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Sexual Reproduction
in Flowering Plants

Formation of gametophyte directly from

(c) Apomictic haploid
sporophyte without meiosis is
(d) Apomictic diploid
(a) Apospory
(b) Apogamy
8. Generative cell was destroyed by laser but a
(c) Parthenogenesis (d) Amphimixis
normal pollen tube was still formed because
Parthenogenesis is
(a) vegetative cell is not damaged [1989]
(a) development of embr yo without
(b) contents of killed generative cell stimulate
pollen growth
(b) d e v e l o p m e n t o f f r u i t w i t h o u t
(c) laser beam stimulates growth of pollen
(c) development of fruit without hormones

(d) the region of emergence of pollen tube
(d) development of embryo from egg without
is not harmed
9. Which is correct?
Male gametophyte of angiosperms is shed as

(a) Gametes are invariably haploid

(b) Spores are invariably haploid
(a) four celled pollen grain

(c) Gametes are generally haploid
(b) three celled pollen grain

(d) Both spores and gametes are invariably
(c) microspore mother cell
(d) anther
10. A diploid female plant and a tetraploid male
Total number of meiotic division required for
plant are crossed. The ploidy of endosperm
forming 100 zygotes/100 grains of wheat is
shall be
[1989, 2004]
(a) tetraploid
(b) triploid
(a) 100
(b) 75
(c) diploid
(d) pentaploid
(c) 125
(d) 50
11. Which ones produces androgenic haploids in
Double fertilization and triple fusion were
anther cultures?
discovered by
[1988, 93]

(a) Anther wall
(a) Hofmeister

(b) Tapetal layer of anther wall
(b) Nawaschin and Guignard

(c) Connective tissue
(c) Leeuwenhoek

(d) Young pollen grains
(d) Strasburger
Male gametophyte of angiosperms/monocots
Development of an organism from female
gamete/egg without involving fertilization

(c) Microspore
(d) Stamen
(a) Adventitive embryony
of angiosperms is
(b) Polyembryony
(c) Parthenocarpy

(a) Ovule
(d) Parthenogenesis
(b) Megaspore mother cell
Nucellar embryo is

(c) Embryo sac
(a) Amphimictic haploid

(d) Nucellus
(b) Amphimictic diploid
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Sperm and egg nuclei fuse due to

(a) base pairing of their DNA and RNA
(b) formation of hydrogen bonds
(c) mutual attraction
(d) attraction of their protoplasts
Entry of pollen tube through micropyle is
(a) Chalazogamy (b) Mesogamy
(c) Porogamy
(d) Pseudogamy
Cellular totipotency was demonstrated by
(a) Theodore Schwann
(b) A.V. Leeuwenhoek
(c) F.C. Steward
(d) Robert Hooke
Pollination occurs in
(a) Bryophytes and angiosperms
(b) Pteridophytes and angiosperms
(c) Angiosperms and gymnosperms
(d) Angiosperms and fungi
Embryo sac occurs in

(a) Embryo
(b) Axis part of embryo
(c) Ovule
(d) Endosperm
Which of the following pair has haploid
(a) Nucellus and antipodal cells
(b) Antipodal cells and egg cell
(c) Antipodal cells and megaspore mother
(d) Nucellus and primar y endosperm
Point out the odd one?
(a) Nucellus
(b) Embryo sac
(c) Micropyle
(d) Pollen grain
Syngamy means
(a) fusion of gametes
(b) fusion of cytoplasms
(c) fusion of two similar spores
(d) fusion of two dissimilar spores
Double fertilization is fusion of
(a) two eggs
(b) two eggs and polar nuclei with pollen
(c) one male gamete with egg and other with
(d) one male gamete with egg and other with
secondary nucleus



Meiosis is best observed in dividing [1992]

(a) cells of apical meristem
(b) cells of lateral meristem
(c) microspores and anther wall
(d) microsporocytes
A population of genetically identical
i n d iv i d u a l s, o b t a i n e d f r o m a s ex u a l
reproduction is
(a) Callus
(b) Clone
(c) Deme
(d) Aggregate
25. Which of the following plant cells will show

(a) Sieve tubes
(b) Xylem vessels

(c) Meristem
(d) Cork cells
26. Study of formation, growth and development
of new individual from an egg is
(a) Apomixis
(b) Embryology
(c) Embryogeny (d) Cytology
27. Ovule is straight with funiculus, embryo sac,
chalaza and micropyle lying on one straight
line. It is
(a) Orthotropous (b) Anatropous

(c) Campylotropous (d) Amphitropous
28. Double fertilization is characteristic of

(a) Angiosperms (b) Pteridophytes
(c) Gymnosperms (d) Bryophytes
29. Number of meiotic divisions required to
produce 200/400 seeds of Pea would be

(a) 200/400
(b) 400/800
(c) 300/600
(d) 250/500
30. Haploid plant cultures are got from [1994]

(a) leaves
(b) root tip

(c) pollen grain
(d) buds
31. Chief pollinators of agricultural crops are

(a) butterflies
(b) bees
(c) moths
(d) beetles
32. Transfer of pollen to the stigma of another
flower of the same plant is
(a) Autogamy
(b) Allogamy
(c) Xenogamy
(d) Geitonogamy
33. Fertilization involving carrying of male
gametes by pollen tube is
(a) Porogamy
(b) Siphonogamy
(c) Chalazogamy (d) Syngonogamy
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34. One of the most resistant biological material
(b) fusion of two polar nuclei and the second
male gamete

(c) fusion of four or more polar nuclei and
(a) lignin
(b) hemicellulose
the second male gamete only
(c) lignocellulose (d) sporopollenin

all the above kinds of fusion in different
35. In an angiosperm, how many microspore
mother cells are required to produce 100
nucleate embryo sacs are
pollen grains

(a) always tetrasporic
(a) 25
(b) 50

(b) always monosporic
(c) 75
(d) 100

(c) always bisporic
36 The polyembryony commonly occurs in
(d) sometime monosporic, sometimes

bisporic and sometimes tetrasporic
(a) citrus
(b) turmeric
45. Anemophily type of pollination is found in
(c) tomato
(d) potato

37. Reproducing new plants by cells instead of
(b) Bottle brush
seeds is known as
[1995] (c)
(d) Coconut

(a) mutation
(b) tissue culture
46. Adventive polyembryony in citrus is due to
[2001, 05]
(c) antibiotics
(d) biofertilizer
(b) integuments
38. How many pollen grains will be formed after (a) nucellus
(c) zygotic embryo (d) fertilised egg
meiotic division in ten microspore mother
In angiosperms pollen tubes liberate their
male gametes into the

(a) 10
(b) 20

(c) 40
(d) 80

(c) egg cell
(d) synergids
39. In angiosperms, triple fusion is required for
48. What is the direction of micropyle in
the formation of
anatropous ovule ?

(a) embryo
(b) endosperm
(a) upward
(b) downward

(c) seed coat
(d) fruit wall
(c) right
(d) left
40. If an angiospermic male plant is diploid and 49. Which type of association is found in between
female plant tetraploid, the ploidy level of
entomophilous flower and pollinating agent
endosperm will be
(a) haploid
(b) triploid
(a) mutualism
(b) commensalism
(c) tetraploid
(d) pentaploid
(c) cooperation (d) co-evolution
41. The endosperm of gymnosperm is [1999] 50. In angiosperms all the four microspores of
tetrad are covered by a layer which is formed
(a) triploid
(b) haploid
(c) diploid
(d) polyploid
42. Flowers showing ornithophily show few (a) pectocellulose (b) callose
(d) sporopollenin
characteristic like
[1999] (c) cellulose
gives rise

(a) blue flower with nectaries at base of

(a) only tapetum and sporogenous cells

(b) red sweet scented flower with nectaries

(b) only the wall of the sporangium

(c) b r i g h t r e d f l o w e r i n t o t h i c k

(c) both wall and the sporogenous cells

(d) wall and the tapetum

(d) white flowers with fragrance
52. An ovule which becomes curved so that the
43. Double fertilisation leading to initiation of
nucellus and embryo sac lie at right angles to
endosperm in Angiosperms require [2000]
the funicle is

(a) fusion of one polar nucleus and the (a) Hemitropous (b) Campylotropous
second male gamete only
(c) Anatropous (d) Orthotropous
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53. In oogamy, fertilization involves [2004] (a) 24
(b) 32

(a) a small non-motile female gamete and a (c) 8
(d) 16
large motile male gamete
61. Which one of the following is surrounded by

(b) a large non-motile female gamete and a
a callose wall?
small motile male gamete

(a) male gamete

(c) a large non-motile female gamete and a (b) egg
small non motile male gamete

(c) pollen grain

(d) a large motile female gamete and a small
(d) microspore mother cell
nonmotile male gamete
62. Male gametes in angiosperms are formed by
54. Through which cell of the embryo sac, does
the division of
the pollen tube enter the embryo sac? [2005]
(a) generative cell

(a) Egg cell

(b) vegetative cell

(b) Persistent synergid

(c) microspore mother cell

(c) Degenerated synergid
(d) microspore.

(d) Central cell
63. Which one of the following pairs of
55. Which one of the following represents an
plant structures has haploid number of
ovule, where the embryo sac becomes horsechromosomes?
shoe shaped and the funiculus and micropyle
(a) Megaspore mother cell and antipodal
are close to each other? [2005]
(a) Amphitropous (b) Circinotropous

(b) Egg cell and antipodal cells
(c) Atropous
(d) Antropous

(c) Nucelus and antipodal cells
56. Top-shaped multiciliate male gametes, and
(d) Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus
the mature seed which bears only one embryo 64. Endosperm is consumed by developing
with two cotyledons, are characteristic
embryo in the seed of
features of
(a) coconut
(b) castor
(a) Cycads

(c) pea
(d) maize
(b) Conifers
65. Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed

(c) Polypetalous angiosperms
from bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary

(d) Gamopetalous angiosperms
57. In which one pair both the plants can be
(a) Caryopsis
(b) Cypsela
vegetatively propagated by leaf pieces?

(c) Berry
(d) Cremocarp
Agave and Kalanchoe
[2005] 66. The fleshy receptacle of syconus of fig
Bryophyllum and Kalanchoe
encloses a number of:
Asparagns and Bryophyllum

(a) Achenes
(b) Samaras
Chrysanthemum and Agave

(c) Berries
(d) Mericarps
58. Why is vivipary an undesirable character for 67. Unisexuality of flowers prevents
annual crop plants?
(a) autogamy, but not geitonogamy

(a) It reduces the vigour of the plant.

(b) both geitonogamy and xenogamy

(b) It adversely affects the fertility of the
(c) geitonogamy, but not xenogamy

(d) autogamy and geitonogamy

(c) The seeds exhibit long dormancy.
68. What does the filiform apparatus do at the

(d) The seeds cannot be stored under normal
entrance into ovule?

(a) It helps in the entry of pollen tube into a
conditions for the next season.
59. The arrangement of the nuclei in a normal
(b) It prevents entry of more than one pollen
embryo sac in the dicot plants is
tube into the embryo sac

(a) 3 + 2 + 3
(b) 2 + 3 + 3

(c) It brings about opening of the pollen

(c) 3 + 3 + 2
(d) 2 + 4 + 2
60. What would be the number of chromosomes in
(d) It guides pollen tube from a synergid to
the cells of the aleuron layer in a plant species
with 8 chromosomes in its synergids? [2006]
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69. The fruit is chambered, developed from 77. Filiform apparatus is a characteristic feature
inferior ovary and has seeds with succulent


testa in

(c) synergid
(d) zygote

(a) pomegranate
(b) orange
78. Nucellar polyembryony is reported in species

(c) guava
(d) cucumber
70. A fruit developed from hypanthodium
Citrus (b)
inflorescence is called
Triticum (d)
(a) Sorosis
(b) Syconus
79. In which one of the following pollination is
(c) Caryopsis
(d) Hasperidium
71. Cotyledons and testa respectively are edible (a) Geitonogamy (b) Xenogamy

(c) Chasmogamy
(d) Cleistogamy
parts in
80. Wind pollination is common in

(a) walnut and tamarind

(a) legumes
(b) lilies

(b) french bean and coconut
(c) grasses
(d) orchids

(c) cashew nut and litchi
81. A drupe develops in

(d) groundnut and pomegranate
(a) mango
(b) wheat
72. An example of a seed with endosperm,
(c) pea
(d) tomato
perisperm, and caruncle is [2009]
82. Both, autogamy and geitonogamy are
(a) coffee
(b) lily
prevented in -
(c) castor
(d) cotton
(a) Papaya
(b) Cucumber
(d) Maize
73. Apomictic embryos in citrus arise from (c) Castor
83. An organic substance that can withstand

environmental extremes and cannot be
(a) Synergids
degraded by any enzyme is :

(b) Maternal sporophytic tissue in ovule



(c) Antipodal cells

(c) Lignin
(d) Cellulose

(d) Diploid egg
84. Even in absence of pollinating agents seed
74. Transfer of pollen grains from the anther to
setting is assured in
the stigma of another flower of the same (a)
Commellina (b)
plant is called
(d) Fig

(a) Xenogamy
(b) Geitonogamy
85. What is the function of germ pore? [2012M]
(c) Karyogamy
(d) Autogamy

(a) Emergence of radicle
(b) Absorption of water for seed germination
75. The scutellum observed in a grain of wheat
(c) Initiation of pollen tube
or maize is comparable to which part of the

(d) Release of male gametes
seed in other monocotyledons?
Which one of the following statements is
(a) Cotyledon
(b) Endosperm

(c) Aleurone layer (d) Plumule

(a) When pollen is shed at two-celled stage,
76. Wind pollinated flowers are
double fertilization does not take place.
(a) small, brightly coloured, producing large
(b) Vegetative cell is larger than generative
number of pollen grains
(b) small, producing large number of dry
(c) Pollen grains in some plants remain
viable for months.
pollen grains

Intine is made up of cellulose and (c) large producing abundant nectar and
(d) small, producing nectar and dry pollen
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87. Plants with ovaries having only one or a few
ovules, are generally pollinated by [2012M]

(a) bees
(b) butterflies
(c) birds
(d) wind
88. Perisperm differs from endosperm in;
[NEET 2013]

(a) having no reserve food

(b) being a diploid tissue

(c) its formatting by fusion of secondary
nucleus with several sperms

(d) being a haploid tissue
89. Megasporangium is equivalent to :
[NEET 2013]
(a) Fruit
(b) Nucellus

(c) Ovule
(d) Embryo sac
90. Seed coat is not thin, membranous in :
[NEET 2013]
(a) Coconut
(b) Groundnut
(c) Gram
(d) Maize
91. Advantage of cleistogamy is : [NEET 2013]

(a) More vigorous offspring

(b) No dependence of pollinators
(c) Vivipary

(d) Higher genetic variability
92. Product of sexual reproduction generally
generates :
[NEET 2013]

(a) Prologned dormancy

(b) New genetic combination leading to

(c) Large biomass

(d) Longer viability of seeds
93. Which one of the following statements is
[NEET 2013]

(a) Sporogenous tissue is haploid

(b) Endothecium produces the microspores

(c) Tapetum nourishes the developing

(d) Hard outer layer of pollen is called
94. The viability of seeds is tested by
[NEET Kar. 2013]
(a) Safranine

(b) 2, 6 dichlorophenol indophenols

(c) 2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride
(d) DMSO

95. Which one of the following statements is

[NEET Kar. 2013]

(a) Geitonogamy involves the pollen and
stigma of flowers of different plants

(b) Cleistogamous flowers are always

(c) Xenogamy occurs only by wind

(d) Chasmogamous flowers do not open at
96. Megaspores are produced from the megaspore
mother cells after [NEET Kar. 2013]

(a) Meiotic division

(b) Mitotic division

(c) Formation of a thick wall
(d) Differentiation
97. Animal vectors are required for pollination in

[NEET Kar. 2013]
(a) Maize
(b) Vallisneria
(c) Mulberry
(d) Cucumber
98. Which of the following statements is
[NEET Kar. 2013]

(a) Sporopollenin can withstand high
temperatures but not strong acids

(b) Sporopollenin can be degraded by

(c) Sporopollenin is made up of inorganic

(d) Sporopollenin can withstand high
temperatures as well as strong acids and
99. Albuminous seeds store their reserve food
mainly in [NEET Kar. 2013]
(a) Perisperm
(b) Endosperm
(c) Cotyledons
(d) Hypocotyl
100. Which of the following statements is not true
about somatic embryogenesis?
[NEET Kar. 2013]

(a) A somatic embryo develops from a
somatic cell

(b) The pattern of development of a somatic
embryo is comparable to that of a zygotic

(c) Somatic embryos can develop from

(d) Somatic embryo is induced usually by an
auxin such as 2, 4-D

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1. (a) A somatic cell in the nucellus directly

forms an unreduced embryo sac and the
diploid egg parthenogenetically develops
into embryo i.e. formation of gametophyte
from sporophyte without meiosis. It is
known as Apospory and it is a type of
2. (d) It is involved in apomixis (asexual
3. (b) In majority of angiosperms the pollen
grains are shed from the anther at
bi-celled stage (one generative cell and one
vegetative cell) but in some angiosperms
the generative cell divides forming 2
sperms prior to the dehiscence of anther &
pollen grains are shed at 3 celled stage.
4. (c) 100 zygotes requires 100 pollen grains and
100 embryo sacs. 100 pollen grains are
formed from 25 microspore mother cells
while 100 embryo sacs are formed from
100 functional megaspores which in turn
are produced by 100 megaspore mother
cells since three out of four megaspores
degenerate in each case.
5. (b) In angiosperms one male gamete fuses with
the egg to form diploid zygote. The process
is called syngamy. The other male gamete
fuses with the two polar nuclei to form
triploid primary endosperm nucleus. The
process is called triple fusion. These two
acts together known as double fertilization.
The process was I st demonstrated by
Nawaschin & Guignard in Fritillaria &
6. (d) Development of an organism from
unfertilized egg is known as parthenogenesis
and when a fruit is developed by this
technique it is called parthenocarpy.
7. (d) Substitution of usual sexual reproduction
by a form of reproduction which does not
include meiosis and syngamy is called
apomixis. In this phenomenon embryo is
developed by some other tissue without

fertilization eg. nucellus or integuments or

unfertilized egg. Nucellus is a diploid tissue
so nucellar embryo is apomictic diploid.
8. (a) Each microspore divide by mitotic
division making a smaller generative cell
and a larger vegetative cell or tube cell. If
generative cell is damaged then the normal
pollen tube will be formed because pollen
tube is formed by vegetative cell, not by
generative cell of microspore.
9. (a) Spores are formed in lower plants by
mitotic division and they may be diploid
but gametes are always be made by meiosis
& they are always haploid.
10. (a) Diploid female plant will have 2 polar
nuclei (each haploid) with which one male
gamete form tetraploid male plant (male
gamete of tetraploid plant will be diploid)
fuses, making endosperm. So endosperm
will be tetraploid.

11. (d) Androgenic haploids are produced by

young pollen grains because rest all are the
diploid tissue.
12. (c) Microspore is haploid, uninucleate, minute
spore produced in large number as a result
of meiosis in microspore mother cell
inside the microsporangia. These are the
first cell of gametophytic generation in
13. (c) Embryo sac is 7-celled structure. There is
a large central cell with two polar nuclei,
egg apparatus with egg cell and 2 synergids
present at micropylar end and its chalazal
end, 3 antipodal cells are present.
14. (d) Sperm or male gamete fuses with egg or
female gamete because of the attraction
of their protoplast. Some chemicals are
secreted by ovule or egg wall to attract the
male gamete or sperm.

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15. (c) In porogamy the tip of pollen tube enters 26. (b) Embryology is the study of an individual's
the micropyle, pushes through the nucellar
life cycle after the fertilization takes place
tissue & finally pierces the egg-apparatus
and till it develops into a new organism.
end of the embryo sac. If pollen tube 27. (a) It is a Polygonum type ovule in which the
enters through chalazal side it is called
body of ovule is straight i.e. funiculus,
chalazogamy & if it enters laterally it is
chalaza, embryo sac & micropyle lie in the
called mesogamy.
same vertical axis.
16. (c) F.C. Steward & co-workers in 1964 raised 28. (a) Double fertilization in a characteristic
the entire carrot plant from carrot-root
feature of angiosperms in which one male
culture. They established the cellular
gamete fuses with egg (called syngamy) and
totipotency i.e. capacity of a cell to
other male gamete fuses with 2 polar nuclei
develop a new plant. However the idea of
(called triple fusion) to form endosperm.
totipotency was given earlier by German 29. (d) 200 seeds of pea would be produced from
botanist Gottlieb Haberlandt. He tried
200 pollen grains and 200 embryo sac.
to grow isolated leaf cell but could not
200 pollen grains will be formed by 50
microspore mother cell while 200 embryo
17. (c) Po l l e n g r a i n s a r e f o u n d o n ly i n
sac will be formed by 200 megaspore
Gymnosperms and Angiosperms.
mother cell (because 3 will degenerate) so
18. (c) Embryo sac is a female gametophyte which
contains the egg apparatus.
30. (c) All other are diploid. Best method of
19. (b) (a) Nucellus - 2n, antipodal cells - n
haploid plant culture is pollen grain
(b) Antipodal cells - n, egg cell - n
(c) Antipodal cells - n, megaspore 31. (b) Pollination by insect is known as
mother cell - 2n
Entomophily. Among insects bees are the
(d) Nucellus - 2n primary endosperm
most common pollinators which pollinate
nucleus - 3n
about 80% of the total insect pollinated
Antipodal and egg cell are the product of
meiotic division and rest are not.
32. (d) Autogamy = Self Pollination
20. (d) They are all found in ovule (Nucellus, Geitanogamy - (geiton = neighbour, gamos
Embryo sac & Micropyle) while pollen
= marriage.)
grain is male gametophyte.
i.e. when pollen grains are transferred to the
21. (a) Fusion of male gamete with the egg is
stigma of other flower of the same plant
called syngamy.
(i.e. neighboring flower).
22. (d) Refer ans. 5
A l l o g a my = X e n o g a my C r o s s
23. (d) Microsporocytes or microspore mother cell
after meiosis give rise to microspore. No 33. (b) In angiosperms the male gametes are
any other cell (in given options) divide by
carried by the pollen tube was discovered
by Strasburger in 1884. The process is
24. (b) Cloning is a technique by which genetically
called Siphonogamy.
same individuals can be produced without 34. (d) Each pollen has two layered wall. The outer
including any sexual reproduction eg.
layer is thick, tough, cuticularised called
Dolly sheep.
exine which is composed of a material
The term clone is derived from , the
called "sporopollenin". It is highly resistant
Greek word for twig, refering to the
to biological and physical decomposition,
process, whereby a new plant can be
due to which pollens are preserved for a
created from a twig.
long time in fossils.
25. (c) Xylem vessels and cork cells are dead while 35. (a) Each microspore mother cells undergoes
sieve tube cells do not possess nuclei.
meiosis to produce four pollen grains.
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Thus, 25 microspore mother cells are

required to produce 100 pollen grains
(a) Polyembryony refers to the formation of
more than one embryo within a seed of a
flowering plant. e.g. Citrus.
(b) Culture is the term generally used for
artificial growth. The plant tissue culture
actually refers to the growth of plant cells,
tissues and organs on artificial nutrient
(c) Each microspore mother cell gives rise to
4 microspores which develop into pollen
(b) In angiosperms, one male gamete fuses
with the egg resulting in the formation of
a diploid zygote. The other male gamete
fuses with the two polar nuclei forming the
primary endosperm nucleus . Thus type of
fertilization is called double fertilization.
(d) The male gamete will be haploid (n). 2 polar
nuclei will be diploid (2n). Endosperm
formed by fusion of male gamete with two
polar nuclei will be pentaploid.

41. (b) In gymnosperms the female gametophyte
forming archegonia provides nourishment
to the developing embryo. It later gets
transformed into food-laden endosperm
inside the seed. Endosperm provides
nourishment for growth of seed at the time
of seed germination. Triploid endosperm
occurs in angiosperms.
42. (a) Transfer of pollen grains by birds is known
as ornithophily. They usually have bright
coloured flowers, tubular or cup shaped
and having a large quantity of nectar.
43. (b) The second male gamete entering the ovary
fuses with two haploid polar nuclei to form
triploid primary endosperm nucleus which
develops into endosperm. This fusion
of two male gametes with two different
structures (egg and secondary nucleus)
in the same female gametophyte is called
double fertilization.
44. (b) Monosporic type - eight nucleated
Polygonum type. In this types only one

megapore situated at chalazal end takes

part in the development of embryosac.
Bisporic type - eight nucleated Allium type.
Tetrasporic type - eight nucleated Adoxa
45. (d) Vallisneria exhibits hydrophily and Salvia
is pollinated by honey bee. In bottle brush
pollination is carried out by birds.
46. (a) The embryos arising from the maternal
sporophyte tissues are called adventive
embryos. In polyembryonate species the
adventive embryo arises by the proliferation
of the nucellus cells.
47. (d) Antipodal cells occur at the chalazal end of
the ovule. Synergids are the helping cells.
48. (b) In orthotropous ovule micropyle is upward.
This is the presentive type of ovule.
49. (a) Commensalism is interaction between two
individuals in which one is benefitted while
the other is unaffected. In mutualism both
individuals are beneficial for each other.
The pollinating insect gets nectar from
flower and in turn helps in pollination of
50. (d) The outermost covering of the pollen grain
is made of sporopollenin.
51. (c) In flowering plants, archesporium cells
undergo periclinal (transverse) division to
form outer primary parietal layer and inner
sporogenous cells. Primary parietal wall
after few more periclinal divisions form
anther wall and sporogenous cells give rise
to sporogenous tissue.
52. (a) In campylotropous ovule, the body is
curved but the embryosac is straight
eg. Capsella. In Anatropous, the body
of ovule is inverted and gets fused with
funiculus along its whole length on
one side (most of the angiosperms). In
orthotropous condition the body of ovule
lies straight and upright over the funicle.
e.g. Piperaceae, Polygonaceae.
53. (b) In oogamy male and female gametes are
morphologically as well as physiologically
different. Female gametes are large and
non-motile. Male gametes are small but

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54. (c) After entering the ovule, the pollen tube 62. (a) Generative cell which is a cell of the male
is attracted towards the micropylar end of
gametophyte or pollen grain in seed plants
the embryosac. The attractants are secreted
that divides to give rise directly or indirectly
by synergids or help cells. The pollen tube
two sperms.
pierces one of the two synergids and bursts 63. (d) Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus has
open into it. The synergid is simultaneously
haploid number of chromosomes. While
all other plant structures have diploid
55. (a) Circinotropous : The funicle is large and
number of chromosomes.
coiled around the ovule eg. Opuntia.
64. (c) In pea, endosperm is consumed by
Amphitropous : Both body of ovule and
developing embryo in the seed. The
embryo sac are curved. The embryo
endosperm is completely absorbed by
sac assumes horse-shoe shape. e.g.
the growing embryo and the food reserve
gets stored in the cotyledons. Such
56. (a) Cycads is a group of gymnosperms which
seeds are called non endospermic or
have top shaped multiciliated male gametes
and each mature seed of these plants 65. (b) Dry indehiscent single-seeded fruit formed
contain one embryo and two cotyledons
from bicarpellary syncarpous inferior ovary
e.g., Cycas.
is cypsela. Cypsela is also called inferior, false
57. (b) Leaves of a number of plants develop or
or pseudocarpic achene, the thin friut wall
posses adventitious buds for vegetative
(developed from peri carp and thalamus)is
propagation e.g., Broyophyllum, Kalanchoe,
attached to the seed at one point but the fruits
Adiantum caudatum.
develops from an inferior, unilocular and
58. (d) Vivipary is the condition when seeds
uniovuled ovary, e.g., sunflower, marigold.
germinate on the plant. It is an undesirable
Some cypsela develop pappus for dispersal
character for annual crop plants because
e.g. Soncus, Taraxacum.
germinated seeds can not be stored under 66. (a) The fleshy receptacle of syconus of fig
normal conditions for the next season.
encloses a number of Achenes. Achene
59. (a) In a dicot plant general arrangement of
is the thin dry pericarp is free from seed
nuclei in the embryosac is that 3 nuclei in
except at one point. The fruit develops
3 cells of egg apparatus (one egg cell & 2
from a monocarpellary pistil having
synergids) at micropylar end and 2 polar
superior unilocular and ovuled ovary.
nuclei in almost middle region and 3 nuclei 67. (a) Unisexuality of flowers prevents. autogamy,
in the form of antipodals at the distal end
but not geitonogamy. In self fertilisation , the
from micropyle, towards nucellus. So total
male and female gametes are derived from
nuclei 3 + 2 + 3.
the same individual. Among plants, self
60. (a) Aleurone layer is the layer formed by the
fertilization also called autogamy is common
endospermic tissue in the members of
in many cultivated species, eg., wheat and
family Graminae eg. wheat, rice, maize
oats. However, self fertilization is a form of
etc. Obviously it will be a triploid tissue.
inbreeding and does not allow for the mixing
So if synergids have 8 no. of chromosomes
of genetic material; if it occurs over a number
which are haploid than aleurone- layer
of generations it will result in offspring being
must have 24 chromosomes.
less vigorous and productive than those
61. (d) MMC (megaspore mother cell) is
resulting from cross fertilization.
surrounded by a callose wall, ovules 68. (a) Filiform apparatus helps in the entry of
generally differentiate single MMC in the
pollen tube into a synergid in ovule.
micropylar region of MMC. It is a large Filiform apparatus is in form of finger
cell containing dense cytoplasm and a
like projection comprising a core of
prominent nucleus.
micro fibrils enclosed in a sheath. The
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filiform apparatus resembles transfer
cells" meant for short distance movement
of metabolites. The filiform apparatus
responsible for the absorption of food from
the nucleus.
69. (a) The fruit of pomegranate is chambered,
developed from inferior ovary and has
seeds with succulent testa. The fruit
is Balausta. It is a special type of false
or pseudocarpic berry in which the
syncarpous pistil consists of two rows of
fused carpels, one above the other. The
70. (b) The fig (Syconus) is an aggregate fruit,
consisting of numerous seed-like pericarps
inclosed within a hollow, fleshy receptacle
where the flowers were attached. This
fruit developed from hypanthodium inflo
71. (d) Cotyledons and testa respectively are edible
parts in groundnut and pomegranate.
A cotyledon is a significant part of the
embryo within the seed of a plant. Upon
germination, the cotyledon may become the
embryonic first leaves of a seedling. Testa is
often thick or hard outer coat of a seed.
72. (c) An example of a seed with endosperm,
perisperm, and caruncle is castor. Castor
seed is the source of castor oil, which has
a wide variety of uses. The seeds contain
between 40% and 60% oil that is rich in
73. (b) Apomixis is an asexual type of reproduction
in which the plant embryos grow from egg
cells without being fertilized by pollen-the
male part of the plant. In citrus, apomictic
embryos arise from maternal sporophytic
tissue like nucellus and integuments in
ovule. This type of embryony is called
adventive embryony.
74. (b) Geitonogamy is the process of transfer
of pollen grains from the anther to the
stigma of another flower of the same plant.
Example, maize.
75. (a) Scutellum is the modified cotyledon
observed in a grain of wheat or maize. It
lies between embryo and the endosperm.
76. (b) Pollination by wind is called anemophily.
Wind pollinated flowers are small in size,

producing large number of dry pollen

grains. Pollens are small, dry and light in
weight. Grasses are anemophilous plants.
77. (c) A synergid cell wall forms a highly thickened
structure called the filiform apparatus at the
micropylar end consisting of numerous finger
like projections into synergid cytoplasm.
These synergid cells are necessary for pollen
tube guidance in ovule.
78. (a) Nucellar polyembryony is reported in a
Citrus species.
79. (d) Cleistogamy is autogamous pollination.
When pollination and fertilization occur
in unopened flower bud, it is known as
cleistogamy. It ensures self-pollination and
prevents cross-pollination.
80. (c) Wind pollination is common in grasses.
Grasses produce large amount of pollen
which by the help of wind reach to
opposite sex for reproduction.
81. (a) Some fleshy fruits such as mango, plum
etc. usually have a single hard stone that
encloses a seed, called drupe.
82. (a) Papaya is dioecious i.e. male and female
flowers occurs in separate plants so that it
prevents both autogamy & geitonogamy
(method of self pollination).
83. (b) Sporopollenin is fatty substance present in
pollen wall and provides resistance against
extremes conditions like high temperature,
acid, bases.
84. (a)
85. (c) The germ pores are apertures in the
exine layer of the pollen grain where the
sporopollenin is absent. The germ pore
helps in the formation of the germ tube or
pollen tube and which makes its exit on
86. (a) In over 60 per cent of angiosperms, pollen
grains are shed at cell 2-celled stage. In
the remaining species the generative cell
divides mitotically to give rise to the two
male gametes before pollen grains are shed
(3-celled stage.)
87. (d) Wind pollinated flowers have generally
single ovule in each ovary.
88. (b) Perisperm is remnants of nucellus which
is diploid (2n) but endosperm is triploid

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(3n). Perisperm occurs in the seeds of Black
pe pper, coffee, castor, cardamum,
Nymphaea. Endosperm is the food laden
tissue which is meant for nourishing the
embryo in seed plants. In angiosperms
the endosperm is formed as a result of
vegetative fertilization, triple fusion or
fusion of a male gamete with diploid
secondary nucleus of the central cell.
89. (c) Ovule is also called integumented
megasporangium. It develops into seed
after fertilisation in spermatophytes. It
occurs singly or in a cluster inside ovary
with parenchymatous cushions called
90. (a) The seed coat develops from integuments
originally surrounding the ovule. It is thick
and hard in coconut which protect the
embryo from mechanical injury and from
drying out.
91. (b) Cleistogamy favours no dependence on
pollinator because flowers never open.
In such flowers, the anthers and stigma
lie close to each other. When anthers
dehisce in flower buds pollen grains
come in contact with the stigma to effect
92. (b) Sexual reproduction leads to formation
of new combination and appearance
of variations. Genetic recombination,
interaction etc. during sexual reproduction
provides vigour and vitality to the offsprings.
They better adapt themselves to changing
environmental conditions and also plays
an important role in evolution.
93. (c) Sporogenous tissue is always diploid,
endothecium is second layer of anther wall
and perform the function of protection and
help in dehiscence of anther to release the
pollen. Hard outer layer of pollen is called
exine but tapetum always nourishes the
developing pollen.
Cells of the tapetum possess dense
cytoplasm and generally have more than
one nucleus (polypoid).
94. (c) Dehydrogenase enzymes present in living
tissue reduce the tetrazolium chloride
to formazan, a reddish, water insoluble
compound. This reaction occurs in or near
living cells which are releasing hydrogen

in respiration processes. Viable tissues

produce a normal red-colour, weak living
tissue produce an abnormal colour. Dead
tissues do not stain, remaining usually
95. (b) Cleistogamous flowers do not expose their
reproductive parts. Anthers and stigma
lie close to each other. Pure autogamy
occurs since there is no chance of crosspollination. Cleistogamy is the most
efficient floral adaptation for promoting
self-pollination. E.g., Viola mirabilis and
Oxalis autosella.
96. (a) Single Megaspore Mother Cell (MMC) with
dense cytoplasm and a prominent nucleus
gets differentiated from nucellus near
the micropylar region. This Megaspore
Mother Cell (MMC) undergoes meiosis
to form 4 haploid cells called megaspores
and the process of formation is known as
97. (d) There are different types of vectors involved
in pollination.
For example, Maize, mulberry pollination
by wind. Vallisneria pollination through
water (hydrophily). Cucumber Bees are
brought for the commercial plantings of
98. (d) Pollen grains are generally spherical and
a prominent two-layered wall. The hard
outer layer called the exine is made up of
sporopollenin which is one of the most
resistant organic material known. It can
withstand high temperatures and strong
acids and alkali.
99. (b) Endosperm is the nutritive tissue which
provides nourishment to the embryo in
seed plant. Albuminous seeds retain a
part of endosperm as it is not completely
used up during embryo development (e.g.,
wheat, maize, barley, castor, sunflower).
100. (c) Somatic embryogenesis is a process where
a plant or embryo is derived from a single
somatic cell or group of somatic cells.
Somatic embryos are formed from plant
cells that are not normally involved in the
development of embryos, i.e., ordinary
plant tissue. No endosperm or seed coat is
formed around a somatic embryo.

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