell is an efficient additive in producing more durable hallow block.
1. One-hundred grams of powdered eggshell will produce an efficient hollow block in terms of

hardness and durability. However, in terms of cost efficiency the answer is still unclear.
There will be differences on how the hollow blocks are produced varying the amount of


powdered eggshells in terms of its hardness, durability and cost efficiency.

There will be a difference in the efficiency of hollow blocks produced with an additive and
hollow blocks produced without an additive.


Objectives of The Study

Main Objective:
To determine if eggshells is an efficient additive in producing hollow blocks
Sub Objectives:
1.) To determine which amount of eggshells will produce an efficient hollow block in terms of

hardness, durability, and cost efficiency.

25 Grams
50 Grams
75 Grams
100 Grams
To determine if there are differences on the hollow blocks produced from the varying amount of

eggshells in terms of its hardness, durability, and cost efficiency.

3.) To determine if there is a difference in the efficiency of hollow blocks produced between a
hollow block with an additive and a hollow block without an additive.

Scope and Delimitation

This research would like to find out if eggshells can be a possible additive in producing
hollow blocks to develop it and make it stronger, sturdier and more durable. The research is only
limited in terms of hardness, sturdiness, and durability. It doesnt involve in terms of time, and
cost efficiency.


Significance of The Study

We experience stronger typhoons, more earthquakes and much more disastrous tragedies,
and after each one, most of us end up with nothing but a broken house and sometimes, a broken
family. After typhoon Haiyan, we saw with our own eyes, the damage it has done to our houses,
building and etc. that go us wondering how we can have a stronger and more durable houses. We
then realized that in order to have this we should start by observing the materials used as
structures. We noticed that most houses are made with hollow blocks. We pondered as to how we

can make sturdier and strong hollow blocks and we came up with this.And thats why we
conducted this research.
In order to use these eggshells wiser, we conducted a research that wont just help us
reduce waste but also benefit us in the near future. Just by adding eggshells, the hollow blocks
produced would be sturdier, long lasting and able to withstand hurricanes, typhoons and a whole
lot more.


Definition of Terms
Eggshells - An eggshell is the outer covering of a hard-shelled egg and of some forms of eggs
with soft outer coats. Bird eggshells contain calcium carbonate and dissolve in various acids,
including the vinegar used in cooking.
Voodoo - also vodou : a religion that is derived from African polytheism and ancestor worship
and is practiced chiefly in Haiti ; a : a person who deals in spells and necromancy
Global warming- Global warming is the observed century-scale rise in the average temperature
of Earth's climate system. Since 1971, 90% of the increased energy has been stored in the
oceans, mostly in the 0 to 700m region. Despite the oceans' dominant role in energy storage, the
term "global warming" is also used to refer to increases in average temperature of the air and sea
at Earth's surface. Since the early 20th century, the global air and sea surface temperature has
increased about 0.8 C (1.4 F), with about two-thirds of the increase occurring since 1980. Each
of the last three decades has been successively warmer at the Earth's surface than any preceding
decade since 1850
Typhoons - A typhoon is a mature tropical cyclone that develops in the western part of the North
Pacific Ocean between 180 and 100E. This region is referred to as the Northwestern Pacific
Basin, and is the most active tropical cyclone basin on Earth, accounting for almost one-third of
the world's annual tropical cyclones.

Earthquakes - An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the result of a sudden
release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity, seismic or
seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over
a period of time.
Typhoon Haiyan - Typhoon Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Typhoon Yolanda, was one of
the strongest tropical cyclones ever recorded, which devastated portions of Southeast Asia,
particularly the Philippines, on November 8, 2013. It is the deadliest Philippine typhoon on
record, killing at least 6,300 people in that country alone. Haiyan is also the strongest storm
recorded at landfall, and unofficially the strongest typhoon ever recorded in terms of wind speed.
As of January 2014, bodies were still being found.
Structures - In engineering and architecture, a structure is a body or assemblage of bodies in
space to form a system capable of supporting loads. Physical structures include man-made and
natural arrangements. Buildings, aircraft, soap films, skeletons, anthills, beaver dams and salt
domes are all examples of physical structures. The effects of loads on physical structures are
determined through structural analysis. Structural engineering refers to engineering of physical
Durable - : able to exist for a long time without significant deterioration
Calcium carbonate - Calcium carbonate is a chemical compound with the formula CaCO3. It is a
common substance found in rocks in all parts of the world, and is the main component of shells
of marine organisms, snails, coal balls, pearls, and eggshells. Calcium carbonate is the active
ingredient in agricultural lime, and is created when Ca ions in hard water react with carbonate
ions creating lime scale. It is commonly used medicinally as a calcium supplement or as an
antacid, but excessive consumption can be hazardous.

Additive - of, relating to, or characterized by addition; produced by addition ; characterized by,
being, or producing effects (as drug responses or gene products) that when the causative factors
act together are the sum of their individual effects..

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